private void PerformGotoMainView()
     if (RequestingMainViewEvent != null)
         if (!DecalInjection.IsDecalInstalled() || !DecalInjection.IsSteelFilterRegistered())
             StringBuilder warning = new StringBuilder();
             if (!DecalInjection.IsDecalInstalled())
                 warning.Append("Decal is not installed properly. ");
             if (!DecalInjection.IsSteelFilterRegistered())
                 warning.Append("SteelFilter is not registered properly. ");
             //Does not seem to work yet; investigate how decal saves enabled
             //if (!DecalInjection.IsSteelFilterEnabled())
             //    warning.Append("SteelFilter appears to be disabled. ");
             warning.Append("This may cause issues (such as clients being continually restarted) in advanced mode. Are you sure you want to continue to advanced mode?");
             if (MessageBox.Show(warning.ToString(), "Configuration issue", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Error) != MessageBoxResult.Yes)
         RequestingMainViewEvent(this, new EventArgs());
 private static bool ShouldWeUseDecal(bool simpleLaunch)
     if (!DecalInjection.IsDecalInstalled())
         // decal not installed, so we obviously don't want to try to use it
     if (simpleLaunch)
         // use decal if the user chose the checkbox to use it
     { // advanced mode always uses decal if possible
        public GameLaunchResult LaunchGameClient(string exelocation,
                                                 string serverName, string accountName, string password,
                                                 string ipAddress, string gameApiUrl, string loginServerUrl, string discordurl,
                                                 ServerModel.ServerEmuEnum emu, string desiredCharacter,
                                                 ServerModel.RodatEnum rodatSetting, ServerModel.SecureEnum secureSetting, bool simpleLaunch)
            var result = new GameLaunchResult();

            //-username "MyUsername" -password "MyPassword" -w "ServerName" -2 -3
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(exelocation))
                throw new Exception("Empty exelocation");
            if (!File.Exists(exelocation))
                throw new Exception("Missing exe: " + exelocation);
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(serverName))
                throw new Exception("Empty serverName");
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(accountName))
                throw new Exception("Empty accountName");

            string genArgs = "TODO-below";

            bool isGDLE = (emu == ServerModel.ServerEmuEnum.GDLE);
            bool isACE  = (emu == ServerModel.ServerEmuEnum.ACE);

            if (isGDLE)
                //-h [server ip] -p [server port] -a username:password -rodat off
                int tok = ipAddress.IndexOf(':');
                if (tok < 0)
                    throw new Exception("GDL address missing colon in username:password specification");
                string ip   = ipAddress.Substring(0, tok);
                string port = ipAddress.Substring(tok + 1);
                string genArgsGDLEServer;
                if (rodatSetting == ServerModel.RodatEnum.On)
                    genArgsGDLEServer = "-h " + ip + " -p " + port + " -a " + accountName + ":" + password + " -rodat on";
                    genArgsGDLEServer = "-h " + ip + " -p " + port + " -a " + accountName + ":" + password + " -rodat off";

                genArgs = genArgsGDLEServer;
            else if (isACE)
                //acclient.exe -a testaccount -v testpassword -h
                //-a accountName -v password -h ipaddress
                string genArgsACEServer = "-a " + accountName + " -v " + password + " -h " + ipAddress;
                genArgs = genArgsACEServer;

            /* This is currently removed, and DF is gone. Leaving this in case anyone else decides to use the secure login from DF
             * else if(isDF)
             * {
             *  if (secureSetting == ServerModel.SecureEnum.On)
             *  {
             *      var loginInfo = SecureLogin(accountName: accountName, password: password, gameApiUrl: gameApiUrl, loginServerUrl: loginServerUrl);
             *      password = loginInfo.JwtToken;
             *      accountName = loginInfo.SubscriptionId;
             *  }
             *  //DF
             *  //acclient.exe -a testaccount -h -glsticketdirect testpassword
             *  string genArgsACEServer = "-a " + accountName + " -h " + ipAddress + " -glsticketdirect " + password;
             *  genArgs = genArgsACEServer;
             * }

            string pathToFile = exelocation;
            //check if we're doing a simple launch. If we are, ignore the fancy management stuff
            bool gameReady = false;

            if (simpleLaunch)
                gameReady = true;
            Process launcherProc = null;

