public static IReadOnlyCollection<Cell> GetIntersectingCells(Board board, Cell cellA, Cell cellB) { var associatedA = GetAssociatedCells(board, cellA); var asoociatedB = GetAssociatedCells(board, cellB); return associatedA.Intersect(asoociatedB).ToList(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Input:"); var board = new Board(); for (var i = 0; i < 9; i++) { board.InputNumbers(i, Console.ReadLine()); } while (!board.Accept) { board.SolveOnce(); //board.PutSolution(string.Format("step {0}:", board.Step)); if (board.Step % 10000 == 0) { board.PutSolution(string.Format("Step {0}", board.Step)); } //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); } Console.WriteLine(); board.PutSolution("Solution:"); }
public static IReadOnlyCollection<Cell> GetAssociatedCells(Board board, Cell cell) { var output = new List<Cell>(); output.AddRange(GetBox(board, cell).Cells); output.AddRange(GetColumn(board, cell).Cells); output.AddRange(GetRow(board, cell).Cells); output.RemoveAll(c => c == cell); return output.Distinct().ToList(); }
public void TestHiddenTriples() { var board = new Board("000001030231090000065003100678924300103050006000136700009360570006019843300000000"); board.Solve(); Assert.AreEqual(true, board.Solved); }
public void TestHiddenSingle() { var board = new Board("200070038000006070300040600008020700100000006007030400004080009060400000910060002"); board.Solve(); Assert.AreEqual(true, board.Solved); }
public override void Generate() { xs = new List<int>(); ys = new List<int>(); values = new List<int>(); int width = sizex * sizey; int lastLookaheadUsed = 0; int loops = 0; SudokuDancingLinks dl = new SudokuDancingLinks(sizey, sizex); while (true) { int x = 0; int y = 0; bool match = true; while (match) { x = rnd.Next(width); y = rnd.Next(width); match = false; for (int i = 0; i < xs.Count; i++) { if (xs[i] == x && ys[i] == y) { match = true; break; } } } int v = rnd.Next(width) + 1; xs.Add(x); ys.Add(y); values.Add(v); bool hasOpp = width % 2 == 0 || (x != width / 2 || y != width / 2); if (hasOpp) { xs.Add(width - 1 - x); ys.Add(width - 1 - y); values.Add(rnd.Next(width) + 1); } dl.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < xs.Count; i++) { dl.Grid[ys[i], xs[i]] = values[i]; } dl.Solve(); if (dl.Count <= 0) { if (width % 2 == 0 || (xs[xs.Count - 1] != width / 2 || ys[ys.Count - 1] != width / 2)) { xs.RemoveAt(xs.Count - 1); ys.RemoveAt(ys.Count - 1); values.RemoveAt(values.Count - 1); } xs.RemoveAt(xs.Count - 1); ys.RemoveAt(ys.Count - 1); values.RemoveAt(values.Count - 1); } else if (dl.Count == 1) { break; } loops++; // if we go for a long time, try again. if (loops > width * width * width) { Generate(); return; } } List<int> xs2 = new List<int>(xs); List<int> ys2 = new List<int>(ys); List<int> values2 = new List<int>(values); xs = new List<int>(); ys = new List<int>(); values = new List<int>(); while (xs2.Count > 0) { int choice = rnd.Next(xs2.Count); int x = xs2[choice]; int y = ys2[choice]; int v = values2[choice]; int x2 = -1; int y2 = -1; int v2 = -1; if (choice > 0 && xs2[choice - 1] == width - 1 - x && ys2[choice - 1] == width - 1 - y) { x2 = width - 1 - x; y2 = width - 1 - y; v2 = values2[choice - 1]; xs2.RemoveAt(choice - 1); xs2.RemoveAt(choice - 1); ys2.RemoveAt(choice - 1); ys2.RemoveAt(choice - 1); values2.RemoveAt(choice - 1); values2.RemoveAt(choice - 1); } else if (choice < xs2.Count - 1 && xs2[choice + 1] == width - 1 - x && ys2[choice + 1] == width - 1 - y) { x2 = width - 1 - x; y2 = width - 1 - y; v2 = values2[choice + 1]; xs2.RemoveAt(choice); xs2.RemoveAt(choice); ys2.RemoveAt(choice); ys2.RemoveAt(choice); values2.RemoveAt(choice); values2.RemoveAt(choice); } else { xs2.RemoveAt(choice); ys2.RemoveAt(choice); values2.RemoveAt(choice); } dl.