public static SteeringOutput GetSteering(KinematicState ownKS, GameObject target, float maxPredictionTime = 3f) { // we need to know the kinematic state of the target since we need to know its linear velocity // if target has no kinematic state "give up" and just seek KinematicState targetKS = target.GetComponent <KinematicState> (); if (targetKS == null) { Debug.Log("Pursue invoked with a target that has no kinematic state attached. Resorting to Seek"); return(Seek.GetSteering(ownKS, target)); } Vector3 directionToTarget = targetKS.position - ownKS.position; float distanceToTarget = directionToTarget.magnitude; float currentSpeed = ownKS.linearVelocity.magnitude; // determine the time it will take to reach the target float predictedTimeToTarget = distanceToTarget / currentSpeed; if (predictedTimeToTarget > maxPredictionTime) { predictedTimeToTarget = maxPredictionTime; } // now determine future (at predicted time) location of target Vector3 futurePositionOfTarget = targetKS.position + targetKS.linearVelocity * predictedTimeToTarget; // create surrogate target and place it at future location SURROGATE_TARGET.transform.position = futurePositionOfTarget; // delegate to seek return(Seek.GetSteering(ownKS, SURROGATE_TARGET)); // could also delegate to Arrive if overshooting is an issue... }
public static SteeringOutput GetSteering(KinematicState ownKS, SObstacleAvoidance info) { Ray l_ray = new Ray(ownKS.m_position, ownKS.m_linearVelocity.normalized); RaycastHit l_hitInfo; if (Physics.Raycast(l_ray, out l_hitInfo, info.m_avoidDistance)) { SURROGATE_TARGET.position = l_hitInfo.point + l_hitInfo.normal * info.m_avoidDistance; return(Seek.GetSteering(ownKS, SURROGATE_TARGET)); } l_ray = new Ray(ownKS.m_position, MathExtent.AngleToVector(MathExtent.VectorToAngle(ownKS.m_linearVelocity.normalized) + info.m_AngleSecondWhisk)); if (Physics.Raycast(l_ray, out l_hitInfo, info.m_primaryWhiskerLenght * info.m_RatioSecondWhisk)) { SURROGATE_TARGET.position = l_hitInfo.point + l_hitInfo.normal * info.m_avoidDistance; return(Seek.GetSteering(ownKS, SURROGATE_TARGET)); } l_ray = new Ray(ownKS.m_position, MathExtent.AngleToVector(MathExtent.VectorToAngle(ownKS.m_linearVelocity.normalized) - info.m_AngleSecondWhisk)); if (Physics.Raycast(l_ray, out l_hitInfo, info.m_primaryWhiskerLenght * info.m_RatioSecondWhisk)) { SURROGATE_TARGET.position = l_hitInfo.point + l_hitInfo.normal * info.m_avoidDistance; return(Seek.GetSteering(ownKS, SURROGATE_TARGET)); } return(NULL_STEERING); }
public static SteeringOutput GetSteering(KinematicState ownKS, ref float targetOrientation, float wanderRate = 30f, float wanderRadius = 10f, float wanderOffset = 20f) { // change target orientation (change location of surrogate target on unit circle) targetOrientation += wanderRate * Utils.binomial(); // place surrogate target on circle of wanderRadius SURROGATE_TARGET.transform.position = Utils.OrientationToVector(targetOrientation) * wanderRadius; // place circle "in front" SURROGATE_TARGET.transform.position += ownKS.position + Utils.OrientationToVector(ownKS.orientation) * wanderOffset; // show some gizmos before returning Debug.DrawLine(ownKS.position, ownKS.position + Utils.OrientationToVector(ownKS.orientation) * wanderOffset,; DebugExtension.DebugCircle(ownKS.position + Utils.OrientationToVector(ownKS.orientation) * wanderOffset, new Vector3(0, 0, 1),, wanderRadius); DebugExtension.DebugPoint(SURROGATE_TARGET.transform.position,, 5f); // Seek the surrogate target return(Seek.GetSteering(ownKS, SURROGATE_TARGET)); }
