public ConsensusFeature( DBreezeCoinView dBreezeCoinView, Network network, PowConsensusValidator consensusValidator, ConcurrentChain chain, LookaheadBlockPuller blockPuller, CoinView coinView, ChainBehavior.ChainState chainState, ConnectionManager connectionManager, CancellationProvider globalCancellation, Signals signals, ConsensusLoop consensusLoop, NodeSettings nodeSettings, StakeChainStore stakeChain = null) { this.dBreezeCoinView = dBreezeCoinView; this.consensusValidator = consensusValidator; this.chain = chain; this.blockPuller = blockPuller; this.coinView = coinView; this.chainState = chainState; this.connectionManager = connectionManager; this.globalCancellation = globalCancellation; this.signals = signals; = network; this.consensusLoop = consensusLoop; this.nodeSettings = nodeSettings; this.stakeChain = stakeChain; }
public ConsensusFeature( DBreezeCoinView dBreezeCoinView, Network network, PowConsensusValidator consensusValidator, ConcurrentChain chain, LookaheadBlockPuller blockPuller, CoinView coinView, ChainBehavior.ChainState chainState, IConnectionManager connectionManager, INodeLifetime nodeLifetime, Signals signals, ConsensusLoop consensusLoop, NodeSettings nodeSettings, NodeDeployments nodeDeployments, StakeChainStore stakeChain = null) { this.dBreezeCoinView = dBreezeCoinView; this.consensusValidator = consensusValidator; this.chain = chain; this.blockPuller = blockPuller; this.coinView = coinView; this.chainState = chainState; this.connectionManager = connectionManager; this.nodeLifetime = nodeLifetime; this.signals = signals; = network; this.consensusLoop = consensusLoop; this.nodeSettings = nodeSettings; this.nodeDeployments = nodeDeployments; this.stakeChain = stakeChain; }
public CachedCoinView(DBreezeCoinView inner) { Guard.NotNull(inner, nameof(inner)); _Inner = inner; MaxItems = 100000; }
public StakeValidator(Network network, StakeChain stakeChain, ConcurrentChain chain, CoinView coinView) { = network; this.stakeChain = stakeChain; this.chain = chain; this.coinView = coinView; this.consensusOptions = network.Consensus.Option <PosConsensusOptions>(); }
public CoinViewStack(CoinView top) { Top = top; var current = top; while (current is IBackedCoinView) { current = ((IBackedCoinView)current).Inner; } Bottom = current; }
/// <summary> /// This is used for testing the coin view /// it allows a coinview that only has in memory entries /// </summary> public CachedCoinView(InMemoryCoinView inner, StakeChainStore stakeChainStore = null) { Guard.NotNull(inner, nameof(inner)); this.inner = inner; this.stakeChainStore = stakeChainStore; this.MaxItems = 100000; this.lockobj = new ReaderWriterLock(); this.unspents = new Dictionary <uint256, CacheItem>(); this.PerformanceCounter = new CachePerformanceCounter(); }
public ConsensusLoop(ConsensusValidator validator, ConcurrentChain chain, CoinView utxoSet, LookaheadBlockPuller puller) { Guard.NotNull(validator, nameof(validator)); Guard.NotNull(chain, nameof(chain)); Guard.NotNull(utxoSet, nameof(utxoSet)); Guard.NotNull(puller, nameof(puller)); _Validator = validator; _Chain = chain; _utxoSet = utxoSet; _Puller = puller; }
public PosConsensusValidator(StakeValidator stakeValidator, Network network, StakeChain stakeChain, ConcurrentChain chain, CoinView coinView) : base(network) { Guard.NotNull(network.Consensus.Option <PosConsensusOptions>(), nameof(network.Consensus.Options)); this.stakeValidator = stakeValidator; this.stakeChain = stakeChain; this.chain = chain; this.coinView = coinView; this.consensusOptions = network.Consensus.Option <PosConsensusOptions>(); }
