        // This method is called when we need to create a new SAEA object to do
        // accept operations. The reason to put it in a separate method is so that
        // we can easily add more objects to the pool if we need to.
        // You can do that if you do NOT use a buffer in the SAEA object that does
        // the accept operations.
        internal SocketAsyncEventArgs CreateNewSaeaForAccept(SocketAsyncEventArgsPool pool)
            //Allocate the SocketAsyncEventArgs object.
            SocketAsyncEventArgs acceptEventArg = new SocketAsyncEventArgs();

            //SocketAsyncEventArgs.Completed is an event, (the only event,)
            //declared in the SocketAsyncEventArgs class.
            //See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.net.sockets.socketasynceventargs.completed.aspx.
            //An event handler should be attached to the event within
            //a SocketAsyncEventArgs instance when an asynchronous socket
            //operation is initiated, otherwise the application will not be able
            //to determine when the operation completes.
            //Attach the event handler, which causes the calling of the
            //AcceptEventArg_Completed object when the accept op completes.
            acceptEventArg.Completed += new EventHandler<SocketAsyncEventArgs>(AcceptEventArg_Completed);

            return acceptEventArg;

            // accept operations do NOT need a buffer.
            // You can see that is true by looking at the
            // methods in the .NET Socket class on the Microsoft website. AcceptAsync does
            // not take require a parameter for buffer size.
        // Constructor.
        public SocketListener(NetworkSettings theNetworkSettings)
            this._networkSettings = theNetworkSettings;
            //Allocate memory for buffers. We are using a separate buffer space for
            //receive and send, instead of sharing the buffer space, like the Microsoft
            //example does.
            this._theBufferManager = new BufferManager(this._networkSettings.ReceiveBufferSize * this._networkSettings.NumberOfSaeaForRecSend * this._networkSettings.OpsToPreAllocate,

            this._poolOfReceiveEventArgs = new SocketAsyncEventArgsPool(this._networkSettings.NumberOfSaeaForRecSend);
            this._poolOfSendEventArgs = new SocketAsyncEventArgsPool(this._networkSettings.NumberOfSaeaForRecSend);
            this._poolOfAcceptEventArgs = new SocketAsyncEventArgsPool(this._networkSettings.MaxSimultaneousAcceptOps);

            // Create connections count enforcer
            this._theMaxConnectionsEnforcer = new Semaphore(this._networkSettings.MaxConnections, this._networkSettings.MaxConnections);

            ActiveChannels = new ObservableCollection<AsyncTransportChannel>();

            //Microsoft's example called these from Main method, which you
            //can easily do if you wish.