public static SteeringOutput GetSteering(KinematicState ownKS, SArrive info) { Vector3 l_distanceToTarget = info.m_target.position - ownKS.m_position; if (l_distanceToTarget.magnitude < info.m_closeEnoughRadius) { return(NULL_STEERING); } if (l_distanceToTarget.magnitude > info.m_slowDownRadius) { return(Seek.GetSteering(ownKS, info.m_target)); } float l_desiredSpeed = ownKS.m_maxLinearSpeed * (l_distanceToTarget.magnitude / info.m_slowDownRadius); Vector3 l_desiredVelocity = l_distanceToTarget.normalized * l_desiredSpeed; Vector3 l_requiredAcceleration = (l_desiredVelocity - ownKS.m_linearVelocity) / info.m_timeToDesiredSpeed; l_requiredAcceleration = MathExtent.Clip(l_requiredAcceleration, ownKS.m_maxLinearAcceleration); SteeringOutput result = new SteeringOutput(); result.m_linearAcceleration = l_requiredAcceleration; return(result); }
public static SteeringOutput GetSteering(KinematicState ownKS, GameObject target) { SteeringOutput result = Seek.GetSteering(ownKS, target); result.linearAcceleration = -result.linearAcceleration; return(result); }
public static SteeringOutput GetSteering(KinematicState ownKS, GameObject target, float RequiredDsitance, float DesiredAngle) { Vector3 DirectionFromTarget; Vector3 DesiredPos; Vector3 OrientationVector; float targetOrientation = target.transform.eulerAngles.z; // Compute direction to target OrientationVector = Utils.OrientationToVector(targetOrientation + DesiredAngle); DirectionFromTarget = ((ownKS.position - target.transform.position)).normalized; DesiredPos = (target.transform.position + DirectionFromTarget * RequiredDsitance) + OrientationVector; //Matriz de rotacion 2d //DirectionFromTarget.y = OrientationVector.x * Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Deg2Rad * DesiredAngle) + OrientationVector.y * Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad * DesiredAngle); //DirectionFromTarget.x = OrientationVector.x * Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad * DesiredAngle) - OrientationVector.y * Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Deg2Rad * DesiredAngle); //DirectionFromTarget.Normalize(); if (My_KeepDistanceVersatile.surrogateTarget == null) { My_KeepDistanceVersatile.surrogateTarget = new GameObject("Dummy (Surrogate Target for keep distance)"); } My_KeepDistanceVersatile.surrogateTarget.transform.position = DesiredPos; return(Seek.GetSteering(ownKS, surrogateTarget)); }
public static SteeringOutput GetSteering(KinematicState ownKS, Transform target) { SteeringOutput result = Seek.GetSteering(ownKS, target); result.m_linearAcceleration *= -1; return(result); }
protected override SteeringOutput GetSteering() { SteeringOutput result = Seek.GetSteering(m_ownKS, m_info.m_target); base.ApplyFacingPolicy(m_info.m_facingPolicy, result); return(result); }
public static SteeringOutput GetSteering(KinematicState ownKS) { Vector3 l_direction = MathExtent.AngleToVector(ownKS.m_orientation); SURROGATE_TARGET.position = ownKS.m_position + l_direction; return(Seek.GetSteering(ownKS, SURROGATE_TARGET)); }
public static SteeringOutput GetSteering(KinematicState ownKS, float seekWeight, ref SWander wanderInfo, SSeek seekInfo) { SteeringOutput seekSteering = Seek.GetSteering(ownKS, seekInfo.m_target); SteeringOutput result = Wander.GetSteering(ownKS, ref wanderInfo); result.m_linearAcceleration = result.m_linearAcceleration * (1f - seekWeight) + seekSteering.m_linearAcceleration * seekWeight; return(result); }
public static SteeringOutput GetSteering(KinematicState ownKS, GameObject target) { // invoke SEEK... SteeringOutput result = Seek.GetSteering(ownKS, target); // ... reverse direction and that's all result.linearAcceleration = -result.linearAcceleration; return(result); }
public static SteeringOutput GetSteering(KinematicState ownKS, ref SWander info) { info.m_targetOrientation += info.m_wanderRate * MathExtent.Binomial(); SURROGATE_TARGET.transform.position = MathExtent.AngleToVector(info.m_targetOrientation) * info.m_wanderRadius; SURROGATE_TARGET.transform.position += ownKS.m_position + MathExtent.AngleToVector(ownKS.m_orientation) * info.m_wanderOffset; return(Seek.GetSteering(ownKS, SURROGATE_TARGET)); }
