private FileData GetFileDataFactory(string path) { string extension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(path); switch (extension) { case ".qb": QubicleFileData qubicleFile = new QubicleFileData(path); qubicleFile.AddLinkingJsonFile(this); qubicleFile.RelatedFiles.Add(this); qubicleFile.Load(); return(qubicleFile); case ".png": ImageFileData imageFile = new ImageFileData(path); imageFile.AddLinkingJsonFile(this); imageFile.RelatedFiles.Add(this); return(imageFile); case ".json": JsonFileData jsonFileData = new JsonFileData(path); jsonFileData.Load(); jsonFileData.RelatedFiles.Add(this); return(jsonFileData); } return(null); }
public JsonFileData CreateFileWithMixinsApplied(out Dictionary <string, string> propertySourceByPath) { propertySourceByPath = new Dictionary <string, string>(); string newFilePath = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath() + Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".json"; using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(newFilePath, false, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8)) { writer.Write(ParseNodeMixin(Json, Directory, propertySourceByPath).ToString()); } JsonFileData result = new JsonFileData(newFilePath); result.Load(); return(result); }
public void Load(Dictionary <string, GameMasterNode> allNodes) { try { mJsonFileData = new JsonFileData(mPath); mJsonFileData.Load(); OnFileChanged(allNodes); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to load " + mPath + ". Error: " + e.Message); } if (mNodeData != null) { mNodeData.PostLoadFixup(); } }
private FileData GetFileDataFromPath(string filePath) { FileData fileData; mFileDataMap.TryGetValue(filePath, out fileData); if (fileData == null) { JsonFileData json = new JsonFileData(filePath); if (json != null) { json.Load(); fileData = json.OpenedFiles.First(); mFileDataMap[filePath] = fileData; } } return(fileData); }
private void ParseJsonSpecificData() { string directory = Directory; switch (mJsonType) { case JSONTYPE.ENTITY: JToken entityFormsComponent = mJson.SelectToken("components.stonehearth:entity_forms"); if (entityFormsComponent != null) { // Look for stonehearth:entity_forms JToken ghostForm = entityFormsComponent["ghost_form"]; if (ghostForm != null) { string ghostFilePath = JsonHelper.GetFileFromFileJson(ghostForm.ToString(), directory); ghostFilePath = JsonHelper.NormalizeSystemPath(ghostFilePath); JsonFileData ghost = new JsonFileData(ghostFilePath); ghost.Load(); ghost.AddMixin("stonehearth:mixins:placed_object"); OpenedFiles.Add(ghost); ghost.PostLoad(); } JToken iconicForm = entityFormsComponent["iconic_form"]; if (iconicForm != null) { string iconicFilePath = JsonHelper.GetFileFromFileJson(iconicForm.ToString(), directory); iconicFilePath = JsonHelper.NormalizeSystemPath(iconicFilePath); JsonFileData iconic = new JsonFileData(iconicFilePath); iconic.Load(); OpenedFiles.Add(iconic); } CheckForNoNetWorth(); } else { if (GetModuleFile() != null && mJson.SelectToken("components.item") != null) { CheckForNoNetWorth(); } } break; case JSONTYPE.JOB: // Parse crafter stuff JToken crafter = mJson["crafter"]; if (crafter != null) { // This is a crafter, load its recipes string recipeListLocation = crafter["recipe_list"].ToString(); recipeListLocation = JsonHelper.GetFileFromFileJson(recipeListLocation, directory); JsonFileData recipes = new JsonFileData(recipeListLocation); recipes.Load(); foreach (FileData recipe in recipes.LinkedFileData.Values) { recipes.RelatedFiles.Add(recipe); } OpenedFiles.Add(recipes); recipes.ReferencedByFileData[GetAliasOrFlatName()] = this; } JObject jobEquipment = mJson["equipment"] as JObject; if (jobEquipment != null) { foreach (JToken equippedItem in jobEquipment.Children()) { string equipmentJson = equippedItem.Last.ToString(); FileData fileData = null; if (equipmentJson.IndexOf(':') >= 0) { foreach (ModuleFile alias in LinkedAliases) { if (alias.FullAlias.Equals(equipmentJson)) { fileData = alias.FileData; } } } else { equipmentJson = JsonHelper.GetFileFromFileJson(equipmentJson, directory); LinkedFileData.TryGetValue(equipmentJson, out fileData); } JsonFileData jsonFileData = fileData as JsonFileData; if (jsonFileData != null) { JToken equipment_piece = jsonFileData.mJson.SelectToken("components.stonehearth:equipment_piece"); if (equipment_piece != null) { JToken ilevel = equipment_piece["ilevel"]; if (ilevel != null && ilevel.Value <int>() > 0) { JToken noDrop = equipment_piece["no_drop"]; if (noDrop == null || !noDrop.Value <bool>()) { AddError("Equipment piece " + equipmentJson + " is not set to no_drop=true even through it is a job equipment!"); } } } } } } ////AlterJobExperience(); break; case JSONTYPE.RECIPE: JToken portrait = mJson["portrait"]; if (portrait != null) { string portraitImageLocation = portrait.ToString(); portraitImageLocation = JsonHelper.GetFileFromFileJson(portraitImageLocation, directory); ImageFileData image = new ImageFileData(portraitImageLocation); LinkedFileData.Add(portraitImageLocation, image); } break; case JSONTYPE.AI_PACK: JArray actions = mJson["actions"] as JArray; if (actions != null) { foreach (JToken action in actions) { string fullAlias = action.ToString(); ModuleFile linkedAlias = ModuleDataManager.GetInstance().GetModuleFile(fullAlias); if (linkedAlias == null) { AddError("links to alias " + fullAlias + " which does not exist!"); } } } break; case JSONTYPE.MONSTER_TUNING: JToken experience = mJson.SelectToken("attributes.exp_reward"); if (experience != null) { //Console.WriteLine(GetAliasOrFlatName() + "\t" + experience.ToString()); } break; } CheckDisplayName(); if (Json != null && Json.SelectToken("components.effect_list.effects") != null) { AddError("effect_list component is using 'effects' to specify a list of effects. This is bad because these effects will not restart after save load. You should put all the effects into a single file and reference that file as 'default'"); } FixUpAllCombatData(); }
private FileData GetFileDataFromPath(string filePath) { FileData fileData; mFileDataMap.TryGetValue(filePath, out fileData); if (fileData == null) { JsonFileData json = new JsonFileData(filePath); if (json != null) { json.Load(); fileData = json.OpenedFiles.First(); mFileDataMap[filePath] = fileData; } } return fileData; }
public void Load(Dictionary<string, GameMasterNode> allNodes) { try { mJsonFileData = new JsonFileData(mPath); mJsonFileData.Load(); OnFileChanged(allNodes); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to load " + mPath + ". Error: " + e.Message); } if (mNodeData != null) { mNodeData.PostLoadFixup(); } }