protected virtual void Load(Dictionary <string, StratusStory> stories)
            if (StratusStorySaveSystem.Exists(saveFileName, saveFolder))
                storySave = StratusStorySaveSystem.instance.Load(saveFileName, saveFolder);

                // From list to dictionary!
                foreach (var story in storySave.stories)
                    if (debug)
                        StratusDebug.Log($"Loaded {}");
                    stories.Add(, story);
                //if (debug)
                //  Trace.Script("Loaded!");
        protected virtual void Save(Dictionary <string, StratusStory> stories)
            // From dictionary to list
            List <StratusStory> storyList = new List <StratusStory>();

            foreach (var story in stories)
            storySave.stories = storyList;

            // Now save it

            if (debug)
                StratusDebug.Log($"Saved {StratusStorySaveSystem.ComposePath(saveFileName, saveFolder)}");