public static SteeringOutput GetSteering(KinematicState ownKS) { // just "seek" your own direction Vector3 myDirection = Utils.OrientationToVector(ownKS.orientation); SURROGATE_TARGET.transform.position = ownKS.position + myDirection; return(Seek.GetSteering(ownKS, SURROGATE_TARGET)); }
public static SteeringOutput GetSteering(KinematicState ownKS, GameObject attractor, float seekWeight, ref float targetOrientation, float wanderRate = 30f, float wanderRadius = 10f, float wanderOffset = 20f) { SteeringOutput seekOutput = Seek.GetSteering(ownKS, attractor); SteeringOutput result = Wander.GetSteering(ownKS, ref targetOrientation, wanderRate, wanderRadius, wanderOffset); result.linearAcceleration = result.linearAcceleration * (1 - seekWeight) + seekOutput.linearAcceleration * seekWeight; // result.angularAcceleration = result.angularAcceleration * (1 - seekWeight) + seekOutput.angularAcceleration * seekWeight; return(result); }
public override SteeringOutput GetSteering() { SteeringOutput result = Seek.GetSteering(this.ownKS,; if (ownKS.linearVelocity.magnitude > 0.001f) { transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, VectorToOrientation(ownKS.linearVelocity), 0); ownKS.orientation = transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y; } result.angularActive = false; return(result); }
public static SteeringOutput GetSteering(KinematicState me, SKeepPosition info) { float targetOrientation = info.m_target.transform.eulerAngles.y; targetOrientation += info.m_requiredAngle; Vector3 finalTargetPosition = MathExtent.AngleToVector(targetOrientation).normalized; finalTargetPosition *= info.m_requiredDistance; SURROGATE_TARGET.position = info.m_target.position + finalTargetPosition; return(Seek.GetSteering(me, SURROGATE_TARGET)); }
public static SteeringOutput GetSteering(KinematicState ownKS, SSimpleObstacleAvoidance info) { Ray l_ray = new Ray(ownKS.m_position, ownKS.m_linearVelocity.normalized); RaycastHit l_hitInfo; if (!Physics.Raycast(l_ray, out l_hitInfo, info.m_avoidDistance)) { return(NULL_STEERING); } SURROGATE_TARGET.position = l_hitInfo.point + l_hitInfo.normal * info.m_avoidDistance; return(Seek.GetSteering(ownKS, SURROGATE_TARGET)); }
public static SteeringOutput GetSteering(KinematicState ownKS, SIntercept info) { if (info.m_targetLinearVelocity == null) { return(NULL_STEERING); } float l_predictedTimeToTarget = (info.m_target.position - ownKS.m_position).magnitude / ownKS.m_linearVelocity.magnitude; l_predictedTimeToTarget = MathExtent.Clip(l_predictedTimeToTarget, info.m_maxPredictionTime); SURROGATE_TARGET.position = info.m_target.position + (info.m_targetLinearVelocity * l_predictedTimeToTarget); return(Seek.GetSteering(ownKS, SURROGATE_TARGET)); }
public override SteeringOutput GetSteering() { // no KS? get it if (this.ownKS == null) { this.ownKS = GetComponent <KinematicState>(); } if ( == null) { Debug.Log("Null target in Seek of " + this.gameObject); } return(Seek.GetSteering(this.ownKS,; }
public static SteeringOutput GetSteering(KinematicState ownKS, GameObject target, float targetRadius = 5f, float slowDownRadius = 20f, float timeToDesiredSpeed = 0.1f) { SteeringOutput steering = new SteeringOutput(); Vector3 directionToTarget; float distanceToTarget; float desiredSpeed; Vector3 desiredVelocity; Vector3 requiredAcceleration; // compute direction and distance to target directionToTarget = target.transform.position - ownKS.position; distanceToTarget = directionToTarget.magnitude; // if we're already there, no steering required if (distanceToTarget < targetRadius) { return(null); } // if we're are far away from target, let's go with full acceleration (SEEK) // if we're getting closer speed has to be inversely proportional to distance if (distanceToTarget > slowDownRadius) { return(Seek.GetSteering(ownKS, target)); } // if we're getting closer speed has to be inversely proportional to distance