public ConsensusLoop(PowConsensusValidator validator, ConcurrentChain chain, CoinView utxoSet, LookaheadBlockPuller puller, StakeChain stakeChain = null) { Guard.NotNull(validator, nameof(validator)); Guard.NotNull(chain, nameof(chain)); Guard.NotNull(utxoSet, nameof(utxoSet)); Guard.NotNull(puller, nameof(puller)); this.Validator = validator; this.Chain = chain; this.UTXOSet = utxoSet; this.Puller = puller; // chain of stake info can be null if POS is not enabled this.StakeChain = stakeChain; }
public ConsensusStats(CoinViewStack stack, CoinView coinView, ConsensusLoop consensusLoop, ChainBehavior.ChainState chainState, ConcurrentChain chain, IConnectionManager connectionManager) { stack = new CoinViewStack(coinView); this.cache = stack.Find <CachedCoinView>(); this.dbreeze = stack.Find <DBreezeCoinView>(); this.bottom = stack.Bottom; this.consensusLoop = consensusLoop; this.lookaheadPuller = this.consensusLoop.Puller as LookaheadBlockPuller; this.lastSnapshot = consensusLoop.Validator.PerformanceCounter.Snapshot(); this.lastSnapshot2 = this.dbreeze?.PerformanceCounter.Snapshot(); this.lastSnapshot3 = this.cache?.PerformanceCounter.Snapshot(); this.chainState = chainState; this.chain = chain; this.connectionManager = connectionManager; }
public IEnumerable <UnspentOutputs> GetCoins(CoinView utxo) { return(this._Unspents.Select(u => u.Value).ToList()); }
// ppcoin: total coin age spent in transaction, in the unit of coin-days. // Only those coins meeting minimum age requirement counts. As those // transactions not in main chain are not currently indexed so we // might not find out about their coin age. Older transactions are // guaranteed to be in main chain by sync-checkpoint. This rule is // introduced to help nodes establish a consistent view of the coin // age (trust score) of competing branches. public bool GetCoinAge(ConcurrentChain chain, CoinView coinView, Transaction trx, ChainedBlock pindexPrev, out ulong nCoinAge) { BigInteger bnCentSecond = BigInteger.Zero; // coin age in the unit of cent-seconds nCoinAge = 0; if (trx.IsCoinBase) { return(true); } foreach (var txin in trx.Inputs) { var coins = coinView.FetchCoinsAsync(new[] { txin.PrevOut.Hash }).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); if (coins == null || coins.UnspentOutputs.Length != 1) { continue; } var prevBlock = chain.GetBlock(coins.BlockHash); var prevUtxo = coins.UnspentOutputs[0]; // First try finding the previous transaction in database //Transaction txPrev = trasnactionStore.Get(txin.PrevOut.Hash); //if (txPrev == null) // continue; // previous transaction not in main chain if (trx.Time < prevUtxo.Time) { return(false); // Transaction timestamp violation } if (IsProtocolV3((int)trx.Time)) { if (IsConfirmedInNPrevBlocks(prevUtxo, pindexPrev, this.consensusOptions.StakeMinConfirmations - 1)) { //LogPrint("coinage", "coin age skip nSpendDepth=%d\n", nSpendDepth + 1); continue; // only count coins meeting min confirmations requirement } } else { // Read block header //var block = blockStore.GetBlock(txPrev.GetHash()); //if (block == null) // return false; // unable to read block of previous transaction if (prevBlock.Header.Time + this.consensusOptions.StakeMinAge > trx.Time) { continue; // only count coins meeting min age requirement } } long nValueIn = prevUtxo._Outputs[txin.PrevOut.N].Value; var multiplier = BigInteger.ValueOf((trx.Time - prevUtxo.Time) / Money.CENT); bnCentSecond = bnCentSecond.Add(BigInteger.ValueOf(nValueIn).Multiply(multiplier)); //bnCentSecond += new BigInteger(nValueIn) * (trx.Time - txPrev.Time) / CENT; //LogPrint("coinage", "coin age nValueIn=%d nTimeDiff=%d bnCentSecond=%s\n", nValueIn, nTime - txPrev.nTime, bnCentSecond.ToString()); } BigInteger bnCoinDay = bnCentSecond.Multiply(BigInteger.ValueOf(Money.CENT / Money.COIN / (24 * 60 * 60))); //BigInteger bnCoinDay = bnCentSecond * CENT / COIN / (24 * 60 * 60); //LogPrint("coinage", "coin age bnCoinDay=%s\n", bnCoinDay.ToString()); nCoinAge = new Target(bnCoinDay).ToCompact(); return(true); }