public static async Task <OAuth2Client> RegisterClientAsync(Uri clientRegistrationEndpoint, string initialAccessToken, string softwareId, string softwareVersion, OAuth2TokenEndpointAuthMethod tokenEndpointAuthMethod, List <OAuth2GrantType> grantTypes, List <string> redirectUris, List <string> scopes) { /* STEP 1: validate all arguments */ // validate our clientRegistrationEndpoint uri if (clientRegistrationEndpoint == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(clientRegistrationEndpoint)); } else if (clientRegistrationEndpoint.Scheme.ToLowerInvariant() != "https") { throw new ArgumentException("clientRegistrationEndpoint must be secured with the https protocol.", nameof(clientRegistrationEndpoint)); } /* validate redirectUris: make sure that the redirectUris use HTTPS or a non-HTTP protocol (e.g. an app-specific protocol on a mobile * device). HTTP is also valid with redirectUris--but only for the localhost. */ if (redirectUris != null) { for (int iRedirectUri = 0; iRedirectUri < redirectUris.Count; iRedirectUri++) { // break the redirectUri down into its components (scheme, host, etc.) Uri uri; try { uri = new Uri(redirectUris[iRedirectUri]); } catch { throw new ArgumentException("redirectUris[" + iRedirectUri + "] is a malformed redirect uri.", nameof(redirectUris)); } // if (uri.Host == null) { throw new ArgumentException("redirectUris[" + iRedirectUri + "] is a malformed redirect uri.", nameof(redirectUris)); } // switch (uri.Scheme.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "http": // HTTP scheme is okay as long as the server is localhost (i.e. communication is on the loopback interface). if (uri.Host != "" && uri.Host != "::1" && uri.Host.ToLowerInvariant() != "localhost") { throw new ArgumentException("redirectUris[" + iRedirectUri + "] must be secured with the https protocol.", nameof(redirectUris)); } break; case "https": // HTTPS scheme is okay break; default: // custom app-specific schemes are okay break; } } } // validate our scopes: they cannot contain any spaces and they must conform to our "allowable characters" rules. if (scopes != null) { for (int iScope = 0; iScope < scopes.Count; iScope++) { if (ContainsOnlyAllowedScopeCharacters(scopes[iScope]) == false) { throw new ArgumentException("scopes[" + iScope + "] may only contain letters, numbers and the following characters: '" + string.Join("', '", _allowedScopeSpecialCharactersAsString.ToArray()) + "'", nameof(scopes)); } } } // validate the grantTypes /* Supported grantType options (including combinations) are: * .AuthorizationCode * .AuthorizationCode, .RefreshToken * .Implicit * .Password * .Password, .RefreshToken * .ClientCredentials */ OAuth2GrantType grantType; bool requestRefreshTokenGrantType = false; if (grantTypes == null || grantTypes.Count == 0) { // if no grant type was provided, use the default grantType = OAuth2GrantType.AuthorizationCode; } else if (grantTypes.Count == 1 && grantTypes.Contains(OAuth2GrantType.AuthorizationCode)) { grantType = OAuth2GrantType.AuthorizationCode; } else if (grantTypes.Count == 2 && grantTypes.Contains(OAuth2GrantType.AuthorizationCode) && grantTypes.Contains(OAuth2GrantType.RefreshToken)) { grantType = OAuth2GrantType.AuthorizationCode; requestRefreshTokenGrantType = true; } else if (grantTypes.Count == 1 && grantTypes.Contains(OAuth2GrantType.Implicit)) { grantType = OAuth2GrantType.Implicit; } else if (grantTypes.Count == 1 && grantTypes.Contains(OAuth2GrantType.Password)) { grantType = OAuth2GrantType.Password; } else if (grantTypes.Count == 2 && grantTypes.Contains(OAuth2GrantType.Password) && grantTypes.Contains(OAuth2GrantType.RefreshToken)) { grantType = OAuth2GrantType.Password; requestRefreshTokenGrantType = true; } else if (grantTypes.Count == 1 && grantTypes.Contains(OAuth2GrantType.ClientCredentials)) { grantType = OAuth2GrantType.ClientCredentials; } else { throw new ArgumentException("grantTypes contains an " + (grantTypes.Count > 1 ? "invalid combination of grant types" : "invalid grant type") + ".", nameof(grantTypes)); } // validate the grantType and tokenEndpointAuthMethod (and assign the corresponding responseType) OAuth2ResponseType?responseType = null; switch (grantType) { case OAuth2GrantType.AuthorizationCode: responseType = OAuth2ResponseType.Code; if (tokenEndpointAuthMethod != OAuth2TokenEndpointAuthMethod.ClientSecretBasic && tokenEndpointAuthMethod != OAuth2TokenEndpointAuthMethod.None) { throw