desiredSpeed = ownKS.maxSpeed * (distanceToTarget / slowDownRadius); // desired velocity is towards the target desiredVelocity = directionToTarget.normalized * desiredSpeed; // compute the acceleration required to get desiredVelocity in timeToDesiredSpeed // take into account that we already have a velocity requiredAcceleration = (desiredVelocity - ownKS.linearVelocity) / timeToDesiredSpeed; // if required acceleration is too high, clip it if (requiredAcceleration.magnitude > ownKS.maxAcceleration) { requiredAcceleration = requiredAcceleration.normalized * ownKS.maxAcceleration; } steering.linearAcceleration = requiredAcceleration; return(steering); }
public static SteeringOutput GetSteering(KinematicState ownKS, ref float targetOrientation, float wanderRate, float wanderRadius, float wanderOffset) { targetOrientation += wanderRate * (Random.value - Random.value); if (surrogateTarget) { surrogateTarget.transform.position = OrientationToVector(targetOrientation) * wanderRadius; } if (surrogateTarget) { surrogateTarget.transform.position += ownKS.position + OrientationToVector(ownKS.orientation) * wanderOffset; } return(Seek.GetSteering(ownKS, surrogateTarget)); }
public static SteeringOutput GetSteering(KinematicState ownKS) { // just "seek" your own direction if (GoWhereYouLook.surrogateTarget == null) { GoWhereYouLook.surrogateTarget = new GameObject("Surrogate target for go where you look"); } Vector3 myDirection = Utils.OrientationToVector(ownKS.orientation); GoWhereYouLook.surrogateTarget.transform.position = ownKS.position + myDirection; return(Seek.GetSteering(ownKS, surrogateTarget)); }
public override SteeringOutput GetSteering() { SteeringOutput seekOutput = Seek.GetSteering(ownKS, attractor); SteeringOutput result = base.GetSteering(); // beware, Flocking may return null. In that case, just apply seek if (result == null) { return(seekOutput); } result.linearAcceleration = result.linearAcceleration * (1 - seekWeight) + seekOutput.linearAcceleration * seekWeight; result.angularAcceleration = result.angularAcceleration * (1 - seekWeight) + seekOutput.angularAcceleration * seekWeight; return(result); }
public static SteeringOutput GetSteering(KinematicState ownKS, Path path, ref int currentWaypointIndex, float wayPointReachedRadius) { // path shouldn't be neither null nor erroneous if (path == null) { Debug.LogError("PathFollowing invoked with null path"); return(NULL_STEERING); } if (path.error) { Debug.LogError("PathFollowing invoked with null path"); return(NULL_STEERING); } // if currentWaypoint is not valid, end of path has been reached if (path.vectorPath.Count == currentWaypointIndex) { return(NULL_STEERING); } // if we're "close" to the current waypoint try going to the next one float distance = (ownKS.position - path.vectorPath[currentWaypointIndex]).magnitude; if (distance <= wayPointReachedRadius) { currentWaypointIndex++; } if (path.vectorPath.Count == currentWaypointIndex) { return(NULL_STEERING); } SURROGATE_TARGET.transform.position = path.vectorPath[currentWaypointIndex]; if (currentWaypointIndex == path.vectorPath.Count - 1) { // use arrive for the last waypoint return(Arrive.GetSteering(ownKS, SURROGATE_TARGET, wayPointReachedRadius / 2, wayPointReachedRadius * 2)); } else { return(Seek.GetSteering(ownKS, SURROGATE_TARGET)); } }
public static SteeringOutput GetSteering(KinematicState ownKS, string tag, float cohesionThreshold = 20f) { Vector3 centerOfMass =; int count = 0; float distanceToMate; // get all your mates (potential targets) GameObject [] mates = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(tag); // iterate to compute center of mass for (int i = 0; i < mates.Length; i++) { // skip yourself... if (mates [i] == ownKS.gameObject) { continue; } // Only consider close mates. Disregard far ones distanceToMate = (mates[i].transform.position - ownKS.position).magnitude; if (distanceToMate < cohesionThreshold) { centerOfMass = centerOfMass + mates [i].transform.position; count++; } } if (count == 0) { return(null); } centerOfMass = centerOfMass / count; // generate a surrogate target and delegate to seek or arrive... if (surrogateTarget == null) { surrogateTarget = new GameObject("Surrogate target for cohesion"); } surrogateTarget.transform.position = centerOfMass; return(Seek.GetSteering(ownKS, surrogateTarget)); }
