internal static void Process(string json) { // Handle any json parsing errors if (json == string.Empty) { return; } // Parse the chat info into a json node, making sure it's not null JSONNode node = JSON.Parse(json); if (node == null || node.IsNull) { return; } // If the data has an error node, print out the entire json string for debugging purposes if (node.HasKey("error")) { Plugin.Log(json); return; } // Read in the json data to our data structs kind = node["kind"].Value; etag = node["etag"].Value; _nextPageToken = node["nextPageToken"].Value; _pollingIntervalMillis = node["pollingIntervalMillis"].AsInt; // Iterate through each message, invoking any regstered callbacks along the way foreach (JSONObject item in node["items"].AsArray) { YouTubeMessage newMessage = new YouTubeMessage(); newMessage.Update(item); YouTubeMessageHandlers.InvokeHandler(newMessage, ""); Thread.Sleep(100); } }
private static void SendMessageLoop() { while (!Globals.IsApplicationExiting) { Thread.Sleep(500); if (_sendQueue.Count > 0 && _sendQueue.TryPeek(out var messageToSend)) { try { HttpWebRequest web = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create($""); web.Method = "POST"; web.Headers.Add("Authorization", $"{YouTubeOAuthToken.tokenType} {YouTubeOAuthToken.accessToken}"); web.ContentType = "application/json"; JSONObject container = new JSONObject(); container["snippet"] = new JSONObject(); container["snippet"]["liveChatId"] = new JSONString(YouTubeLiveBroadcast.currentBroadcast.snippet.liveChatId); container["snippet"]["type"] = new JSONString("textMessageEvent"); container["snippet"]["textMessageDetails"] = new JSONObject(); container["snippet"]["textMessageDetails"]["messageText"] = new JSONString(messageToSend.Value); string snippetString = container.ToString(); Plugin.Log($"Sending {snippetString}"); var postData = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(snippetString); web.ContentLength = postData.Length; using (var stream = web.GetRequestStream()) stream.Write(postData, 0, postData.Length); using (HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse)web.GetResponse()) { if (resp.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK) { using (Stream dataStream = resp.GetResponseStream()) { using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(dataStream)) { var response = reader.ReadToEnd(); Plugin.Log($"Status: {resp.StatusCode} ({resp.StatusDescription}), Response: {response}"); continue; } } } using (Stream dataStream = resp.GetResponseStream()) { using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(dataStream)) { // Read the response into a JSON objecet var json = JSON.Parse(reader.ReadToEnd()).AsObject; // Then create a new YouTubeMessage object from it and send it along to the other StreamCore clients, excluding the assembly that sent the message var newMessage = new YouTubeMessage(); newMessage.Update(json); var assemblyHash = messageToSend.Key.ToString(); // Invoke YouTube message received callbacks YouTubeMessageHandlers.InvokeHandler(newMessage, assemblyHash); _sendQueue.TryDequeue(out var gone); } } } } catch (ThreadAbortException ex) { return; } catch (Exception ex) { // Failed the send the message for some other reason, it will be retried next iteration Plugin.Log($"Failed to send YouTube message, trying again in a few seconds! {ex.ToString()}"); Thread.Sleep(2500); } } } }