public void CourseShoudRemoveStudentCorrectly() { var course = new Course("High Quality Code"); var student = new Student("Daniel Popov", 10000); course.AddStudent(student); course.RemoveStudent(student); Assert.AreEqual(0, course.Students.Count); }
public void LeaveFromCourse(Course course) { course.RemoveStudent(this); if (this.coursesThatStudentPraticipate.Contains(course)) { this.coursesThatStudentPraticipate.Remove(course); } }
public void LeaveCourse(Course course) { if (course == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("course", "Course cannot be null."); } course.RemoveStudent(this); }
public void UnsignCourse(Course course) { if (course == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Course cannot be null"); }; if (course.listStudent.Contains(this)) { course.RemoveStudent(this); } }
public void TestAddRemoveStudents() { Course normalCourse = new Course("C# OOP"); string[] letters = new string[] { "s", "a", "e", "ela", "ina", "ka", "ona", }; Student[] participants = new Student[30]; for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) { participants[i] = new Student("Ivan" + letters[i % letters.Length], 10101 + i); normalCourse.AddStudent(participants[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) { normalCourse.RemoveStudent(participants[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { normalCourse.AddStudent(new Student("Ivan" + letters[i % letters.Length], 20101 + i)); } Assert.AreEqual(5, normalCourse.Participants.Count); }
public void TestCourseRemovingStudentToBeValid() { Course course = new Course("financial"); Student ivan1 = new Student("ivan1", 10001); Student ivan2 = new Student("ivan2", 10002); course.AddStudent(ivan1); course.AddStudent(ivan2); course.RemoveStudent(ivan1); Assert.IsTrue(course.Students.Contains(ivan2)); Assert.AreEqual(1, course.Students.Count, "Incorrect student remove"); }
public void TestCourseRemovingStudentWithNull() { Course course = new Course("JS"); course.RemoveStudent(null); }
public void TestCourseRemovingStudentWithNonExistingNameToThrow() { Course course = new Course("JS"); Student asen = new Student("asen", 10000); Student ivan = new Student("ivan", 10001); course.AddStudent(asen); course.RemoveStudent(ivan); }
public void CourseShouldThrowExceptionWhenRemovingUnexistingStudent() { var course = new Course("HQC"); var student = new Student("Daniel Popov", 10000); course.RemoveStudent(student); }
public void CourseShouldThrowExceptionWhenRemovingNullStudent() { var course = new Course("HQC"); Student student = null; course.RemoveStudent(student); }