static void Main(string[] args) { StudentDetails objStudent = new StudentDetails("Minh", 19); Console.WriteLine("Student name " + objStudent.studName); Console.WriteLine("Roll number " + objStudent.rollNumber); }
static void Snippet10() { Students.StudentDetails st = new Students.StudentDetails(); ScoreReport1 sc = new ScoreReport1(); Console.WriteLine("Subject: " + sc.Subject); Console.WriteLine("Marks: " + sc.Marks); }
public void DeleteStudent(StudentDetails stud) { foreach (XElement elem in studentsList.Descendants("Student")) { if ((int)elem.Element(strStudentID) == stud.StudentID) { elem.Remove(); studentsList.Save(file); break; } } }
public void DeleteStudent(StudentDetails stud) { List<StudentDetails> list = ReadToListFromJsonFile(path); foreach (StudentDetails student in list) { if (student.StudentID == stud.StudentID) { list.Remove(student); break; } } WriteListToJsonFile(list, path); }
public void DeleteStudent(StudentDetails stud) { //SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connectionString); string sql = "Delete Student Where studentID=" + stud.StudentID; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, con); using (con) { con.Open(); int numAff = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } string path = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + stud.Foto; if (File.Exists(path)) File.Delete(path); }
public void ExportToJson() { IEnumerable<XElement> match = from student in studentsList.Descendants("Student") select student; List<StudentDetails> list = new List<StudentDetails>(); foreach (XElement e in match.ToList()) { StudentDetails st = new StudentDetails((int)e.Element(strStudentID), (string)e.Element(strFirstName), (string)e.Element(strSecondName), (string)e.Element(strDateOfBirth), (string)e.Element(strFoto)); list.Add(st); } if (list != null) (new JsonStudentDB()).WriteListToJsonFile(list); }
public int InsertStudent(StudentDetails stud) { JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer(); string JsonStudent = js.Serialize(stud); List<StudentDetails> list = ReadToListFromJsonFile(path); int max = 0; foreach (StudentDetails student in list) { if (student.StudentID > max) max = student.StudentID; } stud.StudentID = ++max; list.Add(stud); WriteListToJsonFile(list, path); AddFoto(stud); return 0; }
public int InsertStudent(StudentDetails stud) { string sql = "Insert Into Student (FirstName,SecondName,DateOfBirth) Values ('" + stud.FirstName + "','" + stud.SecondName + "','" + stud.DateOfBirth + "')"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, con); int number; using (con) { con.Open(); number = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } AddFoto(stud); return number; }
private void AddFoto(StudentDetails stud) { string pathToFoto = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\Foto\\"; if (File.Exists(pathToFoto + "Temp.jpg")) { con = new SqlConnection(connectionString); string sql = "select StudentID from Student Where FirstName='" + stud.FirstName + "' AND SecondName='" + stud.SecondName + "' AND DateOfBirth='" + stud.DateOfBirth + "'"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, con); SqlDataReader reader; int id = 0; using (con) { con.Open(); reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (reader != null) { reader.Read(); id = (int)reader["StudentID"]; } //id = (string)cmd.ExecuteScalar(); } if (File.Exists(pathToFoto + id + ".jpg")) File.Delete(pathToFoto + id + ".jpg"); File.Copy(pathToFoto + "Temp.jpg", pathToFoto + id + ".jpg"); File.Delete(pathToFoto + "Temp.jpg"); string foto = ""; con = new SqlConnection(connectionString); if (File.Exists(pathToFoto + id + ".jpg")) foto = @"\Foto\" + id + ".jpg"; sql = "update Student Set Foto='" + foto + "' From Student Where studentID='" + id + "'"; cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, con); using (con) { con.Open(); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } }
public void UpdateStudent(StudentDetails stud) { string sql = ""; sql += "Update Student"; sql += " Set firstName='" + stud.FirstName + "',secondName='" + stud.SecondName + "', dateOfBirth='" + stud.DateOfBirth + "'"; sql += " From Student Where studentID='" + stud.StudentID+"'"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, con); using (con) { con.Open(); int numAff = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } AddFoto(stud); }
public void UpdateStudent(StudentDetails stud) { List<StudentDetails> list = ReadToListFromJsonFile(path); foreach (StudentDetails student in list) { if (student.StudentID == stud.StudentID) { student.FirstName = stud.FirstName; student.SecondName = stud.SecondName; student.DateOfBirth = stud.DateOfBirth; } } WriteListToJsonFile(list, path); AddFoto(stud); }
private void AddFoto(StudentDetails stud) { string pathToFoto = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\Foto\\"; if (File.Exists(pathToFoto + "Temp.jpg")) { List<StudentDetails> list = ReadToListFromJsonFile(path); int id = 0; foreach (StudentDetails student in list) { if (student.FirstName == stud.FirstName && student.SecondName == student.SecondName && stud.DateOfBirth == stud.DateOfBirth) id = student.StudentID; } if (File.Exists(pathToFoto + id + ".jpg")) File.Delete(pathToFoto + id + ".jpg"); File.Copy(pathToFoto + "Temp.jpg", pathToFoto + id + ".jpg"); File.Delete(pathToFoto + "Temp.jpg"); string foto = ""; if (File.Exists(pathToFoto + id + ".jpg")) foto = @"\Foto\" + id + ".jpg"; foreach (StudentDetails student in list) { if (student.StudentID == id) student.Foto = foto; } WriteListToJsonFile(list, path); } }
private void AddFoto(StudentDetails stud) { string pathToFoto = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\Foto\\"; if (File.Exists(pathToFoto + "Temp.jpg")) { int id = 0; foreach (XElement elem in studentsList.Descendants("Student")) { if ((string)elem.Element(strFirstName) == stud.FirstName && (string)elem.Element(strSecondName) == stud.SecondName && (string)elem.Element(strDateOfBirth) == stud.DateOfBirth) { id = (int)elem.Element(strStudentID); } } if (File.Exists(pathToFoto + id + ".jpg")) File.Delete(pathToFoto + id + ".jpg"); File.Copy(pathToFoto + "Temp.jpg", pathToFoto + id + ".jpg"); File.Delete(pathToFoto + "Temp.jpg"); string foto = ""; if (File.Exists(pathToFoto + id + ".jpg")) foto = @"\Foto\" + id + ".jpg"; foreach (XElement elem in studentsList.Descendants("Student")) { if ((int)elem.Element(strStudentID) == id) { elem.Element(strFoto).Value = foto; studentsList.Save(file); } } } }
public void UpdateStudent(StudentDetails stud) { foreach (XElement elem in studentsList.Descendants("Student")) { if ((int)elem.Element(strStudentID) == stud.StudentID) { elem.Element(strFirstName).Value = stud.FirstName; elem.Element(strSecondName).Value = stud.SecondName; elem.Element(strDateOfBirth).Value = stud.DateOfBirth; studentsList.Save(file); } } AddFoto(stud); }
public int InsertStudent(StudentDetails stud) { int maxId=0; if (studentsList.HasElements) maxId = studentsList.Elements("Student").Max(t => Int32.Parse(t.Element(strStudentID).Value)); XElement track = new XElement("Student", new XElement(strStudentID, ++maxId), new XElement(strFirstName, stud.FirstName), new XElement(strSecondName, stud.SecondName), new XElement(strDateOfBirth, stud.DateOfBirth), new XElement(strFoto, "")); studentsList.Add(track); studentsList.Save(file); AddFoto(stud); return 0; }