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < xs.Count; i++) { dl.Grid[ys[i], xs[i]] = values[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < xs2.Count; i++) { dl.Grid[ys2[i], xs2[i]] = values2[i]; } dl.Solve(); if (dl.Count != 1) { xs.Add(x); ys.Add(y); values.Add(v); if (x2 != -1) { xs.Add(x2); ys.Add(y2); values.Add(v2); } } } if (ensureDiff) { Board b = new Board(sizey, sizex); b.MaxLookahead = maxLookahead; b.Apply(xs, ys, values); SolveState result = b.Solve(); if (result != SolveState.Solved) { Generate(); return; } lastLookaheadUsed = b.LastLookaheadUsed; if (lastLookaheadUsed != maxLookahead) { Generate(); return; } } }
private void UpdateBest(List<int> xs, List<int> ys, List<int> values) { Board board2 = new Board(sizey, sizex); board2.Apply(xs, ys, values); textBox4.Lines = DrawBoard(board2); }
private void Generate(int maxLookahead, Random rnd) { Generator g = new DancingGenerator(sizex, sizey, rnd, maxLookahead); g.Generate(); xs = g.Xs; ys = g.Ys; values = g.Values; /* reduction phase, takes a long time right now and for no real gain. int width = boxes.Count; for (int i = 0; i < xs.Count; i++) { List<int> xs2 = new List<int>(xs); List<int> ys2 = new List<int>(ys); List<int> values2 = new List<int>(values); if (width % 2 == 0 || (xs2[i] != width / 2 || ys2[i] != width / 2)) { if (i > 0) { if (xs2[i - 1] == width - 1 - xs2[i] && ys2[i - 1] == width - 1 - ys2[i]) { continue; } } if (i < xs.Count - 1) { if (xs2[i + 1] == width - 1 - xs2[i] && ys2[i + 1] == width - 1 - ys2[i]) { xs2.RemoveAt(i); xs2.RemoveAt(i); ys2.RemoveAt(i); ys2.RemoveAt(i); values2.RemoveAt(i); values2.RemoveAt(i); } } } else { xs2.RemoveAt(i); ys2.RemoveAt(i); values2.RemoveAt(i); } Board board = new Board(sizey, sizex); board.MaxLookahead = maxLookahead; for (int j = 0; j < xs2.Count; j++) { board.Set(xs2[j], ys2[j], values2[j]); } SolveState result = board.Solve(); if (result == SolveState.Solved) { xs = xs2; ys = ys2; values = values2; i--; } } */ // We have what we are looking for, output it and rate it. for (int i = 0; i < boxes.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < boxes[i].Count; j++) { boxes[i][j].Text = string.Empty; } } for (int i = 0; i < xs.Count; i++) { boxes[xs[i]][ys[i]].Text = values[i].ToString(); } Board board2 = new Board(sizey, sizex); board2.MaxLookahead = maxLookahead; board2.Apply(xs, ys, values); textBox4.Lines = DrawBoard(board2); ; SolveState result2 = board2.SolveWithRating(); if (board2.LastLookaheadUsed != 1) textBox2.Text = board2.LastLookaheadUsed.ToString(); else textBox2.Text = board2.LastLookaheadUsed.ToString() + "." + board2.Score.ToString() + "." + board2.HighTuples.ToString(); }
