        public BoardState(StishBoard CurrentBoard)
            this.boardSize.X = CurrentBoard.BoardSizeX;
            this.boardSize.Y = CurrentBoard.BoardSizeY;
            this.player1     = new Human(CurrentBoard.Player1);
            m_BoardState     = new Square[CurrentBoard.BoardSizeX, CurrentBoard.BoardSizeY];
            Coordinate Here = new Coordinate();

            if (CurrentBoard.Player2.GetPlayerType == "Human")
                this.player2 = new Human(CurrentBoard.Player2);
                for (uint y = 0; y < CurrentBoard.BoardSizeY; y++)
                    for (uint x = 0; x < CurrentBoard.BoardSizeX; x++)
                        Here.Y             = y;
                        Here.X             = x;
                        m_BoardState[x, y] = new Square(CurrentBoard.getSquare(Here), (Human)this.player1, (Human)this.player2);
                this.player2 = new Computer((Computer)CurrentBoard.Player2);
                for (uint y = 0; y < CurrentBoard.BoardSizeY; y++)
                    for (uint x = 0; x < CurrentBoard.BoardSizeX; x++)
                        Here.Y             = y;
                        Here.X             = x;
                        m_BoardState[x, y] = new Square(CurrentBoard.getSquare(Here), (Human)this.player1, (Computer)this.player2);
        //private BoardState m_boardState;

        //need to re-work the arguments as we cant just pass through the current state, we need to add the next possible states.
        protected MiniMaxNode(TreeNode Parent, StishBoard CurrentBoard) : base(Parent)
            //m_boardState = CurrentBoard.GetBoardState();