private static void Init() { // Any setup if (Settings.UnlimitedFPS) { SadConsole.Game.Instance.Components.Add(new SadConsole.Game.FPSCounterComponent(SadConsole.Game.Instance)); } // Setup our custom theme. Theme.SetupThemes(); SadConsole.Game.Instance.Window.Title = "DemoProject OpenGL"; // By default SadConsole adds a blank ready-to-go console to the rendering system. // We don't want to use that for the sample project so we'll remove it. //Global.MouseState.ProcessMouseWhenOffScreen = true; Console ctx = new Console(10, 10); MainConsole = new Container(); // We'll instead use our demo consoles that show various features of SadConsole. Global.CurrentScreen = MainConsole; // Initialize the windows _characterWindow = new Windows.CharacterViewer(); }
protected override void Initialize() { // Let the XNA framework show the mouse. IsMouseVisible = true; IsFixedTimeStep = true; // Uncomment these two lines to run as fast as possible //_graphics.SynchronizeWithVerticalRetrace = false; //IsFixedTimeStep = false; // Initialize the SadConsole engine and the first effects library (provided by the SadConsole.Effects.dll binary) SadConsole.Engine.Initialize(GraphicsDevice); // Tell SadConsole to track the mouse. SadConsole.Engine.UseMouse = true; // Load the default font. using (var stream = System.IO.File.OpenRead("Fonts/IBM.font")) SadConsole.Engine.DefaultFont = SadConsole.Serializer.Deserialize <Font>(stream); // Using the default font, resize the window to a Width,Height of cells. This example uses the MS-DOS default of 80 columns by 25 rows. SadConsole.Engine.DefaultFont.ResizeGraphicsDeviceManager(_graphics, 80, 25, 0, 0); // Create the default console, show the cursor, and let the console accept keyboard input. _defaultConsole = new Console(80, 25); _defaultConsole.VirtualCursor.IsVisible = true; _defaultConsole.CanUseKeyboard = true; // Add the default console to the list of consoles. SadConsole.Engine.ConsoleRenderStack.Add(_defaultConsole); // If you want to use the custom console demo provided by this starter project, uncomment out the line below. SadConsole.Engine.ConsoleRenderStack = new ConsoleList() { new CustomConsoles.CursorConsole(), new CustomConsoles.WorldGenerationConsole(), new CustomConsoles.StaticConsole(), new CustomConsoles.StretchedConsole(), new CustomConsoles.BorderedConsole(80, 25), new CustomConsoles.DOSConsole(), new CustomConsoles.WindowTestConsole(), new CustomConsoles.EntityAndConsole(), new CustomConsoles.RandomScrollingConsole(), new CustomConsoles.SplashScreen(), }; SadConsole.Engine.ConsoleRenderStack[0].IsVisible = true; // Set the first console in the console list as the "active" console. This allows the keyboard to be processed on the console. SadConsole.Engine.ActiveConsole = SadConsole.Engine.ConsoleRenderStack[0]; // Initialize the windows _characterWindow = new Windows.CharacterViewer(); //Components.Add(new FPSCounterComponent(this)); // Call the default initialize of the base class. base.Initialize(); }
private static void Init() { // Any setup if (Settings.UnlimitedFPS) { SadConsole.Game.Instance.Components.Add(new SadConsole.Game.FPSCounterComponent(SadConsole.Game.Instance)); } // Setup our custom theme. Theme.SetupThemes(); SadConsole.Game.Instance.Window.Title = "DemoProject Core"; // By default SadConsole adds a blank ready-to-go console to the rendering system. // We don't want to use that for the sample project so we'll remove it. //Global.MouseState.ProcessMouseWhenOffScreen = true; MainConsole = new Container(); // We'll instead use our demo consoles that show various features of SadConsole. Global.CurrentScreen = MainConsole; // Initialize the windows _characterWindow = new Windows.CharacterViewer(); Console con = new Console(80, 25); con.Print(1, 1, "Hello, welcome to SadConsole", Color.Yellow); con.SetForeground(4, 1, Color.Brown); con.SetForeground(5, 1, Color.Brown); con.SetGlyph(6, 1, '!'); con.Cursor.Move(1, 20).Print("Printing with cursor"); }