public override void Generate() { xs = new List<int>(); ys = new List<int>(); values = new List<int>(); int lastLookaheadUsed = 0; SolveState result = SolveState.MultipleSolutions; int width = sizex*sizey; Board workingBoard = null; int possibilityCount = 0; List<List<int>> a = new List<List<int>>(); while (result != SolveState.Solved) { if (result == SolveState.MultipleSolutions) { bool needsFollowup = false; int altx = 0; int alty = 0; if (workingBoard != null) { int rndnum = rnd.Next(possibilityCount); int i2 = a[rndnum][0]; int j2 = a[rndnum][1]; int k2 = a[rndnum][2]; bool hasOpp = width % 2 == 0 || (i2 != width / 2 || j2 != width / 2); xs.Add(i2); ys.Add(j2); values.Add(k2 + 1); if (hasOpp) { needsFollowup = true; altx = width - 1 - i2; alty = width - 1 - j2; } } else { int x = rnd.Next(width); int y = rnd.Next(width); int v = rnd.Next(width) + 1; xs.Add(x); ys.Add(y); values.Add(v); bool hasOpp = width % 2 == 0 || (x != width / 2 || y != width / 2); if (hasOpp) { int x2 = width - 1- x; int y2 = width - 1 -y; xs.Add(x2); ys.Add(y2); int v2 = rnd.Next(width) + 1; if (x2 == x || y2 == y || (x2/sizex==x/sizex && y2/sizey==y/sizey)) { while (v2 == v) { v2 = rnd.Next(width) + 1; } } values.Add(v2); } } if (workingBoard == null) { workingBoard = new Board(sizey,sizex); // This line used to generate harder games. workingBoard.MaxLookahead = maxLookahead; } // Doesnt hurt to apply the same values more then once. workingBoard.Apply(xs, ys, values); result = workingBoard.Solve(); if (result == SolveState.MultipleSolutions || result == SolveState.Solved) { if (needsFollowup) { List<int> poss = new List<int>(); for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { if (workingBoard.CheckPossible(altx, alty, i + 1)) { poss.Add(i + 1); } } if (poss.Count == 0) { result = SolveState.Unsolvable; } else { int choice = rnd.Next(poss.Count); xs.Add(altx); ys.Add(alty); values.Add(poss[choice]); workingBoard.Set(altx, alty, poss[choice]); result = workingBoard.Solve(); } } } if (result == SolveState.MultipleSolutions) { a = new List<List<int>>(); possibilityCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) { if (workingBoard.Get(i, j) == 0) { for (int k = 0; k < width; k++) { if (workingBoard.CheckPossible(i, j, k + 1)) { List<int> aInner = new List<int>(); aInner.Add(i); aInner.Add(j); aInner.Add(k); possibilityCount++; a.Add(aInner); } } } } } if (possibilityCount == 0) { // Deadend, try again. Faster then walking backwards? Generate(); return; } } lastLookaheadUsed = workingBoard.LastLookaheadUsed; } else if (result == SolveState.Unsolvable) { // Deadend, try again. Faster then walking backwards? Generate(); return; } } if (ensureDiff && lastLookaheadUsed != maxLookahead) { Generate(); return; } }
public void TestSolvedPropertyTrue() { var board = new Board("246975138589316274371248695498621753132754986657839421724183569865492317913567842"); Assert.AreEqual(true, board.Solved); }
public void TestNakedTriples() { var board = new Board("294513..66..8423193..697254....56....4..8..6....47....73.164..59..735..14..928637"); board.Solve(); Assert.AreEqual(true, board.Solved); }
public void TestNakedPairs() { var board = new Board("4.....938.32.941...953.."); board.Solve(); Assert.AreEqual(true, board.Solved); }
public static Unit GetColumn(Board board, Cell cell) { return board.Columns.First(c => c.Cells.Contains(cell)); }
public static Unit GetBox(Board board, Cell cell) { return board.Boxes.First(b => b.Cells.Contains(cell)); }
