public UserStatistics(HttpContextBase context) { _context = context; StudentContext db = new StudentContext(); User user =null; if (_context.Session["User"] != null) { user = _context.Session["User"] as User; } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.User.Identity.Name)) { user = db.Users.Where(u => u.Username == context.User.Identity.Name).FirstOrDefault(); _context.Session["User"] = user; } } if (user != null) { userId = user.UserId; organizationId = user.OrganizationId; var services = db.OrganizationServices.Where(os => os.OrganizationId == organizationId && os.StatusId == 1).Join(db.Services, os => os.ServiceId, s => s.ServiceId, (os, s) => new { s.ServiceName, s.ServiceId, os.OrganizationId }).ToList(); servciesForThisOrganization = (from s in services select new Service { ServiceId = s.ServiceId, ServiceName = s.ServiceName }).ToList(); } }
public bool AddRemoveService(int id, long organizationId, int serviceId, bool value) { StudentContext db = new StudentContext(); OrganizationServices orgService = db.OrganizationServices.SingleOrDefault(s => s.Id == id && s.OrganizationId == organizationId && s.ServiceId == serviceId); if (orgService != null) { orgService.StatusId = value ? 1 : 2; orgService.UpdatedBy = _userStatistics.UserId; orgService.UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now; } else { orgService = new OrganizationServices { StatusId = value ? 1 : 2, ServiceId = serviceId, OrganizationId = organizationId, InsertedBy = _userStatistics.UserId, InsertedOn = DateTime.Now, UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now }; db.OrganizationServices.Add(orgService); } db.SaveChanges(); return true; }
public void SaveFiles(string token, string subdirectory, int itemId) { string fileUrl = Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/Attachments/AttachedFiles"; string tempDirectory = Server.MapPath("~/Attachments/TempFiles"); StudentContext db = new StudentContext(); tempDirectory = tempDirectory + "/" + token; if (Directory.Exists(tempDirectory)) { string destDirectory = Server.MapPath("~/Attachments/AttachedFiles"); destDirectory = Path.Combine(destDirectory, subdirectory, itemId.ToString()); if (!Directory.Exists(destDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(destDirectory); } foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(tempDirectory)) { FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(file); Attachment att = new Attachment(); att.Filename = fileInfo.Name; att.ParentType = subdirectory; att.FilePath = Path.Combine(fileUrl, itemId.ToString(), fileInfo.Name); att.ItemId = itemId; db.Attachments.Add(att); System.IO.File.Move(file, Path.Combine(destDirectory, fileInfo.Name)); } Directory.Delete(tempDirectory); } db.SaveChanges(); }
public string AddOrganizations(string token, Organization objOrganization) { try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { using (StudentContext db = new StudentContext()) { objOrganization.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; objOrganization.CreatedBy = _userStatistics.UserId; RegistrationToken objToken = new RegistrationToken(); objToken.Token = UserStatistics.GenerateToken(); objToken.RoleId = (int)UserRoles.OrganizationAdmin; objToken.CreatedBy = _userStatistics.UserId; if (objRep.CreateOrganization(objOrganization, objToken)) { //objRep.CreateRegistrationToken(objToken); SaveFiles(token, this.GetType().Name, objOrganization.OrganizationId); EmailHandler.Utilities.SendRegistationEmail(objToken.Token, objOrganization.Email); return Convert.ToString(true); } return Convert.ToString(false); } } return Convert.ToString(false); } catch (Exception ex) { return ex.Message.ToString(); } }
public bool EmailToken(string email, string token) { StudentContext context = new StudentContext(); var tokenObj = context.RegistrationTokens.Where(t => t.Token == token).FirstOrDefault(); tokenObj.Email = email; context.SaveChanges(); Utilities.SendRegistationEmail(token, email); return true; }
public BaseComponent(StudentContext _context = null) { if (context == null && _context == null) { context = new StudentContext(); } else if(context==null) { context = _context; } }
public void DeleteFiles(string subdirectory, int itemId) { StudentContext db = new StudentContext(); var attachments = db.Attachments.Where(a => a.ParentType == subdirectory && a.ItemId == itemId).ToList(); foreach (var file in attachments) { db.Attachments.Remove(file); } db.SaveChanges(); string destDirectory = Server.MapPath("~/Attachments/AttachedFiles"); destDirectory = Path.Combine(destDirectory, subdirectory, itemId.ToString()); if (!Directory.Exists(destDirectory)) { Directory.Delete(destDirectory); } }
public bool DeleteAttachedFile(long fileId, string parentItemId, string parentItemType, string fileName) { string directory = string.Empty; directory = Server.MapPath("~/Attachments/AttachedFiles"); directory = Path.Combine(directory, parentItemType, parentItemId); bool ifExist = Directory.Exists(directory); StudentContext db = new StudentContext(); var attachment = db.Attachments.Where(a => a.Id == fileId).FirstOrDefault(); if (attachment != null) { db.Attachments.Remove(attachment); } db.SaveChanges(); //if not then create a directory if (ifExist) { string filePath = Path.Combine(directory, fileName); if (System.IO.File.Exists(filePath)) System.IO.File.Delete(filePath); } return true; }
protected bool DeleteAttachedFile(string fileName, string subDirectory1, Int32 itemId) { string directory = string.Empty; directory = Server.MapPath("~/Attachments/AttachedFiles"); directory = directory + "/" + itemId; bool ifExist = Directory.Exists(directory); StudentContext db = new StudentContext(); var attachment = db.Attachments.Where(a => a.ItemId == itemId && a.Filename == fileName).FirstOrDefault(); if (attachment != null) { db.Attachments.Remove(attachment); } db.SaveChanges(); //if not then create a directory if (ifExist) { string filePath = Path.Combine(directory, subDirectory1, fileName); if (System.IO.File.Exists(filePath)) System.IO.File.Delete(filePath); } return true; }
public ActionResult RegisterUserStep3(string token) { Profile objProfile = new Profile(); RegistrationToken objToken = repository.GetRegistrationCode(token); StudentContext context = new StudentContext(); Student student = context.Students.Find(objToken.StudentId); if (student != null) { objProfile.FirstName = student.FullName; objProfile.EmailAddress1 = student.Email; } objProfile.RegistrationToken = token; objProfile.TitleList = new SelectList(new[] { new { Id = "Mr.", Value = "Mr." }, new { Id = "Miss.", Value = "Miss." } }, "Id", "Value"); return View(objProfile); }
public ActionResult RegisterUserStep3(Profile objProfile) { RegistrationToken Token = repository.GetRegistrationCode(objProfile.RegistrationToken); // RegistrationToken objToken = repository.GetRegistrationCode(objProfile.RegistrationToken); StudentContext context = new StudentContext(); Student student = new Student(); Staff staff = new Staff(); if (Token.StaffId != null) { staff = context.Staff.Find(Token.StaffId); } if (Token.StudentId != null) { student = context.Students.Find(Token.StudentId); } //objProfile.RegistrationToken=Toke long userId = WebSecurity.RegisterNewUser(objProfile.UserName, "none", "none", false, objProfile.FirstName, objProfile.LastName, Token.OrganizationId, Token.Token); if (student != null) { student.UserId = userId; } if (staff != null) { staff.UserId = userId; } context.SaveChanges(); DBConnectionString.Profile Profile = new DBConnectionString.Profile(); if (userId != -1) { Profile.UserId = userId; Profile.Title = objProfile.Title; Profile.Address1 = "none"; Profile.Address2 = "none"; Profile.InsertedOn = DateTime.Now; Profile.EmailAddress1 = "*****@*****.**"; Profile.HomeTelephoneNumber = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString(); Profile.SecurityQuestionId = 1; Profile.SecurityAnswer = "none"; Profile.DateOfBirth = objProfile.DateOfBirth; Profile.ModifiedOn = null; Profile.MobileNumber = "none"; int recAffected = Convert.ToInt32(Profile.Insert()); string roleName = ((UserRoles)Convert.ToInt16(Token.RoleId)).ToString(); Roles.AddUserToRole(objProfile.UserName, roleName); return RedirectToAction("RegisterUserStep4", new { userId }); } return View("RegisterUserStep3", new { token = Token.Token }); }
public JsonResult ShowExcelFileContentForStudent(jQueryDataTableViewModel param, string importId) { StudentContext context = new StudentContext(); // var studentData = context.Students.Where(s => s.ImportId == importId).ToList(); List<Student> objModelList = repository.GetImportedSudents(importId); return Json(new { sEcho = param.sEcho, iTotalRecords = objModelList.Count(), iTotalDisplayRecords = objModelList.Count(), aaData = objModelList }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); }
public List<Organization> OrganizationList() { List<Organization> orgList = null; using (StudentContext db = new StudentContext()) { orgList = new List<Organization>(); return orgList = db.Organizations.ToList(); } }
public ActionResult RegisterUser(string id) { StudentContext db = new StudentContext(); var tokenObject = db.RegistrationTokens.Where(t => t.Token == id).FirstOrDefault(); StudentTracker.Core.Entities.User objUser = new Core.Entities.User(); objUser.OrganizationId = tokenObject.OrganizationId; objUser.MasterId = tokenObject.CreatedBy; objUser.RegistrationToken = id; return View(objUser); }
public ActionResult ShowResgistrationCodesForImportedFile(string importId) { StudentContext context = new StudentContext(); var resiterationTokenList = context.RegistrationTokens.Where(t => t.ImportId == importId).ToList(); return View(resiterationTokenList); }
public JsonResult LoadMembersOfClass(int classId) { StudentContext context = new StudentContext(); var users = (from c in context.Classes join s in context.Students on c.ClassId equals s.ClassId join us in context.Users on s.UserId equals us.UserId where c.ClassId == classId select us).ToList(); var userList = users.Select(us => new User { UserId = us.UserId, Username = us.Username, Email = us.Email, FirstName = us.FirstName, LastName = us.LastName }).ToList(); //context.Groups.Include("Users").Where(g => g.GroupId == groupId).ToList(); return Json(new { ClassMembers = userList }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); }
public JsonResult LoadMembersOfGroup(int groupId) { StudentContext context = new StudentContext(); var users = (from g in context.Groups join ug in context.UserGroups on g.GroupId equals ug.GroupId join us in context.Users on ug.UserId equals us.UserId where g.GroupId == groupId select us).ToList(); var userList = users.Select(us => new User { UserId = us.UserId, Username = us.Username, Email = us.Email, FirstName = us.FirstName, LastName = us.LastName }).ToList(); //context.Groups.Include("Users").Where(g => g.GroupId == groupId).ToList(); return Json(new { GroupMembers = userList }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); }
// // GET: /Group/Edit/5 public ActionResult Edit(int id = 0) { Group objGroup = repository.GetGroups(id); StudentContext context = new StudentContext(); //string userIds = string.Join(",", context.UserGroups.Where(ug => ug.GroupId == id).Select(s => s.UserId).ToArray()); //objGroup.Users = this.repository.Users(_userStatistics.OrganizationId); objGroup.UserGroups = this.repository.UserGroupsByGroup(objGroup.GroupId); objGroup.Members = string.Join(",", objGroup.UserGroups.Select(s => s.UserId).ToArray()); objGroup.OrganizationList = LoadSelectLists(objGroup.OrganizationId); objGroup.OrganizationId = ViewBag.OrganizationId == null ? objGroup.OrganizationId : Convert.ToInt32(ViewBag.OrganizationId); return PartialView(objGroup); }
public string SaveProfileImage(IEnumerable<HttpPostedFileBase> file, string importId, string type) { try { string targetFilePath = string.Empty; foreach (string upload in Request.Files) { FileInfo fileinfo = new FileInfo(Request.Files[upload].FileName); string fileUrl = Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/Attachments/ProfileImages"; StudentContext db = new StudentContext(); string destDirectory = Server.MapPath("~/Attachments/ProfileImages"); destDirectory = Path.Combine(destDirectory, _userStatistics.UserId.ToString()); if (!Directory.Exists(destDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(destDirectory); } //string path = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "UploadedFiles/"; string filename = Path.GetFileName(Request.Files[upload].FileName); filename = Regex.Replace(filename, @"\s+", ""); //fetch path of the local directory from iCATStaticItemClass. //string targetFolderPath = Path.GetTempPath();//Server.MapPath("~/Administrator/TempFiles/" + iCATGlobal.CurrentTenantInfo.TenantName); // This is the part Im wondering about. Will this still function the way it should on the webserver after upload? //create target filePath targetFilePath = Path.Combine(destDirectory, filename); //Check if directory exists. if (Directory.Exists(destDirectory)) { //if file with the same name exist in the directory. if (System.IO.File.Exists(targetFilePath)) { while (System.IO.File.Exists(targetFilePath))//while file exist in the directory. { try { //delete file from with target filepath. System.IO.File.Delete(targetFilePath); } catch (Exception) { } } // save file Request.Files[upload].SaveAs(targetFilePath); } else { //save file Request.Files[upload].SaveAs(targetFilePath); } } else { //if directory doesn't exist create a new directory. Directory.CreateDirectory(destDirectory); //save file Request.Files[upload].SaveAs(targetFilePath); } StudentTracker.Core.Entities.Profile objProfile = db.Profiles.Where(u => u.UserId == _userStatistics.UserId).FirstOrDefault(); if (objProfile != null) { objProfile.ProfileImageUrl = Path.Combine(fileUrl, _userStatistics.UserId.ToString(), filename); } this.repository.UpdateProfileImage(objProfile); } return targetFilePath; } catch (DbEntityValidationException e) { foreach (var eve in e.EntityValidationErrors) { } throw; } }
public ActionResult RegisterUser(StudentTracker.Core.Entities.User objUser) { StudentContext db = new StudentContext(); var tokenObject = db.RegistrationTokens.Where(t => t.Token == objUser.RegistrationToken).FirstOrDefault(); objUser.OrganizationId = tokenObject.OrganizationId; objUser.MasterId = tokenObject.CreatedBy; CodeFirstMembershipProvider membership = new CodeFirstMembershipProvider(); var token = membership.CreateAccount(objUser); Roles.AddUserToRole(objUser.Username, Enum.GetName(typeof(UserRoles), tokenObject.RoleId)); EmailHandler.Utilities.SendConfirmationEmail(objUser.Username); return RedirectToAction("Confirmation", "Account"); }
public List<Group> GroupList(long organizationId) { StudentContext db = new StudentContext(); return db.Groups.Where(x => x.OrganizationId == _userStatistics.OrganizationId).ToList(); }
public string FileImportExcel(IEnumerable<HttpPostedFileBase> file, string importId, string type) { string message = string.Empty; foreach (string upload in Request.Files) { try { FileInfo fileinfo = new FileInfo(Request.Files[upload].FileName); if (fileinfo.Extension == ".xlsx") { string fileUrl = Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/Attachments/ImportedFiles"; StudentContext db = new StudentContext(); string destDirectory = Server.MapPath("~/Attachments/ImportedFiles"); destDirectory = Path.Combine(destDirectory, type, importId); if (!Directory.Exists(destDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(destDirectory); } string path = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "UploadedFiles/"; string filename = Path.GetFileName(Request.Files[upload].FileName); filename = Regex.Replace(filename, @"\s+", ""); //fetch path of the local directory from iCATStaticItemClass. //string targetFolderPath = Path.GetTempPath();//Server.MapPath("~/Administrator/TempFiles/" + iCATGlobal.CurrentTenantInfo.TenantName); // This is the part Im wondering about. Will this still function the way it should on the webserver after upload? //create target filePath string targetFilePath = Path.Combine(destDirectory, filename); //Check if directory exists. if (Directory.Exists(destDirectory)) { //if file with the same name exist in the directory. if (System.IO.File.Exists(targetFilePath)) { while (System.IO.File.Exists(targetFilePath))//while file exist in the directory. { try { //delete file from with target filepath. System.IO.File.Delete(targetFilePath); } catch (Exception) { } } // save file Request.Files[upload].SaveAs(targetFilePath); } else { //save file Request.Files[upload].SaveAs(targetFilePath); } } else { //if directory doesn't exist create a new directory. Directory.CreateDirectory(destDirectory); //save file Request.Files[upload].SaveAs(targetFilePath); } Attachment att = new Attachment(); att.Filename = fileinfo.Name; att.ParentType = type; att.FilePath = Path.Combine(fileUrl, type, importId, filename); att.ItemId = Convert.ToInt64(importId); db.Attachments.Add(att); db.SaveChanges(); string worksheetName = "Sheet1"; //Initilze the Excel handler constructor with filepath and sheet name to fetch. ExcelHandler objExcel = new ExcelHandler(targetFilePath, worksheetName); DataTable table = new DataTable(); //create a list of a dynamic type object. //List<ExpandoObject> result = new List<ExpandoObject>(); //call function from excelhandler class to get all the rows in the excel file. bool test = objExcel.ReadDocument(0, ref table); var userId = _userStatistics.UserId; var organizationId = _userStatistics.OrganizationId; if (type == "student") { List<Student> target = table.AsEnumerable().Skip(1) .Select(row => new Student { // assuming column 0's type is Nullable<long> RollNo = String.IsNullOrEmpty(row.Field<string>(0)) ? "not found" : row.Field<string>(0), FullName = String.IsNullOrEmpty(row.Field<string>(1)) ? "not found" : row.Field<string>(1), CourseName = String.IsNullOrEmpty(row.Field<string>(2)) ? "not found" : row.Field<string>(2), ClassName = String.IsNullOrEmpty(row.Field<string>(3)) ? "not found" : row.Field<string>(3), SectionName = String.IsNullOrEmpty(row.Field<string>(4)) ? "not found" : row.Field<string>(4), DepartmentName = String.IsNullOrEmpty(row.Field<string>(5)) ? "not found" : row.Field<string>(5), Email = String.IsNullOrEmpty(row.Field<string>(6)) ? "not found" : row.Field<string>(6), Remarks = String.IsNullOrEmpty(row.Field<string>(7)) ? "not found" : row.Field<string>(7), InsertedOn = DateTime.Now, ImportId = importId, }).ToList(); SaveStudentsInDB(target, importId); } else if (type == "staff") { List<Staff> target = table.AsEnumerable().Skip(1) .Select(row => new Staff { // assuming column 0's type is Nullable<long> FullName = String.IsNullOrEmpty(row.Field<string>(0)) ? "not found" : row.Field<string>(0), Email = String.IsNullOrEmpty(row.Field<string>(1)) ? "not found" : row.Field<string>(1), Remarks = String.IsNullOrEmpty(row.Field<string>(3)) ? "not found" : row.Field<string>(3), InsertedOn = DateTime.Now, ImportId = importId, StaffTypeName = String.IsNullOrEmpty(row.Field<string>(2)) ? "not found" : row.Field<string>(2), }).ToList(); SaveStaffInDB(target, importId); } } else { message += "File {" + fileinfo.FullName + "} is not supported."; } } catch (Exception) { message += "File(s) does not support."; } } return importId; }
public ActionResult ShowAttachedFiles(int itemId, string type, bool isEditMode = false) { StudentContext db = new StudentContext(); List<Attachment> attachments = new List<Attachment>(); attachments = db.Attachments.Where(a => a.ItemId == itemId && a.ParentType == type).ToList(); ViewBag.IsEditMode = isEditMode; return View(attachments); }
public void LoadSelectLists(out SelectList ContList, out SelectList stateList, out SelectList organizationTypeList, int countryId = -1, int organizationTypeId = -1, long RegionId = -1) { List<Country> countryList = null; List<State> regionList = null; using (StudentContext db = new StudentContext()) { countryList = db.Countries.ToList(); if (countryId != -1) { var country = db.Countries.Where(c => c.Id == countryId).FirstOrDefault(); regionList = db.States.Where(x => x.CountryCode == country.CountryCode).ToList(); } else { regionList = new List<State>(); } } List<SelectListItem> organizationTypes = Enum.GetValues(typeof(StudentTracker.Core.Utilities.OrganizationTypes)).Cast<StudentTracker.Core.Utilities.OrganizationTypes>().Select(v => new SelectListItem { Text = v.ToString(), Value = ((int)v).ToString() }).ToList(); organizationTypeList = new SelectList(organizationTypes, "Value", "Text", organizationTypeId); ContList = new SelectList(countryList, "Id", "CountryName", countryId); stateList = new SelectList(regionList, "id", "StateName", RegionId); }
public bool SaveStudentsInDB(List<Student> students, string importId) { try { StudentContext context = new StudentContext(); int organizationId = Convert.ToInt32(_userStatistics.OrganizationId); foreach (Student student in students) { student.DepartmentId = GetDepartmentId(context, organizationId, student.DepartmentName); student.CourseId = GetCourseId(context, student.CourseName, organizationId); student.ImportId = importId; student.OrganizationId = organizationId; student.ClassId = GetClassId(context, student.ClassName, student.CourseId, organizationId); student.SectionId = GetSectionId(context, student.SectionName, student.ClassId, student.CourseId, organizationId); context.Students.Add(student); } context.SaveChanges(); return true; } catch (DbEntityValidationException e) { foreach (var eve in e.EntityValidationErrors) { Console.WriteLine("Entity of type \"{0}\" in state \"{1}\" has the following validation errors:", eve.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, eve.Entry.State); foreach (var ve in eve.ValidationErrors) { Console.WriteLine("- Property: \"{0}\", Error: \"{1}\"", ve.PropertyName, ve.ErrorMessage); } } throw; } }
public ActionResult ViewAllTokensForOrg() { StudentContext context = new StudentContext(); var tokens = context.RegistrationTokens.Where(t => t.OrganizationId == _userStatistics.OrganizationId).ToList(); return View(tokens); }
public void AddCountriesToDB(StudentContext context) { context.Countries.Add(new Country("AF", "Afghanistan")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("AL", "Albania")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("DZ", "Algeria")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("AS", "American Samoa")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("AD", "Andorra")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("AO", "Angola")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("AI", "Anguilla")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("AQ", "Antarctica")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("AG", "Antigua and Barbuda")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("AR", "Argentina")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("AM", "Armenia")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("AW", "Aruba")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("AU", "Australia")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("AT", "Austria")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("AZ", "Azerbaijan")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("BS", "Bahamas")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("BH", "Bahrain")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("BD", "Bangladesh")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("BB", "Barbados")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("BY", "Belarus")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("BE", "Belgium")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("BZ", "Belize")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("BJ", "Benin")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("BM", "Bermuda")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("BT", "Bhutan")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("BO", "Bolivia")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("BQ", "Bonaire")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("BA", "Bosnia and Herzegovina")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("BW", "Botswana")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("BV", "Bouvet Island")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("BR", "Brazil")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("IO", "British Indian Ocean Territory")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("VG", "British Virgin Islands")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("BN", "Brunei")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("BG", "Bulgaria")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("BF", "Burkina Faso")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("BI", "Burundi")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("KH", "Cambodia")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("CM", "Cameroon")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("CA", "Canada")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("CV", "Cape Verde")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("KY", "Cayman Islands")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("CF", "Central African Republic")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("TD", "Chad")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("CL", "Chile")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("CN", "China")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("CX", "Christmas Island")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("CC", "Cocos [Keeling] Islands")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("CO", "Colombia")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("KM", "Comoros")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("CK", "Cook Islands")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("CR", "Costa Rica")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("HR", "Croatia")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("CU", "Cuba")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("CW", "Curacao")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("CY", "Cyprus")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("CZ", "Czechia")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("CD", "Democratic Republic of the Congo")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("DK", "Denmark")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("DJ", "Djibouti")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("DM", "Dominica")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("DO", "Dominican Republic")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("TL", "East Timor")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("EC", "Ecuador")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("EG", "Egypt")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("SV", "El Salvador")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("GQ", "Equatorial Guinea")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("ER", "Eritrea")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("EE", "Estonia")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("ET", "Ethiopia")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("FK", "Falkland Islands")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("FO", "Faroe Islands")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("FJ", "Fiji")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("FI", "Finland")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("FR", "France")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("GF", "French Guiana")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("PF", "French Polynesia")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("TF", "French Southern Territories")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("GA", "Gabon")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("GM", "Gambia")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("GE", "Georgia")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("DE", "Germany")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("GH", "Ghana")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("GI", "Gibraltar")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("GR", "Greece")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("GL", "Greenland")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("GD", "Grenada")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("GP", "Guadeloupe")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("GU", "Guam")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("GT", "Guatemala")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("GG", "Guernsey")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("GN", "Guinea")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("GW", "Guinea-Bissau")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("GY", "Guyana")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("HT", "Haiti")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("HM", "Heard Island and McDonald Islands")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("HN", "Honduras")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("HK", "Hong Kong")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("HU", "Hungary")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("IS", "Iceland")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("IN", "India")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("ID", "Indonesia")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("IR", "Iran")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("IQ", "Iraq")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("IE", "Ireland")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("IM", "Isle of Man")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("IL", "Israel")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("IT", "Italy")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("CI", "Ivory Coast")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("JM", "Jamaica")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("JP", "Japan")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("JE", "Jersey")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("JO", "Jordan")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("KZ", "Kazakhstan")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("KE", "Kenya")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("KI", "Kiribati")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("XK", "Kosovo")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("KW", "Kuwait")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("KG", "Kyrgyzstan")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("LA", "Laos")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("LV", "Latvia")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("LB", "Lebanon")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("LS", "Lesotho")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("LR", "Liberia")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("LY", "Libya")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("LI", "Liechtenstein")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("LT", "Lithuania")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("LU", "Luxembourg")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("MO", "Macao")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("MK", "Macedonia")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("MG", "Madagascar")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("MW", "Malawi")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("MY", "Malaysia")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("MV", "Maldives")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("ML", "Mali")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("MT", "Malta")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("MH", "Marshall Islands")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("MQ", "Martinique")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("MR", "Mauritania")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("MU", "Mauritius")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("YT", "Mayotte")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("MX", "Mexico")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("FM", "Micronesia")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("MD", "Moldova")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("MC", "Monaco")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("MN", "Mongolia")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("ME", "Montenegro")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("MS", "Montserrat")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("MA", "Morocco")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("MZ", "Mozambique")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("MM", "Myanmar [Burma]")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("NA", "Namibia")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("NR", "Nauru")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("NP", "Nepal")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("NL", "Netherlands")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("NC", "New Caledonia")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("NZ", "New Zealand")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("NI", "Nicaragua")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("NE", "Niger")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("NG", "Nigeria")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("NU", "Niue")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("NF", "Norfolk Island")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("KP", "North Korea")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("MP", "Northern Mariana Islands")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("NO", "Norway")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("OM", "Oman")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("PK", "Pakistan")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("PW", "Palau")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("PS", "Palestine")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("PA", "Panama")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("PG", "Papua New Guinea")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("PY", "Paraguay")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("PE", "Peru")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("PH", "Philippines")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("PN", "Pitcairn Islands")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("PL", "Poland")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("PT", "Portugal")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("PR", "Puerto Rico")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("QA", "Qatar")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("CG", "Republic of the Congo")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("RO", "Romania")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("RU", "Russia")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("RW", "Rwanda")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("RE", "Réunion")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("BL", "Saint Barthélemy")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("SH", "Saint Helena")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("KN", "Saint Kitts and Nevis")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("LC", "Saint Lucia")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("MF", "Saint Martin")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("PM", "Saint Pierre and Miquelon")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("VC", "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("WS", "Samoa")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("SM", "San Marino")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("SA", "Saudi Arabia")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("SN", "Senegal")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("RS", "Serbia")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("SC", "Seychelles")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("SL", "Sierra Leone")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("SG", "Singapore")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("SX", "Sint Maarten")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("SK", "Slovakia")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("SI", "Slovenia")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("SB", "Solomon Islands")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("SO", "Somalia")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("ZA", "South Africa")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("GS", "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("KR", "South Korea")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("SS", "South Sudan")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("ES", "Spain")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("LK", "Sri Lanka")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("SD", "Sudan")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("SR", "Suriname")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("SJ", "Svalbard and Jan Mayen")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("SZ", "Swaziland")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("SE", "Sweden")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("CH", "Switzerland")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("SY", "Syria")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("ST", "São Tomé and Príncipe")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("TW", "Taiwan")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("TJ", "Tajikistan")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("TZ", "Tanzania")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("TH", "Thailand")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("TG", "Togo")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("TK", "Tokelau")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("TO", "Tonga")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("TT", "Trinidad and Tobago")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("TN", "Tunisia")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("TR", "Turkey")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("TM", "Turkmenistan")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("TC", "Turks and Caicos Islands")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("TV", "Tuvalu")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("UM", "U.S. Minor Outlying Islands")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("VI", "U.S. Virgin Islands")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("UG", "Uganda")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("UA", "Ukraine")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("AE", "United Arab Emirates")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("GB", "United Kingdom")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("US", "United States")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("UY", "Uruguay")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("UZ", "Uzbekistan")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("VU", "Vanuatu")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("VA", "Vatican City")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("VE", "Venezuela")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("VN", "Vietnam")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("WF", "Wallis and Futuna")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("EH", "Western Sahara")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("YE", "Yemen")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("ZM", "Zambia")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("ZW", "Zimbabwe")); context.Countries.Add(new Country("AX", "Åland")); context.SaveChanges(); }
public bool SendRegistrationEmailToStudents(string importId) { try { List<Student> objModelList = repository.GetImportedSudents(importId); StudentContext context = new StudentContext(); Dictionary<string, string> parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>(); // RegistrationToken tokenObj = new RegistrationToken(); foreach (var student in objModelList) { string token = UserStatistics.GenerateToken(); RegistrationToken tokenObj = new RegistrationToken(); tokenObj.ClassId = student.ClassId; tokenObj.CourseId = student.CourseId; tokenObj.DepartmentId = student.DepartmentId; tokenObj.OrganizationId = student.OrganizationId; tokenObj.RoleId = Convert.ToInt32(UserRoles.Student); tokenObj.SectionId = student.SectionId; tokenObj.Token = token; tokenObj.Email = student.Email; tokenObj.ImportId = importId; tokenObj.InsertedOn = DateTime.Now; tokenObj.StudentId = student.StudentId; context.RegistrationTokens.Add(tokenObj); parameters.Add(token, student.Email); } context.SaveChanges(); Task.Factory.StartNew(() => SendEmails(parameters)); //SendEmails(parameters); return true; } catch (DbEntityValidationException e) { foreach (var eve in e.EntityValidationErrors) { Console.WriteLine("Entity of type \"{0}\" in state \"{1}\" has the following validation errors:", eve.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, eve.Entry.State); foreach (var ve in eve.ValidationErrors) { Console.WriteLine("- Property: \"{0}\", Error: \"{1}\"", ve.PropertyName, ve.ErrorMessage); } } throw; } }
public void AddStatesToDB(StudentContext context) { context.States.Add(new State("AD", " 06 ", " Parròquia de Sant Julià de Lòria ", " Parroquia de Sant Julia de Loria 3039162 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AD", " 05 ", " Parròquia d'Ordino ", " Parroquia d'Ordino 3039676 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AD", " 04 ", " Parròquia de la Massana ", " Parroquia de la Massana 3040131 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AD", " 03 ", " Parròquia d'Encamp ", " Parroquia d'Encamp 3040684 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AD", " 02 ", " Canillo Canillo 3041203 ", " ")); context.States.Add(new State("AD", " 07 ", " Parròquia d'Andorra la Vella ", " Parroquia d'Andorra la Vella 3041566 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AD", " 08 ", " Parròquia d'Escaldes-Engordany ", " Parroquia d'Escaldes-Engordany 3338529 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AE", " 07 ", " Umm al Qaywayn ", " Umm al Qaywayn 290595 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AE", " 05 ", " Raʼs al Khaymah ", " Ra's al Khaymah 291075 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AE", " 03 ", " Dubai ", " Dubai 292224 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AE", " 06 ", " Ash Shāriqah ", " Ash Shariqah 292673 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AE", " 04 ", " Al Fujayrah ", " Al Fujayrah 292879 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AE", " 02 ", " Ajman ", " Ajman 292933 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AE", " 01 ", " Abu Dhabi ", " Abu Dhabi 292969 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AF", " 28 ", " Zabul ", " Zabul 1121143 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AF", " 27 ", " Vardak ", " Vardak 1121863 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AF", " 26 ", " Takhār ", " Takhar 1123230 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AF", " 33 ", " Sar-e Pol ", " Sar-e Pol 1127106 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AF", " 32 ", " Samangān ", " Samangan 1127766 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AF", " 40 ", " Parvān ", " Parvan 1131054 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AF", " 29 ", " Paktīkā ", " Paktika 1131256 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AF", " 36 ", " Paktia ", " Paktia 1131257 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AF", " 39 ", " Orūzgān ", " Oruzgan 1131461 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AF", " 19 ", " Nīmrūz ", " Nimruz 1131821 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AF", " 18 ", " Nangarhār ", " Nangarhar 1132366 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AF", " 17 ", " Lowgar ", " Lowgar 1134561 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AF", " 35 ", " Laghmān ", " Laghman 1135022 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AF", " 24 ", " Kunduz ", " Kunduz 1135690 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AF", " 34 ", " Konar ", " Konar 1135702 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AF", " 14 ", " Kāpīsā ", " Kapisa 1138255 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AF", " 23 ", " Kandahār ", " Kandahar 1138335 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AF", " 13 ", " Kabul ", " Kabul 1138957 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AF", " 31 ", " Jowzjān ", " Jowzjan 1139049 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AF", " 11 ", " Herat ", " Herat 1140025 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AF", " 10 ", " Helmand ", " Helmand 1140043 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AF", " 09 ", " Ghowr ", " Ghowr 1141103 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AF", " 08 ", " Ghaznī ", " Ghazni 1141268 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AF", " 07 ", " Faryab ", " Faryab 1142226 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AF", " 06 ", " Farah ", " Farah 1142263 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AF", " 05 ", " Bāmīān ", " Bamian 1147239 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AF", " 30 ", " Balkh Province ", " Balkh Province 1147288 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AF", " 03 ", " Wilāyat-e Baghlān ", " Wilayat-e Baghlan 1147537 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AF", " 02 ", " Badghis ", " Badghis 1147707 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AF", " 01 ", " Badakhshan ", " Badakhshan 1147745 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AF", " 37 ", " Khowst ", " Khowst 1444362 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AF", " 38 ", " Nūrestān ", " Nurestan 1444363 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AF", " 41 ", " Wilāyat-e Dāykundī ", " Wilayat-e Daykundi 6957553 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AF", " 42 ", " Panjshir ", " Panjshir 6957555 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AG", " 08 ", " Saint Philip ", " Saint Philip 3576015 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AG", " 07 ", " Saint Peter ", " Saint Peter 3576016 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AG", " 06 ", " Saint Paul ", " Saint Paul 3576017 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AG", " 05 ", " Saint Mary ", " Saint Mary 3576018 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AG", " 04 ", " Saint John ", " Saint John 3576023 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AG", " 03 ", " Saint George ", " Saint George 3576024 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AG", " 09 ", " Redonda ", " Redonda 3576037 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AG", " 01 ", " Barbuda ", " Barbuda 3576390 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AL", " 40 ", " Berat ", " Berat 865730 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AL", " 41 ", " Dibër ", " Diber 865731 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AL", " 43 ", " Elbasan ", " Elbasan 865732 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AL", " 45 ", " Gjirokastër ", " Gjirokaster 865733 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AL", " 46 ", " Korçë ", " Korce 865734 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AL", " 47 ", " Kukës ", " Kukes 865735 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AL", " 42 ", " Durrës ", " Durres 3344947 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AL", " 44 ", " Fier ", " Fier 3344948 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AL", " 48 ", " Lezhë ", " Lezhe 3344949 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AL", " 49 ", " Shkodër ", " Shkoder 3344950 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AL", " 50 ", " Tiranë ", " Tirane 3344951 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AL", " 51 ", " Vlorë ", " Vlore 3344952 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AM", " 02 ", " Ararat ", " Ararat 409313 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AM", " 08 ", " Syunikʼ ", " Syunik'i Marz 409314 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AM", " 10 ", " Vayotsʼ Dzor ", " Vayots' Dzori Marz 409315 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AM", " 11 ", " Yerevan ", " Yerevan 616051 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AM", " 01 ", " Aragatsotn ", " Aragatsotn 828259 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AM", " 03 ", " Armavir ", " Armavir 828260 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AM", " 04 ", " Gegharkʼunikʼ ", " Geghark'unik'i Marz 828261 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AM", " 05 ", " Kotaykʼ ", " Kotayk'i Marz 828262 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AM", " 06 ", " Lorri ", " Lorri 828263 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AM", " 07 ", " Shirak ", " Shirak 828264 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AM", " 09 ", " Tavush ", " Tavush 828265 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AO", " 18 ", " Lunda Sul ", " Lunda Sul 145701 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AO", " 17 ", " Lunda Norte ", " Lunda Norte 145702 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AO", " 14 ", " Moxico ", " Moxico 875996 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AO", " 04 ", " Cuando Cubango ", " Cuando Cubango 876337 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AO", " 16 ", " Zaire ", " Zaire 2236355 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AO", " 15 ", " Uíge ", " Uige 2236566 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AO", " 12 ", " Malanje ", " Malanje 2239858 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AO", " 20 ", " Luanda ", " Luanda 2240444 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AO", " 05 ", " Cuanza Norte ", " Cuanza Norte 2241660 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AO", " 03 ", " Cabinda ", " Cabinda 2243266 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AO", " 19 ", " Bengo ", " Bengo 2243598 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AO", " 13 ", " Namibe ", " Namibe 3347016 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AO", " 09 ", " Huíla ", " Huila 3348303 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AO", " 08 ", " Huambo ", " Huambo 3348310 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AO", " 07 ", " Cunene ", " Cunene 3349096 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AO", " 06 ", " Cuanza Sul ", " Cuanza Sul 3349234 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AO", " 02 ", " Bié ", " Bie 3351640 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AO", " 01 ", " Benguela ", " Benguela 3351660 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AR", " 14 ", " Misiones ", " Misiones 3430657 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AR", " 09 ", " Formosa ", " Formosa 3433896 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AR", " 07 ", " Buenos Aires F.D. ", " Buenos Aires F.D. 3433955 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AR", " 08 ", " Entre Ríos ", " Entre Rios 3434137 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AR", " 06 ", " Corrientes ", " Corrientes 3435214 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AR", " 01 ", " Buenos Aires ", " Buenos Aires 3435907 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AR", " 24 ", " Tucumán ", " Tucuman 3833578 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AR", " 23 ", " Tierra del Fuego ", " Tierra del Fuego 3834450 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AR", " 22 ", " Santiago del Estero ", " Santiago del Estero 3835868 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AR", " 21 ", " Santa Fe ", " Santa Fe 3836276 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AR", " 20 ", " Santa Cruz ", " Santa Cruz 3836350 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AR", " 19 ", " San Luis ", " San Luis 3837029 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AR", " 18 ", " San Juan ", " San Juan 3837152 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AR", " 17 ", " Salta ", " Salta 3838231 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AR", " 16 ", " Río Negro ", " Rio Negro 3838830 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AR", " 15 ", " Neuquén ", " Neuquen 3843122 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AR", " 13 ", " Mendoza ", " Mendoza 3844419 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AR", " 12 ", " La Rioja ", " La Rioja 3848949 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AR", " 11 ", " La Pampa ", " La Pampa 3849574 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AR", " 10 ", " Jujuy ", " Jujuy 3853404 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AR", " 05 ", " Córdoba ", " Cordoba 3860255 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AR", " 04 ", " Chubut ", " Chubut 3861244 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AR", " 03 ", " Chaco ", " Chaco 3861887 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AR", " 02 ", " Catamarca ", " Catamarca 3862286 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AS", " 050 ", " Western District ", " Western District 5880873 