new ArgumentException("A grantType does not support the requested tokenEndpointAuthMethod.", nameof(grantType)); } break; case OAuth2GrantType.Implicit: responseType = OAuth2ResponseType.Token; if (tokenEndpointAuthMethod != OAuth2TokenEndpointAuthMethod.None) { throw new ArgumentException("A grantType does not support the requested tokenEndpointAuthMethod.", nameof(grantType)); } break; case OAuth2GrantType.ClientCredentials: responseType = null; if (tokenEndpointAuthMethod != OAuth2TokenEndpointAuthMethod.ClientSecretBasic) { throw new ArgumentException("A grantType does not support the requested tokenEndpointAuthMethod.", nameof(grantType)); } break; case OAuth2GrantType.Password: responseType = null; if (tokenEndpointAuthMethod != OAuth2TokenEndpointAuthMethod.ClientSecretBasic) { throw new ArgumentException("A grantType does not support the requested tokenEndpointAuthMethod.", nameof(grantType)); } break; } // verify that, if grant types require redirect uris, our caller has included at least one redirectUri. switch (grantType) { case OAuth2GrantType.AuthorizationCode: case OAuth2GrantType.Implicit: if (redirectUris == null || redirectUris.Count == 0) { throw new ArgumentException(grantType.ToString() + " requires redirectUris.", nameof(redirectUris)); } break; default: // no response URIs required. break; } /* STEP 2: create our JSON request payload */ RegisterClientRequest requestPayload = new RegisterClientRequest(); requestPayload.software_id = softwareId; requestPayload.software_version = softwareVersion; if (redirectUris != null) { requestPayload.redirect_uris = redirectUris.ToArray(); } // token endpoint auth method requestPayload.token_endpoint_auth_method = OAuth2Convert.ConvertTokenEndpointAuthMethodToString(tokenEndpointAuthMethod); // grant types if (requestRefreshTokenGrantType) { requestPayload.grant_types = new string[] { OAuth2Convert.ConvertGrantTypeToString(grantType), OAuth2Convert.ConvertGrantTypeToString(OAuth2GrantType.RefreshToken) }; } else { requestPayload.grant_types = new string[] { OAuth2Convert.ConvertGrantTypeToString(grantType) }; } // response types if (responseType != null) { requestPayload.response_types = new string[] { OAuth2Convert.ConvertResponseTypeToString(responseType.Value) }; } // scopes if (scopes != null) { requestPayload.scope = String.Join(" ", scopes.ToArray()); } // string jsonEncodedRequestPayload = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(requestPayload, Formatting.None, new JsonSerializerSettings() { NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore }); /* STEP 3: send our dynamic client registration request */ try { using (HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient()) { // create request var requestMessage = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, clientRegistrationEndpoint); requestMessage.Content = new HttpStringContent(jsonEncodedRequestPayload, Windows.Storage.Streams.UnicodeEncoding.Utf8, "application/json"); requestMessage.Headers.Accept.Clear(); requestMessage.Headers.Accept.Add(new Windows.Web.Http.Headers.HttpMediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json")); if (initialAccessToken != null) { requestMessage.Headers.Authorization = new Windows.Web.Http.Headers.HttpCredentialsHeaderValue("Bearer", initialAccessToken); } // send request HttpResponseMessage responseMessage = await httpClient.SendRequestAsync(requestMessage); // process response switch (responseMessage.StatusCode) { case HttpStatusCode.Created: { // client was registered; parse response RegisterClientResponse responsePayload = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <RegisterClientResponse>(await responseMessage.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()); if (responsePayload.client_id == null) { throw new OAuth2ServerErrorException(); } OAuth2Client client = new OAuth2Client(); // Id client.Id = responsePayload.client_id; // Secret client.Secret = responsePayload.client_secret; // IssuedAt if (responsePayload.client_id_issued_at != null) { client.IssuedAt = DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(long.Parse(responsePayload.client_id_issued_at.Value.ToString())); } // ExpiresAt if (responsePayload.client_secret_expires_at != null && responsePayload.client_secret_expires_at != 0) { client.SecretExpiresAt = DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(long.Parse(responsePayload.client_secret_expires_at.Value.ToString())); } // SoftwareId