/// <summary> /// Performs a single 'lookahead' logic attempt. /// </summary> /// <param name="ys"> /// Y coordinates to try. /// </param> /// <param name="xs"> /// X coordinates to try. /// </param> /// <param name="values"> /// Values to try in each location. /// </param> /// <returns></returns> private SolveState PassPartLookaheadLogic(List<int> ys, List<int> xs, List<int> values, int lookahead) { Board[] boards = new Board[ys.Count]; SolveState[] results = new SolveState[ys.Count]; SolveState result = SolveState.MultipleSolutions; for (int i = 0; i < boards.Length; i++) { boards[i] = this.Clone(); boards[i].maxLookahead = lookahead - 1; boards[i].scoring = 0; boards[i].Set(xs[i], ys[i], values[i]+1); if (scoring == 0 || lookahead > 1) { results[i] = boards[i].SolveProper(); } else { for (int j = 0; j < scoring - 1; j++) { results[i] = boards[i].PassZeroSlow(); if (results[i] != SolveState.Progressing) break; } } } bool allUnsolvable = true; for (int i = 0; i < results.Length; i++) { if (results[i] != SolveState.Unsolvable) allUnsolvable = false; else { if (!useEliminations) { results[i] = SolveState.MultipleSolutions; allUnsolvable = false; } else { if (possibles[xs[i], ys[i], values[i]]) { possibles[xs[i], ys[i], values[i]] = false; result = SolveState.Progressing; } } } } if (allUnsolvable) return SolveState.Unsolvable; for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) { if (cells[i, j] == 0) { for (int k = 0; k < width; k++) { if (possibles[i, j, k]) { bool allFalse = true; for (int b = 0; b < boards.Length; b++) { if (results[b] != SolveState.Unsolvable) { if (boards[b].possibles[i, j, k]) allFalse = false; } } if (allFalse) { if (scoring != 0) { if (useLogging) { for (int a = 0; a < xs.Count; a++) { log.AppendFormat("({0},{1} {2}) ", xs[a], ys[a], values[a] + 1); } if (lookahead <=1) log.AppendFormat("Eliminated {0},{1} {2} in {3} steps\n", i, j, k + 1, scoring - 1); else log.AppendFormat("Eliminated {0},{1} {2} at {3} branches\n", i, j, k + 1, lookahead); if (scoring > 1) { for (int a = 0; a < xs.Count; a++) { List<int> peggedxs = new List<int>(); peggedxs.Add(xs[a]); List<int> peggedys = new List<int>(); peggedys.Add(ys[a]); List<int> peggedvs = new List<int>(); peggedvs.Add(values[a]+1); List<int> peggedwhen = new List<int>(); peggedwhen.Add(0); for (int pegged = 0; pegged < scoring - 1; pegged++) { Board tb = this.Clone(); tb.Apply(peggedxs, peggedys, peggedvs); tb.PassZeroSlow(); List<int> possiblexs = new List<int>(tb.lastxs); List<int> possibleys = new List<int>(tb.lastys); List<int> possiblevs = new List<int>(tb.lastvalues); List<int> bestxs = new List<int>(possiblexs); List<int> bestys = new List<int>(possibleys); List<int> bestvs = new List<int>(possiblevs); for (int trial = possiblexs.Count - 1; trial >= 0; trial--) { tb = this.Clone(); tb.Apply(peggedxs, peggedys, peggedvs); possiblexs.RemoveAt(trial); possibleys.RemoveAt(trial); possiblevs.RemoveAt(trial); tb.Apply(possiblexs, possibleys, possiblevs); for (int nextp = pegged + 1; nextp < scoring - 1; nextp++) { if (tb.PassZeroSlow() != SolveState.Progressing) break; } if (tb.possibles[i, j, k] != false) { possiblexs = new List<int>(bestxs); possibleys = new List<int>(bestys); possiblevs = new List<int>(bestvs); } else { bestxs = new List<int>(possiblexs); bestys = new List<int>(possibleys); bestvs = new List<int>(possiblevs); } } peggedxs.AddRange(bestxs); peggedys.AddRange(bestys); peggedvs.AddRange(bestvs); for (int index = 0; index < bestvs.Count; index++) { peggedwhen.Add(pegged + 1); } } log.AppendFormat("Trial ({0},{1} {2}):\n", xs[a], ys[a], values[a] + 1); string[] splits = boards[a].Log.Split('\n'); for (int b = 0; b < peggedxs.Count; b++) { log.AppendFormat(" {3}: {0}, {1} {2}\n", peggedxs[b], peggedys[b], peggedvs[b], peggedwhen[b]); } } } } possibles[i, j, k] = false; return SolveState.Progressing; } possibles[i, j, k] = false; result = SolveState.Progressing; } } } } } } return result; }
