public Statement ExtractStatement(string filename, bool generateInterimFiles)
            var blocklist = Routines.ExtractBlockList(filename);
            var textStream = Routines.GetStream(Routines.BlockListToString(blocklist));

            //var textStream = Routines.ExtractPdfText(filename, new TextExtractStrategy());

            if (generateInterimFiles)
                Routines.WriteStreamToFile(textStream, filename + ".txt");

            using (var textReader = new StreamReader(textStream))
                var statement = new Statement();
                var statementDateNoted = false;

                while (!textReader.EndOfStream)
                    var line = textReader.ReadLine();
                    var items = line?.Split('\t');

                    if (!statementDateNoted && line == "transactions")
                        line = textReader.ReadLine();
                        items = line?.Split('\t');

                        statement.StatementDate = new DateTime(Routines.StrToInt(items[2]), Routines.StrToInt(items[1]), Routines.StrToInt(items[0]));

                        statementDateNoted = true;

                    else if ((items?.Length == 7) &&
                             (Routines.IsNumeric(items[0]) &&
                              Routines.IsNumeric(items[1]) &&
                              Routines.IsNumeric(items[2]) &&
                              Routines.IsNumeric(items[3]) &&
                              Routines.IsNumeric(items[4]) &&

                        var month = Routines.StrToInt(items[1]);
                        var day = Routines.StrToInt(items[0]);
                        var year = (statement.StatementDate.Month == 1 && month == 12) ? statement.StatementDate.Year - 1 : statement.StatementDate.Year;

                        var t = new Transaction
                            DateTime = new DateTime(year, month, day),
                            Description = items[5],
                            Value = -Routines.StrToNumber(items[6])

                        // Ignoring payments
                        if (!string.Equals(t.Description, "PAYMENT THANK YOU", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))

                return statement;
        public Statement ExtractStatement(string filename, bool generateInterimFiles)
            var textStream = Routines.ExtractPdfText(filename, new TextExtractStrategy());

            if (generateInterimFiles)
                Routines.WriteStreamToFile(textStream, filename + ".txt");

            using (var textReader = new StreamReader(textStream))
                var statement = new Statement();
                var statementDateNoted = false;

                while (!textReader.EndOfStream)
                    var line = textReader.ReadLine();
                    var items = line?.Split(new[] { '\t' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                    if (!statementDateNoted && items[0].StartsWith("Statement From", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        var dates = items[0].Substring("Statement From ".Length).Split(new[] { " TO " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        if (dates.Length == 2)
                            statement.StatementDate = DateTime.Parse(dates[1]);
                            statementDateNoted = true;
                    else if (items.Length == 4 && Routines.IsNumeric(items[3]) && Routines.IsShortMonthAndDay(items[0]) && Routines.IsShortMonthAndDay(items[1])) // Process date
                            var t = new Transaction();

                            var tokens = items[0].Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                            var month = Routines.ShortMonthToInt(tokens[0]);
                            var day = Routines.StrToInt(tokens[1]);
                            var year = statement.StatementDate.Year - ((statement.StatementDate.Month == 1 && month == 12) ? 1 : 0);
                            t.DateTime = new DateTime(year, month, day);

                            t.Description = items[2];
                            t.Value = -Routines.StrToNumber(items[3]);


                return statement;
        public Statement ExtractStatement(string filename, bool generateInterimFiles)
            var blocklist = Routines.ExtractBlockList(filename);

            foreach (var blocks in blocklist)
                // Removing barcode and code on the left side
                var item1 = Routines.FindTextBlock(blocks, "Details of your account activity", Routines.TextSearchOptions.StartsWith);
                if (item1 != null)
                    blocks.Where(block => block.Left < item1.Left).ToList().ForEach(block => blocks.Remove(block));

                // Removing the numbers on the right side of the form
                var item2 = Routines.FindTextBlock(blocks, "Balance ($)", Routines.TextSearchOptions.StartsWith);
                if (item2 != null)
                    blocks.Where(block => block.Left > item2.Right).ToList().ForEach(block => blocks.Remove(block));

                // Adding minus to Withdrawals
                var withdrawals = Routines.FindTextBlock(blocks, "Withdrawals ($)", Routines.TextSearchOptions.ExactMatch);
                if (withdrawals != null)
                    blocks.Where(block => block.Top < withdrawals.Top && Math.Abs(block.Right - withdrawals.Right) < 2).ToList().ForEach(block => block.Text = $"-{block.Text}");

                // Removing Balance amounts
                var balance = Routines.FindTextBlock(blocks, "Balance ($)", Routines.TextSearchOptions.ExactMatch);
                if (balance != null)
                    blocks.Where(block => block.Top < balance.Top && Math.Abs(block.Right - balance.Right) < 2).ToList().ForEach(block => blocks.Remove(block));


            var textStream = Routines.GetStream(Routines.BlockListToString(blocklist));

            if (generateInterimFiles)
                Routines.WriteStreamToFile(textStream, filename + ".txt");

            using (var textReader = new StreamReader(textStream))
                var statement = new Statement();
                var previousTransaction = new Transaction();
                var statementDateNoted = false;
                var readTransactions = false;

                while (!textReader.EndOfStream)
                    var line = textReader.ReadLine();
                    if (line == null || line.Length == 1) // Ignoring 1 character lines

                    var items = line.Split(new[] { '\t' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                    if (!statementDateNoted && items[0].StartsWith("From ", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        var s = items[0].Substring(items[0].IndexOf("to ", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 3);
                        statement.StatementDate = DateTime.Parse(s);
                        statementDateNoted = true;
                    else if (!readTransactions && items.Last() == "Balance ($)")
                        readTransactions = true;
                    else if (readTransactions && Routines.IsNumeric(items.Last()) && (items.Length == 2 || (items.Length == 3 && Routines.IsDayAndShortMonth(items.First()))))
                        var t = new Transaction();

                        if (items.Length == 3) // Process date
                            var tokens = items[0].Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                            var month = Routines.ShortMonthToInt(tokens[1]);
                            var day = Routines.StrToInt(tokens[0]);
                            var year = statement.StatementDate.Year -
                                       ((statement.StatementDate.Month == 1 && month == 12) ? 1 : 0);

                            t.DateTime = new DateTime(year, month, day);
                            t.Description = items[1];
                            t.Value = Routines.StrToNumber(items[2]);
                            t.DateTime = previousTransaction.DateTime;
                            t.Description = items[0];
                            t.Value = Routines.StrToNumber(items[1]);


                        // Ignoring payments

                        previousTransaction = t;

                return statement;