client.SoftwareId = responsePayload.software_id; // SoftwareVersion client.SoftwareVersion = responsePayload.software_version; // RedirectUris if (responsePayload.redirect_uris != null) { client.RedirectUris = responsePayload.redirect_uris.ToList <string>(); } // TokenEndpointAuthMethod if (responsePayload.token_endpoint_auth_method != null) { OAuth2TokenEndpointAuthMethod?allowedTokenEndpointAuthMethod = OAuth2Convert.ConvertStringToTokenEndpointAuthMethod(responsePayload.token_endpoint_auth_method); if (allowedTokenEndpointAuthMethod != null) { client.TokenEndpointAuthMethod = allowedTokenEndpointAuthMethod.Value; } } // GrantTypes if (responsePayload.grant_types != null) { client.GrantTypes = new List <OAuth2.OAuth2GrantType>(); foreach (string grantTypeAsString in responsePayload.grant_types) { OAuth2GrantType?allowedGrantType = OAuth2Convert.ConvertStringToGrantType(grantTypeAsString); if (allowedGrantType != null) { client.GrantTypes.Add(allowedGrantType.Value); } } } // Scope client.Scope = responsePayload.scope; // RegistrationAccessToken and RegistrationAccessUri if (responsePayload.registration_access_token != null && responsePayload.registration_client_uri != null) { // RegistrationAccessToken client.RegistrationToken = responsePayload.registration_access_token; // RegistrationAccessUri client.RegistrationUri = responsePayload.registration_client_uri; } // return our client return(client); } case HttpStatusCode.BadRequest: { // process the "bad request" response OAuth2ErrorResponse responsePayload = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <OAuth2ErrorResponse>(await responseMessage.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()); if (responsePayload.error == null) { throw new OAuth2ServerErrorException(); } switch (responsePayload.error.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "invalid_redirect_uri": throw new ArgumentException(responsePayload.error_description ?? responsePayload.error, nameof(redirectUris)); case "invalid_client_metadata": throw new ArgumentException(responsePayload.error_description ?? responsePayload.error); default: throw new OAuth2HttpException(responseMessage.StatusCode); } } case HttpStatusCode.PaymentRequired: throw new OAuth2PaymentRequiredException(); case HttpStatusCode.Forbidden: throw new OAuth2ForbiddenException(); case HttpStatusCode.TooManyRequests: throw new OAuth2TooManyRequestsException(); case HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError: throw new OAuth2ServerErrorException(); case HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable: throw new OAuth2ServiceUnavailableException(); default: throw new OAuth2HttpException(responseMessage.StatusCode); } } } catch (JsonException) { // JSON parsing error; this is catastrophic. throw new OAuth2ServerErrorException(); } catch { // NOTE: callers must catch non-HTTP networking exceptions throw; } }
public async Task <OAuth2Token> RequestTokenAsync(Uri tokenEndpoint, string authorizationCode, string redirectUri) { /* STEP 1: validate all arguments */ // validate our tokenEndpoint uri if (tokenEndpoint == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(tokenEndpoint)); } else if (tokenEndpoint.Scheme.ToLowerInvariant() != "https") { throw new ArgumentException("tokenEndpoint must be secured with the https protocol.", nameof(tokenEndpoint)); } if (authorizationCode == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(authorizationCode)); } /* validate redirectUri: make sure that the redirectUri uses HTTPS or a non-HTTP protocol (e.g. an app-specific protocol on a mobile * device). HTTP is also valid with a redirectUri--but only for the localhost. */ if (redirectUri != null) { // break the redirectUri down into its components (scheme, host, etc.) Uri uri; try { uri = new Uri(redirectUri); } catch { throw new ArgumentException("redirectUri is a malformed redirect uri.", nameof(redirectUri)); } // if (uri.Host == null) { throw new ArgumentException("redirectUri is a malformed redirect uri.", nameof(redirectUri)); } // switch (uri.Scheme.