static void Main(string[] args) { var board = new Board("016007803090800000870001260048000300650009082039000650060900020080002936924600510"); board.Solve(); Console.ReadLine(); }
public static bool IsValid(Board board) { return IsValid(board._data); }
public static bool IsSolved(Board board) { // search for a zero value and return for (int row = 0; row < board.Size; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < board.Size; col++) { if (board[row, col] == 0) { return false; } } } if (!Board.IsValid(board)) { return false; } return true; }
public void TestNakedQuads() { var board = new Board("000030086000020040090078520371856294900142375400397618200703859039205467700904132"); board.Solve(); Assert.AreEqual(true, board.Solved); }
public static Unit GetRow(Board board, Cell cell) { return board.Rows.First(r => r.Cells.Contains(cell)); }
public void TestPointingLineReduction() { var board = new Board("930050000200630095856002000003180570005020980080005000000800159508210004000560008"); board.Solve(); Assert.AreEqual(true, board.Solved); }
public override void Generate() { xs = new List<int>(); ys = new List<int>(); values = new List<int>(); int lastLookaheadUsed = 0; SolveState result = SolveState.MultipleSolutions; int width = sizex * sizey; int loops = 0; Board workingBoard = null; int possibilityCount = 0; List<List<int>> a = new List<List<int>>(); while (result != SolveState.Solved) { if (result == SolveState.MultipleSolutions) { if (workingBoard != null) { int rndnum = rnd.Next(possibilityCount); int i2 = a[rndnum][0]; int j2 = a[rndnum][1]; int k2 = a[rndnum][2]; bool hasOpp = width % 2 == 0 || (i2 != width / 2 || j2 != width / 2); xs.Add(i2); ys.Add(j2); values.Add(k2 + 1); if (hasOpp) { int rnd2 = rnd.Next(a[rndnum].Count - 3) + 3; int l2 = a[rndnum][rnd2]; xs.Add(width - 1 - i2); ys.Add(width - 1 - j2); values.Add(l2 + 1); } } else { int x = rnd.Next(width); int y = rnd.Next(width); int v = rnd.Next(width) + 1; xs.Add(x); ys.Add(y); values.Add(v); bool hasOpp = width % 2 == 0 || (x != width / 2 || y != width / 2); if (hasOpp) { xs.Add(width - 1 - x); ys.Add(width - 1 - y); values.Add(rnd.Next(width) + 1); } } Board board = new Board(sizey, sizex); // This line used to generate harder games. board.MaxLookahead = maxLookahead; board.Apply(xs, ys, values); result = board.Solve(); if (result == SolveState.MultipleSolutions) { workingBoard = board; a = new List<List<int>>(); possibilityCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) { if (workingBoard.Get(i, j) == 0) { if (workingBoard.Get(width - 1 - i, width - 1 - j) == 0) { for (int k = 0; k < width; k++) { if (workingBoard.CheckPossible(i, j, k + 1)) { List<int> aInner = new List<int>(); aInner.Add(i); aInner.Add(j); aInner.Add(k); for (int l = 0; l < width; l++) { if (workingBoard.CheckPossible(width - 1 - i, width - 1 - j, l + 1)) { aInner.Add(l); } } if (aInner.Count >= 4) { a.Add(aInner); possibilityCount++; } } } } } } } if (possibilityCount == 0) { a = new List<List<int>>(); possibilityCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) { if (workingBoard.Get(i, j) == 0) { for (int k = 0; k < width; k++) { if (workingBoard.CheckPossible(i, j, k + 1)) { List<int> aInner = new List<int>(); aInner.Add(i); aInner.Add(j); aInner.Add(k); for (int l = 0; l < width; l++) { if (workingBoard.CheckPossible(width - 1 - i, width - 