public static SteeringOutput GetSteering(KinematicState ownKS, GameObject target, float RequiredDsitance) { Vector3 DirectionFromTarget; Vector3 DesiredPos; // Compute direction to target DirectionFromTarget = (ownKS.position - target.transform.position).normalized; DesiredPos = target.transform.position + DirectionFromTarget * RequiredDsitance; if (My_Keep_Distance.surrogateTarget == null) { My_Keep_Distance.surrogateTarget = new GameObject("Dummy (Surrogate Target for Pursue)"); } My_Keep_Distance.surrogateTarget.transform.position = DesiredPos; return(Seek.GetSteering(ownKS, surrogateTarget)); }
public override SteeringOutput GetSteering() { // no KS? get it if (this.ownKS == null) { this.ownKS = GetComponent <KinematicState>(); } if ( == null) { Debug.Log("Null target in Seek of " + this.gameObject); } SteeringOutput result = Seek.GetSteering(this.ownKS,; base.applyRotationalPolicy(rotationalPolicy, result,; return(result); }
public static SteeringOutput GetSteering(KinematicState ownKS, GameObject target, float requieredDistance, float alpha) { // Y axis of the target Vector3 targetUp = target.transform.up; // We rotate the Y vector alpha angles on the Z axis Vector3 rotatedDir = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, alpha) * targetUp; // We add the position of the target to the direction multiplied // by the distance to keep from the target Vector3 desiredPos = target.transform.position + (rotatedDir * requieredDistance); if (KeepDistanceVersatile.surrogateTarget == null) { KeepDistanceVersatile.surrogateTarget = new GameObject("surrogateee"); } KeepDistanceVersatile.surrogateTarget.transform.position = desiredPos; return(Seek.GetSteering(ownKS, surrogateTarget)); }
public static SteeringOutput GetSteering(KinematicState ownKS, GameObject attractor, float seekWeight = 0.2f, string idTag = "BOID", float cohesionThreshold = 40f, float repulsionThreshold = 10f, float wanderRate = 10f, float vmWeight = 0.08f, float rpWeight = 0.46f, float coWeight = 0.23f, float wdWeight = 023f) { SteeringOutput seekOutput = Seek.GetSteering(ownKS, attractor); SteeringOutput result = Flocking.GetSteering(ownKS, idTag, cohesionThreshold, repulsionThreshold, wanderRate); // beware, Flocking may return NULL_STEERING. In that case, just apply seek if (result == NULL_STEERING) { return(seekOutput); } result.linearAcceleration = result.linearAcceleration * (1 - seekWeight) + seekOutput.linearAcceleration * seekWeight; result.angularAcceleration = result.angularAcceleration * (1 - seekWeight) + seekOutput.angularAcceleration * seekWeight; return(result); }
public static SteeringOutput GetSteering(KinematicState me, GameObject target, float distance, float angle) { // get the target's orientation (as an angle)... float targetOrientation = target.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.z; // ... add the required angle float requiredOrientation = targetOrientation + angle; // convert the orientation into a direction (convert from angle to vector) Vector3 requiredDirection = Utils.OrientationToVector(requiredOrientation).normalized; // determine required position Vector3 requiredPosition = target.transform.position + requiredDirection * distance; // place surrogate target in required position SURROGATE_TARGET.transform.position = requiredPosition; return(Seek.GetSteering(me, SURROGATE_TARGET)); //return Arrive.GetSteering(me, SURROGATE_TARGET, 2, 5); }