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AS", " 040 ", " Swains Island ", " Swains Island 5881199 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AS", " 010 ", " Eastern District ", " Eastern District 5881219 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AS", " 020 ", " Manu'a ", " Manu'a 5881436 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AS", " 030 ", " Rose Island ", " Rose Island 7309441 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AT", " 09 ", " Vienna ", " Vienna 2761367 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AT", " 08 ", " Vorarlberg ", " Vorarlberg 2762300 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AT", " 07 ", " Tyrol ", " Tyrol 2763586 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AT", " 06 ", " Styria ", " Styria 2764581 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AT", " 05 ", " Salzburg ", " Salzburg 2766823 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AT", " 04 ", " Upper Austria ", " Upper Austria 2769848 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AT", " 03 ", " Lower Austria ", " Lower Austria 2770542 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AT", " 02 ", " Carinthia ", " Carinthia 2774686 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AT", " 01 ", " Burgenland ", " Burgenland 2781194 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AU", " 08 ", " Western Australia ", " Western Australia 2058645 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AU", " 05 ", " South Australia ", " South Australia 2061327 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AU", " 03 ", " Northern Territory ", " Northern Territory 2064513 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AU", " 07 ", " Victoria ", " Victoria 2145234 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AU", " 06 ", " Tasmania ", " Tasmania 2147291 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AU", " 04 ", " Queensland ", " Queensland 2152274 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AU", " 02 ", " New South Wales ", " New South Wales 2155400 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AU", " 01 ", " Australian Capital Territory ", " Australian Capital Territory 2177478 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AX", " 941 ", " Vårdö ", " Vardoe 632425 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AX", " 771 ", " Sund ", " Sund 635817 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AX", " 766 ", " Sottunga ", " Sottunga 636159 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AX", " 736 ", " Saltvik ", " Saltvik 637880 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AX", " 438 ", " Lumparland ", " Lumparland 647457 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AX", " 417 ", " Lemland ", " Lemland 648384 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AX", " 295 ", " Kumlinge ", " Kumlinge 650397 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AX", " 318 ", " Kökar ", " Koekar 651989 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AX", " 062 ", " Föglö ", " Foegloe 659951 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AX", " 035 ", " Brändö ", " Braendoe 660528 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AX", " 478 ", " Mariehamn ", " Mariehamn 3041733 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AX", " 170 ", " Jomala ", " Jomala 3041761 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AX", " 076 ", " Hammarland ", " Hammarland 3041777 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AX", " 065 ", " Geta ", " Geta 3041793 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AX", " 060 ", " Finström ", " Finstroem 3041799 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AX", " 043 ", " Eckerö ", " Eckeroe 3041809 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 12 ", " Beyləqan ", " Beylaqan 146879 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 69 ", " Zǝngilan ", " Zangilan Rayon 146900 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 66 ", " Yardımlı ", " Yardimli 146962 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 55 ", " Şuşa ", " Susa 147163 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 49 ", " Salyan ", " Salyan 147269 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 46 ", " Sabirabad ", " Sabirabad 147284 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 45 ", " Saatlı ", " Saatli 147287 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 13 ", " Bilǝsuvar ", " Bilasuvar Rayon 147310 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 36 ", " Neftçala ", " Neftcala 147422 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 35 ", " Nakhichevan ", " Nakhichevan 147435 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 32 ", " Masallı ", " Masalli 147551 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 31 ", " Lerik ", " Lerik 147610 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 29 ", " Lənkəran ", " Lankaran 147613 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 28 ", " Laçın ", " Lacin 147626 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 43 ", " Qubadlı ", " Qubadli 147694 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 24 ", " İmişli ", " Imisli 147983 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 18 ", " Füzuli ", " Fuezuli 148107 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 14 ", " Cǝbrayıl ", " Cabrayil Rayonu 148140 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 15 ", " Cəlilabad ", " Calilabad 148155 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 08 ", " Astara ", " Astara 148442 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 64 ", " Xocalı ", " Xocali 148449 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 02 ", " Ağcabǝdi ", " Aghjabadi Rayon 148615 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 03 ", " Ağdam ", " Agdam 148617 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 07 ", " Əli Bayramli ", " Ali Bajramly 409417 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 30 ", " Lənkəran Şəhəri ", " Lankaran Sahari 409418 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 57 ", " Tǝrtǝr ", " Tartar Rayon 409420 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 61 ", " Xankǝndi ", " Xankandi Sahari 409421 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 65 ", " Xocavǝnd ", " Xocavand Rayonu 409423 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 71 ", " Zərdab ", " Zardab 584583 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 70 ", " Zaqatala ", " Zaqatala 584604 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 67 ", " Yevlax ", " Yevlax 584650 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 37 ", " Oğuz ", " Oguz 584742 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 59 ", " Ucar ", " Ucar 584783 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 58 ", " Tovuz ", " Tovuz 584861 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 50 ", " Şamaxı ", " Samaxi 585030 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 47 ", " Şǝki ", " Shaki Rayon 585031 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 51 ", " Şǝmkir ", " Shamkir Rayon 585059 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 27 ", " Kürdǝmir ", " Kurdamir Rayon 585686 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 38 ", " Qǝbǝlǝ ", " Qabala Rayon 585738 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 44 ", " Qusar ", " Qusar 585749 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 42 ", " Quba ", " Quba 585786 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 62 ", " Goygol ", " Rayon Goygol Rayon 585967 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 60 ", " Xaçmaz ", " Xacmaz 586001 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 26 ", " Kǝlbǝcǝr ", " Kalbacar Rayonu 586047 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 40 ", " Qazax ", " Qazax 586087 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 21 ", " Goranboy ", " Goranboy 586112 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 39 ", " Qǝx ", " Qakh Rayon 586290 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 25 ", " İsmayıllı ", " Ismayilli 586320 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 22 ", " Göyçay ", " Goeycay 586482 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 17 ", " Dǝvǝçi ", " Davachi Rayon 586725 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 16 ", " Daşkǝsǝn ", " Dashkasan Rayon 586771 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 10 ", " Balakǝn ", " Balakan Rayon 587010 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 11 ", " Bǝrdǝ ", " Barda Rayon 587056 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 09 ", " Baki ", " Baki 587081 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 01 ", " Abşeron ", " Abseron 587245 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 06 ", " Ağsu ", " Agsu 587342 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 04 ", " Ağdaş ", " Agdas 587376 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 19 ", " Gǝdǝbǝy ", " Gadabay Rayon 627535 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 05 ", " Ağstafa ", " Agstafa 828297 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 20 ", " Gǝncǝ ", " Ganja City 828298 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 33 ", " Mingǝcevir ", " Mingacevir City 828299 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 34 ", " Naftalan ", " Naftalan 828300 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 41 ", " Qobustan ", " Qobustan 828301 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 52 ", " Samux ", " Samux 828302 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 48 ", " Shaki City ", " Shaki City 828303 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 53 ", " Siyǝzǝn ", " Siazan Rayon 828304 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 54 ", " Sumqayit ", " Sumqayit 828305 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 63 ", " Xızı ", " Xizi 828306 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 68 ", " Yevlax City ", " Yevlax City 828307 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 23 ", " Hacıqabul ", " Haciqabul 828315 ")); context.States.Add(new State("AZ", " 75 ", " Naxçıvan Şəhəri ", " Naxcivan Sahari 8411069 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BA", " 01 ", " FederationofBosniaandHerzegovina ", " Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina 3229999 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BA", " 02 ", " Republika Srpska ", " Republika Srpska 3230000 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BA", " BRC ", " Brčko ", " Brcko 3294903 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BB", " 11 ", " Saint Thomas ", " Saint Thomas 3373551 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BB", " 10 ", " Saint Philip ", " Saint Philip 3373553 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BB", " 09 ", " Saint Peter ", " Saint Peter 3373554 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BB", " 08 ", " Saint Michael ", " Saint Michael 3373557 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BB", " 07 ", " Saint Lucy ", " Saint Lucy 3373565 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BB", " 06 ", " Saint Joseph ", " Saint Joseph 3373568 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BB", " 05 ", " Saint John ", " Saint John 3373569 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BB", " 04 ", " Saint James ", " Saint James 3373570 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BB", " 03 ", " Saint George ", " Saint George 3373572 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BB", " 02 ", " Saint Andrew ", " Saint Andrew 3373580 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BB", " 01 ", " Christ Church ", " Christ Church 3373988 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BD", " 83 ", " Rājshāhi ", " Rajshahi 1337166 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BD", " 81 ", " Dhaka ", " Dhaka 1337179 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BD", " 84 ", " Chittagong ", " Chittagong 1337200 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BD", " 82 ", " Khulna ", " Khulna 1337210 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BD", " 85 ", " Barisāl ", " Barisal 1337229 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BD", " 86 ", " Sylhet ", " Sylhet 1477362 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BD", " 87 ", " Rangpur Division ", " Rangpur Division 7671048 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BE", " BRU ", " Brussels Capital Region ", " Brussels Capital Region 2800867 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BE", " WAL ", " Walloon Region ", " Walloon Region 3337387 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BE", " VLG ", " Flanders ", " Flanders 3337388 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BF", " 01 ", " Boucle du Mouhoun Region ", " Boucle du Mouhoun Region 6930701 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BF", " 02 ", " Cascades Region ", " Cascades Region 6930703 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BF", " 03 ", " Centre ", " Centre 6930704 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BF", " 04 ", " Centre-Est ", " Centre-Est 6930705 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BF", " 05 ", " Centre-Nord ", " Centre-Nord 6930706 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BF", " 06 ", " Centre-Ouest ", " Centre-Ouest 6930707 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BF", " 07 ", " Centre-Sud ", " Centre-Sud 6930708 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BF", " 08 ", " Est ", " Est 6930709 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BF", " 09 ", " High-Basins Region ", " High-Basins Region 6930710 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BF", " 10 ", " Nord ", " Nord 6930711 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BF", " 11 ", " Plateau-Central ", " Plateau-Central 6930712 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BF", " 12 ", " Sahel ", " Sahel 6930713 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BF", " 13 ", " Southwest Region ", " Southwest Region 6930714 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BG", " 52 ", " Razgrad ", " Razgrad 453751 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BG", " 47 ", " Montana ", " Montana 453753 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BG", " 64 ", " Vratsa ", " Vratsa 725713 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BG", " 61 ", " Varna ", " Varna 726051 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BG", " 40 ", " Dobrich ", " Dobrich 726419 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BG", " 58 ", " Sofiya ", " Sofiya 727012 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BG", " 53 ", " Ruse ", " Ruse 727524 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BG", " 51 ", " Plovdiv ", " Plovdiv 728194 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BG", " 50 ", " Pleven ", " Pleven 728204 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BG", " 49 ", " Pernik ", " Pernik 728331 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BG", " 48 ", " Pazardzhit ", " Pazardzhit 728379 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BG", " 46 ", " Lovech ", " Lovech 729560 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BG", " 43 ", " Khaskovo ", " Khaskovo 730436 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BG", " 42 ", " Sofia-Capital ", " Sofia-Capital 731061 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BG", " 39 ", " Burgas ", " Burgas 732771 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BG", " 38 ", " Blagoevgrad ", " Blagoevgrad 733192 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BG", " 41 ", " Gabrovo Province ", " Gabrovo Province 864552 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BG", " 44 ", " Kŭrdzhali ", " Kurdzhali 864553 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BG", " 45 ", " Kyustendil ", " Kyustendil 864554 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BG", " 54 ", " Shumen ", " Shumen 864555 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BG", " 55 ", " Silistra ", " Silistra 864556 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BG", " 56 ", " Sliven ", " Sliven 864557 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BG", " 57 ", " Smolyan ", " Smolyan 864558 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BG", " 59 ", " Stara Zagora ", " Stara Zagora 864559 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BG", " 60 ", " Tŭrgovishte ", " Turgovishte 864560 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BG", " 62 ", " Veliko Tŭrnovo ", " Veliko Turnovo 864561 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BG", " 63 ", " Vidin ", " Vidin 864562 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BG", " 65 ", " Yambol ", " Yambol 864563 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BH", " 15 ", " Muharraq ", " Muharraq 290333 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BH", " 16 ", " Capital ", " Capital 7090954 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BH", " 17 ", " Southern Governorate ", " Southern Governorate 7090972 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BH", " 18 ", " Central Governorate ", " Central Governorate 7090973 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BH", " 19 ", " Northern ", " Northern 7090974 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BI", " 17 ", " Makamba ", " Makamba 422233 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BI", " 10 ", " Bururi ", " Bururi 423327 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BI", " 22 ", " Muramvya ", " Muramvya 425550 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BI", " 13 ", " Gitega ", " Gitega 426271 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BI", " 21 ", " Ruyigi ", " Ruyigi 426699 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BI", " 11 ", " Cankuzo ", " Cankuzo 427700 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BI", " 14 ", " Karuzi ", " Karuzi 428218 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BI", " 09 ", " Bubanza ", " Bubanza 428514 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BI", " 12 ", " Cibitoke ", " Cibitoke 430020 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BI", " 19 ", " Ngozi ", " Ngozi 430567 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BI", " 15 ", " Kayanza ", " Kayanza 430951 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BI", " 18 ", " Muyinga ", " Muyinga 431747 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BI", " 16 ", " Kirundo ", " Kirundo 432455 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BI", " 20 ", " Rutana ", " Rutana 434147 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BI", " 23 ", " Mwaro ", " Mwaro 434386 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BI", " 24 ", " Bujumbura Mairie Province ", " Bujumbura Mairie Province 7303939 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BI", " 25 ", " Bujumbura Rural Province ", " Bujumbura Rural Province 7303940 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BJ", " 18 ", " Zou ", " Zou 2390719 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BJ", " 16 ", " Quémé ", " Queme 2392325 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BJ", " 15 ", " Mono ", " Mono 2392716 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BJ", " 10 ", " Borgou ", " Borgou 2394992 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BJ", " 09 ", " Atlantique ", " Atlantique 2395504 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BJ", " 08 ", " Atakora ", " Atakora 2395524 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BJ", " 07 ", " Alibori ", " Alibori 2597271 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BJ", " 11 ", " Collines ", " Collines 2597272 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BJ", " 12 ", " Kouffo ", " Kouffo 2597273 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BJ", " 13 ", " Donga ", " Donga 2597274 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BJ", " 14 ", " Littoral ", " Littoral 2597275 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BJ", " 17 ", " Plateau ", " Plateau 2597277 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BM", " 11 ", " Warwick ", " Warwick 3572972 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BM", " 10 ", " Southampton ", " Southampton 3573026 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BM", " 09 ", " Smithʼs ", " Smith's Parish 3573031 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BM", " 08 ", " Sandys ", " Sandys 3573050 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BM", " 07 ", " Saint Georgeʼs ", " Saint George's Parish 3573057 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BM", " 06 ", " Saint George ", " Saint George 3573062 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BM", " 05 ", " Pembroke ", " Pembroke 3573095 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BM", " 04 ", " Paget ", " Paget 3573103 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BM", " 02 ", " Hamilton Parish ", " Hamilton Parish 3573195 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BM", " 03 ", " Hamilton city ", " Hamilton city 3573198 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BM", " 01 ", " Devonshire ", " Devonshire 3573251 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BN", " 04 ", " Tutong ", " Tutong 1820068 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BN", " 03 ", " Temburong ", " Temburong 1820106 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BN", " 02 ", " Brunei and Muara ", " Brunei and Muara 1820818 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BN", " 01 ", " Belait ", " Belait 1820869 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BO", " 09 ", " Tarija ", " Tarija 3903319 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BO", " 08 ", " Santa Cruz ", " Santa Cruz 3904907 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BO", " 07 ", " Potosí ", " Potosi 3907580 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BO", " 06 ", " Pando ", " Pando 3908600 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BO", " 05 ", " Oruro ", " Oruro 3909233 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BO", " 04 ", " La Paz ", " La Paz 3911924 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BO", " 02 ", " Cochabamba ", " Cochabamba 3919966 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BO", " 01 ", " Chuquisaca ", " Chuquisaca 3920177 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BO", " 03 ", " El Beni ", " El Beni 3923172 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BQ", " BO ", " Bonaire ", " Bonaire 7609816 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BQ", " SB ", " Saba ", " Saba 7610358 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BQ", " SE ", " Sint Eustatius ", " Sint Eustatius 7610359 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BR", " 22 ", " Rio Grande do Norte ", " Rio Grande do Norte 3390290 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BR", " 20 ", " Piauí ", " Piaui 3392213 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BR", " 30 ", " Pernambuco ", " Pernambuco 3392268 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BR", " 17 ", " Paraíba ", " Paraiba 3393098 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BR", " 16 ", " Pará ", " Para 3393129 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BR", " 13 ", " Maranhão ", " Maranhao 3395443 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BR", " 06 ", " Ceará ", " Ceara 3402362 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BR", " 03 ", " Amapá ", " Amapa 3407762 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BR", " 02 ", " Alagoas ", " Alagoas 3408096 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BR", " 28 ", " Sergipe ", " Sergipe 3447799 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BR", " 27 ", " São Paulo ", " Sao Paulo 3448433 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BR", " 26 ", " Santa Catarina ", " Santa Catarina 3450387 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BR", " 23 ", " Rio Grande do Sul ", " Rio Grande do Sul 3451133 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BR", " 21 ", " Rio de Janeiro ", " Rio de Janeiro 3451189 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BR", " 18 ", " Paraná ", " Parana 3455077 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BR", " 15 ", " Minas Gerais ", " Minas Gerais 3457153 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BR", " 11 ", " Estado de Mato Grosso do ", " Sul Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul 3457415 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BR", " 14 ", " Mato Grosso ", " Mato Grosso 3457419 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BR", " 29 ", " Goiás ", " Goias 3462372 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BR", " 07 ", " Federal District ", " Federal District 3463504 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BR", " 08 ", " Espírito Santo ", " Espirito Santo 3463930 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BR", " 05 ", " Estado de Bahía ", " Estado de Bahia 3471168 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BR", " 31 ", " Tocantins ", " Tocantins 3474575 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BR", " 25 ", " Roraima ", " Roraima 3662560 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BR", " 04 ", " Amazonas ", " Amazonas 3665361 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BR", " 01 ", " Acre ", " Acre 3665474 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BR", " 24 ", " Rondônia ", " Rondonia 3924825 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BS", " 35 ", " San Salvador ", " San Salvador 3571493 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BS", " 34 ", " Sandy Point ", " Sandy Point 3571495 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BS", " 33 ", " Rock Sound ", " Rock Sound 3571591 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BS", " 18 ", " Ragged Island ", " Ragged Island 3571629 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BS", " 32 ", " Berry Islands District ", " Berry Islands District 3571809 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BS", " 23 ", " New Providence ", " New Providence 3571815 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BS", " 16 ", " Mayaguana ", " Mayaguana 3571894 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BS", " 31 ", " Marsh Harbour ", " Marsh Harbour 3571912 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BS", " 15 ", " Long Island ", " Long Island 3572005 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BS", " 30 ", " Kemps Bay ", " Kemps Bay 3572109 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BS", " 13 ", " Inagua ", " Inagua 3572154 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BS", " 29 ", " High Rock ", " High Rock 3572188 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BS", " 22 ", " Harbour Island ", " Harbour Island 3572238 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BS", " 28 ", " Green Turtle Cay ", " Green Turtle Cay 3572271 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BS", " 27 ", " Governorʼs Harbour ", " Governor's Harbour District 3572312 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BS", " 26 ", " Fresh Creek ", " Fresh Creek 3572363 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BS", " 25 ", " Freeport ", " Freeport 3572374 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BS", " 10 ", " Exuma ", " Exuma 3572427 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BS", " 06 ", " Cat Island ", " Cat Island 3572678 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BS", " 05 ", " Bimini ", " Bimini 3572807 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BS", " 24 ", " Acklins ", " Acklins 3572937 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BS", " 36 ", " Black Point ", " Black Point 8030541 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BS", " 37 ", " Central Abaco ", " Central Abaco 8030542 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BS", " 38 ", " Central Andros ", " Central Andros 8030543 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BS", " 39 ", " Central Eleuthera ", " Central Eleuthera 8030544 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BS", " 40 ", " Crooked Island and Long Cay ", " Crooked Island and Long Cay 8030545 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BS", " 41 ", " East Grand Bahama ", " East Grand Bahama 8030546 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BS", " 42 ", " Grand Cay ", " Grand Cay 8030547 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BS", " 43 ", " Hope Town ", " Hope Town 8030548 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BS", " 44 ", " Mangrove Cay ", " Mangrove Cay 8030549 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BS", " 45 ", " Moore’s Island ", " Moore's Island 8030550 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BS", " 46 ", " North Abaco ", " North Abaco 8030551 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BS", " 47 ", " North Andros ", " North Andros 8030552 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BS", " 48 ", " North Eleuthera ", " North Eleuthera 8030553 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BS", " 49 ", " Rum Cay District ", " Rum Cay District 8030554 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BS", " 50 ", " South Abaco ", " South Abaco 8030555 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BS", " 51 ", " South Andros ", " South Andros 8030556 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BS", " 52 ", " South Eleuthera ", " South Eleuthera 8030557 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BS", " 53 ", " Spanish Wells ", " Spanish Wells 8030558 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BS", " 54 ", " West Grand ", " Bahama West Grand Bahama 8030559 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BT", " 05 ", " Bumthang ", " Bumthang 1337278 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BT", " 06 ", " Chhukha ", " Chhukha 1337279 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BT", " 08 ", " Daga ", " Daga 1337280 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BT", " 07 ", " Chirang ", " Chirang 1337281 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BT", " 09 ", " Geylegphug ", " Geylegphug 1337282 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BT", " 10 ", " Ha ", " Ha 1337283 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BT", " 11 ", " Lhuntshi ", " Lhuntshi 1337284 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BT", " 12 ", " Mongar ", " Mongar 1337285 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BT", " 13 ", " Paro ", " Paro 1337286 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BT", " 14 ", " Pemagatsel ", " Pemagatsel 1337287 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BT", " 15 ", " Punakha ", " Punakha 1337288 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BT", " 16 ", " Samchi ", " Samchi 1337289 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BT", " 17 ", " Samdrup Jongkhar ", " Samdrup Jongkhar 1337290 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BT", " 18 ", " Shemgang ", " Shemgang 1337291 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BT", " 19 ", " Tashigang ", " Tashigang 1337292 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BT", " 20 ", " Thimphu ", " Thimphu 1337293 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BT", " 21 ", " Tongsa ", " Tongsa 1337294 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BT", " 22 ", " Wangdi Phodrang ", " Wangdi Phodrang 1337295 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BT", " 23 ", " Gasa ", " Gasa 7303651 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BT", " 24 ", " Trashi Yangste ", " Trashi Yangste 7303653 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BW", " 10 ", " Southern ", " Southern 933043 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BW", " 09 ", " South East ", " South East 933044 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BW", " 08 ", " North East ", " North East 933210 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BW", " 11 ", " North West ", " North West 933230 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BW", " 06 ", " Kweneng ", " Kweneng 933562 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BW", " 05 ", " Kgatleng ", " Kgatleng 933654 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BW", " 04 ", " Kgalagadi ", " Kgalagadi 933657 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BW", " 03 ", " Ghanzi ", " Ghanzi 933758 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BW", " 01 ", " Central ", " Central 933851 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BY", " 07 ", " Vitsyebskaya Voblastsʼ ", " Vitsyebskaya Voblasts' 620134 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BY", " 06 ", " Mahilyowskaya Voblastsʼ ", " Mahilyowskaya Voblasts' 625073 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BY", " 05 ", " Minskaya Voblastsʼ ", " Minskaja Voblasts' 625142 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BY", " 04 ", " Minsk ", " Minsk 625143 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BY", " 03 ", " Hrodzyenskaya Voblastsʼ ", " Hrodzyenskaya Voblasts' 628035 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BY", " 02 ", " Homyelʼskaya Voblastsʼ ", " Homyel'skaya Voblasts' 628281 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BY", " 01 ", " Brestskaya Voblastsʼ ", " Brestskaya Voblasts' 629631 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BZ", " 06 ", " Toledo ", " Toledo 3580913 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BZ", " 05 ", " Stann Creek ", " Stann Creek 3580975 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BZ", " 04 ", " Orange Walk ", " Orange Walk 3581511 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BZ", " 03 ", " Corozal ", " Corozal 3582302 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BZ", " 02 ", " Cayo ", " Cayo 3582429 ")); context.States.Add(new State("BZ", " 01 ", " Belize ", " Belize 3582676 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CA", " 01 ", " Alberta ", " Alberta 5883102 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CA", " 02 ", " British Columbia ", " British Columbia 5909050 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CA", " 03 ", " Manitoba ", " Manitoba 6065171 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CA", " 04 ", " New Brunswick ", " New Brunswick 6087430 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CA", " 13 ", " Northwest Territories ", " Northwest Territories 6091069 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CA", " 07 ", " Nova Scotia ", " Nova Scotia 6091530 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CA", " 14 ", " Nunavut ", " Nunavut 6091732 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CA", " 08 ", " Ontario ", " Ontario 6093943 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CA", " 09 ", " Prince Edward Island ", " Prince Edward Island 6113358 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CA", " 10 ", " Quebec ", " Quebec 6115047 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CA", " 11 ", " Saskatchewan ", " Saskatchewan 6141242 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CA", " 12 ", " Yukon ", " Yukon 6185811 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CA", " 05 ", " Newfoundland and Labrador ", " Newfoundland and Labrador 6354959 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CD", " 12 ", " South Kivu ", " South Kivu 205413 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CD", " 05 ", " Katanga ", " Katanga 205703 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CD", " 11 ", " Nord Kivu ", " Nord Kivu 206938 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CD", " 10 ", " Maniema ", " Maniema 209610 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CD", " 04 ", " Kasaï-Oriental ", " Kasai-Oriental 214138 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CD", " 03 ", " Kasaï-Occidental ", " Kasai-Occidental 214139 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CD", " 09 ", " Eastern Province ", " Eastern Province 216139 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CD", " 02 ", " Équateur ", " Equateur 216661 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CD", " 06 ", " Kinshasa ", " Kinshasa 2314300 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CD", " 08 ", " Bas-Congo ", " Bas-Congo 2317277 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CD", " 01 ", " Bandundu ", " Bandundu 2317396 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CF", " 14 ", " Vakaga ", " Vakaga 236178 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CF", " 11 ", " Ouaka ", " Ouaka 236887 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CF", " 08 ", " Mbomou ", " Mbomou 237556 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CF", " 05 ", " Haut-Mbomou ", " Haut-Mbomou 238639 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CF", " 03 ", " Haute-Kotto ", " Haute-Kotto 238640 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CF", " 02 ", " Basse-Kotto ", " Basse-Kotto 240396 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CF", " 01 ", " Bamingui-Bangoran ", " Bamingui-Bangoran 240591 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CF", " 16 ", " Sangha-Mbaéré ", " Sangha-Mbaere 2383204 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CF", " 13 ", " Ouham-Pendé ", " Ouham-Pende 2383650 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CF", " 12 ", " Ouham ", " Ouham 2383653 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CF", " 17 ", " Ombella-Mpoko ", " Ombella-Mpoko 2383765 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CF", " 09 ", " Nana-Mambéré ", " Nana-Mambere 2384205 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CF", " 07 ", " Lobaye ", " Lobaye 2385105 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CF", " 06 ", " Kémo ", " Kemo 2385836 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CF", " 04 ", " Mambéré-Kadéï ", " Mambere-Kadei 2386161 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CF", " 15 ", " Nana-Grébizi ", " Nana-Grebizi 2386243 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CF", " 18 ", " Bangui ", " Bangui 2596686 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CG", " 10 ", " Sangha ", " Sangha 2255329 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CG", " 11 ", " Pool ", " Pool 2255404 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CG", " 08 ", " Plateaux ", " Plateaux 2255422 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CG", " 07 ", " Niari ", " Niari 2256175 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CG", " 06 ", " Likouala ", " Likouala 2258431 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CG", " 05 ", " Lékoumou ", " Lekoumou 2258534 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CG", " 04 ", " Kouilou ", " Kouilou 2258738 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CG", " 13 ", " Cuvette ", " Cuvette 2260487 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CG", " 01 ", " Bouenza ", " Bouenza 2260668 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CG", " 12 ", " Brazzaville ", " Brazzaville 2572183 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CG", " 14 ", " Cuvette-Ouest ", " Cuvette-Ouest 2593118 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CG", " 7280", " 295 Pointe-Noire ", " Pointe-Noire 7280295 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CH", " ZH ", " Zurich ", " Zurich 2657895 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CH", " ZG ", " Zug ", " Zug 2657907 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CH", " VD ", " Vaud ", " Vaud 2658182 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CH", " VS ", " Valais ", " Valais 2658205 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CH", " UR ", " Uri ", " Uri 2658226 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CH", " TI ", " Ticino ", " Ticino 2658370 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CH", " TG ", " Thurgau ", " Thurgau 2658372 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CH", " SO ", " Solothurn ", " Solothurn 2658563 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CH", " SZ ", " Schwyz ", " Schwyz 2658664 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CH", " SH ", " Schaffhausen ", " Schaffhausen 2658760 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CH", " SG ", " Saint Gallen ", " Saint Gallen 2658821 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CH", " OW ", " Obwalden ", " Obwalden 2659315 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CH", " NW ", " Nidwalden ", " Nidwalden 2659471 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CH", " NE ", " Neuchâtel ", " Neuchatel 2659495 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CH", " LU ", " Lucerne ", " Lucerne 2659810 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CH", " JU ", " Jura ", " Jura 2660207 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CH", " GR ", " Grisons ", " Grisons 2660522 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CH", " GL ", " Glarus ", " Glarus 2660593 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CH", " GE ", " Geneva ", " Geneva 2660645 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CH", " FR ", " Fribourg ", " Fribourg 2660717 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CH", " BE ", " Bern ", " Bern 2661551 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CH", " BS ", " Basel-City ", " Basel-City 2661602 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CH", " BL ", " Basel-Landschaft ", " Basel-Landschaft 2661603 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CH", " AR ", " Appenzell Ausserrhoden ", " Appenzell Ausserrhoden 2661739 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CH", " AI ", "Cantond'AppenzellRhoden-Intérieur ", " Canton d'Appenzell Rhoden-Interieur 2661741 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CH", " AG ", " Aargau ", " Aargau 2661876 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CI", " 82 ", " Lagunes ", " Lagunes 2597316 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CI", " 89 ", " Sud-Comoé ", " Sud-Comoe 2597317 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CI", " 74 ", " Agnéby ", " Agneby 2597318 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CI", " 80 ", " Haut-Sassandra ", " Haut-Sassandra 2597319 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CI", " 87 ", " Savanes ", " Savanes 2597320 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CI", " 90 ", " Vallée du Bandama ", " Vallee du Bandama 2597321 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CI", " 85 ", " Moyen-Comoé ", " Moyen-Comoe 2597322 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CI", " 78 ", " Dix-Huit Montagnes ", " Dix-Huit Montagnes 2597323 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CI", " 81 ", " Lacs ", " Lacs 2597324 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CI", " 92 ", " Zanzan ", " Zanzan 2597325 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CI", " 76 ", " Bas-Sassandra ", " Bas-Sassandra 2597326 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CI", " 91 ", " Worodougou ", " Worodougou 2597327 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CI", " 77 ", " Denguélé ", " Denguele 2597328 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CI", " 88 ", " Sud-Bandama ", " Sud-Bandama 2597329 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CI", " 79 ", " Fromager ", " Fromager 2597330 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CI", " 86 ", " Nʼzi-Comoé ", " N'zi-Comoe 2597331 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CI", " 83 ", " Marahoué ", " Marahoue 2597332 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CI", " 84 ", " Moyen-Cavally ", " Moyen-Cavally 2597333 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CI", " 75 ", " Bafing ", " Bafing 2597334 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CL", " 01 ", " Valparaíso ", " Valparaiso 3868621 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CL", " 15 ", " Tarapacá Region ", " Tarapaca Region 3870116 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CL", " 12 ", " Santiago ", " Santiago 3873544 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CL", " 11 ", " Maule ", " Maule 3880306 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CL", " 14 ", " Los Lagos ", " Los Lagos 3881974 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CL", " 08 ", " O'Higgins ", " O'Higgins 3883281 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CL", " 07 ", " Coquimbo ", " Coquimbo 3893623 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CL", " 06 ", " Biobío ", " Biobio 3898380 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CL", " 05 ", " Atacama ", " Atacama 3899191 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CL", " 04 ", " Araucanía ", " Araucania 3899463 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CL", " 03 ", " Antofagasta ", " Antofagasta 3899537 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CL", " 02 ", " Aisén ", " Aisen 3900333 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CL", " 10 ", " Magallanes ", " Magallanes 4036650 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CL", " 16 ", " Arica y Parinacota ", " Arica y Parinacota 6693562 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CL", " 17 ", " Los Ríos ", " Los Rios 6693563 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CM", " 09 ", " South-West Province ", " South-West Province 2221788 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CM", " 14 ", " South Province ", " South Province 2221789 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CM", " 08 ", " West Region ", " West Region 2222934 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CM", " 07 ", " North-West Province ", " North-West Province 2223602 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CM", " 13 ", " North Province ", " North Province 2223603 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CM", " 05 ", " Littoral Province ", " Littoral Province 2229336 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CM", " 12 ", " Far North Region ", " Far North Region 2231755 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CM", " 04 ", " East Province ", " East Province 2231835 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CM", " 11 ", " Centre Region ", " Centre Region 2233376 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CM", " 10 ", " Adamaoua Province ", " Adamaoua Province 2236015 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CN", " 14 ", " Tibet Autonomous Region ", " Tibet Autonomous Region 1279685 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CN", " 06 ", " Qinghai Sheng ", " Qinghai Sheng 1280239 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CN", " 13 ", " Xinjiang Uygur Zizhiqu ", " Xinjiang Uygur Zizhiqu 1529047 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CN", " 02 ", " Zhejiang Sheng ", " Zhejiang Sheng 1784764 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CN", " 29 ", " Yunnan ", " Yunnan 1785694 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CN", " 28 ", " Tianjin Shi ", " Tianjin Shi 1792943 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CN", " 32 ", " Sichuan ", " Sichuan 1794299 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CN", " 24 ", " Shanxi Sheng ", " Shanxi Sheng 1795912 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CN", " 23 ", " Shanghai Shi ", " Shanghai Shi 1796231 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CN", " 25 ", " Shandong Sheng ", " Shandong Sheng 1796328 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CN", " 26 ", " Shaanxi ", " Shaanxi 1796480 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CN", " 21 ", " Ningxia Huizu ", " Zizhiqu Ningxia Huizu Zizhiqu 1799355 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CN", " 03 ", " Jiangxi Sheng ", " Jiangxi Sheng 1806222 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CN", " 04 ", " Jiangsu Sheng ", " Jiangsu Sheng 1806260 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CN", " 11 ", " Hunan ", " Hunan 1806691 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CN", " 12 ", " Hubei ", " Hubei 1806949 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CN", " 09 ", " Henan ", " Sheng Henan Sheng 1808520 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CN", " 10 ", " Hebei ", " Hebei 1808773 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CN", " 31 ", " Hainan ", " Hainan 1809054 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CN", " 18 ", " Guizhou Sheng ", " Guizhou Sheng 1809445 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CN", " 16 ", " Guangxi Zhuangzu Zizhiqu ", " Guangxi Zhuangzu Zizhiqu 1809867 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CN", " 30 ", " Guangdong Province ", " Guangdong Province 1809935 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CN", " 15 ", " Gansu Sheng ", " Gansu Sheng 1810676 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CN", " 07 ", " Fujian ", " Fujian 1811017 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CN", " 33 ", " Chongqing Shi ", " Chongqing Shi 1814905 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CN", " 01 ", " Anhui Sheng ", " Anhui Sheng 1818058 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CN", " 20 ", " Inner Mongolia ", " Inner Mongolia 2035607 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CN", " 19 ", " Liaoning ", " Liaoning 2036115 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CN", " 05 ", " Jilin Sheng ", " Jilin Sheng 2036500 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CN", " 08 ", " Heilongjiang Sheng ", " Heilongjiang Sheng 2036965 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CN", " 22 ", " Beijing ", " Beijing 2038349 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CO", " 31 ", " Vichada ", " Vichada 3666082 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CO", " 30 ", " Vaupés ", " Vaupes 3666254 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CO", " 29 ", " Valle del ", " Cauca Valle del Cauca 3666313 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CO", " 28 ", " Tolima ", " Tolima 3666951 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CO", " 27 ", " Sucre ", " Sucre 3667725 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CO", " 26 ", " Santander ", " Santander 3668578 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CO", " 25 ", " Archipiélago de San Andrés ", " Providencia y Santa Catalina 3670205 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CO", " 24 ", " Risaralda ", " Risaralda 3670698 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CO", " 23 ", " Quindío ", " Quindio 3671087 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CO", " 22 ", " Putumayo ", " Putumayo 3671178 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CO", " 21 ", " Norte de Santander ", " Norte de Santander 3673798 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CO", " 20 ", " Nariño ", " Narino 3674021 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CO", " 19 ", " Meta ", " Meta 3674810 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CO", " 38 ", " Magdalena ", " Magdalena 3675686 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CO", " 17 ", " La Guajira ", " La Guajira 3678847 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CO", " 16 ", " Huila Huila ", " 3680692 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CO", " 14 ", " Guaviare ", " Guaviare 3681344 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CO", " 15 ", " Guainía ", " Guainia 3681652 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CO", " 33 ", " Cundinamarca ", " Cundinamarca 3685413 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CO", " 12 ", " Córdoba ", " Cordoba 3685889 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CO", " 11 ", " Chocó ", " Choco 3686431 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CO", " 10 ", " Cesar ", " Cesar 3686880 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CO", " 09 ", " Cauca ", " Cauca 3687029 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CO", " 32 ", " Casanare ", " Casanare 3687173 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CO", " 08 ", " Caquetá ", " Caqueta 3687479 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CO", " 37 ", " Caldas ", " Caldas 3687951 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CO", " 36 ", " Boyacá ", " Boyaca 3688536 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CO", " 35 ", " Bolívar ", " Bolivar 3688650 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CO", " 34 ", " Bogota D.C. ", " Bogota D.C. 3688685 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CO", " 04 ", " Atlántico ", " Atlantico 3689436 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CO", " 03 ", " Arauca ", " Arauca 3689717 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CO", " 02 ", " Departamento de Antioquia ", " Departamento de Antioquia 3689815 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CO", " 01 ", " Amazonas ", " Amazonas 3689982 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CR", " 08 ", " San José ", " San Jose 3621837 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CR", " 07 ", " Puntarenas ", " Puntarenas 3622226 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CR", " 06 ", " Limón ", " Limon 3623064 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CR", " 04 ", " Heredia ", " Heredia 3623484 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CR", " 03 ", " Guanacaste ", " Guanacaste 3623582 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CR", " 02 ", " Cartago ", " Cartago 3624368 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CR", " 01 ", " Alajuela ", " Alajuela 3624953 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CU", " 16 ", " Villa Clara ", " Villa Clara 3534168 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CU", " 15 ", " Santiago de Cuba ", " Santiago de Cuba 3536725 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CU", " 14 ", " Sancti Spíritus ", " Sancti Spiritus 3540665 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CU", " 01 ", " Pinar del Río ", " Pinar del Rio 3544088 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CU", " 03 ", " Matanzas ", " Matanzas 3547394 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CU", " 13 ", " Las Tunas ", " Las Tunas 3550595 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CU", " 04 ", " Isla de la Juventud ", " Isla de la Juventud 3556608 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CU", " 12 ", " Holguín ", " Holguin 3556965 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CU", " 10 ", " Guantánamo ", " Guantanamo 3557685 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CU", " 09 ", " Granma ", " Granma 3558052 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CU", " 02 ", " Ciudad de La Habana ", " Ciudad de La Habana 3564073 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CU", " 08 ", " Cienfuegos ", " Cienfuegos 3564120 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CU", " 07 ", " Ciego de Ávila ", " Ciego de Avila 3564175 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CU", " 05 ", " Camagüey ", " Camaguey 3566062 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CU", " AR ", " Provincia ", " Artemisa Provincia Artemisa 7668824 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CU", " MA ", " Provincia ", " Mayabeque Provincia Mayabeque 7668827 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CV", " 20 ", " Tarrafal ", " Tarrafal 3374161 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CV", " 11 ", " São Vicente ", " Sao Vicente 3374198 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CV", " 15 ", " Santa Catarina ", " Santa Catarina 3374226 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CV", " 08 ", " Sal Municipality ", " Sal Municipality 3374249 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CV", " 07 ", " Ribeira Grande ", " Ribeira Grande 3374274 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CV", " 14 ", " Praia ", " Praia 3374332 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CV", " 05 ", " Paul ", " Paul 3374391 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CV", " 04 ", " Maio ", " Maio 3374487 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CV", " 02 ", " Brava ", " Brava 3374832 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CV", " 01 ", " Boa Vista ", " Boa Vista 3374855 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CV", " 13 ", " Mosteiros ", " Mosteiros 3411924 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CV", " 16 ", " Santa Cruz ", " Santa Cruz 3411925 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CV", " 17 ", " São Domingos ", " Sao Domingos 3411926 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CV", " 18 ", " São Filipe ", " Sao Filipe 3411927 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CV", " 19 ", " São Miguel ", " Sao Miguel 3411928 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CV", " 21 ", " Porto Novo ", " Porto Novo 7602868 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CV", " 22 ", " Ribeira Brava ", " Ribeira Brava 7602869 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CV", " 24 ", " Santa Catarina do Fogo ", " Santa Catarina do Fogo 7602870 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CV", " 26 ", " São Salvador do Mundo Sao ", " Salvador do Mundo 7602871 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CV", " 27 ", " Tarrafal de São Nicolau ", " Tarrafal de Sao Nicolau 7602872 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CV", " 25 ", " ConcelhodeSãoLourenço dos Órgãos ", " Concelho de Sao Lourenco dos Orgaos 7602873 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CV", " 23 ", " Ribeira Grande de Santiago ", " Ribeira Grande de Santiago 7603281 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CY", " 06 ", " Pafos ", " Pafos 146213 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CY", " 04 ", " Lefkosia ", " Lefkosia 146267 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CY", " 05 ", " Lemesos ", " Lemesos 146383 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CY", " 03 ", " Larnaka ", " Larnaka 146398 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CY", " 02 ", " Keryneia ", " Keryneia 146411 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CY", " 01 ", " Ammochostos ", " Ammochostos 146615 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CZ", " 52 ", " Praha ", " Praha 3067695 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CZ", " 78 ", " South Moravian Region ", " South Moravian Region 3339536 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CZ", " 79 ", " Jihočeský ", " Jihocesky 3339537 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CZ", " 80 ", " Vysočina ", " Vysocina 3339538 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CZ", " 81 ", " Karlovarský ", " Karlovarsky 3339539 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CZ", " 82 ", " Královéhradecký ", " Kralovehradecky 3339540 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CZ", " 83 ", " Liberecký ", " Liberecky 3339541 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CZ", " 84 ", " Olomoucký ", " Olomoucky 3339542 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CZ", " 85 ", " Moravskoslezský ", " Moravskoslezsky 3339573 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CZ", " 86 ", " Pardubický ", " Pardubicky 3339574 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CZ", " 87 ", " Plzeňský ", " Plzensky 3339575 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CZ", " 88 ", " Central Bohemian Region ", " Central Bohemian Region 3339576 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CZ", " 89 ", " Ústecký ", " Ustecky 3339577 ")); context.States.Add(new State("CZ", " 90 ", " Zlínský ", " Zlinsky 3339578 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DE", " 15 ", " Thuringia ", " Thuringia 2822542 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DE", " 10 ", " Schleswig-Holstein ", " Schleswig-Holstein 2838632 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DE", " 14 ", " Saxony-Anhalt ", " Saxony-Anhalt 2842565 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DE", " 13 ", " Saxony ", " Saxony 2842566 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DE", " 09 ", " Saarland ", " Saarland 2842635 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DE", " 08 ", " Rheinland-Pfalz ", " Rheinland-Pfalz 2847618 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DE", " 07 ", " North Rhine-Westphalia ", " North Rhine-Westphalia 2861876 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DE", " 06 ", " Lower Saxony ", " Lower Saxony 2862926 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DE", " 12 ", " Mecklenburg-Vorpommern ", " Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 2872567 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DE", " 05 ", " Hesse ", " Hesse 2905330 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DE", " 04 ", " Hamburg ", " Hamburg 2911297 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DE", " 03 ", " Bremen ", " Bremen 2944387 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DE", " 11 ", " Brandenburg ", " Brandenburg 2945356 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DE", " 16 ", " Berlin ", " Berlin 2950157 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DE", " 02 ", " Bavaria ", " Bavaria 2951839 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DE", " 01 ", " Baden-Württemberg ", " Baden-Wuerttemberg 2953481 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DJ", " 05 ", " Tadjourah ", " Tadjourah 220781 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DJ", " 04 ", " Obock ", " Obock 221525 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DJ", " 07 ", " Djibouti ", " Djibouti 223818 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DJ", " 06 ", " Dikhil ", " Dikhil 223889 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DJ", " 01 ", " Ali Sabieh ", " Ali Sabieh 225282 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DJ", " 08 ", " Arta ", " Arta 449265 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DK", " 17 ", " Capital Region ", " Capital Region 6418538 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DK", " 18 ", " Central Jutland ", " Central Jutland 6418539 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DK", " 19 ", " North Denmark Region ", " North Denmark Region 6418540 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DK", " 20 ", " Zealand ", " Zealand 6418541 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DK", " 21 ", " South Denmark ", " South Denmark 6418542 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DM", " 11 ", " Saint Peter ", " Saint Peter 3575618 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DM", " 10 ", " Saint Paul ", " Saint Paul 3575619 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DM", " 09 ", " Saint Patrick ", " Saint Patrick 3575620 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DM", " 08 ", " Saint Mark ", " Saint Mark 3575621 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DM", " 07 ", " Saint Luke ", " Saint Luke 3575622 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DM", " 06 ", " Saint Joseph ", " Saint Joseph 3575625 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DM", " 05 ", " Saint John ", " Saint John 3575626 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DM", " 04 ", " Saint George ", " Saint George 3575628 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DM", " 03 ", " Saint David ", " Saint David 3575630 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DM", " 02 ", " Saint Andrew ", " Saint Andrew 3575632 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DO", " 27 ", " Valverde ", " Valverde 3492112 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DO", " 26 ", " Santiago Rodríguez ", " Santiago Rodriguez 3492912 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DO", " 25 ", " Santiago ", " Santiago 3492918 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DO", " 24 ", " San Pedro de Macorís ", " San Pedro de Macoris 3493031 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DO", " 23 ", " San Juan ", " San Juan 3493091 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DO", " 33 ", " San Cristóbal ", " San Cristobal 3493186 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DO", " 21 ", " Sánchez Ramírez ", " Sanchez Ramirez 3493192 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DO", " 20 ", " Samaná ", " Samana 3493232 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DO", " 19 ", " Hermanas Mirabal ", " Hermanas Mirabal 3493282 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DO", " 18 ", " Puerto Plata ", " Puerto Plata 3494267 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DO", " 35 ", " Peravia ", " Peravia 3495015 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DO", " 16 ", " Pedernales ", " Pedernales 3495136 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DO", " 34 ", " Distrito Nacional ", " Distrito Nacional 3496024 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DO", " 32 ", " Monte Plata ", " Monte Plata 3496132 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DO", " 15 ", " Monte Cristi ", " Monte Cristi 3496200 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DO", " 31 ", " Monseñor Nouel ", " Monsenor Nouel 3496274 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DO", " 14 ", " María Trinidad Sánchez ", " Maria Trinidad Sanchez 3496772 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DO", " 30 ", " La Vega ", " La Vega 3499977 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DO", " 12 ", " La Romana ", " La Romana 3500955 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DO", " 10 ", " La Altagracia ", " La Altagracia 3503706 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DO", " 09 ", " Independencia ", " Independencia 3504326 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DO", " 29 ", " Hato Mayor ", " Hato Mayor 3504766 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DO", " 08 ", " Espaillat ", " Espaillat 3505867 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DO", " 28 ", " El Seíbo ", " El Seibo 3506189 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DO", " 11 ", " Elías Piña ", " Elias Pina 3507269 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DO", " 06 ", " Duarte ", " Duarte 3508718 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DO", " 04 ", " Dajabón ", " Dajabon 3508951 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DO", " 03 ", " Barahona ", " Barahona 3512042 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DO", " 02 ", " Baoruco ", " Baoruco 3512050 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DO", " 01 ", " Azua ", " Azua 3512209 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DO", " 36 ", " San José de Ocoa ", " San Jose de Ocoa 6201372 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DO", " 37 ", " Santo Domingo ", " Santo Domingo 6201373 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DZ", " 15 ", " Tlemcen ", " Tlemcen 2475683 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DZ", " 14 ", " Tizi Ouzou ", " Tizi Ouzou 2475741 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DZ", " 56 ", " Tissemsilt ", " Tissemsilt 2475858 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DZ", " 55 ", " Tipaza ", " Tipaza 2476027 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DZ", " 54 ", " Tindouf ", " Tindouf 2476302 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DZ", " 13 ", " Tiaret ", " Tiaret 2476893 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DZ", " 33 ", " Tébessa ", " Tebessa 2477457 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DZ", " 53 ", " Tamanghasset ", " Tamanghasset 2478217 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DZ", " 52 ", " Souk Ahras ", " Souk Ahras 2479213 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DZ", " 31 ", " Skikda ", " Skikda 2479532 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DZ", " 30 ", " Sidi Bel Abbès ", " Sidi Bel Abbes 2481001 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DZ", " 12 ", " Sétif ", " Setif 2481696 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DZ", " 10 ", " Saïda ", " Saida 2482557 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DZ", " 51 ", " Relizane ", " Relizane 2483666 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DZ", " 29 ", " Oum el Bouaghi ", " Oum el Bouaghi 2484618 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DZ", " 50 ", " Ouargla ", " Ouargla 2485794 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DZ", " 09 ", " Oran ", " Oran 2485920 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DZ", " 49 ", " Naama النعامة ", " Wilaya de Naama 2486512 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DZ", " 27 ", " Mʼsila ", " Wilaya de M'Sila 2486682 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DZ", " 07 ", " Mostaganem ", " Mostaganem 2487130 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DZ", " 48 ", " Mila ", " Mila 2487449 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DZ", " 06 ", " Médéa ", " Medea 2488831 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DZ", " 26 ", " Mascara ", " Mascara 2490095 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DZ", " 25 ", " Laghouat ", " Laghouat 2491188 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DZ", " 47 ", " Khenchela ", " Khenchela 2491887 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DZ", " 24 ", " Jijel ", " Jijel 2492910 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DZ", " 46 ", " Illizi ", " Illizi 2493455 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DZ", " 23 ", " Guelma ", " Guelma 2495659 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DZ", " 45 ", " Ghardaïa ", " Ghardaia 2496045 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DZ", " 44 ", " El Tarf ", " El Tarf 2497322 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DZ", " 43 ", " El Oued ", " El Oued 2497406 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DZ", " 42 ", " El Bayadh ", " El Bayadh 2498541 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DZ", " 22 ", " Djelfa ", " Djelfa 2500013 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DZ", " 04 ", " Constantine ", " Constantine 2501147 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DZ", " 41 ", " Chlef ", " Chlef 2501296 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DZ", " 40 ", " Boumerdes ", " Boumerdes 2502638 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DZ", " 21 ", " Bouira ", " Bouira 2502951 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DZ", " 39 ", " Bordj Bou Arréridj ", " Bordj Bou Arreridj 2503699 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DZ", " 20 ", " Blida ", " Blida 2503765 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DZ", " 19 ", " Biskra ", " Biskra 2503822 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DZ", " 18 ", " Bejaïa ", " Bejaia 2505325 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DZ", " 38 ", " Béchar ", " Bechar 2505525 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DZ", " 03 ", " Batna ", " Batna 2505569 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DZ", " 37 ", " Annaba ", " Annaba 2506994 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DZ", " 01 ", " Alger ", " Alger 2507475 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DZ", " 36 ", " Aïn Temouchent ", " Ain Temouchent 2507899 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DZ", " 35 ", " Aïn Defla ", " Ain Defla 2508226 ")); context.States.Add(new State("DZ", " 34 ", " Adrar ", " Adrar 2508807 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EC", " 20 ", " Zamora-Chinchipe ", " Zamora-Chinchipe 3649953 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EC", " 19 ", " Tungurahua ", " Tungurahua 3650445 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EC", " 18 ", " Pichincha ", " Pichincha 3653224 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EC", " 17 ", " Pastaza ", " Pastaza 3653392 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EC", " 23 ", " Napo ", " Napo 3653890 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EC", " 15 ", " Morona-Santiago ", " Morona-Santiago 3654005 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EC", " 14 ", " Manabí ", " Manabi 3654451 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EC", " 13 ", " Los Ríos ", " Los Rios 3654592 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EC", " 12 ", " Loja ", " Loja 3654665 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EC", " 11 ", " Imbabura ", " Imbabura 3655635 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EC", " 10 ", " Guayas ", " Guayas 3657505 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EC", " 01 ", " Galápagos ", " Galapagos 3657879 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EC", " 09 ", " Esmeraldas ", " Esmeraldas 3657986 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EC", " 08 ", " El Oro ", " El Oro 3658195 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EC", " 07 ", " Cotopaxi ", " Cotopaxi 3658766 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EC", " 06 ", " Chimborazo ", " Chimborazo 3659237 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EC", " 05 ", " Carchi ", " Carchi 3659718 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EC", " 04 ", " Cañar ", " Canar 3659849 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EC", " 03 ", " Bolívar ", " Bolivar 3660130 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EC", " 02 ", " Azuay ", " Azuay 3660431 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EC", " 22 ", " Sucumbios ", " Sucumbios 3830305 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EC", " 24 ", " Orellana ", " Orellana 3830306 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EC", " 26 ", " Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas ", " Santo Domingo de los Tsachilas 7062136 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EC", " 25 ", " Santa Elena ", " Santa Elena 7062138 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EE", " 21 ", " Võrumaa ", " Vorumaa 587448 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EE", " 20 ", " Viljandimaa ", " Viljandimaa 587590 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EE", " 19 ", " Valgamaa ", " Valgamaa 587875 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EE", " 18 ", " Tartu County ", " Tartu County 588334 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EE", " 14 ", " Saare County ", " Saare County 588879 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EE", " 13 ", " Raplamaa ", " Raplamaa 589115 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EE", " 12 ", " Põlvamaa ", " Polvamaa 589373 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EE", " 11 ", " Pärnumaa ", " Parnumaa 589576 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EE", " 08 ", " Lääne-Virumaa ", " Laane-Virumaa 590854 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EE", " 07 ", " Lääne County ", " Laeaene County 590856 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EE", " 05 ", " Jõgevamaa ", " Jogevamaa 591901 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EE", " 04 ", " Järvamaa ", " Jarvamaa 591961 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EE", " 03 ", " Ida-Virumaa ", " Ida-Virumaa 592075 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EE", " 02 ", " Hiiumaa ", " Hiiumaa 592133 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EE", " 01 ", " Harju County ", " Harju County 592170 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EG", " 24 ", " Sūhāj ", " Suhaj 347794 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EG", " 27 ", " Shamāl Sīnāʼ ", " Muhafazat Shamal Sina' 349401 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EG", " 23 ", " Qinā ", " Qina 350546 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EG", " 22 ", " Maţrūḩ ", " Matruh 352603 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EG", " 21 ", " Kafr ash Shaykh ", " Kafr ash Shaykh 354500 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EG", " 26 ", " Janūb Sīnāʼ ", " Muhafazat Janub Sina' 355182 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EG", " 20 ", " Dumyāţ ", " Dumyat 358044 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EG", " 19 ", " Būr Sa‘īd ", " Bur Sa'id 358617 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EG", " 18 ", " Banī Suwayf ", " Bani Suwayf 359171 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EG", " 17 ", " Asyūţ ", " Asyut 359781 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EG", " 16 ", " Aswān ", " Aswan 359787 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EG", " 15 ", " As Suways ", " As Suways 359797 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EG", " 14 ", " Eastern Province ", " Eastern Province 360016 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EG", " 13 ", " Al Wādī al Jadīd ", " Al Wadi al Jadid 360483 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EG", " 12 ", " Al Qalyūbīyah ", " Al Qalyubiyah 360621 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EG", " 11 ", " Al Qāhirah ", " Al Qahirah 360631 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EG", " 10 ", " Al Minyā ", " Al Minya 360688 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EG", " 09 ", " Al Minūfīyah ", " Al Minufiyah 360689 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EG", " 08 ", " Al Jīzah ", " Al Jizah 360997 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EG", " 07 ", " Al Ismā‘īlīyah ", " Al Isma'iliyah 361056 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EG", " 06 ", " Alexandria ", " Alexandria 361059 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EG", " 05 ", " Al Gharbīyah ", " Al Gharbiyah 361294 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EG", " 04 ", " Al Fayyūm ", " Al Fayyum 361323 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EG", " 03 ", " Al Buḩayrah ", " Al Buhayrah 361370 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EG", " 02 ", " Al Baḩr al Aḩmar ", " Al Bahr al Ahmar 361468 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EG", " 01 ", " Ad Daqahlīyah ", " Ad Daqahliyah 361849 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EG", " 28 ", " Muḩāfaz̧at al Uqşur ", " Muhafazat al Uqsur 7603259 ")); context.States.Add(new State("EH", " CE ", " Oued Ed-Dahab-Lagouira ", " Oued Ed-Dahab-Lagouira 6547304 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ER", " 01 ", " Ānseba ", " Anseba 448497 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ER", " 02 ", " Debub ", " Debub 448498 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ER", " 03 ", " Debubawī Kʼeyih Bahrī ", " Southern Red Sea Region 448499 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ER", " 04 ", " Gash Barka ", " Gash Barka 448500 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ER", " 05 ", " Maʼākel ", " Maekel Region 448501 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ER", " 06 ", " Semēnawī Kʼeyih Bahrī ", " Northern Red Sea Region 448502 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ES", " 31 ", " Murcia ", " Murcia 2513413 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ES", " CE ", " Ceuta ", " Ceuta 2519582 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ES", " 07 ", " Balearic Islands ", " Balearic Islands 2521383 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ES", " 51 ", " Andalusia ", " Andalusia 2593109 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ES", " 53 ", " Canary Islands ", " Canary Islands 2593110 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ES", " 54 ", " Castille-La Mancha ", " Castille-La Mancha 2593111 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ES", " 57 ", " Extremadura ", " Extremadura 2593112 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ES", " 60 ", " Valencia ", " Valencia 2593113 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ES", " 34 ", " Asturias ", " Asturias 3114710 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ES", " 32 ", " Navarre ", " Navarre 3115609 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ES", " 29 ", " Madrid ", " Madrid 3117732 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ES", " 27 ", " La Rioja ", " La Rioja 3336897 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ES", " 39 ", " Cantabria ", " Cantabria 3336898 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ES", " 52 ", " Aragon ", " Aragon 3336899 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ES", " 55 ", " Castille and León ", " Castille and Leon 3336900 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ES", " 56 ", " Catalonia ", " Catalonia 3336901 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ES", " 58 ", " Galicia ", " Galicia 3336902 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ES", " 59 ", " Basque Country ", " Basque Country 3336903 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ES", " ML ", " Melilla ", " Melilla 6362988 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ET", " 44 ", " Ādīs Ābeba ", " Adis Abeba 444178 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ET", " 45 ", " Afar Region ", " Afar Region 444179 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ET", " 46 ", " Amhara Region ", " Amhara Region 444180 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ET", " 47 ", " Benishangul-Gumuz Region ", " Benishangul-Gumuz Region 444181 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ET", " 48 ", " Dire Dawa Region ", " Dire Dawa Region 444182 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ET", " 49 ", " Gambela ", " Gambela 444183 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ET", " 50 ", " Harari Region ", " Harari Region 444184 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ET", " 51 ", " Oromiya Region ", " Oromiya Region 444185 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ET", " 52 ", " Somali Region ", " Somali Region 444186 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ET", " 53 ", " Tigray Region ", " Tigray Region 444187 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ET", " 54 ", " Southern Nations ", " Southern Nations 444188 ")); context.States.Add(new State("FI", " 08 ", " Oulu ", " Oulu 643485 ")); context.States.Add(new State("FI", " 06 ", " Lapponia ", " Lapponia 648958 ")); context.States.Add(new State("FI", " 13 ", " Southern Finland Province ", " Southern Finland Province 828987 ")); context.States.Add(new State("FI", " 14 ", " Eastern Finland Province ", " Eastern Finland Province 828988 ")); context.States.Add(new State("FI", " 15 ", " Province of Western Finland ", " Province of Western Finland 828989 ")); context.States.Add(new State("FJ", " 05 ", " Western ", " Western 2194371 ")); context.States.Add(new State("FJ", " 03 ", " Northern ", " Northern 2199295 ")); context.States.Add(new State("FJ", " 01 ", " Central ", " Central 2205272 ")); context.States.Add(new State("FJ", " 02 ", " Eastern ", " Eastern 4036647 ")); context.States.Add(new State("FJ", " 04 ", " Rotuma ", " Rotuma 6324593 ")); context.States.Add(new State("FM", " 04 ", " Yap ", " Yap 2081175 ")); context.States.Add(new State("FM", " 02 ", " Pohnpei ", " Pohnpei 2081550 ")); context.States.Add(new State("FM", " 01 ", " Kosrae ", " Kosrae 2082036 ")); context.States.Add(new State("FM", " 03 ", " Chuuk ", " Chuuk 2082282 ")); context.States.Add(new State("FO", " VG ", " Vágar ", " Vagar 2610816 ")); context.States.Add(new State("FO", " SU ", " Suðuroy ", " Suduroy 2612137 ")); context.States.Add(new State("FO", " ST ", " Streymoy ", " Streymoy 2612225 ")); context.States.Add(new State("FO", " SA ", " Sandoy ", " Sandoy 2614219 ")); context.States.Add(new State("FO", " NO ", " Norðoyar ", " Nordoyar 2616145 ")); context.States.Add(new State("FO", " OS ", " Eysturoy ", " Eysturoy 2622387 ")); context.States.Add(new State("FR", " B9 ", " Rhône-Alpes ", " Rhone-Alpes 2983751 ")); context.States.Add(new State("FR", " B8 ", " Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur ", " Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur 2985244 ")); context.States.Add(new State("FR", " B7 ", " Poitou-Charentes ", " Poitou-Charentes 2986492 ")); context.States.Add(new State("FR", " B6 ", " Picardie ", " Picardie 2987375 ")); context.States.Add(new State("FR", " B5 ", " Pays de la Loire ", " Pays de la Loire 2988289 ")); context.States.Add(new State("FR", " B4 ", " Nord-Pas-de-Calais ", " Nord-Pas-de-Calais 2990119 ")); context.States.Add(new State("FR", " B3 ", " Midi-Pyrénées ", " Midi-Pyrenees 2993955 ")); context.States.Add(new State("FR", " B2 ", " Lorraine ", " Lorraine 2997551 ")); context.States.Add(new State("FR", " B1 ", " Limousin ", " Limousin 2998268 ")); context.States.Add(new State("FR", " A9 ", " Languedoc-Roussillon ", " Languedoc-Roussillon 3007670 ")); context.States.Add(new State("FR", " A8 ", " Île-de-France ", " Ile-de-France 3012874 ")); context.States.Add(new State("FR", " A7 ", " Upper Normandy ", " Upper Normandy 3013756 ")); context.States.Add(new State("FR", " A6 ", " Franche-Comté ", " Franche-Comte 3017372 ")); context.States.Add(new State("FR", " A5 ", " Corsica ", " Corsica 3023519 ")); context.States.Add(new State("FR", " A4 ", " Champagne-Ardenne ", " Champagne-Ardenne 3027257 ")); context.States.Add(new State("FR", " A3 ", " Centre ", " Centre 3027939 ")); context.States.Add(new State("FR", " A2 ", " Brittany ", " Brittany 3030293 ")); context.States.Add(new State("FR", " A1 ", " Bourgogne ", " Bourgogne 3030967 ")); context.States.Add(new State("FR", " 99 ", " Lower Normandy ", " Lower Normandy 3034693 ")); context.States.Add(new State("FR", " 98 ", " Auvergne ", " Auvergne 3035876 ")); context.States.Add(new State("FR", " 97 ", " Aquitaine ", " Aquitaine 3037350 ")); context.States.Add(new State("FR", " C1 ", " Alsace ", " Alsace 3038033 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GA", " 09 ", " Woleu-Ntem ", " Woleu-Ntem 2396076 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GA", " 08 ", " Ogooué-Maritime ", " Ogooue-Maritime 2396924 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GA", " 07 ", " Ogooué-Lolo ", " Ogooue-Lolo 2396925 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GA", " 06 ", " Ogooué-Ivindo ", " Ogooue-Ivindo 2396926 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GA", " 05 ", " Nyanga ", " Nyanga 2397141 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GA", " 04 ", " Ngounié ", " Ngounie 2397466 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GA", " 03 ", " Moyen-Ogooué ", " Moyen-Ogooue 2397842 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GA", " 02 ", " Haut-Ogooué ", " Haut-Ogooue 2400454 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GA", " 01 ", " Estuaire ", " Estuaire 2400682 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GB", " WLS ", " Wales ", " Wales 2634895 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GB", " SCT ", " Scotland ", " Scotland 2638360 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GB", " NIR ", " N Ireland ", " N Ireland 2641364 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GB", " ENG ", " England ", " England 6269131 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GD", " 06 ", " Saint Patrick ", " Saint Patrick 3579907 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GD", " 05 ", " Saint Mark ", " Saint Mark 3579913 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GD", " 04 ", " Saint John ", " Saint John 3579919 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GD", " 03 ", " Saint George ", " Saint George 3579926 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GD", " 02 ", " Saint David ", " Saint David 3579932 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GD", " 01 ", " Saint Andrew ", " Saint Andrew 3579938 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GD", " 10 ", " Carriacou and Petite Martinique ", " Carriacou and Petite Martinique 7303836 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GE", " 51 ", " T'bilisi ", " T'bilisi 611716 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GE", " 04 ", " Ajaria ", " Ajaria 615929 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GE", " 68 ", " Kvemo Kartli ", " Kvemo Kartli 865536 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GE", " 67 ", " Kakheti ", " Kakheti 865537 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GE", " 65 ", " Guria ", " Guria 865538 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GE", " 66 ", " Imereti ", " Imereti 865539 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GE", " 73 ", " Shida Kartli ", " Shida Kartli 865540 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GE", " 69 ", " Mtskheta-Mtianeti ", " Mtskheta-Mtianeti 865541 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GE", " 70 ", " Racha-Lechkhumi and Kvemo ", " Svaneti Racha-Lechkhumi and Kvemo Svaneti 865542 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GE", " 71 ", " Samegrelo and Zemo Svaneti ", " Samegrelo and Zemo Svaneti 865543 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GE", " 72 ", " Samtskhe-Javakheti ", " Samtskhe-Javakheti 865544 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GE", " 02 ", " Abkhazia ", " Abkhazia 6643410 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GF", " GF ", " Guyane ", " Guyane 6690605 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GH", " 09 ", " Western ", " Western 2294076 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GH", " 08 ", " Volta ", " Volta 2294234 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GH", " 11 ", " Upper West ", " Upper West 2294286 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GH", " 10 ", " Upper East ", " Upper East 2294291 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GH", " 06 ", " Northern ", " Northern 2297169 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GH", " 01 ", " Greater ", " Accra Greater Accra 2300569 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GH", " 05 ", " Eastern ", " Eastern 2301360 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GH", " 04 ", " Central ", " Central 2302353 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GH", " 03 ", " Brong-Ahafo ", " Brong-Ahafo 2302547 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GH", " 02 ", " Ashanti ", " Ashanti 2304116 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GL", " 05 ", " Qaasuitsup ", " Qaasuitsup 7602003 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GL", " 04 ", " Kujalleq ", " Kujalleq 7602005 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GL", " 06 ", " Qeqqata ", " Qeqqata 7602006 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GL", " 07 ", " Sermersooq ", " Sermersooq 7602007 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GM", " 05 ", " Western ", " Western 2411683 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GM", " 04 ", " Upper River ", " Upper River 2411711 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GM", " 07 ", " North Bank ", " North Bank 2412353 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GM", " 03 ", " Central River ", " Central River 2412707 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GM", " 02 ", " Lower River ", " Lower River 2412716 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GM", " 01 ", " Banjul ", " Banjul 2413875 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GN", " 04 ", " Conakry ", " Conakry 2422464 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GN", " B ", " Boke Region ", " Boke Region 8335085 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GN", " F ", " Faranah Region ", " Faranah Region 8335086 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GN", " K ", " Kankan Region ", " Kankan Region 8335087 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GN", " D ", " Kindia Region ", " Kindia Region 8335088 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GN", " L ", " Labé Region ", " Labe Region 8335089 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GN", " M ", " Mamou Region ", " Mamou Region 8335090 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GN", " N ", " Nzerekore Region ", " Nzerekore Region 8335091 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GP", " GP ", " Guadeloupe ", " Guadeloupe 6690363 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GQ", " 03 ", " Annobón ", " Annobon 2310307 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GQ", " 04 ", " Bioko Norte ", " Bioko Norte 2566978 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GQ", " 05 ", " Bioko Sur ", " Bioko Sur 2566979 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GQ", " 06 ", " Centro Sur ", " Centro Sur 2566980 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GQ", " 07 ", " Kié-Ntem ", " Kie-Ntem 2566981 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GQ", " 08 ", " Litoral ", " Litoral 2566982 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GQ", " 09 ", " Wele-Nzas ", " Wele-Nzas 2566983 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GR", " 736572", " Mount Athos ", " Mount Athos 736572 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GR", " ESYE31", " Attica ", " Attica 6692632 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GR", " ESYE24", " Central Greece ", " Central Greece 6697800 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GR", " ESYE12", " Central Macedonia ", " Central Macedonia 6697801 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GR", " ESYE43", " Crete ", " Crete 6697802 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GR", " ESYE11", " East Macedonia and Thrace ", " East Macedonia and Thrace 6697803 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GR", " ESYE21", " Epirus ", " Epirus 6697804 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GR", " ESYE22", " Ionian Islands ", " Ionian Islands 6697805 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GR", " ESYE41", " North Aegean ", " North Aegean 6697806 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GR", " ESYE25", " Peloponnese ", " Peloponnese 6697807 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GR", " ESYE42", " South Aegean ", " South Aegean 6697808 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GR", " ESYE14", " Thessaly ", " Thessaly 6697809 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GR", " ESYE23", " West Greece ", " West Greece 6697810 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GR", " ESYE13", " West Macedonia ", " West Macedonia 6697811 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GT", " 22 ", "Zacapa ", " Zacapa 3587586 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GT", " 21 ", "Totonicapán ", " Totonicapan 3588257 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GT", " 20 ", "Suchitepéquez ", " Suchitepequez 3588668 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GT", " 19 ", "Sololá ", " Solola 3588697 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GT", " 18 ", "Santa Rosa ", " Santa Rosa 3589172 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GT", " 17 ", "San Marcos ", " San Marcos 3589801 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GT", " 16 ", "Sacatepéquez ", " Sacatepequez 3590686 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GT", " 15 ", "Retalhuleu ", " Retalhuleu 3590857 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GT", " 14 ", "Quiché ", " Quiche 3590964 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GT", " 13 ", "Quetzaltenango ", " Quetzaltenango 3590978 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GT", " 12 ", "Petén ", " Peten 3591410 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GT", " 11 ", "Jutiapa ", " Jutiapa 3595067 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GT", " 10 ", "Jalapa ", " Jalapa 3595236 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GT", " 09 ", "Izabal ", " Izabal 3595259 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GT", " 08 ", "Huehuetenango ", " Huehuetenango 3595415 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GT", " 07 ", "Guatemala ", " Guatemala 3595530 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GT", " 06 ", "Escuintla ", " Escuintla 3595802 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GT", " 05 ", "El Progreso ", " El Progreso 3596416 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GT", " 04 ", "Chiquimula ", " Chiquimula 3598464 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GT", " 03 ", "Chimaltenango ", " Chimaltenango 3598571 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GT", " 02 ", "Baja Verapaz ", " Baja Verapaz 3599602 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GT", " 01 ", "Alta Verapaz ", " Alta Verapaz 3599773 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GU", " PI ", "Piti Municipality ", " Piti Municipality 4038478 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GU", " SR ", "Santa Rita Municipality ", " Santa Rita Municipality 4038555 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GU", " SJ ", "Sinajana Municipality ", " Sinajana Municipality 4038590 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GU", " TF ", "Talofofo Municipality ", " Talofofo Municipality 4038652 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GU", " TM ", "Tamuning-TumonHarmon Municipality ", " Tamuning-Tumon-Harmon Municipality 4038661 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GU", " UM ", "Umatac Municipality ", " Umatac Municipality 4038739 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GU", " YG ", "Yigo Municipality ", " Yigo Municipality 4038796 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GU", " YN ", "Yona Municipality ", " Yona Municipality 4038811 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GU", " ME ", "Merizo Municipality ", " Merizo Municipality 4043396 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GU", " MA ", "Mangilao Municipality ", " Mangilao Municipality 4043416 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GU", " AH ", "Agana Heights Municipality ", " Agana Heights Municipality 4043524 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GU", " CP ", "Chalan Pago-Ordot Municipality ", " Chalan Pago-Ordot Municipality 4043614 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GU", " AS ", "Asan-Maina Municipality ", " Asan-Maina Municipality 4043691 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GU", " AT ", "Agat Municipality ", " Agat Municipality 4043725 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GU", " DD ", "Dededo Municipality ", " Dededo Municipality 4043877 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GU", " BA ", "Barrigada Municipality ", " Barrigada Municipality 4043885 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GU", " AN ", "Hagåtña Municipality ", " Hagatna Municipality 4044019 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GU", " IN ", "Inarajan Municipality ", " Inarajan Municipality 4044041 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GU", " MT ", "Mongmong-Toto-Maite Municipality ", " Mongmong-Toto-Maite Municipality 4044148 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GW", " 07 ", "Tombali ", " Tombali 2368955 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GW", " 02 ", "Quinara ", " Quinara 2370360 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GW", " 04 ", "Oio ", " Oio 2371071 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GW", " 10 ", "Gabú ", " Gabu 2372533 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GW", " 06 ", "Cacheu ", " Cacheu 2374312 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GW", " 05 ", "Bolama and Bijagos ", " Bolama and Bijagos 2374689 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GW", " 11 ", "Bissau Autonomous Region ", " Bissau Autonomous Region 2374776 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GW", " 12 ", "Biombo ", " Biombo 2374820 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GW", " 01 ", "Bafatá ", " Bafata 2375255 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GY", " 19 ", "Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo ", " Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo 3375463 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GY", " 18 ", "Upper Demerara-Berbice ", " Upper Demerara-Berbice 3375469 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GY", " 17 ", "Potaro-Siparuni ", " Potaro-Siparuni 3376386 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GY", " 16 ", "Pomeroon-Supenaam ", " Pomeroon-Supenaam 3376407 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GY", " 15 ", "Mahaica-Berbice ", " Mahaica-Berbice 3377274 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GY", " 14 ", "Essequibo Islands-West Demerara ", " Essequibo Islands-West Demerara 3378741 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GY", " 13 ", "East Berbice-Corentyne ", " East Berbice-Corentyne 3378840 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GY", " 12 ", "Demerara-Mahaica ", " Demerara-Mahaica 3378950 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GY", " 11 ", "Cuyuni-Mazaruni ", " Cuyuni-Mazaruni 3379023 ")); context.States.Add(new State("GY", " 10 ", "Barima-Waini ", " Barima-Waini 3379515 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HK", " NYL ", "Yuen Long ", " Yuen Long 1818224 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HK", " NTW ", "Tsuen Wan ", " Tsuen Wan 1818458 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HK", " NTP ", "Tai Po ", " Tai Po 1818672 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HK", " NSK ", "Sai Kung ", " Sai Kung 1819049 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HK", " NIS ", "Islands ", " Islands 1819708 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HK", " HCW ", "Central and Western ", " Central and Western 7533598 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HK", " HWC ", "Wanchai ", " Wanchai 7533607 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HK", " HEA ", "Eastern ", " Eastern 7533608 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HK", " HSO ", "Southern ", " Southern 7533609 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HK", " KYT ", "Yau Tsim Mong ", " Yau Tsim Mong 7533610 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HK", " KSS ", "Sham Shui Po ", " Sham Shui Po 7533611 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HK", " KKC ", "Kowloon City ", " Kowloon City 7533612 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HK", " KWT ", "Wong Tai Sin ", " Wong Tai Sin 7533613 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HK", " KKT ", "Kwon Tong ", " Kwon Tong 7533614 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HK", " NKT ", "Kwai Tsing ", " Kwai Tsing 7533615 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HK", " NTM ", "Tuen Mun ", " Tuen Mun 7533616 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HK", " NNO ", "North ", " North 7533617 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HK", " NST ", "Sha Tin ", " Sha Tin 7533618 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HN", " 18 ", "Yoro ", " Yoro 3600193 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HN", " 17 ", "Valle ", " Valle 3600456 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HN", " 16 ", "Santa Bárbara ", " Santa Barbara 3601689 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HN", " 15 ", "Olancho ", " Olancho 3604249 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HN", " 14 ", "Ocotepeque ", " Ocotepeque 3604318 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HN", " 13 ", "Lempira ", " Lempira 3606066 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HN", " 12 ", "La Paz ", " La Paz 3607251 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HN", " 11 ", "Bay Islands ", " Bay Islands 3608814 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HN", " 10 ", "Intibucá ", " Intibuca 3608833 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HN", " 09 ", "Gracias a Dios ", " Gracias a Dios 3609583 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HN", " 08 ", "Francisco Morazán ", " Francisco Morazan 3609672 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HN", " 07 ", "El Paraíso ", " El Paraiso 3610942 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HN", " 06 ", "Cortés ", " Cortes 3613140 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HN", " 05 ", "Copán ", " Copan 3613229 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HN", " 04 ", "Comayagua ", " Comayagua 3613319 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HN", " 03 ", "Colón ", " Colon 3613358 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HN", " 02 ", "Choluteca ", " Choluteca 3613527 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HN", " 01 ", "Atlántida ", " Atlantida 3615027 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HR", " 01 ", "Bjelovarsko-Bilogorska ", " Bjelovarsko-Bilogorska 3337511 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HR", " 02 ", "Brodsko-Posavska ", " Brodsko-Posavska 3337512 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HR", " 03 ", "Dubrovačko-Neretvanska ", " Dubrovacko-Neretvanska 3337513 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HR", " 04 ", "Istarska ", " Istarska 3337514 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HR", " 05 ", "Karlovačka ", " Karlovacka 3337515 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HR", " 06 ", "Koprivničko-Križevačka ", " Koprivnicko-Krizevacka 3337518 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HR", " 07 ", "Krapinsko-Zagorska ", " Krapinsko-Zagorska 3337519 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HR", " 08 ", "Ličko-Senjska ", " Licko-Senjska 3337520 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HR", " 09 ", "Međimurska ", " Medimurska 3337521 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HR", " 10 ", "Osječko-Baranjska ", " Osjecko-Baranjska 3337522 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HR", " 11 ", "Požeško-Slavonska ", " Pozesko-Slavonska 3337523 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HR", " 12 ", "Primorsko-Goranska ", " Primorsko-Goranska 3337524 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HR", " 13 ", "Šibensko-Kniniska ", " Sibensko-Kniniska 3337525 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HR", " 14 ", "Sisačko-Moslavačka ", " Sisacko-Moslavacka 3337526 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HR", " 15 ", "Splitsko-Dalmatinska ", " Splitsko-Dalmatinska 3337527 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HR", " 16 ", "Varaždinska ", " Varazdinska 3337528 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HR", " 18 ", "Vukovarsko-Srijemska ", " Vukovarsko-Srijemska 3337529 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HR", " 19 ", "Zadarska ", " Zadarska 3337530 