private void button_invite_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Bot.IsLoggedIn) { if (text_invite.Text != "" || text_invite.Text != "Group to invite members to") { SteamGrouper.Properties.Settings.Default.group_invite_to = text_invite.Text; SteamGrouper.Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); Thread thread1 = new Thread(() => Bot.invite(SelectInvite.selected, text_invite.Text, text_log, button_invite, label_invite)); if (!inviting) { SelectInvite selectInvite = new SelectInvite(); selectInvite.ShowDialog(); selectInvite.Focus(); while (Application.OpenForms.Count > 1) { } if (SelectInvite.selectContinue) { string log = "\r\nInviting members of " + SelectInvite.selected + " to " + text_invite.Text + ", please wait...\n\n"; text_log.AppendText(log); inviting = true; thread1.IsBackground = true; thread1.Start(); text_invite.Enabled = false; button_invite.Text = "Cancel"; } } else { thread1.Interrupt(); thread1.Abort(); text_log.AppendText("\r\nProcess cancelled.\n"); text_invite.Enabled = true; button_invite.Text = "Invite"; inviting = false; } } } else { MessageBox.Show("Please login to your Steam account first!", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); } }