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "http": // HTTP scheme is okay as long as the server is localhost (i.e. communication is on the loopback interface). if (uri.Host != "" && uri.Host != "::1" && uri.Host.ToLowerInvariant() != "localhost") { throw new ArgumentException("redirectUri must be secured with the https protocol.", nameof(redirectUri)); } break; case "https": // HTTPS scheme is okay break; default: // custom app-specific schemes are okay break; } } /* STEP 2: create our WwwFormUrlencoded request payload */ Dictionary <string, string> formParameters = new Dictionary <string, string>(); formParameters["grant_type"] = OAuth2Convert.ConvertGrantTypeToString(OAuth2GrantType.AuthorizationCode); formParameters["code"] = authorizationCode; if (redirectUri != null) { formParameters["redirect_uri"] = redirectUri; } // if we have a client secret, we will authenticate via HTTP BASIC auth; otherwise, pass in our client_id as a form paramter if (this.Secret == null) { formParameters["client_id"] = this.Id; } /* STEP 3: send our access token request */ try { using (HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient()) { // create request var requestMessage = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, tokenEndpoint); requestMessage.Content = new HttpFormUrlEncodedContent(formParameters); requestMessage.Headers.Accept.Clear(); requestMessage.Headers.Accept.Add(new Windows.Web.Http.Headers.HttpMediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json")); // if we have a client secret, add our client_id and client_secret to authenticate via HTTP Basic authentication if (this.Secret != null) { string authorizationCredentialString = this.Id + ":" + this.Secret; requestMessage.Headers.Authorization = new Windows.Web.Http.Headers.HttpCredentialsHeaderValue("Basic", Convert.ToBase64String(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(authorizationCredentialString))); } // send request HttpResponseMessage responseMessage = await httpClient.SendRequestAsync(requestMessage); // process response switch (responseMessage.StatusCode) { case HttpStatusCode.Ok: { // token was requested; parse response RequestTokenResponse responsePayload = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <RequestTokenResponse>(await responseMessage.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()); if (responsePayload.token_type.ToLowerInvariant() != "bearer") { throw new OAuth2ServerErrorException(); } OAuth2Token token = new OAuth2Token() { Id = responsePayload.access_token }; if (responsePayload.expires_in != null) { token.ExpiresAt = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddSeconds(long.Parse(responsePayload.expires_in.Value.ToString())); } //if (responsePayload.refresh_token != null) //{ // token.RefreshTokenId = responsePayload.refresh_token; //} //if (responsePayload.scope != null) //{ // token.Scope = responsePayload.scope; //} return(token); } case HttpStatusCode.BadRequest: { // process the "bad request" response OAuth2ErrorResponse responsePayload = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <OAuth2ErrorResponse>(await responseMessage.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()); if (responsePayload.error == null) { throw new OAuth2ServerErrorException(); } switch (responsePayload.error.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "invalid_request": throw new ArgumentException(responsePayload.error_description ?? responsePayload.error); case "invalid_client": throw new OAuth2InvalidClientException(responsePayload.error_description ?? responsePayload.error); case "invalid_grant": throw new ArgumentException(responsePayload.error_description ?? responsePayload.error, nameof(authorizationCode)); case "unauthorized_client": throw new OAuth2UnauthorizedClientException(responsePayload.error_description ?? responsePayload.error); //case "unsupported_grant_type": // // NOTE: this error should never occur when requesting a token via authorization_code //case "invalid_scope": // // NOTE: this error should never occur when requesting a token via authorization_code default: throw new OAuth2HttpException(responseMessage.StatusCode); } } case HttpStatusCode.TooManyRequests: throw new OAuth2TooManyRequestsException(); case HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError: throw new OAuth2ServerErrorException(); case HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable: throw new OAuth2ServiceUnavailableException(); default: throw new OAuth2HttpException(responseMessage.StatusCode); } } } catch (JsonException) { // JSON parsing error; this is catastrophic. throw new OAuth2ServerErrorException(); } catch { // NOTE: callers must catch non-HTTP networking exceptions throw; } }