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HR", " 20 ", "Zagrebačka ", " Zagrebacka 3337531 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HR", " 21 ", "Grad Zagreb ", " Grad Zagreb 3337532 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HR", " 17 ", "Virovitičk-Podravska ", " Virovitick-Podravska 3337533 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HT", " 13 ", "Sud-Est ", " Sud-Est 3716950 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HT", " 12 ", "Sud ", " Sud 3716952 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HT", " 11 ", "Ouest ", " Ouest 3719432 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HT", " 03 ", "Nord-Ouest ", " Nord-Ouest 3719536 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HT", " 10 ", "Nord-Est ", " Nord-Est 3719540 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HT", " 09 ", "Nord ", " Nord 3719543 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HT", " 14 ", "GrandʼAnse Departement ", " de la Grand'Anse 3724613 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HT", " 07 ", "Centre ", " Centre 3728069 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HT", " 06 ", "Artibonite ", " Artibonite 3731053 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HT", " 15 ", "Nippes ", " Nippes 7115999 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HU", " 18 ", "Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg ", " Szabolcs-Szatmar-Bereg 715593 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HU", " 20 ", "Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok ", " Jasz-Nagykun-Szolnok 719637 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HU", " 11 ", "Heves ", " Heves 720002 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HU", " 10 ", "Hajdú-Bihar ", " Hajdu-Bihar 720293 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HU", " 06 ", "Csongrád ", " Csongrad 721589 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HU", " 04 ", "Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén ", " Borsod-Abauj-Zemplen 722064 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HU", " 03 ", "Bekes County ", " Bekes County 722433 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HU", " 24 ", "Zala ", " Zala 3042613 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HU", " 23 ", "Veszprém ", " Veszprem 3042925 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HU", " 22 ", "Vas ", " Vas 3043047 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HU", " 21 ", "Tolna ", " Tolna 3043845 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HU", " 17 ", "Somogy ", " Somogy 3045226 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HU", " 16 ", "Pest ", " Pest 3046431 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HU", " 14 ", "Nógrád ", " Nograd 3047348 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HU", " 12 ", "Komárom-Esztergom ", " Komarom-Esztergom 3049518 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HU", " 09 ", "Győr-Moson-Sopron ", " Gyor-Moson-Sopron 3051977 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HU", " 08 ", "Fejér ", " Fejer 3053028 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HU", " 05 ", "Budapest ", " Budapest 3054638 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HU", " 02 ", "Baranya county ", " Baranya county 3055399 ")); context.States.Add(new State("HU", " 01 ", "Bács-Kiskun ", " Bacs-Kiskun 3055744 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ID", " 26 ", "North Sumatra ", " North Sumatra 1213642 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ID", " 01 ", "Aceh ", " Aceh 1215638 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ID", " 10 ", "Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta ", " Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 1621176 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ID", " 32 ", "South Sumatra ", " South Sumatra 1626196 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ID", " 24 ", "West Sumatra ", " West Sumatra 1626197 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ID", " 31 ", "North Sulawesi ", " North Sulawesi 1626229 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ID", " 22 ", "Sulawesi Tenggara ", " Sulawesi Tenggara 1626230 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ID", " 21 ", "Central Sulawesi ", " Central Sulawesi 1626231 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ID", " 38 ", "South Sulawesi ", " South Sulawesi 1626232 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ID", " 37 ", "Riau ", " Riau 1629652 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ID", " 18 ", "East Nusa Tenggara ", " East Nusa Tenggara 1633791 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ID", " 17 ", "Nusa Tenggara Barat ", " Nusa Tenggara Barat 1633792 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ID", " 28 ", "Maluku ", " Maluku 1636627 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ID", " 15 ", "Lampung ", " Lampung 1638535 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ID", " 14 ", "East Kalimantan ", " East Kalimantan 1641897 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ID", " 13 ", "Kalimantan Tengah ", " Kalimantan Tengah 1641898 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ID", " 12 ", "South Kalimantan ", " South Kalimantan 1641899 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ID", " 11 ", "West Kalimantan ", " West Kalimantan 1641900 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ID", " 08 ", "East Java ", " East Java 1642668 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ID", " 07 ", "Central Java ", " Central Java 1642669 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ID", " 30 ", "West Java ", " West Java 1642672 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ID", " 05 ", "Jambi ", " Jambi 1642856 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ID", " 04 ", "Jakarta Raya ", " Jakarta Raya 1642907 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ID", " 36 ", "Papua ", " Papua 1643012 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ID", " 03 ", "Bengkulu ", " Bengkulu 1649147 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ID", " 02 ", "Bali ", " Bali 1650535 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ID", " 33 ", "Banten ", " Banten 1923045 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ID", " 34 ", "Gorontalo ", " Gorontalo 1923046 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ID", " 35 ", "Bangka-Belitung ", " Bangka-Belitung 1923047 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ID", " 29 ", "Maluku Utara ", " Maluku Utara 1958070 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ID", " 39 ", "West Papua ", " West Papua 1996549 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ID", " 41 ", "Sulawesi Barat ", " Sulawesi Barat 1996550 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ID", " 40 ", "Riau Islands ", " Riau Islands 1996551 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ID", " 42 ", "North Kalimantan ", " North Kalimantan 8604684 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IE", " C ", "Connaught ", " Connaught 7521313 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IE", " L ", "Leinster ", " Leinster 7521314 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IE", " M ", "Munster ", " Munster 7521315 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IE", " U ", "Ulster ", " Ulster 7521316 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IL", " 06 ", "Jerusalem District ", " Jerusalem District 293198 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IL", " 05 ", "Tel Aviv ", " Tel Aviv 293396 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IL", " 04 ", "Haifa District ", " Haifa District 294800 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IL", " 03 ", "Northern District ", " Northern District 294824 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IL", " 02 ", "Central District ", " Central District 294904 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IL", " 01 ", "Southern District ", " Southern District 294952 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IN", " 28 ", "Bengal ", " Bengal 1252881 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IN", " 36 ", "Uttar Pradesh ", " Uttar Pradesh 1253626 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IN", " 26 ", "Tripura ", " Tripura 1254169 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IN", " 25 ", "Tamil Nādu ", " Tamil Nadu 1255053 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IN", " 29 ", "Sikkim ", " Sikkim 1256312 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IN", " 24 ", "Rajasthan ", " Rajasthan 1258899 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IN", " 23 ", "Punjab ", " Punjab 1259223 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IN", " 22 ", "Pondicherry ", " Pondicherry 1259424 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IN", " 21 ", "Orissa ", " Orissa 1261029 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IN", " 20 ", "Nāgāland ", " Nagaland 1262271 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IN", " 31 ", "Mizoram ", " Mizoram 1262963 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IN", " 18 ", "Meghālaya ", " Meghalaya 1263207 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IN", " 17 ", "Manipur ", " Manipur 1263706 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IN", " 16 ", "Mahārāshtra ", " Maharashtra 1264418 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IN", " 35 ", "Madhya Pradesh ", " Madhya Pradesh 1264542 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IN", " 14 ", "Laccadives ", " Laccadives 1265206 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IN", " 13 ", "Kerala ", " Kerala 1267254 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IN", " 19 ", "Karnātaka ", " Karnataka 1267701 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IN", " 12 ", "Kashmir ", " Kashmir 1269320 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IN", " 11 ", "Himachal Pradesh ", " Himachal Pradesh 1270101 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IN", " 10 ", "Haryana ", " Haryana 1270260 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IN", " 09 ", "Gujarāt ", " Gujarat 1270770 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IN", " 32 ", "Daman and Diu ", " Daman and Diu 1271155 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IN", " 33 ", "Goa ", " Goa 1271157 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IN", " 07 ", "NCT ", " NCT 1273293 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IN", " 06 ", "Dādra and Nagar Haveli ", " Dadra and Nagar Haveli 1273726 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IN", " 05 ", "Chandīgarh ", " Chandigarh 1274744 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IN", " 34 ", "Bihār ", " Bihar 1275715 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IN", " 03 ", "Assam ", " Assam 1278253 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IN", " 30 ", "Arunāchal Pradesh ", " Arunachal Pradesh 1278341 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IN", " 02 ", "Andhra Pradesh ", " Andhra Pradesh 1278629 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IN", " 01 ", "Andaman and Nicobar Islands ", " Andaman and Nicobar Islands 1278647 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IN", " 37 ", "Chhattisgarh ", " Chhattisgarh 1444364 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IN", " 38 ", "Jharkhand ", " Jharkhand 1444365 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IN", " 39 ", "Uttarakhand ", " Uttarakhand 1444366 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IQ", " 02 ", "Al Başrah ", " Al Basrah 89341 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IQ", " 16 ", "Wāsiţ ", " Wasit 89693 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IQ", " 18 ", "Şalāḩ ad Dīn ", " Salah ad Din 91695 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IQ", " 15 ", "Nīnawá ", " Ninawa 92877 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IQ", " 14 ", "Maysan ", " Maysan 93540 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IQ", " 12 ", "Karbalāʼ ", " Muhafazat Karbala' 94823 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IQ", " 11 ", "Arbīl ", " Arbil 95445 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IQ", " 10 ", "Diyala Province ", " Diyala Province 96965 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IQ", " 09 ", "Dhi Qar ", " Dhi Qar 97019 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IQ", " 08 ", "Dahūk ", " Dahuk 97270 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IQ", " 07 ", "Mayorality of Baghdad ", " Mayorality of Baghdad 98180 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IQ", " 06 ", "Bābil ", " Babil 98227 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IQ", " 13 ", "At Taʼmīm ", " Muhafazat Kirkuk 98410 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IQ", " 05 ", "As Sulaymānīyah ", " As Sulaymaniyah 98465 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IQ", " 17 ", "An Najaf ", " An Najaf 98862 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IQ", " 04 ", "Al Qādisīyah ", " Al Qadisiyah 99022 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IQ", " 03 ", "Al Muthanná ", " Al Muthanna 99032 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IQ", " 01 ", "Anbar ", " Anbar 99592 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IR", " 26 ", "Tehrān ", " Tehran 110791 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IR", " 36 ", "Zanjan ", " Zanjan 111452 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IR", " 40 ", "Yazd ", " Yazd 111821 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IR", " 25 ", "Semnān ", " Semnan 116401 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IR", " 35 ", "Māzandarān ", " Mazandaran 124544 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IR", " 34 ", "Markazi ", " Markazi 124763 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IR", " 23 ", "Lorestān ", " Lorestan 125605 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IR", " 16 ", "Kordestān ", " Kordestan 126584 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IR", " 05 ", "Kohgīlūyeh ", " va Būyer Aḩmad Kohgiluyeh va Buyer Ahmad 126878 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IR", " 15 ", "Khūzestān ", " Khuzestan 127082 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IR", " 13 ", "Kermānshāh ", " Kermanshah 128222 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IR", " 29 ", "Kermān ", " Kerman 128231 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IR", " 10 ", "Īlām ", " Ilam 130801 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IR", " 11 ", "Hormozgān ", " Hormozgan 131222 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IR", " 09 ", "Hamadān ", " Hamadan 132142 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IR", " 08 ", "Gīlān ", " Gilan 133349 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IR", " 07 ", "Fārs ", " Fars 134766 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IR", " 03 ", "Chahār Maḩāll va Bakhtīārī ", " Chahar Mahall va Bakhtiari 139677 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IR", " 22 ", "Bushehr ", " Bushehr 139816 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IR", " 33 ", "East Azarbaijan ", " East Azarbaijan 142549 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IR", " 01 ", "Āz̄ārbāyjān-e Gharbī ", " Azarbayjan-e Gharbi 142550 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IR", " 32 ", "Ardabīl ", " Ardabil 413931 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IR", " 28 ", "Ostān-e Eşfahān ", " Ostan-e Esfahan 418862 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IR", " 37 ", "Golestān ", " Golestan 443792 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IR", " 38 ", "Qazvīn ", " Qazvin 443793 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IR", " 39 ", "Qom ", " Qom 443794 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IR", " 04 ", "Sīstān va Balūchestān ", " Sistan va Baluchestan 1159456 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IR", " 41 ", "Khorāsān-e Jonūbī ", " Khorasan-e Jonubi 6201374 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IR", " 42 ", "Razavi Khorasan ", " Razavi Khorasan 6201375 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IR", " 43 ", "Khorāsān-e Shomālī ", " Khorasan-e Shomali 6201376 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IR", " 44 ", "Alborz ", " Alborz 7648907 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IS", " 41 ", "Northwest ", " Northwest 3337403 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IS", " 40 ", "Northeast ", " Northeast 3337404 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IS", " 38 ", "East ", " East 3337405 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IS", " 42 ", "South ", " South 3337406 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IS", " 39 ", "Capital Region ", " Capital Region 3426182 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IS", " 43 ", "Southern Peninsula ", " Southern Peninsula 3426183 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IS", " 45 ", "West ", " West 3426184 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IS", " 44 ", "Westfjords ", " Westfjords 3426185 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IT", " 15 ", "Sicily ", " Sicily 2523119 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IT", " 14 ", "Sardinia ", " Sardinia 2523228 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IT", " 03 ", "Calabria ", " Calabria 2525468 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IT", " 20 ", "Veneto ", " Veneto 3164604 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IT", " 19 ", "Aosta Valley ", " Aosta Valley 3164857 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IT", " 18 ", "Umbria ", " Umbria 3165048 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IT", " 17 ", "Trentino-Alto Adige ", " Trentino-Alto Adige 3165244 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IT", " 16 ", "Tuscany ", " Tuscany 3165361 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IT", " 13 ", "Apulia ", " Apulia 3169778 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IT", " 12 ", "Piedmont ", " Piedmont 3170831 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IT", " 11 ", "Molise ", " Molise 3173222 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IT", " 10 ", "The Marches ", " The Marches 3174004 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IT", " 09 ", "Lombardy ", " Lombardy 3174618 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IT", " 08 ", "Liguria ", " Liguria 3174725 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IT", " 07 ", "Latium ", " Latium 3174976 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IT", " 06 ", "Friuli Venezia Giulia ", " Friuli Venezia Giulia 3176525 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IT", " 05 ", "Emilia-Romagna ", " Emilia-Romagna 3177401 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IT", " 04 ", "Campania ", " Campania 3181042 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IT", " 02 ", "Basilicate ", " Basilicate 3182306 ")); context.States.Add(new State("IT", " 01 ", "Abruzzo ", " Abruzzo 3183560 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JM", " 16 ", "Westmoreland ", " Westmoreland 3488081 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JM", " 15 ", "Trelawny ", " Trelawny 3488222 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JM", " 14 ", "Saint Thomas ", " Saint Thomas 3488688 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JM", " 13 ", "Saint Mary ", " Saint Mary 3488693 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JM", " 12 ", "Saint James ", " Saint James 3488700 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JM", " 11 ", "St. Elizabeth ", " St. Elizabeth 3488708 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JM", " 10 ", "Saint Catherine ", " Saint Catherine 3488711 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JM", " 09 ", "Saint Ann ", " Saint Ann 3488715 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JM", " 08 ", "Saint Andrew ", " Saint Andrew 3488716 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JM", " 07 ", "Portland ", " Portland 3488997 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JM", " 04 ", "Manchester ", " Manchester 3489586 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JM", " 17 ", "Kingston ", " Kingston 3489853 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JM", " 02 ", "Hanover Parish ", " Hanover Parish 3490145 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JM", " 01 ", "Clarendon ", " Clarendon 3490952 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JO", " 19 ", "Ma’an ", " Ma'an 248380 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JO", " 18 ", "Irbid ", " Irbid 248944 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JO", " 17 ", "Zarqa ", " Zarqa 250092 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JO", " 12 ", "Tafielah ", " Tafielah 250199 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JO", " 16 ", "Amman ", " Amman 250439 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JO", " 15 ", "Mafraq ", " Mafraq 250583 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JO", " 09 ", "Karak ", " Karak 250625 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JO", " 02 ", "Balqa ", " Balqa 250751 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JO", " 20 ", "Ajlun ", " Ajlun 443120 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JO", " 22 ", "Jerash ", " Jerash 443121 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JO", " 21 ", "Aqaba ", " Aqaba 443122 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JO", " 23 ", "Madaba ", " Madaba 443123 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JP", " 46 ", "Yamanashi ", " Yamanashi 1848649 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JP", " 45 ", "Yamaguchi ", " Yamaguchi 1848681 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JP", " 43 ", "Wakayama ", " Wakayama 1848938 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JP", " 42 ", "Toyama ", " Toyama 1849872 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JP", " 41 ", "Tottori ", " Tottori 1849890 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JP", " 40 ", "Tōkyō ", " Tokyo 1850144 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JP", " 39 ", "Tokushima ", " Tokushima 1850157 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JP", " 38 ", "Tochigi ", " Tochigi 1850310 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JP", " 37 ", "Shizuoka ", " Shizuoka 1851715 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JP", " 36 ", "Shimane Prefecture ", " Shimane Prefecture 1852442 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JP", " 35 ", "Shiga ", " Shiga 1852553 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JP", " 34 ", "Saitama ", " Saitama 1853226 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JP", " 33 ", "Saga ", " Saga 1853299 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JP", " 32 ", "Ōsaka ", " Osaka 1853904 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JP", " 47 ", "Okinawa ", " Okinawa 1854345 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JP", " 31 ", "Okayama ", " Okayama 1854381 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JP", " 30 ", "Ōita ", " Oita 1854484 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JP", " 29 ", "Niigata ", " Niigata 1855429 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JP", " 28 ", "Nara ", " Nara 1855608 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JP", " 27 ", "Nagasaki ", " Nagasaki 1856156 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JP", " 26 ", "Nagano ", " Nagano 1856210 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JP", " 25 ", "Miyazaki ", " Miyazaki 1856710 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JP", " 23 ", "Mie ", " Mie 1857352 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JP", " 22 ", "Kyōto ", " Kyoto 1857907 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JP", " 21 ", "Kumamoto Prefecture ", " Kumamoto Prefecture 1858419 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JP", " 20 ", "Kōchi ", " Kochi 1859133 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JP", " 19 ", "Kanagawa ", " Kanagawa 1860291 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JP", " 18 ", "Kagoshima ", " Kagoshima 1860825 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JP", " 17 ", "Kagawa ", " Kagawa 1860834 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JP", " 15 ", "Ishikawa ", " Ishikawa 1861387 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JP", " 13 ", "Hyōgo ", " Hyogo 1862047 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JP", " 11 ", "Hiroshima ", " Hiroshima 1862413 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JP", " 10 ", "Gunma Prefecture ", " Gunma Prefecture 1863501 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JP", " 09 ", "Gifu ", " Gifu 1863640 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JP", " 07 ", "Fukuoka ", " Fukuoka 1863958 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JP", " 06 ", "Fukui ", " Fukui 1863983 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JP", " 05 ", "Ehime ", " Ehime 1864226 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JP", " 01 ", "Aichi ", " Aichi 1865694 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JP", " 44 ", "Yamagata ", " Yamagata 2110554 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JP", " 24 ", "Miyagi ", " Miyagi 2111888 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JP", " 16 ", "Iwate ", " Iwate 2112518 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JP", " 14 ", "Ibaraki ", " Ibaraki 2112669 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JP", " 08 ", "Fukushima ", " Fukushima 2112922 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JP", " 04 ", "Chiba ", " Chiba 2113014 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JP", " 02 ", "Akita ", " Akita 2113124 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JP", " 12 ", "Hokkaidō ", " Hokkaido 2130037 ")); context.States.Add(new State("JP", " 03 ", "Aomori Prefecture ", " Aomori Prefecture 2130656 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KE", " 55 ", "West Pokot ", " West Pokot 178145 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KE", " 54 ", "Wajir ", " Wajir 178440 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KE", " 52 ", "Uasin Gishu ", " Uasin Gishu 178837 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KE", " 51 ", "Turkana ", " Turkana 178914 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KE", " 50 ", "Trans Nzoia ", " Trans Nzoia 179068 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KE", " 49 ", "Tharaka - Nithi ", " Tharaka District 179380 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KE", " 48 ", "Tana River ", " Tana River 179585 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KE", " 46 ", "Siaya ", " Siaya 180320 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KE", " 45 ", "Samburu ", " Samburu 180782 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KE", " 05 ", "Nairobi Area ", " Nairobi Area 184742 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KE", " 38 ", "Murang'A ", " Murang'a District 185578 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KE", " 37 ", "Mombasa ", " Mombasa 186298 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KE", " 35 ", "Meru ", " Meru 186824 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KE", " 34 ", "Marsabit ", " Marsabit 187583 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KE", " 33 ", "Mandera ", " Mandera 187895 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KE", " 29 ", "Laikipia District ", " Laikipia District 189794 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KE", " 28 ", "Kwale ", " Kwale 190106 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KE", " 27 ", "Kitui ", " Kitui 191037 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KE", " 26 ", "Kisumu ", " Kisumu 191242 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KE", " 25 ", "Kisii ", " Kisii 191298 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KE", " 24 ", "Kirinyaga ", " Kirinyaga 191420 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KE", " 23 ", "Kilifi ", " Kilifi 192064 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KE", " 22 ", "Kiambu ", " Kiambu 192709 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KE", " 21 ", "Kericho ", " Kericho 192898 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KE", " 20 ", "Kakamega ", " Kakamega 195271 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KE", " 18 ", "Isiolo ", " Isiolo 196228 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KE", " 16 ", "Garissa ", " Garissa 197744 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KE", " 15 ", "Embu ", " Embu 198474 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KE", " 13 ", "Busia ", " Busia 199987 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KE", " 12 ", "Bungoma ", " Bungoma 200066 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KE", " 10 ", "Baringo ", " Baringo 200573 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KE", " 43 ", "Nyandarua ", " Nyandarua 7603036 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KE", " 53 ", "Vihiga ", " Vihiga 7667638 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KE", " 30 ", "Lamu ", " Lamu 7667643 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KE", " 31 ", "Machakos ", " Machakos 7667644 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KE", " 32 ", "Makueni ", " Makueni 7667645 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KE", " 14 ", "Elegeyo-Marakwet ", " Marakwet District 7667646 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KE", " 47 ", "Taita Taveta ", " Taita Taveta 7667652 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KE", " 19 ", "Kajiado ", " Kajiado 7667657 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KE", " 44 ", "Nyeri ", " Nyeri 7667661 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KE", " 17 ", "Homa Bay ", " Homa Bay 7667665 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KE", " 11 ", "Bomet ", " Bomet 7667666 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KE", " 36 ", "Migori ", " Migori 7667678 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KE", " 39 ", "Nakuru ", " Nakuru 7668902 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KE", " 41 ", "Narok ", " Narok 7668904 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KE", " 42 ", "Nyamira ", " Nyamira District 7806857 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KE", " 40 ", "Nandi ", " Nandi 8051212 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KG", " 08 ", "Osh ", " Osh 1346798 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KG", " 09 ", "Batken Oblasty ", " Batken Oblasty 1463580 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KG", " 06 ", "Talas ", " Talas 1527297 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KG", " 04 ", "Naryn ", " Naryn 1527590 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KG", " 07 ", "Ysyk-Köl ", " Ysyk-Koel 1528260 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KG", " 01 ", "Bishkek ", " Bishkek 1528334 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KG", " 03 ", "Jalal-Abad ", " Jalal-Abad 1529778 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KG", " 02 ", "Chüy ", " Chuy 1538652 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KH", " 12 ", "Poŭthĭsăt ", " Pouthisat 1821301 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KH", " 29 ", "Battambang Province ", " Battambang Province 1821310 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KH", " 19 ", "Takeo ", " Takeo 1821939 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KH", " 18 ", "Svay Rieng ", " Svay Rieng 1821992 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KH", " 17 ", "Stung Treng ", " Stung Treng 1822028 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KH", " 27 ", "Ŏtâr Méanchey ", " Otar Meanchey 1822210 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KH", " 24 ", "Siem Reap ", " Siem Reap 1822213 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KH", " 23 ", "Ratanakiri ", " Ratanakiri 1822449 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KH", " 14 ", "Prey Veng ", " Prey Veng 1822609 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KH", " 13 ", "Preah Vihear ", " Preah Vihear 1822676 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KH", " 22 ", "Phnom Penh ", " Phnom Penh 1830103 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KH", " 30 ", "Pailin ", " Pailin 1830206 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KH", " 10 ", "Mondolkiri ", " Mondolkiri 1830306 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KH", " 09 ", "Kratie ", " Kratie 1830563 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KH", " 26 ", "Kep ", " Kep 1830937 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KH", " 08 ", "Kaôh Kŏng ", " Kaoh Kong 1831037 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KH", " 07 ", "Kandal ", " Kandal 1831095 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KH", " 21 ", "Kampot ", " Kampot 1831111 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KH", " 05 ", "Kampong Thom ", " Kampong Thom 1831124 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KH", " 04 ", "Kampong Speu ", " Kampong Speu 1831132 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KH", " 03 ", "Kampong Chhnang ", " Kampong Chhnang 1831166 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KH", " 02 ", "Kampong Cham ", " Kampong Cham 1831172 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KH", " 28 ", "Preah Sihanouk ", " Preah Sihanouk 1899262 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KH", " 25 ", "Banteay Meanchey ", " Province Banteay Meanchey Province 1899273 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KI", " 01 ", "Gilbert Islands ", " Gilbert Islands 2110215 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KI", " 02 ", "Line Islands ", " Line Islands 4030940 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KI", " 03 ", "Phoenix Islands ", " Phoenix Islands 7521379 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KM", " 03 ", "Mohéli ", " Moheli 921780 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KM", " 02 ", "Grande Comore ", " Grande Comore 921882 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KM", " 01 ", "Anjouan ", " Anjouan 922001 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KN", " 15 ", "Trinity Palmetto Point ", " Trinity Palmetto Point 3575114 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KN", " 13 ", "Saint Thomas Middle Island ", " Saint Thomas Middle Island 3575164 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KN", " 12 ", "Saint Thomas Lowland ", " Saint Thomas Lowland 3575165 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KN", " 11 ", "Saint Peter Basseterre ", " Saint Peter Basseterre 3575168 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KN", " 10 ", "Saint Paul Charlestown ", " Saint Paul Charlestown 3575171 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KN", " 09 ", "Saint Paul Capesterre ", " Saint Paul Capesterre 3575172 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KN", " 08 ", "Saint Mary Cayon ", " Saint Mary Cayon 3575173 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KN", " 07 ", "Saint John Figtree ", " Saint John Figtree 3575175 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KN", " 06 ", "Saint John Capesterre ", " Saint John Capesterre 3575176 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KN", " 05 ", "Saint James Windwa ", " Saint James Windwa 3575177 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KN", " 04 ", "Saint George Gingerland ", " Saint George Gingerland 3575179 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KN", " 03 ", "Saint George Basseterre ", " Saint George Basseterre 3575180 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KN", " 02 ", "Saint Anne Sandy Point ", " Saint Anne Sandy Point 3575183 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KN", " 01 ", "Christ Church Nichola Town ", " Christ Church Nichola Town 3575476 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KP", " 12 ", "P'yŏngyang-si ", " P'yongyang-si 1871856 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KP", " 15 ", "P'yŏngan-namdo ", " P'yongan-namdo 1871952 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KP", " 11 ", "P'yŏngan-bukto ", " P'yongan-bukto 1871954 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KP", " 09 ", "Gangwon ", " Gangwon 1876101 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KP", " 06 ", "Hwanghae-namdo ", " Hwanghae-namdo 1876884 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KP", " 07 ", "Hwanghae-bukto ", " Hwanghae-bukto 1876888 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KP", " 03 ", "Hamgyŏng-namdo ", " Hamgyong-namdo 1877450 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KP", " 13 ", "Yanggang-do ", " Yanggang-do 2039332 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KP", " 17 ", "Hamgyŏng-bukto ", " Hamgyong-bukto 2044245 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KP", " 01 ", "Chagang-do ", " Chagang-do 2045265 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KP", " 18 ", "Najin Sŏnbong-si ", " Najin Sonbong-si 2054927 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KR", " 21 ", "Ulsan ", " Ulsan 1833742 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KR", " 19 ", "Daejeon ", " Daejeon 1835224 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KR", " 15 ", "Daegu ", " Daegu 1835327 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KR", " 11 ", "Seoul ", " Seoul 1835847 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KR", " 10 ", "Busan ", " Busan 1838519 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KR", " 14 ", "North Gyeongsang ", " North Gyeongsang 1841597 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KR", " 13 ", "Gyeonggi Province ", " Gyeonggi Province 1841610 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KR", " 18 ", "Gwangju ", " Gwangju 1841808 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KR", " 06 ", "Gangwon ", " Gangwon 1843125 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KR", " 12 ", "Incheon ", " Incheon 1843561 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KR", " 17 ", "South Chungcheong ", " South Chungcheong 1845105 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KR", " 05 ", "North Chungcheong ", " North Chungcheong 1845106 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KR", " 16 ", "South Jeolla ", " South Jeolla 1845788 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KR", " 03 ", "North Jeolla ", " North Jeolla 1845789 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KR", " 01 ", "Jeju ", " Jeju 1846265 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KR", " 20 ", "South Gyeongsang ", " South Gyeongsang 1902028 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KR", " 22 ", "Sejong ", " Sejong 8394437 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KW", " 08 ", "Ḩawallī ", " Hawalli 285628 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KW", " 02 ", "Al Asimah Governorate ", " Al Asimah Governorate 285788 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KW", " 05 ", "Al Jahrāʼ ", " Muhafazat al Jahra' 285798 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KW", " 07 ", "Al Farwaniyah ", " Al Farwaniyah 285816 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KW", " 04 ", "Al Aḩmadī ", " Al Ahmadi 285841 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KW", " 09 ", "Muḩāfaz̧at Mubārak al Kabīr ", " Muhafazat Mubarak al Kabir 7733358 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KZ", " 07 ", "Batys Qazaqstan ", " Batys Qazaqstan 607847 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KZ", " 09 ", "Mangghystaū ", " Mangghystau 608879 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KZ", " 06 ", "Atyraū ", " Atyrau 609862 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KZ", " 04 ", "Aqtöbe ", " Aqtoebe 610688 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KZ", " 15 ", "East Kazakhstan ", " East Kazakhstan 1517381 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KZ", " 03 ", "Aqmola ", " Aqmola 1518003 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KZ", " 16 ", "Soltüstik Qazaqstan ", " Soltustik Qazaqstan 1519367 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KZ", " 11 ", "Pavlodar ", " Pavlodar 1520239 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KZ", " 14 ", "Qyzylorda ", " Qyzylorda 1521406 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KZ", " 13 ", "Qostanay ", " Qostanay 1521671 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KZ", " 12 ", "Qaraghandy ", " Qaraghandy 1523401 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KZ", " 17 ", "Zhambyl ", " Zhambyl 1524444 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KZ", " 10 ", "Ongtüstik Qazaqstan ", " Ongtustik Qazaqstan 1524787 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KZ", " 02 ", "Almaty Qalasy ", " Almaty Qalasy 1526395 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KZ", " 01 ", "Almaty Oblysy ", " Almaty Oblysy 1537162 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KZ", " 08 ", "Bayqongyr Qalasy ", " Bayqongyr Qalasy 1538316 ")); context.States.Add(new State("KZ", " 05 ", "Astana Qalasy ", " Astana Qalasy 1538317 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LA", " 14 ", "Xiangkhoang ", " Xiangkhoang 1652077 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LA", " 13 ", "Xiagnabouli ", " Xiagnabouli 1652210 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LA", " 27 ", "Vientiane Province ", " Vientiane Province 1652238 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LA", " 20 ", "Savannahkhét ", " Savannahkhet 1653315 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LA", " 19 ", "Salavan ", " Salavan 1653333 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LA", " 18 ", "Phôngsali ", " Phongsali 1653893 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LA", " 07 ", "Oudômxai ", " Oudomxai 1654491 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LA", " 17 ", "Louangphabang ", " Louangphabang 1655558 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LA", " 16 ", "Loungnamtha ", " Loungnamtha 1655561 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LA", " 15 ", "Khammouan ", " Khammouan 1656538 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LA", " 03 ", "Houaphan ", " Houaphan 1657114 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LA", " 02 ", "Champasak ", " Champasak 1657818 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LA", " 01 ", "Attapu ", " Attapu 1665045 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LA", " 26 ", "Xékong ", " Xekong 1904615 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LA", " 22 ", "Bokèo ", " Bokeo 1904616 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LA", " 23 ", "Bolikhamxai ", " Bolikhamxai 1904617 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LA", " 24 ", "Vientiane Prefecture ", " Vientiane Prefecture 1904618 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LB", " 05 ", "Mont-Liban ", " Mont-Liban 273607 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LB", " 04 ", "Beyrouth ", " Beyrouth 276780 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LB", " 09 ", "Liban-Nord ", " Liban-Nord 278297 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LB", " 06 ", "Liban-Sud ", " Liban-Sud 279894 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LB", " 08 ", "Béqaa ", " Beqaa 280282 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LB", " 07 ", "Nabatîyé ", " Nabatiye 444191 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LB", " 10 ", "Aakkâr ", " Aakkar 6201370 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LB", " 11 ", "Baalbek-Hermel ", " Baalbek-Hermel 6201371 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LC", " 10 ", "Vieux-Fort ", " Vieux-Fort 3576413 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LC", " 09 ", "Soufrière ", " Soufriere 3576441 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LC", " 11 ", "Praslin ", " Praslin 3576507 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LC", " 08 ", "Micoud ", " Micoud 3576567 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LC", " 07 ", "Laborie ", " Laborie 3576662 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LC", " 06 ", "Gros-Islet ", " Gros-Islet 3576685 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LC", " 05 ", "Dennery ", " Dennery 3576764 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LC", " 02 ", "Dauphin ", " Dauphin 3576771 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LC", " 04 ", "Choiseul ", " Choiseul 3576794 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LC", " 03 ", "Castries ", " Castries 3576810 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LC", " 01 ", "Anse-la-Raye ", " Anse-la-Raye 3576891 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LI", " 11 ", "Vaduz ", " Vaduz 3042031 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LI", " 10 ", "Triesenberg ", " Triesenberg 3042034 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LI", " 09 ", "Triesen ", " Triesen 3042036 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LI", " 08 ", "Schellenberg ", " Schellenberg 3042038 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LI", " 07 ", "Schaan ", " Schaan 3042042 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LI", " 06 ", "Ruggell ", " Ruggell 3042047 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LI", " 05 ", "Planken ", " Planken 3042050 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LI", " 04 ", "Mauren ", " Mauren 3042056 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LI", " 03 ", "Gamprin ", " Gamprin 3042063 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LI", " 02 ", "Eschen ", " Eschen 3042069 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LI", " 01 ", "Balzers ", " Balzers 3042074 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LK", " 36 ", "Western ", " Western 1223421 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LK", " 35 ", "Uva ", " Uva 1225265 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LK", " 34 ", "Southern ", " Southern 1227618 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LK", " 33 ", "Sabaragamuwa ", " Sabaragamuwa 1228435 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LK", " 32 ", "North Western ", " North Western 1232860 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LK", " 30 ", "North Central ", " North Central 1232870 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LK", " 29 ", "Central ", " Central 1249296 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LK", " 38 ", "Northern Province ", " Northern Province 7671049 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LK", " 37 ", "Eastern Province ", " Eastern Province 8133521 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LR", " 10 ", "Sinoe ", " Sinoe 2273898 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LR", " 09 ", "Nimba ", " Nimba 2274688 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LR", " 14 ", "Montserrado ", " Montserrado 2274890 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LR", " 13 ", "Maryland ", " Maryland 2275099 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LR", " 20 ", "Lofa ", " Lofa 2275344 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LR", " 19 ", "Grand ", " Gedeh Grand Gedeh 2276622 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LR", " 12 ", "Grand ", " Cape Mount Grand Cape Mount 2276627 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LR", " 11 ", "Grand ", " Bassa Grand Bassa 2276630 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LR", " 01 ", "Bong ", " Bong 2278292 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LR", " 15 ", "Bomi ", " Bomi 2278324 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LR", " 16 ", "Grand Kru ", " Grand Kru 2588490 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LR", " 17 ", "Margibi ", " Margibi 2588491 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LR", " 18 ", "River Cess ", " River Cess 2588492 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LR", " 21 ", "Gbarpolu ", " Gbarpolu 2593119 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LR", " 22 ", "River Gee ", " River Gee 2593120 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LS", " 19 ", "Thaba-Tseka ", " Thaba-Tseka 932011 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LS", " 18 ", "Quthing ", " Quthing 932184 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LS", " 17 ", "Qachaʼs Nek ", " Qacha's Nek 932219 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LS", " 16 ", "Mokhotlong ", " Mokhotlong 932418 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LS", " 15 ", "Mohaleʼs Hoek ", " Mohale's Hoek District 932439 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LS", " 14 ", "Maseru ", " Maseru 932506 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LS", " 13 ", "Mafeteng ", " Mafeteng 932615 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LS", " 12 ", "Leribe ", " Leribe 932700 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LS", " 11 ", "Butha-Buthe ", " Butha-Buthe 932888 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LS", " 10 ", "Berea ", " Berea 932932 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LT", " 56 ", "Alytaus Apskritis ", " Alytaus Apskritis 864389 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LT", " 57 ", "Kauno Apskritis ", " Kauno Apskritis 864477 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LT", " 58 ", "Klaipėdos Apskritis ", " Klaipedos Apskritis 864478 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LT", " 59 ", "Marijampolės Apskritis ", " Marijampoles Apskritis 864479 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LT", " 60 ", "Panevėžio Apskritis ", " Panevezio Apskritis 864480 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LT", " 61 ", "Šiaulių Apskritis ", " Siauliu Apskritis 864481 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LT", " 62 ", "Tauragės Apskritis ", " Taurages Apskritis 864482 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LT", " 63 ", "Telšių Apskritis ", " Telsiu Apskritis 864483 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LT", " 64 ", "Utenos Apskritis ", " Utenos Apskritis 864484 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LT", " 65 ", "Vilniaus Apskritis ", " Vilniaus Apskritis 864485 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LU", " 03 ", "Luxembourg ", " Luxembourg 2960314 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LU", " 02 ", "Grevenmacher ", " Grevenmacher 2960513 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LU", " 01 ", "Diekirch ", " Diekirch 2960655 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 33 ", "Ventspils Rajons ", " Ventspils Rajons 454307 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 32 ", "Ventspils ", " Ventspils 454311 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 31 ", "Valmieras Rajons ", " Valmieras Rajons 454564 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 30 ", "Valkas Rajons ", " Valkas Rajons 454571 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 29 ", "Tukuma Rajons ", " Tukuma Rajons 454771 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 28 ", "Talsu Rajons ", " Talsu Rajons 454968 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 27 ", "Saldus Rajons ", " Saldus Rajons 455888 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 25 ", "Rīga ", " Riga 456173 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 24 ", "Rēzeknes Rajons ", " Rezeknes Rajons 456197 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 23 ", "Rēzekne ", " Rezekne 456203 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 22 ", "Preiļu Rajons ", " Preilu Rajons 456528 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 21 ", "Ogres novads ", " Ogres novads 457061 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 20 ", "Madonas Rajons ", " Madonas Rajons 457712 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 19 ", "Ludzas Rajons ", " Ludzas Rajons 457773 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 18 ", "Limbažu Rajons ", " Limbazu Rajons 457889 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 16 ", "Liepāja ", " Liepaja 457955 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 15 ", "Kuldīgas Rajons ", " Kuldigas Rajons 458459 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 14 ", "Krāslavas Rajons ", " Kraslavas Rajons 458621 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 13 ", "Jūrmala ", " Jurmala 459202 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 12 ", "Jelgavas Rajons ", " Jelgavas Rajons 459278 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 11 ", "Jelgava ", " Jelgava 459281 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 10 ", "Jēkabpils Rajons ", " Jekabpils Rajons 459282 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 09 ", "Gulbenes Rajons ", " Gulbenes Rajons 459664 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 08 ", "Dobeles Rajons ", " Dobeles Rajons 460311 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 07 ", "Daugavpils municipality ", " Daugavpils municipality 460410 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 06 ", "Daugavpils ", " Daugavpils 460414 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 05 ", "Cēsu Rajons ", " Cesu Rajons 460569 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 04 ", "Bauskas Rajons ", " Bauskas Rajons 461112 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 03 ", "Balvu Rajons ", " Balvu Rajons 461160 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 02 ", "Alūksnes Rajons ", " Aluksnes Rajons 461525 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 01 ", "Aizkraukles Rajons ", " Aizkraukles Rajons 461613 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 60 ", "Dundagas Novads ", " Dundagas Novads 7628298 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 40 ", "Alsungas Novads ", " Alsungas Novads 7628299 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " A5 ", "Pāvilostas Novads ", " Pavilostas Novads 7628300 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 99 ", "Nīcas Novads ", " Nicas Novads 7628301 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " B6 ", "Rucavas Novads ", " Rucavas Novads 7628302 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 65 ", "Grobiņas Novads ", " Grobinas Novads 7628303 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 61 ", "Durbes Novads ", " Durbes Novads 7628304 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 37 ", "Aizputes Novads ", " Aizputes Novads 7628305 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " A8 ", "Priekules Novads ", " Priekules Novads 7628306 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " D7 ", "Vaiņodes Novads ", " Vainodes Novads 7628307 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " C9 ", "Skrundas Novads ", " Skrundas Novads 7628308 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 51 ", "Brocēnu Novads ", " Brocenu Novads 7628309 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " B4 ", "Rojas Novads ", " Rojas Novads 7628310 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 77 ", "Kandavas Novads ", " Kandavas Novads 7628311 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 44 ", "Auces Novads ", " Auces Novads 7628312 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 73 ", "Jaunpils Novads ", " Jaunpils Novads 7628313 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 62 ", "Engures Novads ", " Engures Novads 7628314 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " D5 ", "Tērvetes Novads ", " Tervetes Novads 7628315 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " A3 ", "Ozolnieku Novads ", " Ozolnieku Novads 7628316 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " B9 ", "Rundāles Novads ", " Rundales Novads 7628317 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 45 ", "Babītes Novads ", " Babites Novads 7628318 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 95 ", "Mārupes Novads ", " Marupes Novads 7628319 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " A2 ", "Olaines Novads ", " Olaines Novads 7628320 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 67 ", "Iecavas Novads ", " Iecavas Novads 7628321 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 80 ", "Ķekavas Novads ", " Kekavas Novads 7628322 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " C3 ", "Salaspils Novads ", " Salaspils Novads 7628323 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 46 ", "Baldones Novads ", " Baldones Novads 7628324 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " D2 ", "Stopiņu Novads ", " Stopinu Novads 7628325 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 53 ", "Carnikavas Novads ", " Carnikavas Novads 7628326 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 34 ", "Ādažu Novads ", " Adazu Novads 7628327 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 64 ", "Garkalne Municipality ", " Garkalne Municipality 7628328 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " E4 ", "Vecumnieku Novads ", " Vecumnieku Novads 7628329 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 79 ", "Ķeguma Novads ", " Keguma Novads 7628330 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 87 ", "Lielvārdes Novads ", " Lielvardes Novads 7628331 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " C8 ", "Skrīveru Novads ", " Skriveru Novads 7628332 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 71 ", "Jaunjelgavas Novads ", " Jaunjelgavas Novads 7628333 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 98 ", "Neretas Novads ", " Neretas Novads 7628334 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " E6 ", "Viesītes Novads ", " Viesites Novads 7628335 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " C2 ", "Salas Novads ", " Salas Novads 7628336 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 74 ", "Jēkabpils ", " Jekabpils 7628337 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 38 ", "Aknīstes Novads ", " Aknistes Novads 7628338 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 69 ", "Ilūkstes Novads ", " Ilukstes Novads 7628339 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " E2 ", "Vārkavas Novads ", " Varkavas Novads 7628340 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 90 ", "Līvānu Novads ", " Livanu Novads 7628341 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " E1 ", "Varakļānu Novads ", " Varaklanu Novads 7628342 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " E8 ", "Viļānu Novads ", " Vilanu Novads 7628343 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " B3 ", "Riebiņu Novads ", " Riebinu Novads 7628344 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 35 ", "Aglonas Novads ", " Aglonas Novads 7628345 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 56 ", "Ciblas Novads ", " Ciblas Novads 7628346 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " E9 ", "Zilupes Novads ", " Zilupes Novads 7628347 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " E7 ", "Viļakas Novads ", " Vilakas Novads 7628348 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 47 ", "Baltinavas Novads ", " Baltinavas Novads 7628349 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 57 ", "Dagdas Novads ", " Dagdas Novads 7628350 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 78 ", "Kārsavas Novads ", " Karsavas Novads 7628351 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " B7 ", "Rugāju Novads ", " Rugaju Novads 7628352 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 55 ", "Cesvaines Novads ", " Cesvaines Novads 7628353 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 91 ", "Lubānas Novads ", " Lubanas Novads 7628354 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 85 ", "Krustpils Novads ", " Krustpils Novads 7628355 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " A6 ", "Pļaviņu Novads ", " Plavinu Novads 7628356 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 82 ", "Kokneses Novads ", " Kokneses Novads 7628357 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 68 ", "Ikšķiles Novads ", " Ikskiles Novads 7628358 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " B5 ", "Ropažu Novads ", " Ropazu Novads 7628359 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 70 ", "Inčukalna Novads ", " Incukalna Novads 7628360 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 84 ", "Krimuldas Novads ", " Krimuldas Novads 7628361 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " C7 ", "Siguldas Novads ", " Siguldas Novads 7628362 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 88 ", "Līgatnes Novads ", " Ligatnes Novads 7628363 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 94 ", "Mālpils Novads ", " Malpils Novads 7628364 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " C6 ", "Sējas Novads ", " Sejas Novads 7628365 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " C5 ", "Saulkrastu Novads ", " Saulkrastu Novads 7628366 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " C1 ", "Salacgrīvas Novads ", " Salacgrivas Novads 7628367 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 39 ", "Alojas Novads ", " Alojas Novads 7628368 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 97 ", "Naukšēnu Novads ", " Nauksenu Novads 7628369 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " B8 ", "Rūjienas Novads ", " Rujienas Novads 7628370 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 96 ", "Mazsalacas Novads ", " Mazsalacas Novads 7628371 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 52 ", "Burtnieku Novads ", " Burtnieku Novads 7628372 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " A4 ", "Pārgaujas Novads ", " Pargaujas Novads 7628373 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 81 ", "Kocēnu Novads ", " Kocenu Novads 7628374 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 42 ", "Amatas Novads ", " Amatas Novads 7628375 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " A9 ", "Priekuļi Municipality ", " Priekuli Municipality 7628376 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " B1 ", "Raunas Novads ", " Raunas Novads 7628377 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " D3 ", "Strenču Novads ", " Strencu Novads 7628378 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 50 ", "Beverīnas Novads ", " Beverinas Novads 7628379 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " D1 ", "Smiltenes Novads ", " Smiltenes Novads 7628380 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 72 ", "Jaunpiebalgas Novads ", " Jaunpiebalgas Novads 7628381 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 63 ", "Ērgļu Novads ", " Erglu Novads 7628382 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " E3 ", "Vecpiebalgas Novads ", " Vecpiebalgas Novads 7628383 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " 43 ", "Apes Novads ", " Apes Novads 7628384 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LV", " F1 ", "Mērsraga Novads ", " Mersraga Novads 8299767 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LY", " 70 ", "Darnah ", " Darnah 87204 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LY", " 69 ", "Banghāzī ", " Banghazi 88318 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LY", " 66 ", "Al Marj ", " Al Marj 88904 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LY", " 65 ", "Al Kufrah ", " Al Kufrah 88932 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LY", " 63 ", "Al Jabal al Akhḑar ", " Al Jabal al Akhdar 443289 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LY", " 77 ", "Ţarābulus ", " Tarabulus 2210245 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LY", " 76 ", "Surt ", " Surt 2210553 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LY", " 75 ", "Sabhā ", " Sabha 2212774 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LY", " 74 ", "Sha‘bīyat Nālūt ", " Sha`biyat Nalut 2214432 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LY", " 73 ", "Murzuq ", " Murzuq 2214602 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LY", " 72 ", "Mişrātah ", " Misratah 2214845 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LY", " 71 ", "Sha‘bīyat Ghāt ", " Sha`biyat Ghat 2217350 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LY", " 68 ", "Az Zāwiyah ", " Az Zawiyah 2218972 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LY", " 78 ", "Ash Shāţiʼ ", " Sha`biyat Wadi ash Shati' 2219413 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LY", " 64 ", "Al Jufrah ", " Al Jufrah 2219944 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LY", " 67 ", "An Nuqāţ al Khams ", " An Nuqat al Khams 2593778 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LY", " 79 ", "Sha‘bīyat al Buţnān ", " Sha`biyat al Butnan 7602688 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LY", " 80 ", "Sha‘bīyat al Jabal ", " al Gharbī Sha`biyat al Jabal al Gharbi 7602689 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LY", " 81 ", "Sha‘bīyat al Jafārah ", " Sha`biyat al Jafarah 7602690 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LY", " 82 ", "Al Marqab Al Marqab ", " 7602691 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LY", " 83 ", "Sha‘bīyat al Wāḩāt ", " Sha`biyat al Wahat 7602692 ")); context.States.Add(new State("LY", " 84 ", "Sha‘bīyat Wādī al Ḩayāt ", " Sha`biyat Wadi al Hayat 7602693 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MA", " 49 ", "Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaër ", " Rabat-Sale-Zemmour-Zaer 2538470 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MA", " 48 ", "Meknès-Tafilalet ", " Meknes-Tafilalet 2542710 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MA", " 47 ", "Marrakech-Tensift-Al Haouz ", " Marrakech-Tensift-Al Haouz 2542995 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MA", " 46 ", "Fès-Boulemane ", " Fes-Boulemane 2548882 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MA", " 45 ", "Grand Casablanca ", " Grand Casablanca 2553603 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MA", " 50 ", "Chaouia-Ouardigha ", " Chaouia-Ouardigha 2597548 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MA", " 51 ", "Doukkala-Abda ", " Doukkala-Abda 2597549 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MA", " 52 ", "Gharb-Chrarda-Beni Hssen ", " Gharb-Chrarda-Beni Hssen 2597550 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MA", " 53 ", "Guelmim-Es Smara ", " Guelmim-Es Smara 2597551 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MA", " 54 ", "Oriental Region ", " Oriental Region 2597553 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MA", " 55 ", "Souss-Massa-Drâa ", " Souss-Massa-Draa 2597554 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MA", " 56 ", "Tadla-Azilal ", " Tadla-Azilal 2597555 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MA", " 57 ", "Tanger-Tétouan ", " Tanger-Tetouan 2597556 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MA", " 58 ", "Taza-Al Hoceima-Taounate ", " Taza-Al Hoceima-Taounate 2597557 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MA", " 59 ", "Laâyoune-Boujdour-Sakia El Hamra ", " Laayoune-Boujdour-Sakia El Hamra 6545402 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MA", " EH ", "Oued ed Dahab-Lagouira ", " Oued ed Dahab-Lagouira 7627603 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MC", " 00 ", " Commune de Monaco ", " 3319178 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MD", " 73 ", "Raionul Edineţ ", " Raionul Edinet 617077 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MD", " 92 ", "Ungheni District ", " Ungheni District 617181 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MD", " 91 ", "Raionul Teleneşti ", " Raionul Telenesti 617255 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MD", " 90 ", "Raionul Taraclia ", " Raionul Taraclia 617264 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MD", " 88 ", "Ştefan-Vodă ", " Stefan-Voda 617283 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MD", " 89 ", "Strășeni District ", " Straseni District 617301 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MD", " 87 ", "Raionul Soroca ", " Raionul Soroca 617366 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MD", " 84 ", "Raionul Rîşcani ", " Raionul Riscani 617483 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MD", " 83 ", "Raionul Rezina ", " Raionul Rezina 617501 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MD", " 82 ", "Raionul Orhei ", " Raionul Orhei 617639 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MD", " 81 ", "Raionul Ocniţa ", " Raionul Ocnita 617656 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MD", " 59 ", "Raionul Anenii Noi ", " Raionul Anenii Noi 617715 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MD", " 80 ", "Raionul Nisporeni ", " Raionul Nisporeni 617754 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MD", " 79 ", "Raionul Leova ", " Raionul Leova 617903 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MD", " 85 ", "Raionul Sîngerei ", " Raionul Singerei 617913 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MD", " 69 ", "Raionul Criuleni ", " Raionul Criuleni 617962 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MD", " 78 ", "Raionul Ialoveni ", " Raionul Ialoveni 617991 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MD", " 57 ", "Chişinău ", " Chisinau 618069 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MD", " 67 ", "Căuşeni ", " Causeni 618119 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MD", " 65 ", "Raionul Cantemir ", " Raionul Cantemir 618142 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MD", " 66 ", "Călăraşi ", " Calarasi 618162 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MD", " 64 ", "Cahul District ", " Cahul District 618164 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MD", " 76 ", "Raionul Glodeni ", " Raionul Glodeni 618260 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MD", " 75 ", "Raionul Floreşti ", " Raionul Floresti 618331 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MD", " 74 ", "Raionul Făleşti ", " Raionul Falesti 618345 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MD", " 72 ", "Dubăsari ", " Dubasari 618363 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MD", " 71 ", "Drochia District ", " Drochia District 618369 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MD", " 70 ", "Raionul Donduşeni ", " Raionul Donduseni 618381 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MD", " 68 ", "Raionul Cimişlia ", " Raionul Cimislia 618430 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MD", " 63 ", "Raionul Briceni ", " Raionul Briceni 618511 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MD", " 61 ", "Raionul Basarabeasca ", " Raionul Basarabeasca 618565 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MD", " 77 ", "Raionul Hînceşti ", " Raionul Hincesti 858803 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MD", " 86 ", "Raionul Şoldăneşti ", " Raionul Soldanesti 858808 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MD", " 58 ", "Stînga Nistrului ", " Stinga Nistrului 858889 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MD", " 51 ", "Găgăuzia ", " Gagauzia 858895 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MD", " 62 ", "Bender ", " Bender 861487 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MD", " 60 ", "Bălţi ", " Balti 873909 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ME", " 17 ", "Opština Rožaje ", " Opstina Rozaje 786233 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ME", " 21 ", "Opština Žabljak ", " Opstina Zabljak 3186995 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ME", " 20 ", "Ulcinj ", " Ulcinj 3188514 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ME", " 19 ", "Tivat ", " Tivat 3189071 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ME", " 16 ", "Podgorica ", " Podgorica 3189077 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ME", " 18 ", "Opština Šavnik ", " Opstina Savnik 3191221 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ME", " 15 ", "Opština Plužine ", " Opstina Pluzine 3193129 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ME", " 14 ", "Pljevlja ", " Pljevlja 3193160 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ME", " 13 ", "Opština Plav ", " Opstina Plav 3193227 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ME", " 12 ", "Opština Nikšić ", " Opstina Niksic 3194493 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ME", " 11 ", "Mojkovac ", " Mojkovac 3194925 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ME", " 10 ", "Kotor ", " Kotor 3197537 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ME", " 09 ", "Opština Kolašin ", " Opstina Kolasin 3197895 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ME", " 03 ", "Berane ", " Berane 3199070 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ME", " 08 ", "Herceg Novi ", " Herceg Novi 3199393 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ME", " 07 ", "Danilovgrad ", " Danilovgrad 3202193 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ME", " 06 ", "Cetinje ", " Cetinje 3202640 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ME", " 05 ", "Budva ", " Budva 3203104 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ME", " 04 ", "Bijelo Polje ", " Bijelo Polje 3204173 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ME", " 02 ", "Bar ", " Bar 3204508 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ME", " 01 ", "Andrijevica ", " Andrijevica 3343959 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MG", " 7670842", " Diana ", " Diana 7670842 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MG", " 7670846", " Sava ", " Sava 7670846 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MG", " 7670847", " Sofia ", " Sofia 7670847 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MG", " 7670848", " Analanjirofo ", " Analanjirofo 7670848 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MG", " 7670849", " Boeny ", " Boeny 7670849 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MG", " 7670850", " Betsiboka ", " Betsiboka 7670850 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MG", " 7670851", " Alaotra Mangoro ", " Alaotra Mangoro 7670851 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MG", " 7670852", " Melaky ", " Melaky 7670852 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MG", " 7670853", " Bongolava ", " Bongolava 7670853 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MG", " 7670854", " Vakinankaratra ", " Vakinankaratra 7670854 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MG", " 7670855", " Itasy ", " Itasy 7670855 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MG", " 7670856", " Analamanga ", " Analamanga 7670856 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MG", " 7670857", " Atsinanana ", " Atsinanana 7670857 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MG", " 7670902", " Menabe ", " Menabe 7670902 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MG", " 7670904", " Amoron'i Mania ", " Amoron'i Mania 7670904 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MG", " 7670905", " Upper Matsiatra ", " Upper Matsiatra 7670905 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MG", " 7670906", " Vatovavy Fitovinany ", " Vatovavy Fitovinany 7670906 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MG", " 7670907", " Ihorombe ", " Ihorombe 7670907 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MG", " 7670908", " Atsimo-Atsinanana Region ", " Atsimo-Atsinanana Region 7670908 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MG", " 7670910", " Anosy ", " Anosy 7670910 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MG", " 7670911", " Androy ", " Androy 7670911 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MG", " 7670913", " Atsimo-Andrefana ", " Atsimo-Andrefana 7670913 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MH", " 007 ", "Ailinginae Atoll ", " Ailinginae Atoll 7303491 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MH", " 010 ", "Ailinglaplap Atoll ", " Ailinglaplap Atoll 7303492 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MH", " 030 ", "Ailuk Atoll ", " Ailuk Atoll 7303493 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MH", " 040 ", "Arno Atoll ", " Arno Atoll 7303494 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MH", " 050 ", "Aur Atoll ", " Aur Atoll 7303495 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MH", " 060 ", "Bikar Atoll ", " Bikar Atoll 7303496 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MH", " 070 ", "Bikini Atoll ", " Bikini Atoll 7303497 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MH", " 080 ", "Ebon Atoll ", " Ebon Atoll 7303498 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MH", " 090 ", "Enewetak Atoll ", " Enewetak Atoll 7303499 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MH", " 100 ", "Erikub Atoll ", " Erikub Atoll 7303500 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MH", " 120 ", "Jaluit Atoll ", " Jaluit Atoll 7303501 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MH", " 150 ", "Kwajalein Atoll ", " Kwajalein Atoll 7303502 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MH", " 160 ", "Lae Atoll ", " Lae Atoll 7303503 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MH", " 180 ", "Likiep Atoll ", " Likiep Atoll 7303504 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MH", " 190 ", "Majuro Atoll ", " Majuro Atoll 7303505 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MH", " 300 ", "Maloelap Atoll ", " Maloelap Atoll 7303506 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MH", " 320 ", "Mili Atoll ", " Mili Atoll 7303507 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MH", " 330 ", "Namdrik Atoll ", " Namdrik Atoll 7303508 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MH", " 340 ", "Namu Atoll ", " Namu Atoll 7303509 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MH", " 350 ", "Rongelap Atoll ", " Rongelap Atoll 7303510 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MH", " 360 ", "Rongrik Atoll ", " Rongrik Atoll 7303511 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MH", " 385 ", "Taka Atoll ", " Taka Atoll 7303512 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MH", " 073 ", "Bokak Atoll ", " Bokak Atoll 7303513 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MH", " 390 ", "Ujae Atoll ", " Ujae Atoll 7303514 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MH", " 400 ", "Ujelang ", " Ujelang 7303515 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MH", " 410 ", "Utrik Atoll ", " Utrik Atoll 7303516 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MH", " 420 ", "Wotho Atoll ", " Wotho Atoll 7303517 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MH", " 430 ", "Wotje Atoll ", " Wotje Atoll 7303518 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MH", " 110 ", "Jabat Island ", " Jabat Island 7303519 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MH", " 130 ", "Jemo Island ", " Jemo Island 7303520 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MH", " 140 ", "Kili Island ", " Kili Island 7303521 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MH", " 170 ", "Lib Island ", " Lib Island 7303522 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MH", " 310 ", "Mejit Island ", " Mejit Island 7303523 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " E9 ", "Valandovo ", " Valandovo 784732 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " 86 ", "Resen ", " Resen 786339 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " 51 ", "Kratovo ", " Kratovo 789090 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " 78 ", "Pehčevo ", " Pehcevo 862938 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " 72 ", "Novo Selo ", " Novo Selo 862945 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " 11 ", "Bosilovo ", " Bosilovo 862946 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " A9 ", "Vasilevo ", " Vasilevo 862947 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " E5 ", "Dojran ", " Dojran 862949 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " 08 ", "Bogdanci ", " Bogdanci 862950 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " 47 ", "Konče ", " Konce 862953 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " 62 ", "Makedonska Kamenica ", " Makedonska Kamenica 862956 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " C6 ", "Zrnovci ", " Zrnovci 862958 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " 40 ", "Karbinci ", " Karbinci 862960 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " 25 ", "Demir Kapija ", " Demir Kapija 862961 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " 87 ", "Rosoman ", " Rosoman 862973 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " 35 ", "Gradsko ", " Gradsko 862974 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " 60 ", "Lozovo ", " Lozovo 862975 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " 19 ", "Češinovo ", " Cesinovo 862977 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " E1 ", "Novaci ", " Novaci 863468 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " 04 ", "Berovo ", " Berovo 863485 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " 06 ", "Bitola ", " Bitola 863486 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " D9 ", "Mogila ", " Mogila 863488 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " 01 ", "Aračinovo ", " Aracinovo 863831 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " C7 ", "Bogovinje ", " Bogovinje 863834 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " 12 ", "Brvenica ", " Brvenica 863835 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " C8 ", "Čair ", " Cair 863836 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " C9 ", "Čaška ", " Caska 863838 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " D1 ", "Centar ", " Centar 863840 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " 18 ", "Centar Župa ", " Centar Zupa 863841 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " 20 ", "Čučer-Sandevo ", " Cucer-Sandevo 863842 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " D2 ", "Debar Debar ", " 863843 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " 22 ", "Delčevo ", " Delcevo 863844 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " D3 ", "Demir Hisar ", " Demir Hisar 863846 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " 28 ", "Dolneni ", " Dolneni 863849 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " 29 ", "Opstina Gjorce Petrov ", " Opstina Gjorce Petrov 863850 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " 30 ", "Drugovo ", " Drugovo 863851 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " 32 ", "Gazi Baba ", " Gazi Baba 863853 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " 33 ", "Gevgelija ", " Gevgelija 863854 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " D4 ", "Gostivar ", " Gostivar 863855 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " 36 ", "Ilinden ", " Ilinden 863856 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " D5 ", "Jegunovce ", " Jegunovce 863858 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " 41 ", "Karpoš ", " Karpos 863860 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " D6 ", "Kavadarci ", " Kavadarci 863861 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " 43 ", "Kičevo ", " Kicevo 863862 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " 44 ", "Kisela Voda ", " Kisela Voda 863863 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " 46 ", "Kočani ", " Kocani 863865 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " 52 ", "Kriva Palanka ", " Kriva Palanka 863869 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " 53 ", "Krivogaštani ", " Krivogastani 863870 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " 54 ", "Kruševo ", " Krusevo 863871 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " D7 ", "Kumanovo ", " Kumanovo 863873 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " 59 ", "Opstina Lipkovo ", " Opstina Lipkovo 863875 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " D8 ", "Makedonski Brod ", " Makedonski Brod 863877 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " 69 ", "Negotino ", " Negotino 863881 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " E2 ", "Ohrid ", " Ohrid 863883 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " 77 ", "Oslomej ", " Oslomej 863885 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " 79 ", "Petrovec ", " Petrovec 863886 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " 80 ", "Plasnica ", " Plasnica 863887 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " E3 ", "Prilep ", " Prilep 863888 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " 83 ", "Probištip ", " Probistip 863889 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " 84 ", "Radoviš ", " Radovis 863890 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " 85 ", "Opstina Rankovce ", " Opstina Rankovce 863891 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " E4 ", "Opština Rostuša ", " Opstina Rostusa 863892 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " 90 ", "Saraj ", " Saraj 863894 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " 92 ", "Sopište ", " Sopiste 863896 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " 97 ", "Staro Nagoričane ", " Staro Nagoricane 863899 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " 98 ", "Štip ", " Stip 863900 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " E6 ", "Struga ", " Struga 863901 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " E7 ", "Strumica ", " Strumica 863902 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " A2 ", "Studeničani ", " Studenicani 863903 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " A3 ", "Šuto Orizari ", " Suto Orizari 863904 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " A4 ", "Sveti Nikole ", " Sveti Nikole 863905 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " A5 ", "Tearce ", " Tearce 863906 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " E8 ", "Tetovo ", " Tetovo 863907 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " F1 ", "Veles ", " Veles 863909 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " B3 ", "Vevčani ", " Vevcani 863911 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " B4 ", "Vinica ", " Vinica 863912 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " B6 ", "Vraneštica ", " Vranestica 863913 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " B7 ", "Vrapčište ", " Vrapciste 863914 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " C1 ", "Zajas ", " Zajas 863917 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " C2 ", "Zelenikovo ", " Zelenikovo 863918 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " C3 ", "Želino ", " Zelino 863919 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " F3 ", "Aerodrom ", " Aerodrom 7056266 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " F4 ", "Butel ", " Butel 7056269 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MK", " F5 ", "Debarca ", " Debarca 7056271 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ML", " 08 ", "Tombouctou Region ", " Tombouctou Region 2449066 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ML", " 06 ", "Sikasso Region ", " Sikasso Region 2451184 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ML", " 05 ", "Ségou Region ", " Segou Region 2451477 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ML", " 04 ", "Mopti Region ", " Mopti Region 2453347 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ML", " 07 ", "Koulikoro Region ", " Koulikoro Region 2454532 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ML", " 03 ", "Kayes Region ", " Kayes Region 2455517 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ML", " 09 ", "Gao Region ", " Gao Region 2457161 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ML", " 01 ", "Bamako ", " Bamako 2460594 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ML", " 10 ", "Kidal Region ", " Kidal Region 2597449 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MM", " 12 ", "Tanintharyi ", " Tanintharyi 1293118 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MM", " 11 ", "Shan ", " Shan 1297099 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MM", " 10 ", "Sagain ", " Sagain 1298480 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MM", " 17 ", "Yangon ", " Yangon 1298822 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MM", " 01 ", "Rakhine ", " Rakhine 1298852 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MM", " 16 ", "Bago ", " Bago 1300463 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MM", " 13 ", "Mon ", " Mon 1308528 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MM", " 08 ", "Mandalay ", " Mandalay 1311871 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MM", " 15 ", "Magway ", " Magway 1312604 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MM", " 06 ", "Kayah ", " Kayah 1319539 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MM", " 05 ", "Kayin ", " Kayin 1320233 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MM", " 04 ", "Kachin ", " Kachin 1321702 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MM", " 03 ", "Ayeyarwady ", " Ayeyarwady 1321850 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MM", " 02 ", "Chin ", " Chin 1327132 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MN", " 19 ", "Uvs ", " Uvs 1514967 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MN", " 12 ", "Hovd ", " Hovd 1515696 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MN", " 10 ", "Govĭ-Altay ", " Govi-Altay 1515917 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MN", " 09 ", "Dzabkhan ", " Dzabkhan 1516012 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MN", " 03 ", "Bayan-Ölgiy ", " Bayan-Olgiy 1516278 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MN", " 02 ", "Bayanhongor ", " Bayanhongor 1516290 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MN", " 20 ", "Ulaanbaatar ", " Ulaanbaatar 2028461 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MN", " 18 ", "Central Aimak ", " Central Aimak 2028849 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MN", " 17 ", "Sühbaatar ", " Suhbaatar 2029155 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MN", " 16 ", "Selenge ", " Selenge 2029432 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MN", " 15 ", "Övörhangay ", " OEvoerhangay 2029546 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MN", " 14 ", "Ömnögovi Province ", " OEmnoegovi Province 2029669 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MN", " 13 ", "Hövsgöl ", " Hovsgol 2030469 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MN", " 11 ", "Hentiy ", " Hentiy 2030783 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MN", " 08 ", "Middle Govĭ ", " Middle Govi 2031740 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MN", " 07 ", "East Gobi Aymag ", " East Gobi Aymag 2031798 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MN", " 06 ", "East Aimak ", " East Aimak 2031799 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MN", " 21 ", "Bulgan ", " Bulgan 2032199 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MN", " 01 ", "Arhangay ", " Arhangay 2032855 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MN", " 23 ", "Darhan Uul ", " Darhan Uul 2055111 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MN", " 24 ", "Govĭ-Sumber ", " Govi-Sumber 2055112 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MN", " 25 ", "Orhon ", " Orhon 2055113 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MO", " 02 ", "Macau ", " Macau 1821273 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MO", " 01 ", "Ilhas ", " Ilhas 1821286 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MP", " 100 ", "Rota Municipality ", " Rota Municipality 4041530 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MP", " 110 ", "Saipan Municipality ", " Saipan Municipality 4041552 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MP", " 120 ", "Tinian Municipality ", " Tinian Municipality 4041650 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MP", " 085 ", "Northern Islands Municipality ", " Northern Islands Municipality 7733156 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MQ", " MQ ", "Martinique ", " Martinique 6690603 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MR", " 06 ", "Trarza ", " Trarza 2375742 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MR", " 11 ", "Tiris Zemmour ", " Tiris Zemmour 2375989 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MR", " 09 ", "Tagant ", " Tagant 2376551 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MR", " NKC ", "Nouakchott ", " Nouakchott 2377449 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MR", " 12 ", "Inchiri ", " Inchiri 2378903 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MR", " 02 ", "Hodh el Gharbi ", " Hodh el Gharbi 2379024 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MR", " 01 ", "Hodh ech Chargui ", " Hodh ech Chargui 2379025 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MR", " 10 ", "Guidimaka ", " Guidimaka 2379216 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MR", " 04 ", "Gorgol ", " Gorgol 2379384 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MR", " 08 ", "Dakhlet Nouadhibou ", " Dakhlet Nouadhibou 2380426 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MR", " 05 ", "Brakna ", " Brakna 2380635 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MR", " 03 ", "Assaba ", " Assaba 2381344 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MR", " 07 ", "Adrar ", " Adrar 2381972 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MS", " 03 ", "Saint Peter ", " Saint Peter 3578039 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MS", " 02 ", "Saint Georges ", " Saint Georges 3578044 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MS", " 01 ", "Saint Anthony ", " Saint Anthony 3578045 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 01 ", "Attard ", " Attard 8299700 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 02 ", "Balzan ", " Balzan 8299701 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 03 ", "Il-Birgu ", " Il-Birgu 8299702 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 04 ", "Birkirkara ", " Birkirkara 8299703 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 05 ", "Birżebbuġa ", " Birzebbuga 8299704 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 06 ", "Bormla ", " Bormla 8299705 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 07 ", "Dingli ", " Dingli 8299706 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 08 ", "Il-Fgura ", " Il-Fgura 8299707 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 09 ", "Il-Furjana ", " Il-Furjana 8299708 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 10 ", "Il-Fontana ", " Il-Fontana 8299709 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 11 ", "Għajnsielem ", " Ghajnsielem 8299710 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 12 ", "L-Għarb ", " L-Gharb 8299711 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 13 ", "Ħal Għargħur ", " Hal Gharghur 8299712 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 14 ", "L-Għasri ", " L-Ghasri 8299713 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 15 ", "Ħal Għaxaq ", " Hal Ghaxaq 8299714 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 16 ", "Il-Gudja ", " Il-Gudja 8299715 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 17 ", "Il-Gżira ", " Il-Gzira 8299716 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 18 ", "Il-Ħamrun ", " Il-Hamrun 8299717 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 19 ", "L-Iklin ", " L-Iklin 8299718 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 20 ", "L-Imdina ", " L-Imdina 8299719 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 21 ", "L-Imġarr ", " L-Imgarr 8299720 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 22 ", "L-Imqabba ", " L-Imqabba 8299721 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 23 ", "L-Imsida ", " L-Imsida 8299722 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 24 ", "L-Imtarfa ", " L-Imtarfa 8299723 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 25 ", "L-Isla ", " L-Isla 8299724 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 26 ", "Il-Kalkara ", " Il-Kalkara 8299725 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 27 ", "Ta’ Kerċem ", " Ta' Kercem 8299726 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 28 ", "Kirkop ", " Kirkop 8299727 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 29 ", "Lija ", " Lija 8299728 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 30 ", "Luqa ", " Luqa 8299729 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 31 ", "Il-Marsa ", " Il-Marsa 8299730 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 32 ", "Marsaskala ", " Marsaskala 8299731 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 33 ", "Marsaxlokk ", " Marsaxlokk 8299732 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 34 ", "Il-Mellieħa ", " Il-Mellieha 8299733 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 35 ", "Il-Mosta ", " Il-Mosta 8299734 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 36 ", "Il-Munxar ", " Il-Munxar 8299735 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 37 ", "In-Nadur ", " In-Nadur 8299736 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 38 ", "In-Naxxar ", " In-Naxxar 8299737 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 39 ", "Paola ", " Paola 8299738 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 40 ", "Pembroke ", " Pembroke 8299739 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 41 ", "Tal-Pietà ", " Tal-Pieta 8299740 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 42 ", "Il-Qala ", " Il-Qala 8299741 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 43 ", "Qormi ", " Qormi 8299742 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 44 ", "Il-Qrendi ", " Il-Qrendi 8299743 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 46 ", "Ir-Rabat ", " Ir-Rabat 8299745 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 47 ", "Safi ", " Safi 8299746 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 48 ", "Saint John ", " Saint John 8299747 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 49 ", "Saint Julian ", " Saint Julian 8299748 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 50 ", "Saint Lawrence ", " Saint Lawrence 8299749 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 51 ", "Saint Lucia ", " Saint Lucia 8299750 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 52 ", "Saint Paul’s Bay ", " Saint Paul's Bay 8299751 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 53 ", "Saint Venera ", " Saint Venera 8299752 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 54 ", "Sannat ", " Sannat 8299753 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 55 ", "Is-Siġġiewi ", " Is-Siggiewi 8299754 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 56 ", "Tas-Sliema ", " Tas-Sliema 8299755 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 57 ", "Is-Swieqi ", " Is-Swieqi 8299756 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 58 ", "Tarxien ", " Tarxien 8299757 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 59 ", "Ta’ Xbiex ", " Ta' Xbiex 8299758 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 61 ", "Ix-Xagħra ", " Ix-Xaghra 8299759 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 62 ", "Ix-Xewkija ", " Ix-Xewkija 8299760 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 63 ", "Ix-Xgħajra ", " Ix-Xghajra 8299761 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 64 ", "Ħaż-Żabbar ", " Haz-Zabbar 8299762 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 65 ", "Ħaż-Żebbuġ ", " Haz-Zebbug 8299763 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 66 ", "Iż-Żebbuġ ", " Iz-Zebbug 8299764 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 67 ", "Iż-Żejtun ", " Iz-Zejtun 8299765 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 68 ", "Iż-Żurrieq ", " Iz-Zurrieq 8299766 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MT", " 60 ", "Il-Belt Valletta ", " Il-Belt Valletta 8334638 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MU", " 21 ", "Agalega Islands ", " Agalega Islands 448254 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MU", " 20 ", "Savanne ", " Savanne 934017 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MU", " 19 ", "Rivière du Rempart ", " Riviere du Rempart 934090 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MU", " 18 ", "Port Louis ", " Port Louis 934153 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MU", " 17 ", "Plaines Wilhems ", " Plaines Wilhems 934166 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MU", " 16 ", "Pamplemousses ", " Pamplemousses 934212 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MU", " 15 ", "Moka ", " Moka 934275 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MU", " 14 ", "Grand Port ", " Grand Port 934466 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MU", " 13 ", "Flacq ", " Flacq 934522 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MU", " 12 ", "Black River ", " Black River 934718 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MU", " 22 ", "Cargados Carajos ", " Cargados Carajos 1106583 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MU", " 23 ", "Rodrigues ", " Rodrigues 1547449 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MV", " 47 ", "Vaavu Atholhu ", " Vaavu Atholhu 1281843 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MV", " 46 ", "Thaa Atholhu ", " Thaa Atholhu 1281881 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MV", " 45 ", "Shaviyani Atholhu ", " Shaviyani Atholhu 1281892 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MV", " 01 ", "Seenu ", " Seenu 1281893 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MV", " 44 ", "Raa Atholhu ", " Raa Atholhu 1281918 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MV", " 43 ", "Noonu Atoll ", " Noonu Atoll 1281937 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MV", " 42 ", "Gnyaviyani Atoll ", " Gnyaviyani Atoll 1281945 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MV", " 41 ", "Meemu Atholhu ", " Meemu Atholhu 1281985 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MV", " 39 ", "Lhaviyani Atholhu ", " Lhaviyani Atholhu 1282096 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MV", " 05 ", "Laamu ", " Laamu 1282101 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MV", " 38 ", "Kaafu Atoll ", " Kaafu Atoll 1282208 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MV", " 37 ", "Haa Dhaalu Atholhu ", " Haa Dhaalu Atholhu 1282293 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MV", " 36 ", "Haa Alifu Atholhu Haa ", " Alifu Atholhu 1282294 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MV", " 35 ", "Gaafu Dhaalu Atholhu ", " Gaafu Dhaalu Atholhu 1282328 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MV", " 34 ", "Gaafu Alifu Atholhu ", " Gaafu Alifu Atholhu 1282329 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MV", " 33 ", "Faafu Atholhu ", " Faafu Atholhu 1282393 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MV", " 32 ", "Dhaalu Atholhu ", " Dhaalu Atholhu 1282447 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MV", " 31 ", "Baa Atholhu ", " Baa Atholhu 1282478 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MV", " 30 ", "Northern Ari Atoll ", " Northern Ari Atoll 1282497 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MV", " 40 ", "Maale ", " Maale 1337624 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MV", " 48 ", "South Province ", " South Province 8030589 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MV", " 49 ", "Upper South Province ", " Upper South Province 8030590 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MV", " 50 ", "Upper North Province ", " Upper North Province 8030591 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MV", " 51 ", "Central Province ", " Central Province 8030592 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MV", " 52 ", "South Central Province ", " South Central Province 8030593 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MV", " 53 ", "North Central Province ", " North Central Province 8030594 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MV", " 54 ", "North Province ", " North Province 8030595 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MW", " S ", "Southern Region ", " Southern Region 923817 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MW", " N ", "Northern Region ", " Northern Region 924591 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MW", " C ", "Central Region ", " Central Region 931597 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MX", " 31 ", "Yucatán ", " Yucatan 3514211 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MX", " 30 ", "Veracruz-Llave ", " Veracruz-Llave 3514780 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MX", " 29 ", "Tlaxcala ", " Tlaxcala 3515359 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MX", " 28 ", "Tamaulipas ", " Tamaulipas 3516391 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MX", " 27 ", "Tabasco ", " Tabasco 3516458 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MX", " 23 ", "Quintana Roo ", " Quintana Roo 3520887 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MX", " 22 ", "Querétaro ", " Queretaro 3520914 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MX", " 21 ", "Puebla ", " Puebla 3521082 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MX", " 20 ", "Oaxaca ", " Oaxaca 3522509 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MX", " 19 ", "Nuevo León ", " Nuevo Leon 3522542 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MX", " 17 ", "Morelos ", " Morelos 3522961 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MX", " 15 ", "México ", " Mexico 3523272 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MX", " 13 ", "Hidalgo ", " Hidalgo 3527115 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MX", " 12 ", "Guerrero ", " Guerrero 3527213 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MX", " 09 ", "The Federal District ", " The Federal District 3527646 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MX", " 05 ", "Chiapas ", " Chiapas 3531011 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MX", " 04 ", "Campeche ", " Campeche 3531730 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MX", " 32 ", "Zacatecas ", " Zacatecas 3979840 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MX", " 26 ", "Sonora ", " Sonora 3982846 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MX", " 25 ", "Sinaloa ", " Sinaloa 3983035 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MX", " 24 ", "San Luis Potosí ", " San Luis Potosi 3985605 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MX", " 18 ", "Nayarit ", " Nayarit 3995012 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MX", " 16 ", "Michoacán ", " Michoacan 3995955 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MX", " 14 ", "Jalisco ", " Jalisco 4004156 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MX", " 11 ", "Guanajuato ", " Guanajuato 4005267 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MX", " 10 ", "Durango ", " Durango 4011741 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MX", " 08 ", "Colima ", " Colima 4013513 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MX", " 07 ", "Coahuila ", " Coahuila 4013674 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MX", " 06 ", "Chihuahua ", " Chihuahua 4014336 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MX", " 03 ", "Baja California Sur ", " Baja California Sur 4017698 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MX", " 02 ", "Baja California ", " Baja California 4017700 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MX", " 01 ", "Aguascalientes ", " Aguascalientes 4019231 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MY", " 04 ", "Melaka ", " Melaka 1733035 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MY", " 13 ", "Terengganu ", " Terengganu 1733036 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MY", " 12 ", "Selangor ", " Selangor 1733037 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MY", " 11 ", "Sarawak ", " Sarawak 1733038 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MY", " 16 ", "Sabah ", " Sabah 1733039 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MY", " 08 ", "Perlis ", " Perlis 1733040 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MY", " 07 ", "Perak ", " Perak 1733041 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MY", " 06 ", "Pahang ", " Pahang 1733042 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MY", " 05 ", "Negeri Sembilan ", " Negeri Sembilan 1733043 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MY", " 03 ", "Kelantan ", " Kelantan 1733044 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MY", " 14 ", "Kuala Lumpur ", " Kuala Lumpur 1733046 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MY", " 09 ", "Pulau Pinang ", " Pulau Pinang 1733047 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MY", " 02 ", "Kedah ", " Kedah 1733048 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MY", " 01 ", "Johor ", " Johor 1733049 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MY", " 15 ", "Labuan ", " Labuan 1734240 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MY", " 17 ", "Putrajaya ", " Putrajaya 1996552 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MZ", " 09 ", "Zambézia ", " Zambezia 1024312 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MZ", " 08 ", "Province of Tete ", " Province of Tete 1026010 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MZ", " 05 ", "Sofala ", " Sofala 1026804 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MZ", " 07 ", "Niassa ", " Niassa 1030006 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MZ", " 06 ", "Nampula ", " Nampula 1033354 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MZ", " 04 ", "Maputo ", " Maputo 1040649 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MZ", " 10 ", "Manica ", " Manica 1040947 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MZ", " 03 ", "Inhambane ", " Inhambane 1045110 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MZ", " 02 ", "Gaza ", " Gaza 1046058 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MZ", " 01 ", "Cabo Delgado ", " Cabo Delgado 1051823 ")); context.States.Add(new State("MZ", " 11 ", "Maputo City ", " Maputo City 1105845 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NA", " 28 ", "Caprivi ", " Caprivi 1090052 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NA", " 21 ", "Khomas ", " Khomas 3352137 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NA", " 29 ", "Erongo ", " Erongo 3371199 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NA", " 30 ", "Hardap ", " Hardap 3371200 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NA", " 31 ", "Karas ", " Karas 3371201 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NA", " 32 ", "Kunene ", " Kunene 3371202 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NA", " 33 ", "Ohangwena ", " Ohangwena 3371203 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NA", " 34 ", "Okavango ", " Okavango 3371204 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NA", " 35 ", "Omaheke ", " Omaheke 3371205 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NA", " 36 ", "Omusati ", " Omusati 3371206 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NA", " 37 ", "Oshana ", " Oshana 3371207 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NA", " 38 ", "Oshikoto ", " Oshikoto 3371208 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NA", " 39 ", "Otjozondjupa ", " Otjozondjupa 3371209 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NC", " 02 ", "Province Sud ", " Province Sud 2140464 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NC", " 01 ", "Province Nord ", " Province Nord 2140685 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NC", " 03 ", "Province des îles Loyauté ", " Province des iles Loyaute 7521415 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NE", " 07 ", "Zinder ", " Zinder 2437797 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NE", " 06 ", "Tahoua ", " Tahoua 2439374 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NE", " 04 ", "Maradi ", " Maradi 2441289 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NE", " 03 ", "Dosso ", " Dosso 2445486 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NE", " 02 ", "Diffa ", " Diffa 2445702 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NE", " 01 ", "Agadez Region ", " Agadez Region 2448083 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NE", " 09 ", "Tillabéri ", " Tillaberi 2595293 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NE", " 08 ", "Niamey ", " Niamey 2595294 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NG", " 51 ", "Sokoto ", " Sokoto 2322907 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NG", " 50 ", "Rivers ", " Rivers 2324433 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NG", " 49 ", "Plateau ", " Plateau 2324828 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NG", " 32 ", "Oyo ", " Oyo 2325190 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NG", " 48 ", "Ondo ", " Ondo 2326168 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NG", " 16 ", "Ogun ", " Ogun 2327546 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NG", " 31 ", "Niger ", " Niger 2328925 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NG", " 05 ", "Lagos ", " Lagos 2332453 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NG", " 30 ", "Kwara ", " Kwara 2332785 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NG", " 24 ", "Katsina ", " Katsina 2334797 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NG", " 29 ", "Kano ", " Kano 2335196 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NG", " 23 ", "Kaduna ", " Kaduna 2335722 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NG", " 28 ", "Imo State ", " Imo State 2337542 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NG", " 22 ", "Cross River ", " Cross River 2345891 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NG", " 27 ", "Borno Borno ", " 2346794 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NG", " 26 ", "Benue State ", " Benue State 2347266 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NG", " 46 ", "Bauchi State ", " Bauchi State 2347468 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NG", " 25 ", "Anambra State ", " Anambra State 2349961 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NG", " 21 ", "Akwa Ibom ", " Akwa Ibom 2350813 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NG", " 11 ", "Abuja Federal Capital Territory ", " Abuja Federal Capital Territory 2352776 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NG", " 45 ", "Abia ", " Abia 2565340 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NG", " 36 ", "Delta State ", " Delta State 2565341 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NG", " 35 ", "Adamawa State ", " Adamawa State 2565342 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NG", " 37 ", "Edo ", " Edo 2565343 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NG", " 47 ", "Enugu State ", " Enugu State 2565344 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NG", " 39 ", "Jigawa State ", " Jigawa State 2565345 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NG", " 52 ", "Bayelsa ", " Bayelsa 2595344 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NG", " 53 ", "Ebonyi ", " Ebonyi 2595345 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NG", " 54 ", "Ekiti ", " Ekiti 2595346 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NG", " 55 ", "Gombe ", " Gombe 2595347 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NG", " 56 ", "Nassarawa ", " Nassarawa 2595348 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NG", " 57 ", "Zamfara ", " Zamfara 2595349 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NG", " 40 ", "Kebbi ", " Kebbi 2597363 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NG", " 41 ", "Kogi ", " Kogi 2597364 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NG", " 42 ", "Osun ", " Osun 2597365 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NG", " 43 ", "Taraba State ", " Taraba State 2597366 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NG", " 44 ", "Yobe ", " Yobe 2597367 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NI", " 15 ", "Rivas ", " Rivas 3617051 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NI", " 14 ", "Río San Juan ", " Rio San Juan 3617056 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NI", " 13 ", "Nueva Segovia ", " Nueva Segovia 3617458 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NI", " 12 ", "Matagalpa ", " Matagalpa 3617707 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NI", " 11 ", "Masaya ", " Masaya 3617722 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NI", " 10 ", "Managua ", " Managua 3617762 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NI", " 09 ", "Madriz ", " Madriz 3617796 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NI", " 08 ", "León ", " Leon 3618029 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NI", " 07 ", "Jinotega ", " Jinotega 3618928 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NI", " 06 ", "Granada ", " Granada 3619135 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NI", " 05 ", "Estelí ", " Esteli 3619193 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NI", " 04 ", "Chontales ", " Chontales 3620368 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NI", " 03 ", "Chinandega ", " Chinandega 3620380 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NI", " 02 ", "Carazo ", " Carazo 3620481 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NI", " 01 ", "Boaco ", " Boaco 3620673 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NI", " 17 ", "Atlántico Norte ", " Atlantico Norte 3830307 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NI", " 18 ", "Atlántico Sur ", " Atlantico Sur 3830308 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NL", " 11 ", "South Holland ", " South Holland 2743698 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NL", " 10 ", "Zeeland ", " Zeeland 2744011 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NL", " 09 ", "Utrecht ", " Utrecht 2745909 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NL", " 15 ", "Overijssel ", " Overijssel 2748838 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NL", " 07 ", "North Holland ", " North Holland 2749879 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NL", " 06 ", "North Brabant ", " North Brabant 2749990 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NL", " 05 ", "Limburg ", " Limburg 2751596 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NL", " 04 ", "Groningen ", " Groningen 2755249 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NL", " 03 ", "Gelderland ", " Gelderland 2755634 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NL", " 02 ", "Friesland ", " Friesland 2755812 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NL", " 01 ", "Drenthe ", " Drenthe 2756631 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NL", " 16 ", "Flevoland ", " Flevoland 3319179 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NO", " 05 ", "Finnmark ", " Finnmark 780166 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NO", " 20 ", "Vestfold county ", " Vestfold county 3132015 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NO", " 19 ", "Vest-Agder ", " Vest-Agder 3132064 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NO", " 18 ", "Troms ", " Troms 3133897 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NO", " 17 ", "Telemark county ", " Telemark county 3134723 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NO", " 16 ", "Sør-Trøndelag ", " Sor-Trondelag 3137400 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NO", " 15 ", "Sogn og Fjordane ", " Sogn og Fjordane 3137966 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NO", " 14 ", "Rogaland ", " Rogaland 3141558 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NO", " 13 ", "Østfold ", " Ostfold 3143188 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NO", " 12 ", "Oslo County ", " Oslo County 3143242 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NO", " 11 ", "Oppland county ", " Oppland county 3143487 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NO", " 10 ", "Nord-Trøndelag ", " Nord-Trondelag 3144148 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NO", " 09 ", "Nordland ", " Nordland 3144301 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NO", " 08 ", "Møre og Romsdal ", " More og Romsdal 3145495 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NO", " 07 ", "Hordaland ", " Hordaland 3151864 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NO", " 06 ", "Hedmark county ", " Hedmark county 3153403 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NO", " 04 ", "Buskerud county ", " Buskerud county 3159665 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NO", " 02 ", "Aust-Agder county ", " Aust-Agder county 3162354 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NO", " 01 ", "Akershus county ", " Akershus county 3163480 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NP", " FR ", "Far Western Region ", " Far Western Region 7289705 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NP", " MR ", "Mid Western Region ", " Mid Western Region 7289706 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NP", " CR ", "Central Region ", " Central Region 7289707 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NP", " ER ", "Eastern Region ", " Eastern Region 7289708 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NP", " WR ", "Western Region ", " Western Region 7289709 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NR", " 14 ", "Yaren ", " Yaren 2110418 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NR", " 13 ", "Uaboe ", " Uaboe 2110420 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NR", " 12 ", "Nibok ", " Nibok 2110423 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NR", " 11 ", "Meneng ", " Meneng 2110431 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NR", " 10 ", "Ijuw ", " Ijuw 2110432 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NR", " 09 ", "Ewa ", " Ewa 2110435 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NR", " 08 ", "Denigomodu ", " Denigomodu 2110437 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NR", " 07 ", "Buada ", " Buada 2110440 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NR", " 06 ", "Boe ", " Boe 2110441 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NR", " 05 ", "Baiti ", " Baiti 2110442 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NR", " 04 ", "Anibare ", " Anibare 2110445 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NR", " 03 ", "Anetan ", " Anetan 2110448 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NR", " 02 ", "Anabar ", " Anabar 2110449 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NR", " 01 ", "Aiwo ", " Aiwo 2110451 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NZ", " G2 ", "Wellington ", " Wellington 2179538 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NZ", " F3 ", "Manawatu-Wanganui ", " Manawatu-Wanganui 2179671 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NZ", " G1 ", "Waikato ", " Waikato 2180293 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NZ", " TAS ", "Tasman ", " Tasman 2181818 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NZ", " F9 ", "Taranaki ", " Taranaki 2181872 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NZ", " F8 ", "Southland Region ", " Southland Region 2182501 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NZ", " E8 ", "Bay of Plenty ", " Bay of Plenty 2182560 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NZ", " F6 ", "Northland ", " Northland 2185978 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NZ", " F4 ", "Marlborough ", " Marlborough 2187304 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NZ", " F2 ", "Hawke's Bay ", " Hawke's Bay 2190146 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NZ", " F1 ", "Gisborne Region ", " Gisborne Region 2190767 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NZ", " E9 ", "Canterbury Region ", " Canterbury Region 2192628 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NZ", " E7 ", "Auckland ", " Auckland 2193734 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NZ", " 10 ", "Chatham Islands ", " Chatham Islands 4033013 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NZ", " F5 ", "Nelson ", " Nelson 6612108 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NZ", " F7 ", "Otago Region ", " Otago Region 6612109 ")); context.States.Add(new State("NZ", " G3 ", "West Coast ", " West Coast 6612113 ")); context.States.Add(new State("OM", " 01 ", "Ad Dākhilīyah ", " Ad Dakhiliyah 411735 ")); context.States.Add(new State("OM", " 02 ", "Al Bāţinah ", " Al Batinah 411736 ")); context.States.Add(new State("OM", " 03 ", "Al Wusţá ", " Al Wusta 411737 ")); context.States.Add(new State("OM", " 04 ", "Ash Sharqīyah ", " Ash Sharqiyah 411738 ")); context.States.Add(new State("OM", " 09 ", "Az̧ Z̧āhirah ", " Az Zahirah 411739 ")); context.States.Add(new State("OM", " 06 ", "Masqaţ ", " Masqat 411740 ")); context.States.Add(new State("OM", " 07 ", "Musandam ", " Musandam 411741 ")); context.States.Add(new State("OM", " 08 ", "Z̧ufār ", " Zufar 411742 ")); context.States.Add(new State("OM", " 10 ", "Muḩāfaz̧at al Buraymī ", " Muhafazat al Buraymi 7110710 ")); context.States.Add(new State("OM", " 12 ", "Muḩāfaz̧at Shamāl ash Sharqīyah ", " Muhafazat Shamal ash Sharqiyah 8394433 ")); context.States.Add(new State("OM", " 11 ", "Muḩāfaz̧at Shamāl al Bāţinah ", " Muhafazat Shamal al Batinah 8394434 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PA", " 10 ", "Veraguas ", " Veraguas 3700159 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PA", " 09 ", "Kuna Yala ", " Kuna Yala 3701537 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PA", " 08 ", "Panamá ", " Panama 3703433 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PA", " 07 ", "Los Santos ", " Los Santos 3704961 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PA", " 06 ", "Herrera ", " Herrera 3708710 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PA", " 05 ", "Darién ", " Darien 3711671 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PA", " 04 ", "Colón ", " Colon 3712073 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PA", " 03 ", "Coclé ", " Cocle 3712162 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PA", " 02 ", "Chiriquí ", " Chiriqui 3712410 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PA", " 01 ", "Bocas del Toro ", " Bocas del Toro 3713954 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PA", " 11 ", "Emberá ", " Embera 7303686 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PA", " 12 ", "Ngöbe-Buglé ", " Ngoebe-Bugle 7303688 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PE", " 25 ", "Ucayali Region ", " Ucayali Region 3691099 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PE", " 24 ", "Tumbes ", " Tumbes 3691146 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PE", " 22 ", "San Martín ", " San Martin 3692385 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PE", " 20 ", "Piura Region ", " Piura Region 3693525 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PE", " 16 ", "Loreto Region ", " Loreto Region 3695238 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PE", " 14 ", "Lambayeque Region ", " Lambayeque Region 3695753 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PE", " 13 ", "La Libertad Region ", " La Libertad Region 3695781 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PE", " 10 ", "Huanuco ", " Huanuco 3696416 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PE", " 06 ", "Cajamarca ", " Cajamarca 3699087 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PE", " 02 ", "Ancash Region ", " Ancash Region 3699674 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PE", " 01 ", "Amazonas Region ", " Amazonas Region 3699699 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PE", " 23 ", "Tacna Region ", " Tacna Region 3928127 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PE", " 21 ", "Puno Region ", " Puno Region 3931275 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PE", " 19 ", "Pasco ", " Pasco 3932834 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PE", " 18 ", "Moquegua ", " Moquegua 3934607 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PE", " 17 ", "Madre de Dios ", " Madre de Dios 3935619 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PE", " LMA ", "Provincia de Lima ", " Provincia de Lima 3936451 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PE", " 15 ", "Lima Region ", " Lima Region 3936452 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PE", " 12 ", "Junín ", " Junin 3937485 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PE", " 11 ", "Ica Region ", " Ica Region 3938526 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PE", " 09 ", "Huancavelica Region ", " Huancavelica Region 3939467 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PE", " 08 ", "Cusco ", " Cusco 3941583 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PE", " 07 ", "Callao ", " Callao 3946080 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PE", " 05 ", "Ayacucho Region ", " Ayacucho Region 3947018 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PE", " 04 ", "Arequipa Region ", " Arequipa Region 3947319 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PE", " 03 ", "Apurímac ", " Apurimac 3947421 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PF", " 04 ", "Îles Marquises ", " Iles Marquises 4019991 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PF", " 03 ", "Îles Tuamotu-Gambier ", " Iles Tuamotu-Gambier 4030621 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PF", " 02 ", "Îles Sous-le-Vent ", " Iles Sous-le-Vent 4034364 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PF", " 01 ", "Îles du Vent ", " Iles du Vent 4034365 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PF", " 05 ", "Îles Australes ", " Iles Australes 4034366 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PG", " 17 ", "West New Britain ", " West New Britain 2083546 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PG", " 06 ", "Western Province ", " Western Province 2083549 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PG", " 16 ", "Western Highlands ", " Western Highlands 2083551 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PG", " 05 ", "Southern Highlands ", " Southern Highlands 2086331 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PG", " 18 ", "Sandaun ", " Sandaun 2087246 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PG", " 07 ", "Bougainville ", " Bougainville 2089470 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PG", " 04 ", "Northern Province ", " Northern Province 2089478 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PG", " 15 ", "New Ireland ", " New Ireland 2089693 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PG", " 20 ", "National Capital District ", " National Capital District 2089856 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PG", " 14 ", "Morobe ", " Morobe 2090468 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PG", " 13 ", "Manus ", " Manus 2091495 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PG", " 12 ", "Madang ", " Madang 2091993 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PG", " 02 ", "Gulf ", " Gulf 2096633 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PG", " 19 ", "Enga ", " Enga 2097655 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PG", " 11 ", "East Sepik ", " East Sepik 2097846 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PG", " 10 ", "East New Britain ", " East New Britain 2097853 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PG", " 09 ", "Eastern Highlands ", " Eastern Highlands 2097855 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PG", " 08 ", "Chimbu ", " Chimbu 2098593 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PG", " 03 ", "Milne Bay ", " Milne Bay 2132895 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PG", " 01 ", "Central Province ", " Central Province 2133763 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PG", " 21 ", "Hela ", " Hela 8521658 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PG", " 22 ", "Jiwaka ", " Jiwaka 8521660 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PH", " 14 ", "Autonomous Region ", " Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao 7115989 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PH", " 10 ", "Northern Mindanao ", " Northern Mindanao 7521295 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PH", " 41 ", "Mimaropa ", " Mimaropa 7521296 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PH", " 02 ", "Cagayan Valley ", " Cagayan Valley 7521297 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PH", " 12 ", "Soccsksargen ", " Soccsksargen 7521298 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PH", " 13 ", "Caraga ", " Caraga 7521299 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PH", " 15 ", "Cordillera Administrative Region ", " Cordillera Administrative Region 7521300 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PH", " 01 ", "Ilocos Region ", " Ilocos Region 7521301 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PH", " 40 ", "Calabarzon ", " Calabarzon 7521303 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PH", " 06 ", "Western Visayas ", " Western Visayas 7521304 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PH", " 03 ", "Central Luzon ", " Central Luzon 7521305 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PH", " 07 ", "Central Visayas ", " Central Visayas 7521306 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PH", " 08 ", "Eastern Visayas ", " Eastern Visayas 7521307 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PH", " 09 ", "Zamboanga Peninsula ", " Zamboanga Peninsula 7521308 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PH", " 11 ", "Davao ", " Davao 7521309 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PH", " 05 ", "Bicol ", " Bicol 7521310 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PH", " NCR ", "National Capital Region ", " National Capital Region 7521311 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PK", " 08 ", "Islāmābād ", " Islamabad 1162015 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PK", " 05 ", "Sindh ", " Sindh 1164807 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PK", " 04 ", "Punjab ", " Punjab 1167710 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PK", " 03 ", "North-West Frontier Province ", " North-West Frontier Province 1168873 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PK", " 07 ", "Gilgit-Baltistan ", " Gilgit-Baltistan 1168878 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PK", " 01 ", "FederallyAdministeredTribal Areas ", " Federally Administered Tribal Areas 1179245 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PK", " 02 ", "Balochistān ", " Balochistan 1183606 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PK", " 06 ", "Azad Kashmir ", " Azad Kashmir 1184196 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PL", " 75 ", "Lublin Voivodeship ", " Lublin Voivodeship 858785 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PL", " 77 ", "Lesser Poland Voivodeship ", " Lesser Poland Voivodeship 858786 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PL", " 78 ", "Masovian Voivodeship ", " Masovian Voivodeship 858787 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PL", " 80 ", "Subcarpathian Voivodeship ", " Subcarpathian Voivodeship 858788 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PL", " 81 ", "Podlasie ", " Podlasie 858789 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PL", " 84 ", "Świętokrzyskie ", " Swietokrzyskie 858790 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PL", " 85 ", "Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship ", " Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship 858791 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PL", " 72 ", "Lower Silesian Voivodeship ", " Lower Silesian Voivodeship 3337492 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PL", " 74 ", "Łódź Voivodeship ", " Lodz Voivodeship 3337493 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PL", " 76 ", "Lubusz ", " Lubusz 3337494 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PL", " 79 ", "Opole Voivodeship ", " Opole Voivodeship 3337495 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PL", " 82 ", "Pomeranian Voivodeship ", " Pomeranian Voivodeship 3337496 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PL", " 83 ", "Silesian Voivodeship ", " Silesian Voivodeship 3337497 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PL", " 86 ", "Greater Poland Voivodeship ", " Greater Poland Voivodeship 3337498 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PL", " 87 ", "West Pomeranian Voivodeship ", " West Pomeranian Voivodeship 3337499 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PL", " 73 ", "Kujawsko-Pomorskie ", " Kujawsko-Pomorskie 3337500 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PM", " 9750", "2 Saint-Pierre ", " Saint-Pierre 3424935 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PM", " 9750", "1 Miquelon-Langlade ", " Miquelon-Langlade 3424938 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 001 ", "Adjuntas ", " Adjuntas 4562487 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 003 ", "Aguada ", " Aguada 4562503 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 005 ", "Aguadilla ", " Aguadilla 4562512 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 007 ", "Aguas Buenas ", " Aguas Buenas 4562516 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 009 ", "Aibonito ", " Aibonito 4562531 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 011 ", "Añasco ", " Anasco 4562605 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 013 ", "Arecibo ", " Arecibo 4562640 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 015 ", "Arroyo ", " Arroyo 4562682 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 017 ", "Barceloneta ", " Barceloneta 4562771 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 019 ", "Barranquitas ", " Barranquitas 4562779 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 021 ", "Bayamón ", " Bayamon 4562837 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 023 ", "Cabo Rojo ", " Cabo Rojo 4562997 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 025 ", "Caguas ", " Caguas 4563011 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 027 ", "Camuy ", " Camuy 4563065 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 029 ", "Canovanas ", " Canovanas 4563169 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 031 ", "Carolina ", " Carolina 4563244 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 033 ", "Catano ", " Catano 4563299 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 035 ", "Cayey ", " Cayey 4563309 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 037 ", "Ceiba ", " Ceiba 4563380 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 039 ", "Ciales ", " Ciales 4563774 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 041 ", "Cidra ", " Cidra 4563778 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 043 ", "Coamo ", " Coamo 4563812 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 045 ", "Comerio ", " Comerio 4563921 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 047 ", "Corozal ", " Corozal 4564004 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 049 ", "Culebra ", " Culebra 4564071 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 051 ", "Dorado ", " Dorado 4564134 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 053 ", "Fajardo ", " Fajardo 4564949 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 054 ", "Florida ", " Florida 4564993 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 055 ", "Guanica ", " Guanica 4565091 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 057 ", "Guayama ", " Guayama 4565107 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 059 ", "Guayanilla ", " Guayanilla 4565112 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 061 ", "Guaynabo ", " Guaynabo 4565120 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 063 ", "Gurabo ", " Gurabo 4565126 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 065 ", "Hatillo ", " Hatillo 4565348 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 067 ", "Hormigueros ", " Hormigueros 4565381 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 069 ", "Humacao ", " Humacao 4565449 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 071 ", "Isabela ", " Isabela 4565581 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 073 ", "Municipio ", " de Jayuya Municipio de Jayuya 4565684 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 075 ", "Juana Diaz ", " Juana Diaz 4565713 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 077 ", "Municipio de ", " Juncos Municipio de Juncos 4565720 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 079 ", "Lajas ", " Lajas 4565900 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 081 ", "Lares ", " Lares 4565910 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 083 ", "Las Marias ", " Las Marias 4565961 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 085 ", "Las Piedras ", " Las Piedras 4565981 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 087 ", "Loiza ", " Loiza 4566025 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 089 ", "Luquillo ", " Luquillo 4566106 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 091 ", "Manati ", " Manati 4566138 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 093 ", "Maricao ", " Maricao 4566180 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 095 ", "Maunabo ", " Maunabo 4566209 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 097 ", "Mayaguez ", " Mayaguez 4566217 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 099 ", "Moca ", " Moca 4566272 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 101 ", "Morovis ", " Morovis 4566334 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 103 ", "Naguabo ", " Naguabo 4566397 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 105 ", "Naranjito ", " Naranjito 4566403 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 107 ", "Orocovis ", " Orocovis 4566456 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 109 ", "Patillas ", " Patillas 4566654 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 111 ", "Penuelas ", " Penuelas 4566689 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 113 ", "Ponce ", " Ponce 4566886 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 117 ", "Rincon ", " Rincon 4567727 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 115 ", "Quebradillas ", " Quebradillas 4567734 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 119 ", "Rio Grande ", " Rio Grande 4567823 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 121 ", "Sabana Grande ", " Sabana Grande 4568015 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 123 ", "Salinas ", " Salinas 4568043 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 125 ", "San German ", " San German 4568105 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 127 ", "San Juan ", " San Juan 4568138 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 129 ", "San Lorenzo ", " San Lorenzo 4568150 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 131 ", "San Sebastian ", " San Sebastian 4568177 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 133 ", "Santa Isabel Municipio ", " Santa Isabel Municipio 4568213 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 135 ", "Toa Alta ", " Toa Alta 4568404 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 137 ", "Toa Baja ", " Toa Baja 4568408 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 139 ", "Trujillo Alto ", " Trujillo Alto 4568452 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 141 ", "Utuado ", " Utuado 4568491 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 143 ", "Vega Alta ", " Vega Alta 4568529 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 145 ", "Vega Baja ", " Vega Baja 4568534 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 149 ", "Villalba ", " Villalba 4568684 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 151 ", "Yabucoa ", " Yabucoa 4568909 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 153 ", "Yauco ", " Yauco 4568918 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PR", " 147 ", "Vieques ", " Vieques 4568924 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PS", " GZ ", "Gaza Strip ", " Gaza Strip 281132 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PS", " WE ", "West Bank ", " West Bank 285153 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PT", " 19 ", "Setúbal ", " Setubal 2262961 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PT", " 18 ", "Santarém ", " Santarem 2263478 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PT", " 16 ", "Portalegre ", " Portalegre 2264507 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PT", " 14 ", "Lisbon ", " Lisbon 2267056 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PT", " 13 ", "Leiria ", " Leiria 2267094 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PT", " 09 ", "Faro ", " Faro 2268337 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PT", " 08 ", "Évora ", " Evora 2268404 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PT", " 06 ", "Castelo Branco ", " Castelo Branco 2269513 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PT", " 03 ", "Beja ", " Beja 2270984 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PT", " 10 ", "Madeira ", " Madeira 2593105 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PT", " 22 ", "Viseu ", " Viseu 2732264 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PT", " 21 ", "Vila Real ", " Vila Real 2732437 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PT", " 20 ", "Viana do Castelo ", " Viana do Castelo 2732772 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PT", " 17 ", "Porto ", " Porto 2735941 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PT", " 11 ", "Guarda ", " Guarda 2738782 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PT", " 07 ", "Coimbra ", " Coimbra 2740636 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PT", " 05 ", "Bragança ", " Braganca 2742026 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PT", " 04 ", "Braga ", " Braga 2742031 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PT", " 02 ", "Aveiro ", " Aveiro 2742610 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PT", " 23 ", "Azores ", " Azores 3411865 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PW", " 11 ", "Ngatpang ", " Ngatpang 1559532 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PW", " 16 ", "Sonsorol ", " Sonsorol 1559630 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PW", " 05 ", "Kayangel ", " Kayangel 1559774 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PW", " 04 ", "State of Hatohobei ", " State of Hatohobei 1559776 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PW", " 01 ", "Aimeliik ", " Aimeliik 1559964 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PW", " 02 ", "Airai ", " Airai 4037645 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PW", " 03 ", "Angaur ", " Angaur 4037653 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PW", " 06 ", "Koror ", " Koror 4037892 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PW", " 07 ", "Melekeok ", " Melekeok 4037930 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PW", " 08 ", "Ngaraard ", " Ngaraard 4037962 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PW", " 12 ", "Ngchesar ", " Ngchesar 4037976 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PW", " 09 ", "Ngarchelong ", " Ngarchelong 4038037 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PW", " 10 ", "Ngardmau ", " Ngardmau 4038043 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PW", " 13 ", "State of Ngeremlengui ", " State of Ngeremlengui 4038068 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PW", " 14 ", "Ngiwal ", " Ngiwal 4038179 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PW", " 15 ", "Peleliu ", " Peleliu 4038261 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PY", " 17 ", "San Pedro ", " San Pedro 3437027 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PY", " 16 ", "Presidente Hayes ", " Presidente Hayes 3437443 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PY", " 15 ", "Paraguarí ", " Paraguari 3437599 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PY", " 13 ", "Ñeembucú ", " Neembucu 3437677 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PY", " 12 ", "Misiones ", " Misiones 3437727 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PY", " 11 ", "Itapúa ", " Itapua 3437923 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PY", " 10 ", "Guairá ", " Guaira 3438049 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PY", " 08 ", "Cordillera ", " Cordillera 3438827 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PY", " 07 ", "Concepción ", " Concepcion 3438833 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PY", " 06 ", "Central ", " Central 3439137 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PY", " 19 ", "Canindeyú ", " Canindeyu 3439216 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PY", " 05 ", "Caazapá ", " Caazapa 3439296 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PY", " 04 ", "Caaguazú ", " Caaguazu 3439312 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PY", " 02 ", "Amambay ", " Amambay 3439433 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PY", " 01 ", "Alto Paraná ", " Alto Parana 3439440 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PY", " 23 ", "Alto Paraguay ", " Alto Paraguay 3439441 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PY", " 22 ", "Asunción ", " Asuncion 3474570 ")); context.States.Add(new State("PY", " 24 ", "Boquerón ", " Boqueron 3867442 ")); context.States.Add(new State("QA", " 08 ", "Madīnat ash Shamāl ", " Madinat ash Shamal 389462 ")); context.States.Add(new State("QA", " 02 ", "Al Ghuwayrīyah ", " Al Ghuwayriyah 389463 ")); context.States.Add(new State("QA", " 04 ", "Al Khawr ", " Al Khawr 389465 ")); context.States.Add(new State("QA", " 09 ", "Umm Şalāl ", " Umm Salal 389467 ")); context.States.Add(new State("QA", " 03 ", "Al Jumaylīyah ", " Al Jumayliyah 389468 ")); context.States.Add(new State("QA", " 06 ", "Ar Rayyān ", " Ar Rayyan 389469 ")); context.States.Add(new State("QA", " 01 ", "Ad Dawḩah ", " Ad Dawhah 389470 ")); context.States.Add(new State("QA", " 10 ", "Al Wakrah ", " Al Wakrah 389472 ")); context.States.Add(new State("QA", " 11 ", "Jarayān al Bāţinah ", " Jarayan al Batinah 389473 ")); context.States.Add(new State("QA", " 12 ", "Baladīyat Umm Sa‘īd ", " Baladiyat Umm Sa`id 6201190 ")); context.States.Add(new State("QA", " 13 ", "Baladīyat az̧ Z̧a‘āyin ", " Baladiyat az Za`ayin 8030540 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RE", " RE ", "Réunion ", " Reunion 6690283 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RO", " 40 ", "Vrancea ", " Vrancea 662447 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RO", " 39 ", "Vâlcea ", " Valcea 662892 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RO", " 38 ", "Vaslui ", " Vaslui 663116 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RO", " 37 ", "Tulcea ", " Tulcea 664517 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RO", " 36 ", "Timiş ", " Timis 665091 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RO", " 35 ", "Teleorman ", " Teleorman 665283 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RO", " 34 ", "Suceava ", " Suceava 665849 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RO", " 33 ", "Sibiu ", " Sibiu 667267 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RO", " 32 ", "Satu Mare ", " Satu Mare 667869 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RO", " 31 ", "Sălaj ", " Salaj 668248 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RO", " 30 ", "Prahova County ", " Prahova County 669737 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RO", " 29 ", "Olt ", " Olt 671857 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RO", " 28 ", "Neamţ ", " Neamt 672460 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RO", " 27 ", "Mureş ", " Mures 672628 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RO", " 26 ", "Mehedinţi ", " Mehedinti 673612 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RO", " 25 ", "Maramureş ", " Maramures 673887 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RO", " 23 ", "Iaşi ", " Iasi 675809 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RO", " 22 ", "Ialomiţa ", " Ialomita 675848 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RO", " 21 ", "Hunedoara ", " Hunedoara 675917 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RO", " 20 ", "Harghita ", " Harghita 676309 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RO", " 19 ", "Gorj ", " Gorj 676898 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RO", " 42 ", "Giurgiu ", " Giurgiu 677104 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RO", " 18 ", "Galaţi ", " Galati 677692 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RO", " 17 ", "Dolj ", " Dolj 679134 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RO", " 16 ", "Dâmboviţa ", " Dambovita 679385 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RO", " 15 ", "Covasna ", " Covasna 680428 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RO", " 14 ", "Constanţa ", " Constanta 680962 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RO", " 13 ", "Cluj ", " Cluj 681291 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RO", " 12 ", "Caraş-Severin ", " Caras-Severin 682714 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RO", " 41 ", "Călăraşi ", " Calarasi 683016 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RO", " 11 ", "Buzău ", " Buzau 683121 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RO", " 10 ", "Bucureşti ", " Bucuresti 683504 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RO", " 09 ", "Braşov ", " Brasov 683843 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RO", " 08 ", "Brăila ", " Braila 683901 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RO", " 07 ", "Botoşani ", " Botosani 684038 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RO", " 06 ", "Bistriţa-Năsăud ", " Bistrita-Nasaud 684647 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RO", " 05 ", "Bihor ", " Bihor 684878 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RO", " 04 ", "Bacău ", " Bacau 685947 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RO", " 03 ", "Argeş ", " Arges 686192 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RO", " 02 ", "Arad ", " Arad 686253 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RO", " 01 ", "Alba ", " Alba 686581 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RO", " 43 ", "Ilfov ", " County Ilfov County 865518 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RS", " VO ", "Autonomna Pokrajina Vojvodina ", " Autonomna Pokrajina Vojvodina 784272 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RS", " SE ", "Central Serbia ", " Central Serbia 785958 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 88 ", "Jaroslavl ", " Jaroslavl 468898 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 86 ", "Voronezj ", " Voronezj 472039 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 85 ", "Vologda ", " Vologda 472454 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 84 ", "Volgograd ", " Volgograd 472755 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 81 ", "Uljanovsk ", " Uljanovsk 479119 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 80 ", "Udmurtiya ", " Udmurtiya 479613 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 77 ", "Tverskaya ", " Tverskaya 480041 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 76 ", "Tula ", " Tula 480508 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 73 ", "Tatarstan ", " Tatarstan 484048 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 72 ", "Tambov ", " Tambov 484638 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 70 ", "Stavropol'skiy ", " Stavropol'skiy 487839 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 69 ", "Smolensk ", " Smolensk 491684 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 67 ", "Saratov ", " Saratov 498671 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 65 ", "Samara ", " Samara 499068 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 62 ", "Rjazan ", " Rjazan 500059 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 61 ", "Rostov ", " Rostov 501165 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 60 ", "Pskov ", " Pskov 504338 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 90 ", "Perm ", " Perm 511180 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 57 ", "Penza ", " Penza 511555 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 56 ", "Orjol ", " Orjol 514801 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 55 ", "Orenburg ", " Orenburg 515001 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 52 ", "Novgorod ", " Novgorod 519324 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 68 ", "North Ossetia ", " North Ossetia 519969 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 50 ", "Nenetskiy Avtonomnyy Okrug ", " Nenetskiy Avtonomnyy Okrug 522652 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 49 ", "Murmansk ", " Murmansk 524304 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 48 ", "Moscow ", " Moscow 524894 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 47 ", "Moskovskaya ", " Moskovskaya 524925 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 46 ", "Mordoviya ", " Mordoviya 525369 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 45 ", "Mariy-El ", " Mariy-El 529352 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 43 ", "Lipetsk ", " Lipetsk 535120 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 42 ", "Leningrad ", " Leningrad 536199 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 66 ", "St.-Petersburg ", " St.