public StartMenuState(Engine.Font titleFont, Engine.Font generalFont, Input input, StateSystem system, TextureManager textureManager)
            _system = system;

            _generalFont = generalFont;
            _input = input;
            _textureManager = textureManager;
            _blockManager = new BlockManager(_textureManager, 0, 0, new Vector(1, 1, 1));
            _title = new Text("Subway Tetris", titleFont);
            _title.SetColor(new Color(0.85f, 0.85f, 0.10f, 1));
            // Centerre on the x and place somewhere near the top
            _title.SetPosition(-_title.Width / 2, 300);
 public PlayingState(StateSystem system, TextureManager manager, Input input, Engine.Font infoFont, Vector playArea, Vector clientSize)
     _system = system;
     _textureManager = manager;
     _input = input;
     _infoFont = infoFont;
     _playArea = playArea;
     _clientSize = clientSize;
     _paused = false;
     _blockManager = new BlockManager(_textureManager, clientSize.X, clientSize.Y, new Vector(_scalingFactor, _scalingFactor, 0));
     if (_scalingFactor < 1.0 && _scalingFactor > 0.5)
         _playArea.X += _blockManager.BlockWidth * _scalingFactor;
     _blockManager.SetBounds(-(_playArea.Y), _playArea.Y, -(_playArea.X), _playArea.X);
     _scoreText = new Text("Score: " + _blockManager.CompletedRows, _infoFont);
     _scoreText.SetPosition((clientSize.X / 2) - 250, 0);
     _scoreText.SetColor(new Color(0.19f, 0.8f, 0.19f, 1));
     _pausedText = new Text("PAUSED", _infoFont);
     _pausedText.SetPosition(-_pausedText.Width/2, 250);
     _pausedText.SetColor(new Color(0.35f, 0.35f, 0.67f, 1));