static void Main(string[] args) { User user = new User( "Ali Jan", "Sultanov street, 1337 home", 8, "Monday", 5000, 1000 ); Console.WriteLine("List products: "); Console.WriteLine(); Flowers roses = new Flowers( "Rose", 600, "Yelow", 4 ); Flowers tulip = new Flowers( "Tylip", 600, "Red", 6 ); Flowers chrysanthemum = new Flowers( "Сhrysanthemum", 600, "Orange", 3 ); roses.GetWrite(); tulip.GetWrite(); chrysanthemum.GetWrite(); Film starWars = new Film( "Film", "StarWars", "fantastic", 500 ); Film zootopia = new Film( "cartoon", "Zootopia", "comedy", 300 ); Film peakyBlinders = new Film( "serial", "PeakyBlinders", "drama", 5000 ); starWars.GetWrite(); zootopia.GetWrite(); peakyBlinders.GetWrite(); Clothes adijeans = new Clothes( "Adidas Jeans", 3500, "Black", "Adidas" ); Clothes zarashirt = new Clothes( "Zara Shirt", 3000, "White", "Zara" ); Clothes hmjacket = new Clothes( "H&M Jacket", 2500, "Black", "H&M" ); adijeans.GetWrite(); zarashirt.GetWrite(); hmjacket.GetWrite(); Restaurant cafeseven = new Restaurant( "Cafe Seven", "Cafe", 2000 ); Restaurant kfc = new Restaurant( "KFC", "fast food", 600 ); Restaurant shashlikoff = new Restaurant( "SHASHLIKOFF", "Grill & Bar", 1000 ); cafeseven.GetWrite(); kfc.GetWrite(); shashlikoff.GetWrite(); Toys mishka = new Toys( "MISHKA", 1500, "Plush" ); Toys rubikscube = new Toys( "Rubik's Cube", 400, "Plastic" ); Toys barbie = new Toys( "Barbie", 1000, "Plastic" ); mishka.GetWrite(); rubikscube.GetWrite(); barbie.GetWrite(); Present[] presents = new Present[] { roses, tulip, chrysanthemum, starWars, zootopia, peakyBlinders, adijeans, zarashirt, hmjacket, cafeseven, kfc, shashlikoff, mishka, rubikscube, barbie }; Informer informer = new Informer(); while (true) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine($"Hello {user.Name} your balance {user.Balance}"); Console.WriteLine(); for (int i = 0; i < presents.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine($"Present {i} {presents[i].Name} to price {presents[i].Price}"); } Console.Write("\nSelect the item and press Enter: "); string str = Console.ReadLine(); int productNumber = Convert.ToInt32(str); if (productNumber >= 0 && productNumber < presents.Length) { if (presents[productNumber].Price < user.Balance) { informer.Buy(user, presents[productNumber]); } else { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("You have incufficient funds"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("This present is no longer"); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { User user = new User( "Vasay", "Kosmonavtov street, 53 home", 8, "Monday", 5000, 1000 ); Console.WriteLine("List products: "); Console.WriteLine(); Flowers roses = new Flowers( "Rose", 600, "Yelow", 4 ); Flowers tulip = new Flowers( "Tylip", 600, "Red", 6 ); Flowers chrysanthemum = new Flowers( "Сhrysanthemum", 600, "Orange", 3 ); roses.GetWrite(); tulip.GetWrite(); chrysanthemum.GetWrite(); Sweets chocolate = new Sweets( "Chocolate", "Alpen gold", "nuts", 100 ); Sweets candy = new Sweets( "Candy", "Korkunov", "Cream", 200 ); Sweets marmalade = new Sweets( "Marmalade", "Fruit-tella", "Gelatin", 100 ); chocolate.GetWrite(); candy.GetWrite(); marmalade.GetWrite(); Cosmetic lipstick = new Cosmetic( "Lipstick", 250, "Pink", "Avon" ); Cosmetic perfum = new Cosmetic( "Perfum", 900, "White", "Coco Shanel" ); Cosmetic mascara = new Cosmetic( "Mascara", 430, "Black", "MaxFactor" ); lipstick.GetWrite(); perfum.GetWrite(); mascara.GetWrite(); Surprice movie = new Surprice( "Movie", "18:40", 330 ); Surprice restaurant = new Surprice( "Restaurant", "20:00", 3000 ); Surprice theatre = new Surprice( "Theatre", "19:20", 530 ); movie.GetWrite(); restaurant.GetWrite(); theatre.GetWrite(); BeautySalon schwarzkopf = new BeautySalon( "Schwarzkopf", 1500, "Massage" ); BeautySalon shadestyle = new BeautySalon( "Shade & Style", 700, "Manicure" ); BeautySalon allegany = new BeautySalon( "Allegany", 2000, "SPA" ); schwarzkopf.GetWrite(); shadestyle.GetWrite(); allegany.GetWrite(); Present[] presents = new Present[] { roses, tulip, chrysanthemum, chocolate, candy, marmalade, movie, restaurant, theatre, lipstick, perfum, mascara, schwarzkopf, shadestyle, allegany }; Informer informer = new Informer(); while (true) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine($"Hello {user.Name} your balance {user.Balance}"); Console.WriteLine(); for (int i = 0; i < presents.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine($"Present {i} {presents[i].Name} to price {presents[i].Price}"); } Console.Write("Select the item and press Enter:"); string str = Console.ReadLine(); int productNumber = Convert.ToInt32(str); if (productNumber >= 0 && productNumber < presents.Length) { if (presents[productNumber].Price < user.Balance) { informer.Buy(user, presents[productNumber]); } else { Console.WriteLine("You have incufficient funds"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("This present is no longer"); } } }