protected override void Initialize() { // Let the XNA framework show the mouse. IsMouseVisible = true; IsFixedTimeStep = true; // Initialize the SadConsole engine and the first effects library (provided by the SadConsole.Effects.dll binary) SadConsole.Engine.Initialize(GraphicsDevice); // Tell SadConsole to track the mouse. SadConsole.Engine.UseMouse = true; // Load the default font. using (var stream = System.IO.File.OpenRead("Fonts/IBM.font")) SadConsole.Engine.DefaultFont = SadConsole.Serializer.Deserialize<Font>(stream); // Using the default font, resize the window to a Width,Height of cells. This example uses the MS-DOS default of 80 columns by 25 rows. SadConsole.Engine.DefaultFont.ResizeGraphicsDeviceManager(_graphics, 80, 25, 0, 0); // Create the default console, show the cursor, and let the console accept keyboard input. _defaultConsole = new Console(80, 25); _defaultConsole.VirtualCursor.IsVisible = true; _defaultConsole.CanUseKeyboard = true; // Add the default console to the list of consoles. SadConsole.Engine.ConsoleRenderStack.Add(_defaultConsole); // If you want to use the custom console demo provided by this starter project, uncomment out the line below. SadConsole.Engine.ConsoleRenderStack = new ConsoleList() { new CustomConsoles.CursorConsole(), new CustomConsoles.StaticConsole(), new CustomConsoles.StretchedConsole(), new CustomConsoles.BorderedConsole(80, 25), new CustomConsoles.DOSConsole(), new CustomConsoles.WindowTestConsole(), new CustomConsoles.EntityAndConsole(), new CustomConsoles.RandomScrollingConsole(), new CustomConsoles.SplashScreen(), }; SadConsole.Engine.ConsoleRenderStack[0].IsVisible = true; // Set the first console in the console list as the "active" console. This allows the keyboard to be processed on the console. SadConsole.Engine.ActiveConsole = SadConsole.Engine.ConsoleRenderStack[0]; // Initialize the windows _characterWindow = new Windows.CharacterViewer(); // Call the default initialize of the base class. base.Initialize(); }
private static void Engine_EngineStart(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Setup our custom theme. Theme.SetupThemes(); // By default SadConsole adds a blank ready-to-go console to the rendering system. // We don't want to use that for the sample project so we'll remove it. SadConsole.Engine.ConsoleRenderStack.Clear(); SadConsole.Engine.ActiveConsole = null; // We'll instead use our demo consoles that show various features of SadConsole. SadConsole.Engine.ConsoleRenderStack = new ConsoleList() { new ScrollingConsole(10, 10, 20), new CustomConsoles.SplashScreen() { SplashCompleted = () => { MoveNextConsole(); } }, new CustomConsoles.StretchedConsole(), //new CustomConsoles.CachedConsoleConsole(), new CustomConsoles.StringParsingConsole(), //new CustomConsoles.CursorConsole(), //new CustomConsoles.DOSConsole(), //new CustomConsoles.SceneProjectionConsole(), new CustomConsoles.ControlsTest(), new CustomConsoles.ViewsAndSubViews(), new CustomConsoles.StaticConsole(), new CustomConsoles.BorderedConsole(), new CustomConsoles.GameObjectConsole(), new CustomConsoles.RandomScrollingConsole(), new CustomConsoles.WorldGenerationConsole(), }; // Show the first console (by default all of our demo consoles are hidden) SadConsole.Engine.ConsoleRenderStack[0].IsVisible = true; // Set the first console in the console list as the "active" console. This allows the keyboard to be processed on the console. SadConsole.Engine.ActiveConsole = SadConsole.Engine.ConsoleRenderStack[0]; // Initialize the windows _characterWindow = new Windows.CharacterViewer(); //SadConsole.Effects.Fade a = new SadConsole.Effects.Fade(); //a.DestinationForeground = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color.Turquoise; //SadConsole.Engine.MonoGameInstance.Components.Add(new FPSCounterComponent(SadConsole.Engine.MonoGameInstance)); }