-Petersburg 536203 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 41 ", "Kursk ", " Kursk 538555 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 38 ", "Krasnodarskiy ", " Krasnodarskiy 542415 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 37 ", "Kostroma ", " Kostroma 543871 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 34 ", "Komi Republic ", " Komi Republic 545854 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 33 ", "Kirov ", " Kirov 548389 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 28 ", "Kareliya ", " Kareliya 552548 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 27 ", "Karachayevo-Cherkesiya ", " Karachayevo-Cherkesiya 552927 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 25 ", "Kaluga ", " Kaluga 553899 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 24 ", "Kalmykiya ", " Kalmykiya 553972 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 23 ", "Kaliningrad ", " Kaliningrad 554230 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 22 ", "Kabardino-Balkariya ", " Kabardino-Balkariya 554667 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 21 ", "Ivanovo ", " Ivanovo 555235 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 19 ", "Ingushetiya ", " Ingushetiya 556349 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 51 ", "Nizjnij Novgorod ", " Nizjnij Novgorod 559838 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 17 ", "Dagestan ", " Dagestan 567293 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 16 ", "Chuvashia ", " Chuvashia 567395 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 12 ", "Chechnya ", " Chechnya 569665 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 10 ", "Brjansk ", " Brjansk 571473 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 09 ", "Belgorod ", " Belgorod 578071 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 08 ", "Bashkortostan ", " Bashkortostan 578853 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 07 ", "Astrakhan ", " Astrakhan 580491 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 06 ", "Arkhangelskaya ", " Arkhangelskaya 581043 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 01 ", "Adygeya ", " Adygeya 584222 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 83 ", "Vladimir ", " Vladimir 826294 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 87 ", "Yamalo-NenetskiyAvtonomnyy Okrug ", " Yamalo-Nenetskiy Avtonomnyy Okrug 1486462 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 78 ", "Tjumen ", " Tjumen 1488747 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 79 ", "Tyva ", " Tyva 1488873 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 75 ", "Tomsk ", " Tomsk 1489421 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 71 ", "Sverdlovsk ", " Sverdlovsk 1490542 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 54 ", "Omsk ", " Omsk 1496152 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 53 ", "Novosibirsk ", " Novosibirsk 1496745 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 40 ", "Kurgan ", " Kurgan 1501312 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 91 ", "Krasnoyarskiy ", " Krasnoyarskiy 1502020 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 32 ", "KhantyMansiyskiyAvtonomnyy Okrug ", " Khanty-Mansiyskiy Avtonomnyy Okrug 1503773 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 31 ", "Khakasiya ", " Khakasiya 1503834 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 29 ", "Kemerovo ", " Kemerovo 1503900 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 03 ", "Altay ", " Altay 1506272 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 13 ", "Chelyabinsk Oblast ", " Chelyabinsk Oblast 1508290 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 04 ", "Altayskiy ", " Altayskiy 1511732 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 63 ", "Sakha ", " Sakha 2013162 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 59 ", "Primorskiy ", " Primorskiy 2017623 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 30 ", "Khabarovsk Krai ", " Khabarovsk Krai 2022888 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 20 ", "Irkutsk ", " Irkutsk 2023468 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 89 ", "Jewish Autonomous Oblast ", " Jewish Autonomous Oblast 2026639 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 05 ", "Amur ", " Amur 2027748 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 11 ", "Buryatiya ", " Buryatiya 2050915 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 64 ", "Sakhalin ", " Sakhalin 2121529 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 44 ", "Magadan ", " Magadan 2123627 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 92 ", "Kamtsjatka ", " Kamtsjatka 2125072 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 15 ", "Chukotskiy Avtonomnyy Okrug ", " Chukotskiy Avtonomnyy Okrug 2126099 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RU", " 93 ", "Zabaykal’skiy Kray ", " Zabaykal'skiy Kray 7779061 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RW", " 11 ", "Eastern Province ", " Eastern Province 6413337 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RW", " 12 ", "Kigali Province ", " Kigali Province 6413338 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RW", " 13 ", "Northern Province ", " Northern Province 6413339 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RW", " 14 ", "Western Province ", " Western Province 6413340 ")); context.States.Add(new State("RW", " 15 ", "Southern Province ", " Southern Province 6413341 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SA", " 19 ", "Tabūk ", " Tabuk 101627 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SA", " 16 ", "Najrān ", " Najran 103628 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SA", " 14 ", "Makkah ", " Makkah 104514 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SA", " 17 ", "Jīzān ", " Jizan 105298 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SA", " 13 ", "Ḩāʼil ", " Mintaqat Ha'il 106280 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SA", " 11 ", "Minţaqat ‘Asīr ", " Mintaqat `Asir 108179 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SA", " 06 ", "Eastern Province ", " Eastern Province 108241 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SA", " 10 ", "Ar Riyāḑ ", " Ar Riyad 108411 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SA", " 08 ", "Al-Qassim Province ", " Al-Qassim Province 108933 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SA", " 05 ", "Al Madīnah ", " Al Madinah 109224 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SA", " 20 ", "Al Jawf ", " Al Jawf 109470 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SA", " 15 ", "Northern Borders Region ", " Northern Borders Region 109579 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SA", " 02 ", "Al Bāḩah ", " Al Bahah 109954 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SB", " 11 ", "Western Province ", " Western Province 2101556 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SB", " 03 ", "Malaita ", " Malaita 2106552 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SB", " 07 ", "Isabel ", " Isabel 2108262 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SB", " 06 ", "Guadalcanal ", " Guadalcanal 2108831 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SB", " 10 ", "Central Province ", " Central Province 2109495 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SB", " 09 ", "Temotu ", " Temotu 2178472 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SB", " 08 ", "Makira ", " Makira 2178730 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SB", " 12 ", "Choiseul ", " Choiseul 7280292 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SB", " 13 ", "Rennell and Bellona ", " Rennell and Bellona 7280293 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SC", " 23 ", "Takamaka ", " Takamaka 241151 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SC", " 22 ", "Saint Louis ", " Saint Louis 241181 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SC", " 27 ", "Port Glaud ", " Port Glaud 241215 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SC", " 20 ", "Pointe Larue ", " Pointe Larue 241221 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SC", " 19 ", "Plaisance ", " Plaisance 241224 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SC", " 18 ", "Mont Fleuri ", " Mont Fleuri 241251 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SC", " 17 ", "Mont Buxton ", " Mont Buxton 241252 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SC", " 26 ", "English River ", " English River 241302 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SC", " 25 ", "Inner Islands ", " Inner Islands 241311 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SC", " 24 ", "Grand Anse Mahe ", " Grand Anse Mahe 241330 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SC", " 14 ", "Grand Anse Praslin ", " Grand Anse Praslin 241331 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SC", " 12 ", "Glacis ", " Glacis 241336 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SC", " 11 ", "Cascade ", " Cascade 241396 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SC", " 10 ", "Bel Ombre ", " Bel Ombre 241424 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SC", " 09 ", "Bel Air ", " Bel Air 241426 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SC", " 08 ", "Beau Vallon ", " Beau Vallon 241428 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SC", " 07 ", "Baie Sainte Anne ", " Baie Sainte Anne 241438 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SC", " 06 ", "Baie Lazare ", " Baie Lazare 241439 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SC", " 05 ", "Anse Royale ", " Anse Royale 241444 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SC", " 03 ", "Anse Etoile ", " Anse Etoile 241447 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SC", " 02 ", "Anse Boileau ", " Anse Boileau 241449 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SC", " 01 ", "Anse aux Pins ", " Anse aux Pins 241450 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SC", " 29 ", "Les Mamelles ", " Les Mamelles 448408 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SC", " 30 ", "Roche Caiman ", " Roche Caiman 448409 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SC", " 28 ", "Au Cap ", " Au Cap 448410 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SD", " 43 ", "Northern State ", " Northern State 378389 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SD", " 29 ", "Khartoum State ", " Khartoum State 379253 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SD", " 36 ", "Red Sea ", " Red Sea 408646 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SD", " 38 ", "Al Jazirah State ", " Al Jazirah State 408648 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SD", " 39 ", "Al Qadarif State ", " Al Qadarif State 408649 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SD", " 41 ", "White Nile State ", " White Nile State 408653 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SD", " 42 ", "Blue Nile ", " Blue Nile 408654 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SD", " 47 ", "Western Darfur State ", " Western Darfur State 408658 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SD", " 49 ", "Southern Darfur State ", " Southern Darfur State 408660 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SD", " 50 ", "Southern Kordofan State ", " Southern Kordofan State 408661 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SD", " 52 ", "Kassala State ", " Kassala State 408663 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SD", " 53 ", "River Nile ", " River Nile 408664 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SD", " 55 ", "Northern Darfur State ", " Northern Darfur State 408666 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SD", " 56 ", "Northern Kordofan State ", " Northern Kordofan State 408667 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SD", " 58 ", "Sinnar State ", " Sinnar State 408669 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SD", " 60 ", "Eastern Darfur State ", " Eastern Darfur State 8394435 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SD", " 61 ", "Central Darfur State ", " Central Darfur State 8394436 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SE", " 14 ", "Norrbotten ", " Norrbotten 604010 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SE", " 25 ", "Västmanland ", " Vaestmanland 2664179 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SE", " 24 ", "Västernorrland ", " Vaesternorrland 2664292 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SE", " 23 ", "Västerbotten ", " Vaesterbotten 2664415 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SE", " 22 ", "Värmland ", " Vaermland 2664870 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SE", " 21 ", "Uppsala ", " Uppsala 2666218 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SE", " 26 ", "Stockholm ", " Stockholm 2673722 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SE", " 18 ", "Södermanland ", " Soedermanland 2676207 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SE", " 16 ", "Östergötland ", " OEstergoetland 2685867 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SE", " 15 ", "Örebro ", " OErebro 2686655 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SE", " 12 ", "Kronoberg ", " Kronoberg 2699050 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SE", " 10 ", "Dalarna ", " Dalarna 2699767 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SE", " 09 ", "Kalmar ", " Kalmar 2702259 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SE", " 08 ", "Jönköping ", " Joenkoeping 2702976 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SE", " 07 ", "Jämtland ", " Jaemtland 2703330 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SE", " 06 ", "Halland ", " Halland 2708794 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SE", " 05 ", "Gotland ", " Gotland 2711508 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SE", " 03 ", "Gävleborg ", " Gaevleborg 2712411 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SE", " 02 ", "Blekinge ", " Blekinge 2721357 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SE", " 27 ", "Skåne ", " Skane 3337385 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SE", " 28 ", "Västra Götaland ", " Vaestra Goetaland 3337386 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SG", " 01 ", "Central Singapore ", " Central Singapore 7535954 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SG", " 02 ", "North East ", " North East 7535955 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SG", " 04 ", "South East ", " South East 7535956 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SG", " 05 ", "South West ", " South West 7535957 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SG", " 03 ", "North West ", " North West 7535958 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SH", " 01 ", "Ascension ", " Ascension 2411430 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SH", " 03 ", "Tristan da Cunha ", " Tristan da Cunha 3370684 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SH", " 02 ", "Saint Helena ", " Saint Helena 6930057 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " N5 ", "Žalec ", " Zalec 3186843 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " E7 ", "Zagorje ob Savi ", " Zagorje ob Savi 3186905 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " E5 ", "Vrhnika ", " Vrhnika 3187213 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " D5 ", "Tržič ", " Trzic 3188687 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " D4 ", "Trebnje ", " Trebnje 3188885 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " D3 ", "Trbovlje ", " Trbovlje 3188914 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " D2 ", "Tolmin ", " Tolmin 3189037 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " D7 ", "Velenje ", " Velenje 3189074 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " C5 ", "Šmarje pri Jelšah ", " Smarje pri Jelsah 3190509 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " C4 ", "Slovenska Konjice ", " Slovenska Konjice 3190529 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " L8 ", "Slovenska Bistrica ", " Slovenska Bistrica 3190533 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " C2 ", "Slovenj Gradec ", " Slovenj Gradec 3190535 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " B9 ", "Škofja Loka ", " Skofja Loka 3190716 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " B7 ", "Sežana ", " Sezana 3190944 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " B6 ", "Sevnica ", " Sevnica 3190949 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " L7 ", "Šentjur pri Celju ", " Sentjur pri Celju 3191028 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " L1 ", "Ribnica ", " Ribnica 3191679 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " A3 ", "Radovljica ", " Radovljica 3192062 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " A2 ", "Radlje ob Dravi ", " Radlje ob Dravi 3192120 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " K7 ", "Ptuj ", " Ptuj 3192240 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 94 ", "Postojna ", " Postojna 3192672 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " J9 ", "Piran-Pirano ", " Piran-Pirano 3193340 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 87 ", "Ormož ", " Ormoz 3193964 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " J7 ", "Novo Mesto ", " Novo Mesto 3194350 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 84 ", "Nova Gorica ", " Nova Gorica 3194451 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 80 ", "Murska Sobota ", " Murska Sobota 3194647 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 79 ", "Mozirje ", " Mozirje 3194791 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 73 ", "Metlika ", " Metlika 3195213 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " J2 ", "Maribor ", " Maribor 3195505 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 64 ", "Logatec ", " Logatec 3196288 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " I6 ", "Ljutomer ", " Ljutomer 3196306 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " I5 ", "Litija ", " Litija 3196424 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " I3 ", "Lenart ", " Lenart 3196684 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 57 ", "Laško ", " Lasko 3196759 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 54 ", "Krško ", " Krsko 3197146 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 52 ", "Kranj ", " Kranj 3197377 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 50 ", "Koper-Capodistria ", " Koper-Capodistria 3197752 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " H7 ", "Kočevje ", " Kocevje 3197942 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " H6 ", "Kamnik ", " Kamnik 3198364 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " H4 ", "Jesenice ", " Jesenice 3198646 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 40 ", "Izola-Isola ", " Izola-Isola 3199016 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 38 ", "Ilirska Bistrica ", " Ilirska Bistrica 3199130 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 36 ", "Idrija ", " Idrija 3199169 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 34 ", "Hrastnik ", " Hrastnik 3199296 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 32 ", "Grosuplje ", " Grosuplje 3199522 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 29 ", "Gornja Radgona ", " Gornja Radgona 3200196 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 25 ", "Dravograd ", " Dravograd 3201252 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " G7 ", "Domžale ", " Domzale 3201729 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 17 ", "Črnomelj ", " Crnomelj 3202332 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 13 ", "Cerknica ", " Cerknica 3202707 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 11 ", "Celje ", " Celje 3202780 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 08 ", "Brežice ", " Brezice 3203411 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 01 ", "Ajdovščina ", " Ajdovscina 3204853 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 35 ", "Hrpelje-Kozina ", " Hrpelje-Kozina 3239050 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 19 ", "Divača ", " Divaca 3239051 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 91 ", "Pivka ", " Pivka 3239054 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " I7 ", "Loška Dolina ", " Loska Dolina 3239056 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 66 ", "Loški Potok ", " Loski Potok 3239059 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 88 ", "Osilnica ", " Osilnica 3239061 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " D8 ", "Velike Lašče ", " Velike Lasce 3239062 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " C1 ", "Škofljica ", " Skofljica 3239066 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 37 ", "Ig ", " Ig 3239069 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 09 ", "Brezovica ", " Brezovica 3239071 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 05 ", "Borovnica ", " Borovnica 3239073 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " E1 ", "Vipava ", " Vipava 3239075 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 49 ", "Komen ", " Komen 3239078 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " J5 ", "Miren-Kostanjevica ", " Miren-Kostanjevica 3239080 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 07 ", "Brda ", " Brda 3239083 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 44 ", "Kanal ", " Kanal 3239086 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " F2 ", "Žiri ", " Ziri 3239087 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 14 ", "Cerkno ", " Cerkno 3239091 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " F1 ", "Železniki ", " Zelezniki 3239093 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 27 ", "Gorenja Vas-Poljane ", " Gorenja Vas-Poljane 3239095 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " G4 ", "Dobrova-Horjul-Polhov ", " Gradec Dobrova-Horjul-Polhov Gradec 3239096 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 46 ", "Kobarid ", " Kobarid 3239098 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 06 ", "Bovec ", " Bovec 3239100 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 04 ", "Bohinj ", " Bohinj 3239101 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 03 ", "Bled ", " Bled 3239103 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 82 ", "Naklo ", " Naklo 3239104 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 53 ", "Kranjska Gora ", " Kranjska Gora 3239105 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " K5 ", "Preddvor ", " Preddvor 3239107 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 12 ", "Cerklje na Gorenjskem ", " Cerklje na Gorenjskem 3239110 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " B2 ", "Šenčur ", " Sencur 3239111 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " E3 ", "Vodice ", " Vodice 3239112 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 71 ", "Medvode ", " Medvode 3239113 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 72 ", "Mengeš ", " Menges 3239114 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 22 ", "Dol pri Ljubljani ", " Dol pri Ljubljani 3239115 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 77 ", "Moravče ", " Moravce 3239132 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 30 ", "Gornji Grad ", " Gornji Grad 3239133 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " I9 ", "Luče ", " Luce 3239134 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " K8 ", "Ravne na Koroškem ", " Ravne na Koroskem 3239175 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 74 ", "Mežica ", " Mezica 3239177 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 81 ", "Muta ", " Muta 3239179 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " E6 ", "Vuzenica ", " Vuzenica 3239180 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 16 ", "Črna na Koroškem ", " Crna na Koroskem 3239181 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 62 ", "Ljubno ", " Ljubno 3239184 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " C7 ", "Šoštanj ", " Sostanj 3239185 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " C6 ", "Šmartno ob Paki ", " Smartno ob Paki 3239187 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 68 ", "Lukovica ", " Lukovica 3239188 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 99 ", "Radeče ", " Radece 3239189 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 39 ", "Ivančna Gorica ", " Ivancna Gorica 3239191 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 20 ", "Dobrepolje ", " Dobrepolje 3239193 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " B1 ", "Semič ", " Semic 3239195 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " B4 ", "Šentjernej ", " Sentjernej 3239197 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " B8 ", "Škocjan ", " Skocjan 3239199 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " C9 ", "Štore ", " Store 3239200 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " N3 ", "Vojnik ", " Vojnik 3239202 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " E2 ", "Vitanje ", " Vitanje 3239204 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " F3 ", "Zreče ", " Zrece 3239205 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 76 ", "Mislinja ", " Mislinja 3239207 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " L3 ", "Ruše ", " Ruse 3239211 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 55 ", "Kungota ", " Kungota 3239213 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " B3 ", "Šentilj ", " Sentilj 3239214 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 89 ", "Pesnica ", " Pesnica 3239215 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 26 ", "Duplek ", " Duplek 3239216 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 98 ", "Rače-Fram ", " Race-Fram 3239224 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " C8 ", "Starše ", " Starse 3239226 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 45 ", "Kidričevo ", " Kidricevo 3239227 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " J1 ", "Majšperk ", " Majsperk 3239229 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " N2 ", "Videm ", " Videm 3239231 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " A7 ", "Rogaška Slatina ", " Rogaska Slatina 3239234 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " A8 ", "Rogatec ", " Rogatec 3239237 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 92 ", "Podčetrtek ", " Podcetrtek 3239241 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 51 ", "Kozje ", " Kozje 3239243 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 28 ", "Gorišnica ", " Gorisnica 3239245 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " E9 ", "Zavrč ", " Zavrc 3239247 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 24 ", "Dornava ", " Dornava 3239248 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 42 ", "Juršinci ", " Jursinci 3239251 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " D1 ", "Sveti Jurij ", " Sveti Jurij 3239259 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " A1 ", "Radenci ", " Radenci 3239262 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 97 ", "Puconci ", " Puconci 3239268 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " A6 ", "Rogašovci ", " Rogasovci 3239270 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " I2 ", "Kuzma ", " Kuzma 3239272 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 31 ", "Gornji Petrovci ", " Gornji Petrovci 3239275 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 78 ", "Moravske Toplice ", " Moravske Toplice 3239279 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 47 ", "Kobilje ", " Kobilje 3239280 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 02 ", "Beltinci ", " Beltinci 3239282 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " D6 ", "Turnišče ", " Turnisce 3239283 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 86 ", "Odranci ", " Odranci 3239285 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 15 ", "Črenšovci ", " Crensovci 3239286 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 83 ", "Nazarje ", " Nazarje 3239294 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " 61 ", "Ljubljana ", " Ljubljana 3239318 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " N7 ", "Žirovnica ", " Zirovnica 3344893 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " H5 ", "Jezersko ", " Jezersko 3344894 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " M2 ", "Solčava ", " Solcava 3344895 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " H8 ", "Komenda ", " Komenda 3344896 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " H3 ", "Horjul ", " Horjul 3344897 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " L6 ", "Šempeter-Vrtojba ", " Sempeter-Vrtojba 3344898 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " F6 ", "Bloke ", " Bloke 3344899 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " M1 ", "Sodražica ", " Sodrazica 3344900 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " M8 ", "Trzin ", " Trzin 3344901 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " K6 ", "Prevalje ", " Prevalje 3344902 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " N4 ", "Vransko ", " Vransko 3344903 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " M5 ", "Tabor ", " Tabor 3344904 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " F7 ", "Braslovče ", " Braslovce 3344905 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " K3 ", "Polzela ", " Polzela 3344906 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " K4 ", "Prebold ", " Prebold 3344907 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " H9 ", "Kostel ", " Kostel 3344908 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " N8 ", "Žužemberk ", " Zuzemberk 3344909 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " G6 ", "Dolenjske ", " Toplice Dolenjske Toplice 3344910 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " J6 ", "Mirna Peč ", " Mirna Pec 3344911 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " F5 ", "Bistrica ob Sotli ", " Bistrica ob Sotli 3344912 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " G2 ", "Dobje ", " Dobje 3344913 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " G3 ", "Dobrna ", " Dobrna 3344914 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " J8 ", "Oplotnica ", " Oplotnica 3344915 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " K2 ", "Podvelka ", " Podvelka 3344916 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " L2 ", "Ribnica na Pohorju ", " Ribnica na Pohorju 3344917 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " I8 ", "Lovrenc na Pohorju ", " Lovrenc na Pohorju 3344918 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " L5 ", "Selnica ob Dravi ", " Selnica ob Dravi 3344919 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " H1 ", "Hoče-Slivnica ", " Hoce-Slivnica 3344920 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " J4 ", "Miklavž na Dravskem Polju ", " Miklavz na Dravskem Polju 3344921 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " G9 ", "Hajdina ", " Hajdina 3344922 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " N6 ", "Žetale ", " Zetale 3344923 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " K1 ", "Podlehnik ", " Podlehnik 3344924 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " J3 ", "Markovci ", " Markovci 3344925 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " G1 ", "Destrnik ", " Destrnik 3344926 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " M7 ", "Trnovska Vas ", " Trnovska Vas 3344927 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " M4 ", "Sveti AndražvSlovenskih Goricah ", " Sveti Andraz v Slovenskih Goricah 3344928 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " F9 ", "Cerkvenjak ", " Cerkvenjak 3344929 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " F4 ", "Benedikt ", " Benedikt 3344930 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " M3 ", "Sveta Ana ", " Sveta Ana 3344931 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " I1 ", "Križevci ", " Krizevci 3344932 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " N1 ", "Veržej ", " Verzej 3344933 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " M9 ", "Velika Polana ", " Velika Polana 3344934 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " I4 ", "Lendava-Lendva ", " Lendava-Lendva 3344935 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " G5 ", "Dobrovnik-Dobronak ", " Dobrovnik-Dobronak 3344936 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " M6 ", "Tišina ", " Tisina 3344937 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " F8 ", "Cankova ", " Cankova 3344938 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " G8 ", "Grad ", " Grad 3344939 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " H2 ", "Hodoš-Hodos ", " Hodos-Hodos 3344940 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " K9 ", "Razkrižje ", " Razkrizje 3344941 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " L9 ", "Šmartno pri Litiji ", " Smartno pri Litiji 3344942 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " L4 ", "Šalovci ", " Salovci 3344943 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " N9 ", "Občina Apače ", " Obcina Apace 8133579 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " O1 ", "Cirkulane ", " Cirkulane 8133580 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " O3 ", "Kostanjevica na Krki ", " Kostanjevica na Krki 8133581 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " O4 ", "Log-Dragomer ", " Log-Dragomer 8133582 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " O5 ", "Makole ", " Makole 8133583 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " O7 ", "Mokronog-Trebelno ", " Mokronog-Trebelno 8133584 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " O8 ", "Občina Poljčane ", " Obcina Poljcane 8133585 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " O9 ", "Občina Rečica ob Savinji ", " Obcina Recica ob Savinji 8133586 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " P1 ", "Občina Renče-Vogrsko ", " Obcina Rence-Vogrsko 8133587 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " P4 ", "Občina Središče ob Dravi ", " Obcina Sredisce ob Dravi 8133588 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " P5 ", "Občina Straža ", " Obcina Straza 8133589 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " P6 ", "SvetaTrojica v Slovnskih Goricah ", " Sveta Trojica v Slovenskih Goricah 8133590 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " P8 ", "Občina Sveti Tomaž ", " Obcina Sveti Tomaz 8133591 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " P2 ", "Občina Šentrupert ", " Obcina Sentrupert 8133592 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " P3 ", "Občina Šmarješke Toplice ", " Obcina Smarjeske Toplice 8133593 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SI", " P7 ", "Sveti Jurij v Slovenskih Goricah ", " Sveti Jurij v Slovenskih Goricah 8469236 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SJ", " 22 ", "Jan Mayen ", " Jan Mayen 3041964 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SJ", " 21 ", "Svalbard ", " Svalbard 7521757 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SK", " 03 ", "Košický ", " Kosicky 865084 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SK", " 05 ", "Prešovský ", " Presovsky 865085 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SK", " 08 ", "Žilinský ", " Zilinsky 3056506 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SK", " 01 ", "Banskobystrický ", " Banskobystricky 3343954 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SK", " 02 ", "Bratislavský ", " Bratislavsky 3343955 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SK", " 04 ", "Nitriansky ", " Nitriansky 3343956 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SK", " 06 ", "Trenčiansky ", " Trenciansky 3343957 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SK", " 07 ", "Trnavský ", " Trnavsky 3343958 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SL", " 04 ", "Western Area ", " Western Area 2403068 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SL", " 03 ", "Southern Province ", " Southern Province 2403745 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SL", " 02 ", "Northern Province ", " Northern Province 2404798 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SL", " 01 ", "Eastern Province ", " Eastern Province 2409543 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SM", " 09 ", "Serravalle ", " Serravalle 3166650 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SM", " 02 ", "Chiesanuova ", " Chiesanuova 3178807 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SM", " 07 ", "San Marino ", " San Marino 3345302 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SM", " 01 ", "Acquaviva ", " Acquaviva 3345303 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SM", " 06 ", "Borgo Maggiore ", " Borgo Maggiore 3345304 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SM", " 03 ", "Domagnano ", " Domagnano 3345305 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SM", " 04 ", "Faetano ", " Faetano 3345306 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SM", " 05 ", "Fiorentino ", " Fiorentino 3345307 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SM", " 08 ", "Montegiardino ", " Montegiardino 3345308 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SN", " 12 ", "Ziguinchor ", " Ziguinchor 2243939 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SN", " 07 ", "Thiès Thies ", " 2244800 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SN", " 05 ", "Tambacounda ", " Tambacounda 2244990 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SN", " 14 ", "Saint-Louis ", " Saint-Louis 2246451 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SN", " 15 ", "Matam ", " Matam 2248753 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SN", " 13 ", "Louga ", " Louga 2249221 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SN", " 11 ", "Kolda ", " Kolda 2249781 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SN", " 10 ", "Kaolack ", " Kaolack 2250804 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SN", " 09 ", "Fatick ", " Fatick 2251910 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SN", " 03 ", "Diourbel ", " Diourbel 2252308 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SN", " 01 ", "Dakar ", " Dakar 2253350 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SN", " 16 ", "Kaffrine ", " Kaffrine 7303935 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SN", " 17 ", "Kédougou ", " Kedougou 7303936 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SN", " 18 ", "Sédhiou ", " Sedhiou 7303937 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SO", " 20 ", "Waqooyi Galbeed Region ", " Waqooyi Galbeed Region 50360 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SO", " 19 ", "Togdheer Region ", " Togdheer Region 51230 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SO", " 14 ", "Shabeele Hoose Region ", " Shabeele Hoose Region 51966 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SO", " 13 ", "Middle Shabele ", " Middle Shabele 51967 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SO", " 12 ", "Sanaag Region ", " Sanaag Region 52187 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SO", " 18 ", "Nugaal Region ", " Nugaal Region 53477 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SO", " 10 ", "Mudug Region ", " Mudug Region 53707 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SO", " 09 ", "Lower Juba ", " Lower Juba 56083 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SO", " 08 ", "Middle Juba ", " Middle Juba 56084 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SO", " 07 ", "Hiiran Region ", " Hiiran Region 57060 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SO", " 06 ", "Gedo Region ", " Gedo Region 58802 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SO", " 05 ", "Galgadud Region ", " Galgadud Region 59362 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SO", " 04 ", "Bay Region ", " Bay Region 64538 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SO", " 03 ", "Bari Region ", " Bari Region 64661 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SO", " 02 ", "Banadir Region ", " Banadir Region 64833 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SO", " 01 ", "Bakool Region ", " Bakool Region 64982 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SO", " 21 ", "Awadal Region ", " Awadal Region 6268943 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SO", " 22 ", "Sool Region ", " Sool Region 6268947 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SR", " 19 ", "Wanica ", " Wanica 3382761 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SR", " 18 ", "Sipaliwini ", " Sipaliwini 3383062 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SR", " 17 ", "Saramacca ", " Saramacca 3383110 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SR", " 16 ", "Paramaribo ", " Paramaribo 3383329 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SR", " 15 ", "Para ", " Para 3383337 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SR", " 14 ", "Nickerie ", " Nickerie 3383438 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SR", " 13 ", "Marowijne ", " Marowijne 3383560 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SR", " 12 ", "Coronie ", " Coronie 3384397 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SR", " 11 ", "Commewijne ", " Commewijne 3384418 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SR", " 10 ", "Brokopondo ", " Brokopondo 3384481 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SS", " 07 ", "Upper Nile ", " Upper Nile 381229 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SS", " 04 ", "Lakes ", " Lakes 408647 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SS", " 06 ", "Unity ", " Unity 408650 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SS", " 01 ", "Central Equatoria State ", " Central Equatoria State 408655 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SS", " 10 ", "Western Equatoria State ", " Western Equatoria State 408656 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SS", " 09 ", "Western Bahr al Ghazal ", " Western Bahr al Ghazal 408657 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SS", " 03 ", "Jonglei State ", " Jonglei State 408662 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SS", " 05 ", "Northern Bahr el Ghazal State ", " Northern Bahr el Ghazal State 408665 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SS", " 02 ", "Eastern Equatoria ", " Eastern Equatoria 408668 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SS", " 08 ", "Warab State ", " Warab State 408670 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ST", " 02 ", "São Tomé Island ", " Sao Tome Island 2410764 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ST", " 01 ", "Príncipe ", " Principe 2410878 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SV", " 14 ", "Usulután ", " Usulutan 3582882 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SV", " 13 ", "Sonsonate ", " Sonsonate 3583101 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SV", " 12 ", "San Vicente ", " San Vicente 3583176 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SV", " 11 ", "Santa Ana ", " Santa Ana 3583332 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SV", " 10 ", "San Salvador ", " San Salvador 3583360 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SV", " 09 ", "San Miguel ", " San Miguel 3583462 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SV", " 08 ", "Morazán ", " Morazan 3584317 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SV", " 07 ", "La Unión ", " La Union 3584767 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SV", " 06 ", "La Paz ", " La Paz 3585087 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SV", " 05 ", "La Libertad ", " La Libertad 3585155 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SV", " 04 ", "Cuscatlán ", " Cuscatlan 3586831 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SV", " 03 ", "Chalatenango ", " Chalatenango 3587090 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SV", " 02 ", "Cabañas ", " Cabanas 3587217 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SV", " 01 ", "Ahuachapán ", " Ahuachapan 3587425 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SY", " 14 ", "Tartus ", " Tartus 163342 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SY", " 13 ", "Damascus City ", " Damascus City 167541 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SY", " 12 ", "Idlib ", " Idlib 169387 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SY", " 11 ", "Homs ", " Homs 169575 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SY", " 10 ", "Hama ", " Hama 170015 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SY", " 09 ", "Aleppo ", " Aleppo 170062 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SY", " 08 ", "Rif-dimashq ", " Rif-dimashq 170652 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SY", " 07 ", "Deir ez-Zor ", " Deir ez-Zor 170792 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SY", " 06 ", "Daraa ", " Daraa 170903 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SY", " 05 ", "As-Suwayda ", " As-Suwayda 172410 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SY", " 04 ", "Ar-Raqqah ", " Ar-Raqqah 172957 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SY", " 03 ", "Quneitra ", " Quneitra 173336 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SY", " 02 ", "Latakia ", " Latakia 173578 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SY", " 01 ", "Al-Hasakah ", " Al-Hasakah 173813 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SZ", " 04 ", "Shiselweni ", " Shiselweni 934867 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SZ", " 03 ", "Manzini ", " Manzini 934994 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SZ", " 02 ", "Lubombo ", " Lubombo 935042 ")); context.States.Add(new State("SZ", " 01 ", "Hhohho ", " Hhohho 935085 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TD", " 13 ", "Salamat ", " Salamat 242048 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TD", " 12 ", "Ouaddaï ", " Ouaddai 242246 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TD", " 02 ", "Biltine ", " Biltine 244877 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TD", " 14 ", "Tandjilé ", " Tandjile 2425287 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TD", " 17 ", "Moyen-Chari ", " Moyen-Chari 2427315 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TD", " 16 ", "Mayo-Kebbi East Region ", " Mayo-Kebbi East Region 2428132 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TD", " 09 ", "Logone Oriental ", " Logone Oriental 2429058 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TD", " 08 ", "Logone Occidental ", " Logone Occidental 2429060 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TD", " 07 ", "Lac ", " Lac 2429323 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TD", " 06 ", "Kanem ", " Kanem 2430873 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TD", " 05 ", "Guéra ", " Guera 2431555 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TD", " 15 ", "Chari-Baguirmi ", " Chari-Baguirmi 2434478 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TD", " 01 ", "Batha ", " Batha 2435899 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TD", " 23 ", "Borkou Region ", " Borkou Region 7602866 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TD", " 18 ", "Hadjer-Lamis ", " Hadjer-Lamis 7603251 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TD", " 19 ", "Mandoul ", " Mandoul 7603252 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TD", " 20 ", "Mayo-Kebbi West Region ", " Mayo-Kebbi West Region 7603253 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TD", " 21 ", "Ville de N'Djaména ", " Ville de N'Djamena 7603254 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TD", " 22 ", "Barh el Gazel ", " Barh el Gazel 7603255 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TD", " 24 ", "Ennedi Region ", " Ennedi Region 7603256 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TD", " 25 ", "Sila ", " Sila 7603257 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TD", " 26 ", "Tibesti Region ", " Tibesti Region 7603258 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TD", " 28 ", "TD.28 Ennedi-Ouest ", " 8604857 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TD", " 27 ", "TD.27 Ennedi-Est ", " 8604858 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TF", " 02 ", "Crozet ", " Crozet 936339 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TF", " 03 ", "Kerguelen ", " Kerguelen 1546558 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TF", " 01 ", "Saint-Paul-et-Amsterdam ", " Saint-Paul-et-Amsterdam 1547221 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TF", " 05 ", "Îles Éparses ", " Iles Eparses 6690916 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TF", " 04 ", "Terre-Adélie ", " Terre-Adelie 6690917 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TG", " 26 ", "Savanes ", " Savanes 2364205 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TG", " 25 ", "Plateaux ", " Plateaux 2364370 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TG", " 24 ", "Maritime ", " Maritime 2365173 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TG", " 22 ", "Centrale ", " Centrale 2367237 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TG", " 23 ", "Kara ", " Kara 2597439 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 15 ", "Uthai Thani ", " Uthai Thani 1149965 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 65 ", "Trang ", " Trang 1150006 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 08 ", "Tak ", " Tak 1150489 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 60 ", "Surat Thani ", " Surat Thani 1150514 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 09 ", "Sukhothai ", " Sukhothai 1150532 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 52 ", "Ratchaburi ", " Ratchaburi 1150953 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 59 ", "Ranong ", " Ranong 1150964 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 57 ", "Prachuap Khiri Khan ", " Prachuap Khiri Khan 1151073 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 62 ", "Phuket Province ", " Phuket Province 1151253 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 56 ", "Phetchaburi ", " Phetchaburi 1151416 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 61 ", "Phangnga ", " Phangnga 1151462 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 01 ", "Mae Hong Son ", " Mae Hong Son 1152221 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 05 ", "Lamphun ", " Lamphun 1152467 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 06 ", "Lampang ", " Lampang 1152472 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 63 ", "Krabi ", " Krabi 1152631 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 50 ", "Kanchanaburi ", " Kanchanaburi 1153080 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 11 ", "Kamphaeng Phet ", " Kamphaeng Phet 1153089 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 58 ", "Chumphon ", " Chumphon 1153555 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 03 ", "Chiang Rai ", " Chiang Rai 1153668 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 02 ", "Chiang Mai ", " Chiang Mai 1153670 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 72 ", "Yasothon ", " Yasothon 1604767 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 70 ", "Yala ", " Yala 1604869 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 10 ", "Uttaradit ", " Uttaradit 1605214 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 49 ", "Trat ", " Trat 1605277 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 29 ", "Surin ", " Surin 1606029 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 51 ", "Suphan Buri ", " Suphan Buri 1606032 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 68 ", "Songkhla ", " Songkhla 1606146 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 30 ", "Sisaket ", " Sisaket 1606238 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 33 ", "Sing Buri ", " Sing Buri 1606269 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 67 ", "Satun ", " Satun 1606375 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 37 ", "Sara Buri ", " Sara Buri 1606417 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 54 ", "Samut Songkhram ", " Samut Songkhram 1606585 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 55 ", "Samut Sakhon ", " Samut Sakhon 1606587 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 42 ", "Samut Prakan ", " Samut Prakan 1606589 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 20 ", "Sakon Nakhon ", " Sakon Nakhon 1606789 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 25 ", "Roi Et ", " Roi Et 1607000 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 47 ", "Rayong ", " Rayong 1607016 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 36 ", "Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya ", " Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya 1607530 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 07 ", "Phrae ", " Phrae 1607551 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 12 ", "Phitsanulok ", " Phitsanulok 1607707 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 13 ", "Phichit ", " Phichit 1607724 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 14 ", "Phetchabun ", " Phetchabun 1607736 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 41 ", "Phayao ", " Phayao 1607758 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 66 ", "Phatthalung ", " Phatthalung 1607778 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 69 ", "Pattani ", " Pattani 1607976 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 39 ", "Pathum Thani ", " Pathum Thani 1607982 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 38 ", "Nonthaburi ", " Nonthaburi 1608132 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 17 ", "Nong Khai ", " Nong Khai 1608231 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 31 ", "Narathiwat ", " Narathiwat 1608408 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 04 ", "Nan ", " Nan 1608451 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 64 ", "Nakhon Si Thammarat ", " Nakhon Si Thammarat 1608525 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 16 ", "Nakhon Sawan ", " Nakhon Sawan 1608526 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 27 ", "Nakhon Ratchasima ", " Nakhon Ratchasima 1608528 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 73 ", "Nakhon Phanom ", " Nakhon Phanom 1608530 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 53 ", "Nakhon Pathom ", " Nakhon Pathom 1608533 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 43 ", "Nakhon Nayok ", " Nakhon Nayok 1608538 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 78 ", "Mukdahan ", " Mukdahan 1608595 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 24 ", "Maha Sarakham ", " Maha Sarakham 1608899 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 34 ", "Lop Buri ", " Lop Buri 1609031 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 18 ", "Loei ", " Loei 1609070 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 40 ", "Bangkok ", " Bangkok 1609348 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 22 ", "Khon Kaen ", " Khon Kaen 1609775 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 23 ", "Kalasin ", " Kalasin 1610468 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 46 ", "Chon Buri ", " Chon Buri 1611108 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 48 ", "Chanthaburi ", " Chanthaburi 1611268 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 