 void FIFO(ref BidsAndOffers Bid, ref List <BidsAndOffers> Offers)
     //FIFO round simple assigns all remain bids and offers in a First in First Out approach
     Offers.OrderBy((o) => o.TimePlaced);
     for (int i = 0; i < Offers.Count; i++)
         if (Bid.Quantity == 0)
         if (Offers[i].Quantity == 0)
         if (Offers[i].Quantity > Bid.Quantity)
             BidsAndOffers Offer = Offers[i];
             TradeManager.CreateTrade(ref Bid, ref Offer, Bid.Quantity, threadDataBaseHandler);
             Offers[i] = Offer;
             BidsAndOffers Offer = Offers[i];
             TradeManager.CreateTrade(ref Bid, ref Offer, Offer.Quantity, threadDataBaseHandler);
             Offers[i] = Offer;
 private void LMMRound(ref BidsAndOffers Bid, ref List <BidsAndOffers> Offers)
     //In the LLM round we assign a selection of all bids at the price level to lead market makers, this help market makers complete orders faster
     for (int i = 0; i < Offers.Count; i++)
         //Select their LMM percentage from DB
         MySqlDataReader r             = threadDataBaseHandler.GetData("SELECT LMM FROM Users WHERE ID = " + Offers[i].User);
         double          LMMPercentage = 0;
         while (r.Read())
             LMMPercentage = (double)r["LMM"];
         //Check if they have a percentage
         if (LMMPercentage > 0f)
             int LMMAmount = (int)(Bid.Quantity * LMMPercentage);
             if (LMMAmount > 0)
                 //If there percentage is more than avilable we clamp it to max
                 if (LMMAmount > Offers[i].Quantity)
                     BidsAndOffers Offer = Offers[i];
                     TradeManager.CreateTrade(ref Bid, ref Offer, Offer.Quantity, threadDataBaseHandler);
                     Offers[i] = Offer;
                     BidsAndOffers Offer = Offers[i];
                     TradeManager.CreateTrade(ref Bid, ref Offer, LMMAmount, threadDataBaseHandler);
                     Offers[i] = Offer;
        static void RunOfffer(Job job)
            //Purchase the stocks that this job is selling to complete the job
            BidsAndOffers bid = new BidsAndOffers(false, DateTime.Now, job.bidAndOffer.Price, clientID, job.bidAndOffer.StockName, job.Quanity, 0);

            TradeManager.CreateTrade(ref job.bidAndOffer, ref bid, job.Quanity, threadDataBaseHandler);
            //Remove job from queue as it is now complete
        void ProRataWithLMM(ref BidsAndOffers Bid, ref List <BidsAndOffers> Offers, int ProRataMinimumAllocation)
            //This round assigns offer quantities in relation to the size of the pool
            int TotalQuanityOfOffers = 0;
            int BidQuanity           = Bid.Quantity;

            foreach (BidsAndOffers o in Offers)
                TotalQuanityOfOffers += o.Quantity;
            for (int i = 0; i < Offers.Count; i++)
                double ProRata = 0;
                if (Offers[i].Quantity != 0)
                    //This equation gives us the percentage of the total quantity of offer this offer is
                    ProRata = (double)Offers[i].Quantity / (double)TotalQuanityOfOffers;
                int ProRataAmount = (int)(ProRata * BidQuanity);
                //This stop there being a lower amount of stock moved if small value
                //Could increase this value to stop small trades of only 1 stock ect being assigned
                if (ProRataAmount >= ProRataMinimumAllocation)
                    if (ProRataAmount > Offers[i].Quantity)
                        BidsAndOffers Offer = Offers[i];
                        TradeManager.CreateTrade(ref Bid, ref Offer, Offer.Quantity, threadDataBaseHandler);
                        Offers[i] = Offer;
                        BidsAndOffers Offer = Offers[i];
                        TradeManager.CreateTrade(ref Bid, ref Offer, ProRataAmount, threadDataBaseHandler);
                        Offers[i] = Offer;
        public async void RunMatchMaker(string s, int ThreadCounter)
            //Store DB connection class from array in Pool in order to not overload the server with conncetions
            threadDataBaseHandler = Pool.DataBaseHandlers[ThreadCounter];
            //Get the Pricelevels of bids for the assigned stock from DB
            MySqlDataReader BidPoolReader  = threadDataBaseHandler.GetData("SELECT DISTINCT Price FROM Pool WHERE Type = 0 AND StockName = '" + s + "' ORDER BY Price ASC");
            List <double>   BidPriceLevels = new List <double>();

