public static void loadStock(string symbol)
            ticker = symbol;
            //get stock market data through alpha vantage
            string rawDataPath = @"C:\Users\Public\Documents\RawData\";

            if (!getData(symbol, rawDataPath))

            //get rid of previous data

            //clearing previous data
            foreach (var series in chart.Series)

            //reading the output file:
            using (var reader = new StreamReader(rawDataPath + symbol))
                bool isFirstLine = true;
                while (!reader.EndOfStream)
                    //to get rid of the first line of gaff that alpha-vantage gives
                    if (isFirstLine)
                        isFirstLine = false;

                    var line   = reader.ReadLine();
                    var values = line.Split(',');

                    //date stuff
                    var   stringDateArr = values[0].Split('-');
                    int[] dateInfo      = new int[3];
                    dateInfo[0] = Convert.ToInt32(stringDateArr[0]);
                    dateInfo[1] = Convert.ToInt32(stringDateArr[1]);
                    dateInfo[2] = Convert.ToInt32(stringDateArr[2]);

                    chart.Series[0].XValueType = ChartValueType.DateTime;
                    DateTime x = new DateTime(dateInfo[0], dateInfo[1], dateInfo[2]);

                    //candle stick data
                    double    open        = Convert.ToDouble(values[1]);
                    double    high        = Convert.ToDouble(values[2]);
                    double    low         = Convert.ToDouble(values[3]);
                    double    close       = Convert.ToDouble(values[4]);
                    double[]  data        = { high, low, open, close };
                    DataPoint candleStick = new DataPoint(x.ToOADate(), data);

            //so that the user can use the actual data that is being shown on the graph in the strategies scriping
        public static async void loadStock(string symbol)
            ticker = symbol;
            //get stock market data through worldtradingdata api
            string rawDataPath = @"C:\Users\Public\Documents\RawData\";

            if (!await getDataAsync(symbol, rawDataPath))

            //get rid of previous data
            foreach (var series in chart.Series)

            JObject jsonData = JObject.Parse(File.ReadAllText(rawDataPath + symbol + ".csv"));

            foreach (JProperty intraday in jsonData["history"])
                DateTime date = DateTime.Parse(intraday.Name);
                double[] data =
                DataPoint candleStick = new DataPoint(date.ToOADate(), data);
                chart.Series[0].XValueType = ChartValueType.DateTime;


            // old stuff here...:
            //reading the output file:
            using (var reader = new StreamReader(rawDataPath + symbol + ".csv"))
                bool isFirstLine = true;
                while (!reader.EndOfStream)
                    //to get rid of the first line of gaff that alpha-vantage gives
                    if (isFirstLine)
                        isFirstLine = false;

                    var line   = reader.ReadLine();
                    var values = line.Split(',');

                    //date stuff
                    var   stringDateArr = values[0].Split('-');
                    int[] dateInfo      = new int[3];
                    dateInfo[0] = Convert.ToInt32(stringDateArr[0]);
                    dateInfo[1] = Convert.ToInt32(stringDateArr[1]);
                    dateInfo[2] = Convert.ToInt32(stringDateArr[2]);

                    chart.Series[0].XValueType = ChartValueType.DateTime;
                    DateTime x = new DateTime(dateInfo[0], dateInfo[1], dateInfo[2]);

                    //candle stick data
                    double    open        = Convert.ToDouble(values[1]);
                    double    high        = Convert.ToDouble(values[2]);
                    double    low         = Convert.ToDouble(values[3]);
                    double    close       = Convert.ToDouble(values[4]);
                    double[]  data        = { high, low, open, close };
                    DataPoint candleStick = new DataPoint(x.ToOADate(), data);

            //so that the user can use the actual data that is being shown on the graph in the strategies scriping