        /// <summary>
        /// Call this if you're going to want to access definition information. You should be able to get
        /// away with calling this once at the start if your game, assuming your items don't change all the time.
        /// This will trigger OnDefinitionsUpdated at which point Definitions should be set.
        /// </summary>
        public static void LoadItemDefinitions()
            // If they're null, try to load them immediately
            // my hunch is that this loads a disk cached version
            // but waiting for LoadItemDefinitions downloads a new copy
            // from Steam's servers. So this will give us immediate data
            // where as Steam's inventory servers could be slow/down
            if (Definitions == null)

 /// <summary>
 /// Call this if you're going to want to access definition information. You should be able to get
 /// away with calling this once at the start if your game, assuming your items don't change all the time.
 /// This will trigger OnDefinitionsUpdated at which point Definitions should be set.
 /// </summary>
 public static void LoadItemDefinitions()