1 - j, l + 1)) { aInner.Add(l); } } if (aInner.Count >= 4) { a.Add(aInner); possibilityCount++; } } } } } } if (possibilityCount == 0) { // Deadend, try again. Faster then walking backwards? Generate(); return; } } } lastLookaheadUsed = board.LastLookaheadUsed; } else if (result == SolveState.Unsolvable) { if (width % 2 == 0 || (xs[xs.Count - 1] != width / 2 || ys[ys.Count - 1] != width / 2)) { xs.RemoveAt(xs.Count - 1); ys.RemoveAt(ys.Count - 1); values.RemoveAt(values.Count - 1); } xs.RemoveAt(xs.Count - 1); ys.RemoveAt(ys.Count - 1); values.RemoveAt(values.Count - 1); result = SolveState.MultipleSolutions; } loops++; // if we go for a long time, try again. if (loops > width * width * width) { Generate(); return; } } if (ensureDiff && lastLookaheadUsed != maxLookahead) { Generate(); return; } }
/// <summary> /// Will play all forced moves. The result returned will be the resulting /// board and an unsorted move list which does not have any forced moves. /// </summary> protected MoveResult PlayForcedMoves(IBoardCells board, List<IMove> moves,IList<IMove>previousMovesPlayed) { IBoard playboard = board.Board; List<IMove> movesPlayed = new List<IMove>(); if(previousMovesPlayed != null) { movesPlayed.AddRange(previousMovesPlayed); } List<IMove> forcedMoves = GetForcedMoves(moves); IBoardCells playboardCells = new BoardCells(playboard); List<Cell> movesRemaining = null; do { foreach (var move in forcedMoves) { playboard = new Board(playboard, move); movesPlayed.Add(move); _numMovesTried++; } playboardCells = new BoardCells(playboard); movesRemaining = MoveFinder.FindMoves(playboardCells); forcedMoves = GetForcedMoves(Board.GetMovesFrom(movesRemaining)); } while (forcedMoves.Count > 0); if (!Board.IsValid((Board)playboard)) { return null; } return new MoveResult(playboardCells, movesPlayed, movesRemaining); }
public void TestYWing() { var board = new Board("900240000050690231020050090090700320002935607070002900069020073510079062207086009"); board.Solve(); Assert.AreEqual(true, board.Solved); }
private string[] DrawBoard(Board board2) { List<string> strs = new List<string>(); for (int i = 0; i < boxes.Count; i++) { if (i % sizey == 0 && i != 0) { string str2 = ""; for (int j = 0; j < boxes.Count ; j++) { if (j % sizex == 0 && j != 0) str2 += '+'; str2 += '-'; } strs.Add(str2); } string str = ""; for (int j = 0; j < boxes.Count; j++) { if (j % sizex == 0 && j != 0) str += '|'; if (board2.Get(i, j) == 0) str += "."; else if (board2.Get(i, j) < 10) str += board2.Get(i, j).ToString(); else str += ((char)('A' + board2.Get(i, j) - 10)).ToString(); } strs.Add(str); } return strs.ToArray(); }
public void TestBoxLineReduction() { var board = new Board("020943715904000600750000040500480000200000453400352000042000081005004260090208504"); board.Solve(); Assert.AreEqual(true, board.Solved); }
private void Search() { Generator g = new DancingGenerator(sizex, sizey, new Random(), 1); g.EnsureDiff = false; int loop = 0; while (true) { loop++; g.Generate(); List<int> xs = g.Xs; List<int> ys = g.Ys; List<int> values = g.Values; Board board2 = new Board(sizey, sizex); board2.MaxLookahead = 2; board2.Apply(xs, ys, values); SolveState result2 = board2.SolveWithRating(); string name = ""; if (board2.LastLookaheadUsed != 1) name = board2.LastLookaheadUsed.ToString(); else name = board2.LastLookaheadUsed.ToString() + "." + board2.Score.ToString() + "." + board2.HighTuples.ToString(); if (result2 != SolveState.Solved) { name = "Failed to solve."; } else { bool highest = true; string[] nameSplits = name.Split('.'); foreach (string key in frequency.Keys) { string[] splits = key.Split('.'); if (int.Parse(splits[0]) > int.Parse(nameSplits[0])) { highest = false; break; } else if (int.Parse(splits[0]) < int.Parse(nameSplits[0])) { continue; } else { if (splits.Length == 1) { highest = false; break; } if (int.Parse(splits[1]) > int.Parse(nameSplits[1])) { highest = false; break; } else if (int.Parse(splits[1]) < int.Parse(nameSplits[1])) { continue; } else { if (int.Parse(splits[2]) > int.Parse(nameSplits[2])) { highest = false; break; } else if (int.Parse(splits[2]) < int.Parse(nameSplits[2])) { continue; } else { highest = false; break; } } } } if (highest) { this.Invoke(new UpdateBestDelegate(UpdateBest), xs, ys, values); } } Board board = new Board(sizey, sizex); board.Apply(xs, ys, values); if (frequency.ContainsKey(name)) { frequency[name] = frequency[name] + 1; if (sample[name].Count < 100) sample[name].Add(board); } else { frequency[name] = 1; sample[name] = new List<Board>(); sample[name].Add(board); } name = "Count: " + xs.Count; if (frequency2.ContainsKey(name)) { frequency2[name] = frequency2[name] + 1; if (sample2[name].Count < 100) sample2[name].Add(board); } else { frequency2[name] = 1; sample2[name] = new List<Board>(); sample2[name].Add(board); } if ((loop & 0xF) == 0) { string result = ""; foreach (KeyValuePair<string, int> de in frequency) { result += de.Key + ":" + de.Value.ToString() + "\n"; } foreach (KeyValuePair<string, int> de in frequency2) { result += de.Key + ":" + de.Value.ToString() + "\n"; } this.Invoke(new UpdateStringDelegate(UpdateString), result); } } }
public void TestEasiestSudoku() { var board = new Board("...1.5...14....67..8...24...63.7..1.9.......3.1..9.52...72...8..26....35...4.9..."); board.Solve(); Assert.AreEqual(true, board.Solved); }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (boxes == null) { return; } Board board = new Board(sizey, sizex); for (int i = 0; i < boxes.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < boxes[i].Count; j++) { try { if (boxes[i][j].Text.Length != 0) { int value = int.Parse(boxes[i][j].Text); if (value > 0 && value <= boxes.Count) board.Set(i, j, value); } } catch { try { if (boxes[i][j].Text.Length != 0) { int value = char.ToUpper(boxes[i][j].Text[0])-'A'+10; if (value > 0 && value <= boxes.Count) board.Set(i, j, value); } } catch { } } } } try { if (textBox2.Text.Length != 0) { string[] splits = textBox2.Text.Split('.'); board.MaxLookahead = int.Parse(splits[0]); } } catch { } board.UseLogging = true; SolveState result = board.SolveWithRating(); if (board.LastLookaheadUsed != 1) textBox2.Text = board.LastLookaheadUsed.ToString(); else textBox2.Text = board.LastLookaheadUsed.ToString() + "." + board.Score.ToString() + "." + board.HighTuples.ToString(); for (int i = 0; i < boxes.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < boxes[i].Count; j++) { int value = board.Get(i, j); if (value != 0) { boxes[i][j].Text = value.ToString(); } } } textBox3.Text = ""; if (result != SolveState.Solved) MessageBox.Show("Solving produced the following result: " + result.ToString()); else textBox3.Lines = board.Log.Split('\n'); }
public void TestHiddenPairs() { var board = new Board("000000000904607000076804100309701080008000300050308702007502610000403208000000000"); board.Solve(); Assert.AreEqual(true, board.Solved); }