            LaunchControl.LaunchResponse launchResponse = null;
                ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
                startInfo.FileName       = pathToFile;
                startInfo.Arguments      = genArgs;
                startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;

                RecordLaunchInfo(serverName, accountName, desiredCharacter, DateTime.UtcNow);

                string   charFilepath           = SteelFilter.FileLocations.GetCharacterFilePath(ServerName: serverName, AccountName: accountName);
                string   launchResponseFilepath = SteelFilter.FileLocations.GetCurrentLaunchResponseFilePath(ServerName: serverName, AccountName: accountName);
                DateTime startWait = DateTime.UtcNow;
                DateTime characterFileWrittenTime = DateTime.MaxValue;
                DateTime loginTime = DateTime.MaxValue;

                startInfo.WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(startInfo.FileName);

                if (ShouldWeUseDecal(simpleLaunch))
                    //Start Process with Decal Injection
                    string commandLineLaunch = startInfo.FileName + " " + startInfo.Arguments;
                    string decalInjectPath   = DecalInjection.GetDecalLocation();
                    string command           = "DecalStartup";
                    string asheronFolder     = startInfo.WorkingDirectory;
                    launcherProc = Process.GetProcessById(Convert.ToInt32(LaunchInjected(commandLineLaunch, asheronFolder, decalInjectPath, command)));
                    //Start Process without Decal
                    launcherProc = Process.Start(startInfo);
                Logger.WriteInfo(string.Format("PID = {0}", launcherProc.Id));
                launcherProc.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
                launcherProc.Exited += LauncherProc_Exited;
                if (!gameReady)
                    int      secondsTimeout = ConfigSettings.GetConfigInt("LauncherGameTimeoutSeconds", 120);
                    TimeSpan timeout        = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, secondsTimeout);
                    while (!gameReady && (DateTime.UtcNow - startWait < timeout))
                        if (CheckForStop())
                            // User canceled
                            if (!launcherProc.HasExited)
                        ReportGameStatus(string.Format("Waiting for game: {0}/{1} sec",
                                                       (int)((DateTime.UtcNow - startWait).TotalSeconds), secondsTimeout));
                        if (characterFileWrittenTime == DateTime.MaxValue)
                            // First we wait until DLL writes character file
                            FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(charFilepath);
                            if (fileInfo.LastWriteTime.ToUniversalTime() >= startWait)
                                characterFileWrittenTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        else if (loginTime == DateTime.MaxValue)
                            // Now we wait until DLL logs in or user logs in interactively
                            FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(launchResponseFilepath);
                            if (fileInfo.LastWriteTime.ToUniversalTime() >= startWait)
                                loginTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
                                TimeSpan maxLatency = DateTime.UtcNow - startWait;
                                launchResponse = LaunchControl.GetLaunchResponse(ServerName: serverName, AccountName: accountName, maxLatency: maxLatency);
                            // Then we give it 6 more seconds to complete login
                            int loginTimeSeconds = ConfigSettings.GetConfigInt("LauncherGameLoginTime", 0);
                            if (DateTime.UtcNow >= characterFileWrittenTime.AddSeconds(loginTimeSeconds))
                                gameReady = true;
            catch (Exception exc)
                throw new Exception(string.Format(
                                        "Failed to launch program. Check path '{0}': {1}",
                                        exelocation, exc.Message));
            if (!gameReady)
                if (launcherProc != null && !launcherProc.HasExited)
            if (launchResponse != null && launchResponse.IsValid)
                result.Success   = gameReady;
                result.ProcessId = launchResponse.ProcessId;
            if (simpleLaunch)
                result.Success = true;