26 ", "Chaiyaphum ", " Chaiyaphum 1611406 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 32 ", "Chai Nat ", " Chai Nat 1611415 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 44 ", "Chachoengsao ", " Chachoengsao 1611438 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 28 ", "Buriram ", " Buriram 1611452 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 35 ", "Ang Thong ", " Ang Thong 1621034 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 76 ", "Changwat Udon Thani ", " Changwat Udon Thani 1906686 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 74 ", "Prachin Buri ", " Prachin Buri 1906687 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 75 ", "Changwat Ubon Ratchathani ", " Changwat Ubon Ratchathani 1906688 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 77 ", "Amnat Charoen ", " Amnat Charoen 1906689 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 79 ", "Changwat Nong Bua Lamphu ", " Changwat Nong Bua Lamphu 1906690 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 80 ", "Sa Kaeo ", " Sa Kaeo 1906691 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TH", " 81 ", "Changwat Bueng Kan ", " Changwat Bueng Kan 8133594 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TJ", " 03 ", "Viloyati Sughd ", " Viloyati Sughd 1221092 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TJ", " 01 ", "Gorno-Badakhshan ", " Gorno-Badakhshan 1221692 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TJ", " 02 ", "Khatlon ", " Khatlon 1347488 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TJ", " RR ", "Region of Republican Subn ", " Region of Republican Subordination 6452615 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TJ", " 7280679", " Dushanbe ", " Dushanbe 7280679 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TK", " N ", "Nukunonu ", " Nukunonu 4031091 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TK", " F ", "Fakaofo ", " Fakaofo 4031112 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TK", " A ", "Atafu ", " Atafu 4031116 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TL", " VI ", "Viqueque ", " Viqueque 1622470 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TL", " MF ", "Manufahi ", " Manufahi 1636309 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TL", " MT ", "Manatuto ", " Manatuto 1636525 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TL", " LI ", "Liquiçá ", " Liquica 1637729 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TL", " LA ", "Lautém ", " Lautem 1638294 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TL", " CO ", "Cova Lima ", " Cova Lima 1639462 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TL", " ER ", "Ermera ", " Ermera 1644865 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TL", " DI ", "Díli ", " Dili 1645456 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TL", " BO ", "Bobonaro ", " Bobonaro 1648513 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TL", " BA ", "Baucau ", " Baucau 1649538 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TL", " OE ", "Distrito Oecussi-Ambeno ", " Distrito Oecussi-Ambeno 1651539 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TL", " AN ", "Ainaro ", " Ainaro 1651809 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TL", " AL ", "Aileu ", " Aileu 1651815 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TM", " 02 ", "Balkan ", " Balkan 162152 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TM", " 01 ", "Ahal ", " Ahal 162181 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TM", " 03 ", "Daşoguz ", " Dasoguz 601465 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TM", " 05 ", "Mary ", " Mary 1218666 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TM", " 04 ", "Lebap ", " Lebap 1219651 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TN", " 37 ", "Zaghwān ", " Zaghwan 2464038 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TN", " 36 ", "Tūnis ", " Tunis 2464464 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TN", " 35 ", "Tawzar ", " Tawzar 2464645 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TN", " 34 ", "Taţāwīn ", " Tatawin 2464698 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TN", " 23 ", "Sūsah ", " Susah 2464912 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TN", " 22 ", "Silyānah ", " Silyanah 2465027 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TN", " 33 ", "Sīdī Bū Zayd ", " Sidi Bu Zayd 2465837 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TN", " 32 ", "Şafāqis ", " Safaqis 2467450 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TN", " 31 ", "Qibilī ", " Qibili 2468014 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TN", " 30 ", "Qafşah ", " Qafsah 2468351 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TN", " 29 ", "Qābis ", " Qabis 2468365 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TN", " 19 ", "Nābul ", " Nabul 2468576 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TN", " 28 ", "Madanīn ", " Madanin 2469470 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TN", " 06 ", "Jundūbah ", " Jundubah 2470085 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TN", " 27 ", "Bin ‘Arūs ", " Bin 'Arus 2472477 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TN", " 18 ", "Banzart ", " Banzart 2472699 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TN", " 17 ", "Bājah ", " Bajah 2472770 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TN", " 38 ", "Ariana ", " Ariana 2473245 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TN", " 03 ", "Al Qayrawān ", " Al Qayrawan 2473451 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TN", " 02 ", "Al Qaşrayn ", " Al Qasrayn 2473460 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TN", " 16 ", "Al Munastīr ", " Al Munastir 2473495 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TN", " 15 ", "Al Mahdīyah ", " Al Mahdiyah 2473574 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TN", " 14 ", "Kef ", " Kef 2473637 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TN", " 39 ", "Manouba ", " Manouba 6201192 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TO", " 03 ", "Vava`u ", " Vava`u 4032231 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TO", " 02 ", "Tongatapu ", " Tongatapu 4032279 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TO", " 01 ", "Ha`apai ", " Ha`apai 4032637 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TO", " EU ", "Eua ", " Eua 7668021 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TO", " NI ", "Niuas ", " Niuas 7668055 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 66 ", "Yozgat ", " Yozgat 296560 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 65 ", "Van ", " Van 298113 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 64 ", "Uşak ", " Usak 298298 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 63 ", "Şanlıurfa ", " Sanliurfa 298332 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 62 ", "Tunceli ", " Tunceli 298845 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 58 ", "Sivas ", " Sivas 300617 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 74 ", "Siirt ", " Siirt 300821 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 73 ", "Niğde ", " Nigde 303826 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 50 ", "Nevşehir ", " Nevsehir 303830 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 49 ", "Muş ", " Mus 304041 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 48 ", "Muğla ", " Mugla 304183 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 72 ", "Mardin ", " Mardin 304794 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 45 ", "Manisa ", " Manisa 304825 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 44 ", "Malatya ", " Malatya 304919 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 43 ", "Kütahya ", " Kuetahya 305267 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 71 ", "Konya ", " Konya 306569 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 40 ", "Kırşehir ", " Kirsehir 307513 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 38 ", "Kayseri ", " Kayseri 308463 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 46 ", "Kahramanmaraş ", " Kahramanmaras 310858 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 35 ", "İzmir ", " Izmir 311044 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 33 ", "Isparta ", " Isparta 311071 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 32 ", "Mersin ", " Mersin 311728 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 31 ", "Hatay ", " Hatay 312394 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 70 ", "Hakkâri ", " Hakkari 312888 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 83 ", "Gaziantep ", " Gaziantep 314829 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 26 ", "Eskişehir ", " Eskisehir 315201 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 25 ", "Erzurum ", " Erzurum 315367 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 24 ", "Erzincan ", " Erzincan 315372 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 23 ", "Elazığ ", " Elazig 315807 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 21 ", "Diyarbakır ", " Diyarbakir 316540 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 20 ", "Denizli ", " Denizli 317106 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 15 ", "Burdur ", " Burdur 320390 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 13 ", "Bitlis ", " Bitlis 321022 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 12 ", "Bingöl ", " Bingoel 321079 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 11 ", "Bilecik ", " Bilecik 321122 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 10 ", "Balıkesir ", " Balikesir 322164 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 09 ", "Aydın ", " Aydin 322819 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 07 ", "Antalya ", " Antalya 323776 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 68 ", "Ankara ", " Ankara 323784 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 04 ", "Ağrı ", " Agri 325163 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 03 ", "Afyonkarahisar ", " Afyonkarahisar 325302 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 02 ", "Adıyaman ", " Adiyaman 325329 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 81 ", "Adana ", " Adana 325361 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 91 ", "Osmaniye ", " Osmaniye 443183 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 88 ", "Iğdır ", " Igdir 443184 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 75 ", "Aksaray ", " Aksaray 443185 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 76 ", "Batman ", " Batman 443186 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 78 ", "Karaman ", " Karaman 443187 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 79 ", "Kırıkkale ", " Kirikkale 443188 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 80 ", "Şırnak ", " Sirnak 443189 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 90 ", "Kilis ", " Kilis 443213 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 85 ", "Zonguldak ", " Zonguldak 737021 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 61 ", "Trabzon ", " Trabzon 738647 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 60 ", "Tokat ", " Tokat 738742 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 59 ", "Tekirdağ ", " Tekirdag 738926 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 57 ", "Sinop ", " Sinop 739598 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 55 ", "Samsun ", " Samsun 740263 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 54 ", "Sakarya ", " Sakarya 740352 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 53 ", "Rize ", " Rize 740481 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 52 ", "Ordu ", " Ordu 741098 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 41 ", "Kocaeli ", " Kocaeli 742865 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 39 ", "Kırklareli ", " Kirklareli 743165 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 37 ", "Kastamonu ", " Kastamonu 743881 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 84 ", "Kars ", " Kars 743942 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 34 ", "Istanbul ", " Istanbul 745042 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 69 ", "Gümüşhane ", " Gumushane 746423 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 28 ", "Giresun ", " Giresun 746878 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 22 ", "Edirne ", " Edirne 747711 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 19 ", "Çorum ", " Corum 748877 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 82 ", "Çankırı ", " Cankiri 749747 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 17 ", "Çanakkale ", " Canakkale 749778 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 16 ", "Bursa ", " Bursa 750268 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 14 ", "Bolu ", " Bolu 750510 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 08 ", "Artvin ", " Artvin 751816 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 05 ", "Amasya ", " Amasya 752014 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 87 ", "Bartın ", " Bartin 862467 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 89 ", "Karabük ", " Karabuk 862468 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 92 ", "Yalova ", " Yalova 862469 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 86 ", "Ardahan ", " Ardahan 862470 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 77 ", "Bayburt ", " Bayburt 862471 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TR", " 93 ", "Düzce ", " Duzce 865521 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TT", " 11 ", "Tobago ", " Tobago 3573606 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TT", " 10 ", "City of San Fernando ", " City of San Fernando 3573739 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TT", " 05 ", "City of Port of Spain ", " City of Port of Spain 3573891 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TT", " 03 ", "Mayaro ", " Mayaro 3574155 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TT", " 01 ", "Borough of Arima ", " Borough of Arima 3575052 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TT", " CHA ", "Chaguanas ", " Chaguanas 7521937 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TT", " CTT ", "Couva-Tabaquite-Talparo ", " Couva-Tabaquite-Talparo 7521938 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TT", " DMN ", "Diego Martin ", " Diego Martin 7521939 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TT", " ETO ", "Eastern Tobago ", " Eastern Tobago 7521940 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TT", " PED ", "Penal/Debe ", " Penal/Debe 7521941 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TT", " PRT ", "Princes Town ", " Princes Town 7521942 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TT", " PTF ", "Point Fortin ", " Point Fortin 7521943 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TT", " SGE ", "Sangre Grande ", " Sangre Grande 7521944 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TT", " SIP ", "Siparia ", " Siparia 7521945 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TT", " SJL ", "San Juan/Laventille ", " San Juan/Laventille 7521946 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TT", " TUP ", "Tunapuna/Piarco ", " Tunapuna/Piarco 7521947 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TV", " NUI ", "Nui ", " Nui 2110341 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TV", " NMA ", "Nanumea ", " Nanumea 2110345 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TV", " FUN ", "Funafuti ", " Funafuti 2110384 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TV", " NIT ", "Niutao ", " Niutao 7601979 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TV", " NMG ", "Nanumanga ", " Nanumanga 7601980 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TV", " VAI ", "Vaitupu ", " Vaitupu 7601981 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TV", " NKF ", "Nukufetau ", " Nukufetau 7601982 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TV", " NKL ", "Nukulaelae ", " Nukulaelae 7601983 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TW", " 01 ", "Fukien ", " Fukien 7280288 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TW", " 02 ", "Kaohsiung ", " Kaohsiung 7280289 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TW", " 03 ", "Taipei ", " Taipei 7280290 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TW", " 04 ", "Taiwan ", " Taiwan 7280291 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TZ", " 19 ", "Kagera ", " Kagera 148679 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TZ", " 25 ", "Zanzibar Urban/West ", " Zanzibar Urban/West 148724 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TZ", " 22 ", "Zanzibar North ", " Zanzibar North 148725 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TZ", " 21 ", "Zanzibar Central/South ", " Zanzibar Central/South 148728 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TZ", " 18 ", "Tanga ", " Tanga 149595 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TZ", " 17 ", "Tabora ", " Tabora 149653 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TZ", " 16 ", "Singida ", " Singida 149876 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TZ", " 15 ", "Shinyanga ", " Shinyanga 150004 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TZ", " 24 ", "Rukwa Region ", " Rukwa Region 150442 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TZ", " 02 ", "Pwani ", " Pwani 150602 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TZ", " 20 ", "Pemba South ", " Pemba South 150732 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TZ", " 13 ", "Pemba North ", " Pemba North 150733 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TZ", " 12 ", "Mwanza ", " Mwanza 152219 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TZ", " 10 ", "Morogoro Region ", " Morogoro Region 153214 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TZ", " 09 ", "Mbeya ", " Mbeya 154375 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TZ", " 08 ", "Mara ", " Mara 154775 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TZ", " 07 ", "Lindi ", " Lindi 155946 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TZ", " 06 ", "Kilimanjaro ", " Kilimanjaro 157449 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TZ", " 05 ", "Kigoma ", " Kigoma 157732 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TZ", " 04 ", "Iringa ", " Iringa 159067 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TZ", " 03 ", "Dodoma ", " Dodoma 160192 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TZ", " 23 ", "Dar es Salaam ", " Dar es Salaam 160260 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TZ", " 26 ", "Arusha ", " Arusha 161322 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TZ", " 27 ", "Manyara ", " Manyara 435764 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TZ", " 14 ", "Ruvuma ", " Ruvuma 877416 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TZ", " 11 ", "Mtwara ", " Mtwara 877744 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TZ", " 31 ", "Simiyu Region ", " Simiyu Region 8469238 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TZ", " 28 ", "Geita Region ", " Geita Region 8469239 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TZ", " 29 ", "Katavi Region ", " Katavi Region 8469240 ")); context.States.Add(new State("TZ", " 30 ", "Njombe Region ", " Njombe Region 8469241 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UA", " 27 ", "Zhytomyrs’ka Oblast’ ", " Zhytomyrs'ka Oblast' 686966 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UA", " 26 ", "Zaporiz’ka Oblast’ ", " Zaporiz'ka Oblast' 687699 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UA", " 25 ", "Zakarpattia Oblast ", " Zakarpattia Oblast 687869 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UA", " 24 ", "Volyns’ka Oblast’ ", " Volyns'ka Oblast' 689064 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UA", " 23 ", "Vinnyts'ka ", " Vinnyts'ka 689559 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UA", " 22 ", "Ternopil’s’ka Oblast’ ", " Ternopil's'ka Oblast' 691649 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UA", " 21 ", "Sums’ka Oblast’ ", " Sums'ka Oblast' 692196 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UA", " 20 ", "Misto Sevastopol’ ", " Misto Sevastopol' 694422 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UA", " 19 ", "Rivnens’ka Oblast’ ", " Rivnens'ka Oblast' 695592 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UA", " 18 ", "Poltavs’ka Oblast’ ", " Poltavs'ka Oblast' 696634 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UA", " 17 ", "Odes’ka Oblast’ ", " Odes'ka Oblast' 698738 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UA", " 16 ", "Mykolayivs’ka Oblast’ ", " Mykolayivs'ka Oblast' 700567 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UA", " 15 ", "L’vivs’ka Oblast’ ", " L'vivs'ka Oblast' 702549 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UA", " 14 ", "Luhans’ka Oblast’ ", " Luhans'ka Oblast' 702657 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UA", " 13 ", "Kyyivs’ka Oblast’ ", " Kyyivs'ka Oblast' 703446 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UA", " 12 ", "Kyiv City ", " Kyiv City 703447 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UA", " 11 ", "Avtonomna Respublika Krym ", " Avtonomna Respublika Krym 703883 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UA", " 10 ", "Kirovohrads’ka Oblast’ ", " Kirovohrads'ka Oblast' 705811 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UA", " 09 ", "Khmel’nyts’ka Oblast’ ", " Khmel'nyts'ka Oblast' 706370 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UA", " 08 ", "Khersons’ka Oblast’ ", " Khersons'ka Oblast' 706442 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UA", " 07 ", "Kharkivs’ka Oblast’ ", " Kharkivs'ka Oblast' 706482 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UA", " 06 ", "Ivano-Frankivs’ka Oblast’ ", " Ivano-Frankivs'ka Oblast' 707470 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UA", " 05 ", "Donets’ka Oblast’ ", " Donets'ka Oblast' 709716 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UA", " 04 ", "Dnipropetrovs'ka Oblast' ", " Dnipropetrovs'ka Oblast' 709929 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UA", " 03 ", "Chernivets'ka Oblast' ", " Chernivets'ka Oblast' 710720 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UA", " 02 ", "Chernihivs’ka Oblast’ ", " Chernihivs'ka Oblast' 710734 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UA", " 01 ", "Cherkas'ka Oblast' ", " Cherkas'ka Oblast' 710802 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UG", " C ", "Central Region ", " Central Region 234594 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UG", " E ", "Eastern Region ", " Eastern Region 8260673 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UG", " N ", "Northern Region ", " Northern Region 8260674 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UG", " W ", "Western Region ", " Western Region 8260675 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UM", " 450 ", "Wake Island ", " Wake Island 4041685 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UM", " 350 ", "Navassa Island ", " Navassa Island 4743755 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UM", " 050 ", "Baker Island ", " Baker Island 5854907 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UM", " 100 ", "Howland Island ", " Howland Island 5854922 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UM", " 150 ", "Jarvis Island ", " Jarvis Island 5854926 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UM", " 200 ", "Johnston Atoll ", " Johnston Atoll 5854929 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UM", " 250 ", "Kingman Reef ", " Kingman Reef 5854936 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UM", " 300 ", "Midway Islands ", " Midway Islands 5854943 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UM", " 400 ", "Palmyra Atoll ", " Palmyra Atoll 5854952 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " AR ", "Arkansas ", " Arkansas 4099753 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " DC ", "Washington, D.C. ", " Washington, D.C. 4138106 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " DE ", "Delaware ", " Delaware 4142224 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " FL ", "Florida ", " Florida 4155751 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " GA ", "Georgia ", " Georgia 4197000 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " KS ", "Kansas ", " Kansas 4273857 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " LA ", "Louisiana ", " Louisiana 4331987 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " MD ", "Maryland ", " Maryland 4361885 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " MO ", "Missouri ", " Missouri 4398678 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " MS ", "Mississippi ", " Mississippi 4436296 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " NC ", "North Carolina ", " North Carolina 4482348 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " OK ", "Oklahoma ", " Oklahoma 4544379 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " SC ", "South Carolina ", " South Carolina 4597040 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " TN ", "Tennessee ", " Tennessee 4662168 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " TX ", "Texas ", " Texas 4736286 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " WV ", "West Virginia ", " West Virginia 4826850 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " AL ", "Alabama ", " Alabama 4829764 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " CT ", "Connecticut ", " Connecticut 4831725 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " IA ", "Iowa ", " Iowa 4862182 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " IL ", "Illinois ", " Illinois 4896861 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " IN ", "Indiana ", " Indiana 4921868 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " ME ", "Maine ", " Maine 4971068 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " MI ", "Michigan ", " Michigan 5001836 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " MN ", "Minnesota ", " Minnesota 5037779 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " NE ", "Nebraska ", " Nebraska 5073708 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " NH ", "New Hampshire ", " New Hampshire 5090174 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " NJ ", "New Jersey ", " New Jersey 5101760 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " NY ", "New York ", " New York 5128638 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " OH ", "Ohio ", " Ohio 5165418 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " RI ", "Rhode Island ", " Rhode Island 5224323 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " VT ", "Vermont ", " Vermont 5242283 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " WI ", "Wisconsin ", " Wisconsin 5279468 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " CA ", "California ", " California 5332921 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " CO ", "Colorado ", " Colorado 5417618 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " NM ", "New Mexico ", " New Mexico 5481136 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " NV ", "Nevada ", " Nevada 5509151 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " UT ", "Utah ", " Utah 5549030 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " AZ ", "Arizona ", " Arizona 5551752 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " ID ", "Idaho ", " Idaho 5596512 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " MT ", "Montana ", " Montana 5667009 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " ND ", "North Dakota ", " North Dakota 5690763 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " OR ", "Oregon ", " Oregon 5744337 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " SD ", "South Dakota ", " South Dakota 5769223 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " WA ", "Washington ", " Washington 5815135 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " WY ", "Wyoming ", " Wyoming 5843591 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " HI ", "Hawaii ", " Hawaii 5855797 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " AK ", "Alaska ", " Alaska 5879092 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " KY ", "Kentucky ", " Kentucky 6254925 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " MA ", "Massachusetts ", " Massachusetts 6254926 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " PA ", "Pennsylvania ", " Pennsylvania 6254927 ")); context.States.Add(new State("US", " VA ", "Virginia ", " Virginia 6254928 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UY", " 19 ", "Treinta y Tres ", " Treinta y Tres 3439780 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UY", " 18 ", "Tacuarembó ", " Tacuarembo 3440033 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UY", " 17 ", "Soriano ", " Soriano 3440054 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UY", " 16 ", "San José ", " San Jose 3440645 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UY", " 15 ", "Salto ", " Salto 3440711 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UY", " 14 ", "Rocha ", " Rocha 3440771 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UY", " 13 ", "Rivera ", " Rivera 3440780 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UY", " 12 ", "Río Negro ", " Rio Negro 3440789 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UY", " 11 ", "Paysandú ", " Paysandu 3441242 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UY", " 10 ", "Montevideo ", " Montevideo 3441572 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UY", " 09 ", "Maldonado ", " Maldonado 3441890 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UY", " 08 ", "Lavalleja ", " Lavalleja 3442007 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UY", " 07 ", "Florida ", " Florida 3442584 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UY", " 06 ", "Flores ", " Flores 3442587 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UY", " 05 ", "Durazno ", " Durazno 3442720 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UY", " 04 ", "Colonia ", " Colonia 3443025 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UY", " 03 ", "Cerro Largo ", " Cerro Largo 3443173 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UY", " 02 ", "Canelones ", " Canelones 3443411 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UY", " 01 ", "Artigas ", " Artigas 3443756 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UZ", " 09 ", "Karakalpakstan ", " Karakalpakstan 453752 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UZ", " 12 ", "Surxondaryo ", " Surxondaryo 1114926 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UZ", " 10 ", "Samarqand ", " Samarqand 1114927 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UZ", " 08 ", "Kashkadarya Province ", " Kashkadarya Province 1114928 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UZ", " 02 ", "Bukhara ", " Bukhara 1114929 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UZ", " 14 ", "Toshkent ", " Toshkent 1484838 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UZ", " 13 ", "Toshkent Shahri ", " Toshkent Shahri 1484839 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UZ", " 16 ", "Sirdaryo ", " Sirdaryo 1484840 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UZ", " 07 ", "Navoiy ", " Navoiy 1484841 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UZ", " 06 ", "Namangan Province ", " Namangan Province 1484842 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UZ", " 05 ", "Xorazm ", " Xorazm 1484843 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UZ", " 15 ", "Jizzax ", " Jizzax 1484844 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UZ", " 03 ", "Fergana ", " Fergana 1484845 ")); context.States.Add(new State("UZ", " 01 ", "Andijon ", " Andijon 1484846 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VC", " 05 ", "Saint Patrick ", " Saint Patrick 3577818 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VC", " 04 ", "Saint George ", " Saint George 3577819 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VC", " 03 ", "Saint David ", " Saint David 3577821 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VC", " 02 ", "Saint Andrew ", " Saint Andrew 3577822 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VC", " 06 ", "Grenadines ", " Grenadines 3577892 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VC", " 01 ", "Charlotte ", " Charlotte 3577934 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VE", " 23 ", "Estado Zulia ", " Estado Zulia 3625035 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VE", " 22 ", "Estado Yaracuy ", " Estado Yaracuy 3625210 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VE", " 21 ", "Trujillo ", " Trujillo 3625974 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VE", " 20 ", "Estado Táchira ", " Estado Tachira 3626553 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VE", " 19 ", "Sucre ", " Sucre 3626655 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VE", " 18 ", "Estado Portuguesa ", " Estado Portuguesa 3629941 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VE", " 17 ", "Estado Nueva Esparta ", " Estado Nueva Esparta 3631462 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VE", " 16 ", "Estado Monagas ", " Estado Monagas 3632100 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VE", " 15 ", "Estado Miranda ", " Estado Miranda 3632191 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VE", " 14 ", "Estado Mérida ", " Estado Merida 3632306 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VE", " 13 ", "Estado Lara ", " Estado Lara 3636539 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VE", " 12 ", "Estado Guárico ", " Estado Guarico 3640017 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VE", " 24 ", "Dependencias Federales ", " Dependencias Federales 3640846 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VE", " 25 ", "Distrito Federal ", " Distrito Federal 3640847 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VE", " 11 ", "Estado Falcón ", " Estado Falcon 3640873 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VE", " 09 ", "Delta Amacuro ", " Delta Amacuro 3644541 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VE", " 08 ", "Estado Cojedes ", " Estado Cojedes 3645386 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VE", " 07 ", "Estado Carabobo ", " Estado Carabobo 3646751 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VE", " 06 ", "Estado Bolívar ", " Estado Bolivar 3648106 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VE", " 05 ", "Estado Barinas ", " Estado Barinas 3648544 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VE", " 04 ", "Estado Aragua ", " Estado Aragua 3649110 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VE", " 03 ", "Estado Apure ", " Estado Apure 3649151 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VE", " 02 ", "Estado Anzoátegui ", " Estado Anzoategui 3649198 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VE", " 01 ", "Estado Amazonas ", " Estado Amazonas 3649302 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VE", " 26 ", "Vargas ", " Vargas 3830309 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VI", " 010 ", "Saint Croix Island ", " Saint Croix Island 7267902 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VI", " 020 ", "Saint John Island ", " Saint John Island 7267903 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VI", " 030 ", "Saint Thomas Island ", " Saint Thomas Island 7267904 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 58 ", "Nghệ An ", " Nghe An 1559969 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 59 ", "Ninh Bình ", " Ninh Binh 1559970 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 60 ", "Ninh Thuận ", " Ninh Thuan 1559971 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 65 ", "Sóc Trăng ", " Soc Trang 1559972 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 67 ", "Trà Vinh ", " Tra Vinh 1559975 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 68 ", "Tuyên Quang ", " Tuyen Quang 1559976 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 69 ", "Vĩnh Long ", " Vinh Long 1559977 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 70 ", "Yên Bái ", " Yen Bai 1559978 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 90 ", "Lào Cai ", " Lao Cai 1562412 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 37 ", "Tiền Giang ", " Tien Giang 1564676 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 66 ", "Thừa Thiên-Huế ", " Thua Thien-Hue 1565033 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 55 ", "Kon Tum ", " Kon Tum 1565088 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 34 ", "Thanh Hóa ", " Thanh Hoa 1566165 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 35 ", "Thái Bình ", " Thai Binh 1566338 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 33 ", "Tây Ninh ", " Tay Ninh 1566557 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 32 ", "Sơn La ", " Son La 1567643 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 64 ", "Quảng Trị ", " Quang Tri 1568733 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 30 ", "Quảng Ninh ", " Quang Ninh 1568758 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 63 ", "Quảng Ngãi ", " Quang Ngai 1568769 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 62 ", "Quảng Bình ", " Quang Binh 1568839 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 61 ", "Phú Yên ", " Phu Yen 1569805 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 53 ", "Hòa Bình ", " Hoa Binh 1572594 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 24 ", "Long An ", " Long An 1575788 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 39 ", "Lạng Sơn ", " Lang Son 1576632 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 23 ", "Lâm Đồng ", " Lam Dong 1577882 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 89 ", "Lai Châu ", " Lai Chau 1577954 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 21 ", "Kiến Giang ", " Kien Giang 1579008 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 54 ", "Khánh Hòa ", " Khanh Hoa 1579634 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 20 ", "Ho Chi Minh City ", " Ho Chi Minh City 1580578 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 52 ", "Hà Tĩnh ", " Ha Tinh 1580700 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 50 ", "Hà Giang ", " Ha Giang 1581030 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 49 ", "Gia Lai ", " Gia Lai 1581088 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 44 ", "Ha Nội ", " Ha Noi 1581129 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 87 ", "Cần Thơ ", " Can Tho 1581188 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 13 ", "Hải Phòng ", " Hai Phong 1581297 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 47 ", "Bình Thuận ", " Binh Thuan 1581882 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 09 ", "Đồng Tháp ", " Dong Thap 1582562 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 43 ", "Đồng Nai ", " Dong Nai 1582720 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 88 ", "Ðắc Lắk ", " Dac Lak 1584169 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 45 ", "Bà Rịa-Vũng Tàu ", " Ba Ria-Vung Tau 1584534 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 05 ", "Cao Bằng ", " Cao Bang 1586182 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 46 ", "Bình Định ", " Binh Dinh 1587871 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 03 ", "Bến Tre ", " Ben Tre 1587974 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 01 ", "An Giang ", " An Giang 1594446 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 91 ", "Ðắk Nông ", " Dak Nong 1904987 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 92 ", "Huyện Ðiện Biên ", " Huyen Dien Bien 1905099 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 74 ", "Bắc Ninh ", " Bac Ninh 1905412 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 71 ", "Bắc Giang ", " Bac Giang 1905419 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 78 ", "Đà Nẵng ", " Da Nang 1905468 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 75 ", "Bình Dương ", " Binh Duong 1905475 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 76 ", "Bình Phước ", " Binh Phuoc 1905480 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 85 ", "Thái Nguyên ", " Thai Nguyen 1905497 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 84 ", "Quảng Nam ", " Quang Nam 1905516 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 83 ", "Phú Thọ ", " Phu Tho 1905577 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 82 ", "Nam Ðịnh ", " Nam Dinh 1905626 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 80 ", "Hà Nam ", " Ha Nam 1905637 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 72 ", "Bắc Kạn ", " Bac Kan 1905669 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 73 ", "Bạc Liêu ", " Bac Lieu 1905675 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 77 ", "Cà Mau ", " Ca Mau 1905678 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 79 ", "Hải Dương ", " Hai Duong 1905686 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 81 ", "Hưng Yên ", " Hung Yen 1905699 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 86 ", "Vĩnh Phúc ", " Vinh Phuc 1905856 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VN", " 93 ", "Hau Giang ", " Hau Giang 7506719 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VU", " 15 ", "Tafea ", " Tafea 2134739 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VU", " 13 ", "Sanma ", " Sanma 2134898 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VU", " 07 ", "Torba ", " Torba 2137421 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VU", " 16 ", "Malampa ", " Malampa 2208265 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VU", " 17 ", "Penama ", " Penama 2208266 ")); context.States.Add(new State("VU", " 18 ", "Shefa ", " Shefa 2208267 ")); context.States.Add(new State("WF", " 98613", " Circonscription d'Uvéa ", " Circonscription d'Uvea 4034759 ")); context.States.Add(new State("WF", " 98612", " Circonscription de Sigavé ", " Circonscription de Sigave 4034776 ")); context.States.Add(new State("WF", " 98611", " Circonscription d'Alo ", " Circonscription d'Alo 4034884 ")); context.States.Add(new State("WS", " 11 ", "Vaisigano ", " Vaisigano 4034910 ")); context.States.Add(new State("WS", " 06 ", "Va‘a-o-Fonoti ", " Va`a-o-Fonoti 4034943 ")); context.States.Add(new State("WS", " 10 ", "Tuamasaga ", " Tuamasaga 4034977 ")); context.States.Add(new State("WS", " 09 ", "Satupa‘itea ", " Satupa`itea 4035046 ")); context.States.Add(new State("WS", " 08 ", "Palauli ", " Palauli 4035154 ")); context.States.Add(new State("WS", " 07 ", "Gagaifomauga ", " Gagaifomauga 4035313 ")); context.States.Add(new State("WS", " 05 ", "Gaga‘emauga ", " Gaga`emauga 4035314 ")); context.States.Add(new State("WS", " 04 ", "Fa‘asaleleaga ", " Fa`asaleleaga 4035383 ")); context.States.Add(new State("WS", " 03 ", "Atua ", " Atua 4035402 ")); context.States.Add(new State("WS", " 02 ", "Aiga-i-le-Tai ", " Aiga-i-le-Tai 4035425 ")); context.States.Add(new State("WS", " 01 ", "A'ana ", " A'ana 4035434 ")); context.States.Add(new State("XK", " 28 ", "Vushtrri ", " Vushtrri 784096 ")); context.States.Add(new State("XK", " 27 ", "Komuna e Vitisë ", " Komuna e Vitise 784371 ")); context.States.Add(new State("XK", " 03 ", "Komuna e Ferizajt ", " Komuna e Ferizajt 784758 ")); context.States.Add(new State("XK", " 15 ", "Komuna e Mitrovicës ", " Komuna e Mitrovices 785059 ")); context.States.Add(new State("XK", " 26 ", "Komuna e Thërandës ", " Komuna e Therandes 785234 ")); context.States.Add(new State("XK", " 25 ", "Komuna e Skenderajt ", " Komuna e Skenderajt 785641 ")); context.States.Add(new State("XK", " 21 ", "Prizren ", " Prizren 786711 ")); context.States.Add(new State("XK", " 20 ", "Komuna e Prishtinës ", " Komuna e Prishtines 786713 ")); context.States.Add(new State("XK", " 19 ", "Podujevo ", " Podujevo 786949 ")); context.States.Add(new State("XK", " 18 ", "Komuna e Pejës ", " Komuna e Pejes 787156 ")); context.States.Add(new State("XK", " 22 ", "Orahovac ", " Orahovac 787455 ")); context.States.Add(new State("XK", " 13 ", "Lipjan ", " Lipjan 788651 ")); context.States.Add(new State("XK", " 12 ", "Komuna e Leposaviqit ", " Komuna e Leposaviqit 788730 ")); context.States.Add(new State("XK", " 10 ", "Kamenica ", " Kamenica 789226 ")); context.States.Add(new State("XK", " 11 ", "Komuna e Klines ", " Komuna e Klines 789453 ")); context.States.Add(new State("XK", " 09 ", "Komuna e Kaçanikut ", " Komuna e Kacanikut 789720 ")); context.States.Add(new State("XK", " 08 ", "Komuna e Istogut ", " Komuna e Istogut 789995 ")); context.States.Add(new State("XK", " 06 ", "Komuna e Gjilanit ", " Komuna e Gjilanit 790673 ")); context.States.Add(new State("XK", " 07 ", "Komuna e Drenasit ", " Komuna e Drenasit 790697 ")); context.States.Add(new State("XK", " 02 ", "Komuna e Dragashit ", " Komuna e Dragashit 791121 ")); context.States.Add(new State("XK", " 01 ", "Komuna e Deçanit ", " Komuna e Decanit 791579 ")); context.States.Add(new State("XK", " 05 ", "Komuna e Gjakovës ", " Komuna e Gjakoves 791645 ")); context.States.Add(new State("XK", " 04 ", "Kosovo Polje ", " Kosovo Polje 831099 ")); context.States.Add(new State("XK", " 23 ", "Opština Štrpce ", " Opstina Strpce 831100 ")); context.States.Add(new State("XK", " 24 ", "Komuna e Shtimes ", " Komuna e Shtimes 831101 ")); context.States.Add(new State("XK", " 16 ", "Novo Brdo ", " Novo Brdo 831102 ")); context.States.Add(new State("XK", " 17 ", "Komuna e Obiliqit ", " Komuna e Obiliqit 831103 ")); context.States.Add(new State("XK", " 14 ", "Komuna e Malisheves ", " Komuna e Malisheves 831104 ")); context.States.Add(new State("XK", " 29 ", "Komuna e Zubin Potokut ", " Komuna e Zubin Potokut 831105 ")); context.States.Add(new State("XK", " 30 ", "Opština Zvečan ", " Opstina Zvecan 831106 ")); context.States.Add(new State("XK", " 31 ", "Komuna e Graçanicës ", " Komuna e Gracanices 8299768 ")); context.States.Add(new State("XK", " 32 ", "Hani i Elezit ", " Hani i Elezit 8299769 ")); context.States.Add(new State("XK", " 33 ", "Komuna e Junikut ", " Komuna e Junikut 8299770 ")); context.States.Add(new State("XK", " 34 ", "Komuna e Kllokotit ", " Komuna e Kllokotit 8299771 ")); context.States.Add(new State("XK", " 35 ", "Komuna e Mamushës ", " Komuna e Mamushes 8299772 ")); context.States.Add(new State("XK", " 36 ", "Komuna e Parteshit ", " Komuna e Parteshit 8299773 ")); context.States.Add(new State("XK", " 37 ", "Komuna e Ranillugut ", " Komuna e Ranillugut 8299774 ")); context.States.Add(new State("YE", " 25 ", "Muḩāfaz̧at Ta‘izz ", " Muhafazat Ta`izz 70222 ")); context.States.Add(new State("YE", " 05 ", "Shabwah ", " Shabwah 70935 ")); context.States.Add(new State("YE", " 16 ", "Sanaa ", " Sanaa 71132 ")); context.States.Add(new State("YE", " 15 ", "Muḩāfaz̧at Şa‘dah ", " Muhafazat Sa`dah 71333 ")); context.States.Add(new State("YE", " 27 ", "Muḩāfaz̧at Raymah ", " Muhafazat Raymah 71532 ")); context.States.Add(new State("YE", " 14 ", "Muḩāfaz̧at Ma’rib ", " Muhafazat Ma'rib 72966 ")); context.States.Add(new State("YE", " 10 ", "Al Maḩwīt ", " Al Mahwit 73200 ")); context.States.Add(new State("YE", " 21 ", "Muḩāfaz̧at al Jawf ", " Muhafazat al Jawf 74222 ")); context.States.Add(new State("YE", " 04 ", "Ḩaḑramawt ", " Hadramawt 75411 ")); context.States.Add(new State("YE", " 11 ", "Muḩāfaz̧at Dhamār ", " Muhafazat Dhamar 76183 ")); context.States.Add(new State("YE", " 03 ", "Al Mahrah ", " Al Mahrah 78985 ")); context.States.Add(new State("YE", " 08 ", "Al Ḩudaydah ", " Al Hudaydah 79416 ")); context.States.Add(new State("YE", " 20 ", "Al Bayḑāʼ Muhafazat ", " al Bayda' 79838 ")); context.States.Add(new State("YE", " 02 ", "Aden ", " Aden 80412 ")); context.States.Add(new State("YE", " 01 ", "Abyan ", " Abyan 80425 ")); context.States.Add(new State("YE", " 18 ", "Muḩāfaz̧at aḑ Ḑāli‘ ", " Muhafazat ad Dali` 6201193 ")); context.States.Add(new State("YE", " 19 ", "Omran ", " Omran 6201194 ")); context.States.Add(new State("YE", " 22 ", "Muḩāfaz̧at Ḩajjah ", " Muhafazat Hajjah 6201195 ")); context.States.Add(new State("YE", " 23 ", "Ibb ", " Ibb 6201196 ")); context.States.Add(new State("YE", " 24 ", "Muḩāfaz̧at Laḩij ", " Muhafazat Lahij 6201197 ")); context.States.Add(new State("YE", " 26 ", "Amanat Al Asimah ", " Amanat Al Asimah 6940571 ")); context.States.Add(new State("YT", " 97601", " Acoua ", " Acoua 7521421 ")); context.States.Add(new State("YT", " 97602", " Bandraboua ", " Bandraboua 7521422 ")); context.States.Add(new State("YT", " 97603", " Bandrele ", " Bandrele 7521423 ")); context.States.Add(new State("YT", " 97604", " Bouéni ", " Boueni 7521424 ")); context.States.Add(new State("YT", " 97605", " Chiconi ", " Chiconi 7521425 ")); context.States.Add(new State("YT", " 97606", " Chirongui ", " Chirongui 7521426 ")); context.States.Add(new State("YT", " 97607", " Dembeni ", " Dembeni 7521427 ")); context.States.Add(new State("YT", " 97608", " Dzaoudzi ", " Dzaoudzi 7521428 ")); context.States.Add(new State("YT", " 97609", " Kani-Kéli ", " Kani-Keli 7521429 ")); context.States.Add(new State("YT", " 97610", " Koungou ", " Koungou 7521430 ")); context.States.Add(new State("YT", " 97611", " Mamoudzou ", " Mamoudzou 7521431 ")); context.States.Add(new State("YT", " 97612", " Mtsamboro ", " Mtsamboro 7521432 ")); context.States.Add(new State("YT", " 97613", " M'Tsangamouji ", " M'Tsangamouji 7521433 ")); context.States.Add(new State("YT", " 97614", " Ouangani ", " Ouangani 7521434 ")); context.States.Add(new State("YT", " 97615", " Pamandzi ", " Pamandzi 7521435 ")); context.States.Add(new State("YT", " 97616", " Sada ", " Sada 7521436 ")); context.States.Add(new State("YT", " 97617", " Tsingoni ", " Tsingoni 7521437 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ZA", " 03 ", "Free State ", " Free State 967573 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ZA", " 02 ", "KwaZulu-Natal ", " KwaZulu-Natal 972062 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ZA", " 05 ", "Eastern Cape ", " Eastern Cape 1085593 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ZA", " 06 ", "Gauteng ", " Gauteng 1085594 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ZA", " 07 ", "Mpumalanga ", " Mpumalanga 1085595 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ZA", " 08 ", "Northern Cape ", " Northern Cape 1085596 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ZA", " 09 ", "Limpopo ", " Limpopo 1085597 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ZA", " 10 ", "North-West ", " North-West 1085598 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ZA", " 11 ", "Western Cape ", " Western Cape 1085599 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ZM", " 01 ", "Western ", " Western 896140 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ZM", " 07 ", "Southern ", " Southern 896972 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ZM", " 06 ", "North-Western ", " North-Western 900594 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ZM", " 05 ", "Northern ", " Northern 900601 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ZM", " 09 ", "Lusaka ", " Lusaka 909129 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ZM", " 04 ", "Luapula ", " Luapula 909845 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ZM", " 03 ", "Eastern ", " Eastern 917388 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ZM", " 08 ", "Copperbelt ", " Copperbelt 917524 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ZM", " 02 ", "Central ", " Central 921064 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ZW", " 02 ", "Midlands ", " Midlands 886119 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ZW", " 07 ", "Matabeleland South ", " Matabeleland South 886747 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ZW", " 06 ", "Matabeleland North ", " Matabeleland North 886748 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ZW", " 08 ", "Masvingo ", " Masvingo 886761 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ZW", " 05 ", "Mashonaland West Province ", " Mashonaland West Province 886841 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ZW", " 04 ", "Mashonaland East ", " Mashonaland East 886842 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ZW", " 03 ", "Mashonaland Central Province ", " Mashonaland Central Province 886843 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ZW", " 01 ", "Manicaland ", " Manicaland 887358 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ZW", " 09 ", "Bulawayo ", " Bulawayo 1105843 ")); context.States.Add(new State("ZW", " 10 ", "Harare Province ", " Harare Province 1105844 ")); context.SaveChanges(); }
public bool SaveStaffInDB(List<Staff> staff, string importId) { try { StudentContext context = new StudentContext(); int organizationId = Convert.ToInt32(_userStatistics.OrganizationId); foreach (Staff ind in staff) { ind.ImportId = importId; ind.OrganizationId = organizationId; ind.StaffTypeId = GetStaffTypeId(ind.StaffTypeName); context.Staff.Add(ind); } context.SaveChanges(); return true; } catch (DbEntityValidationException e) { foreach (var eve in e.EntityValidationErrors) { Console.WriteLine("Entity of type \"{0}\" in state \"{1}\" has the following validation errors:", eve.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, eve.Entry.State); foreach (var ve in eve.ValidationErrors) { Console.WriteLine("- Property: \"{0}\", Error: \"{1}\"", ve.PropertyName, ve.ErrorMessage); } } throw; } }