            while (BidPoolReader.Read())
                //Read redsults from DB
            if (BidPriceLevels.Count == 0)
            //Get the Pricelevels of offers for the assigned stock from DB
            MySqlDataReader OfferPoolReader  = threadDataBaseHandler.GetData("SELECT DISTINCT Price FROM Pool WHERE Type = 1 AND StockName = '" + s + "' ORDER BY Price DESC");
            List <double>   OfferPriceLevels = new List <double>();

            while (OfferPoolReader.Read())
                //Read redsults from DB
            if (OfferPriceLevels.Count == 0)
            //Close connection with DB
            foreach (double BidPrice in BidPriceLevels)
                for (int i = 0; i < OfferPriceLevels.Count; i++)
                    //Cycle through the bid price levels with every offer price level to find offers which are lower than that of the bid price level
                    if (OfferPriceLevels[i] <= BidPrice)
                        //if this is the case then lets grab all the bids at this level to be able to assign with offers at this price level
                        MySqlDataReader      BidReader = threadDataBaseHandler.GetData("SELECT * FROM Pool WHERE Type = 0 AND StockName = '" + s + "' AND Price = " + BidPrice);
                        List <BidsAndOffers> bids      = new List <BidsAndOffers>();
                        while (BidReader.Read())
                            //These are commented out as they are used for debugging
                            bids.Add(new BidsAndOffers((bool)BidReader["Type"], (DateTime)BidReader["TimePlaced"], (double)BidReader["Price"], (int)BidReader["User"], (string)BidReader["StockName"], (int)BidReader["Quantity"], (int)BidReader["TurnsInPool"]));
                        //Grab the offers at this price level for assignment
                        MySqlDataReader      OfferReader = threadDataBaseHandler.GetData("SELECT * FROM Pool WHERE Type = 1 AND StockName = '" + s + "' AND Price = " + OfferPriceLevels[i]);
                        List <BidsAndOffers> offers      = new List <BidsAndOffers>();
                        while (OfferReader.Read())
                            offers.Add(new BidsAndOffers((bool)OfferReader["Type"], (DateTime)OfferReader["TimePlaced"], (double)OfferReader["Price"], (int)OfferReader["User"], (string)OfferReader["StockName"], (int)OfferReader["Quantity"], (int)OfferReader["TurnsInPool"]));
                        //While there is atleast one offer and one bid available at this price range we allocate them
                        while (bids.Count != 0 && offers.Count != 0)
                            BidsAndOffers b = bids[0];
                            LMMRound(ref b, ref offers);
                            #region Cleaner
                            foreach (BidsAndOffers o in offers)
                                if (o.Quantity <= 0)
                                    TradeManager.RemoveFromPool(o, threadDataBaseHandler);
                            offers.RemoveAll((o) => o.Quantity <= 0);
                            bids[0] = b;
                            if (bids[0].Quantity <= 0)
                                TradeManager.RemoveFromPool(bids[0], threadDataBaseHandler);
                            ProRataWithLMM(ref b, ref offers, 5);
                            #region Cleaner
                            foreach (BidsAndOffers o in offers)
                                if (o.Quantity <= 0)
                                    TradeManager.RemoveFromPool(o, threadDataBaseHandler);
                            offers.RemoveAll((o) => o.Quantity <= 0);
                            bids[0] = b;
                            if (bids[0].Quantity <= 0)
                                TradeManager.RemoveFromPool(bids[0], threadDataBaseHandler);
                            FIFO(ref b, ref offers);
                            #region Cleaner
                            foreach (BidsAndOffers o in offers)
                                if (o.Quantity <= 0)
                                    TradeManager.RemoveFromPool(o, threadDataBaseHandler);
                            offers.RemoveAll((o) => o.Quantity <= 0);
                            bids[0] = b;
                            if (bids[0].Quantity <= 0)
                                TradeManager.RemoveFromPool(bids[0], threadDataBaseHandler);