private static void Engine_EngineStart(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Setup our custom theme. Theme.SetupThemes(); // By default SadConsole adds a blank ready-to-go console to the rendering system. // We don't want to use that for the sample project so we'll remove it. SadConsole.Engine.ConsoleRenderStack.Clear(); SadConsole.Engine.ActiveConsole = null; SadConsole.Engine.ProcessMouseWhenOffScreen = true; // We'll instead use our demo consoles that show various features of SadConsole. SadConsole.Engine.ConsoleRenderStack = new ConsoleList() { //new CustomConsoles.CachedConsoleConsole(), new CustomConsoles.AutoTypingConsole(), //new CustomConsoles.SplashScreen() { SplashCompleted = () => { MoveNextConsole(); } }, new CustomConsoles.StringParsingConsole(), new CustomConsoles.ControlsTest(), new CustomConsoles.DOSConsole(), new CustomConsoles.FadingExample(), new CustomConsoles.AnsiConsole(), new CustomConsoles.ViewsAndSubViews(), new CustomConsoles.StaticConsole(), new CustomConsoles.StretchedConsole(), new CustomConsoles.RandomScrollingConsole(), new CustomConsoles.SceneProjectionConsole(), new CustomConsoles.BorderedConsole(), new CustomConsoles.GameObjectConsole(), new CustomConsoles.WorldGenerationConsole(), }; // Show the first console (by default all of our demo consoles are hidden) SadConsole.Engine.ConsoleRenderStack[0].IsVisible = true; // Set the first console in the console list as the "active" console. This allows the keyboard to be processed on the console. SadConsole.Engine.ActiveConsole = SadConsole.Engine.ConsoleRenderStack[0]; // Initialize the windows _characterWindow = new Windows.CharacterViewer(); //SadConsole.Effects.Fade a = new SadConsole.Effects.Fade(); //a.DestinationForeground = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color.Turquoise; //SadConsole.Engine.MonoGameInstance.Components.Add(new FPSCounterComponent(SadConsole.Engine.MonoGameInstance)); }
private static void Init() { // Any setup if (Settings.UnlimitedFPS) { SadConsole.Game.Instance.Components.Add(new SadConsole.Game.FPSCounterComponent(SadConsole.Game.Instance)); } // Setup our custom theme. Theme.SetupThemes(); SadConsole.Game.Instance.Window.Title = "DemoProject Core"; // By default SadConsole adds a blank ready-to-go console to the rendering system. // We don't want to use that for the sample project so we'll remove it. //Global.MouseState.ProcessMouseWhenOffScreen = true; MainConsole = new Container(); // We'll instead use our demo consoles that show various features of SadConsole. Global.CurrentScreen = MainConsole; //Global.CurrentScreen.Print(1, 1, "Test".CreateColored(ColorAnsi.CyanBright, ColorAnsi.Cyan), ColorAnsi.BlueBright, ColorAnsi.Blue); var console = new SadConsole.ControlsConsole(50, 30) { new SadConsole.Controls.Button(7, 1) { Text = "Click", Position = new Point(5, 5) } }; console.Invalidated += (s, e) => { Rectangle boxArea = console.Controls[0].Bounds; boxArea.Inflate(1, 1); ((ControlsConsole)s).DrawBox(boxArea, new Cell(Color.Yellow), null, CellSurface.ConnectedLineThin); }; // Initialize the windows _characterWindow = new Windows.CharacterViewer(); }
private static void Engine_EngineStart(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Setup our custom theme. Theme.SetupThemes(); // By default SadConsole adds a blank ready-to-go console to the rendering system. // We don't want to use that for the sample project so we'll remove it. SadConsole.Engine.ConsoleRenderStack.Clear(); SadConsole.Engine.ActiveConsole = null; // We'll instead use our demo consoles that show various features of SadConsole. SadConsole.Engine.ConsoleRenderStack = new ConsoleList() { new CustomConsoles.RandomScrollingConsole(), new CustomConsoles.SplashScreen() { SplashCompleted = () => { MoveNextConsole(); } }, new CustomConsoles.StretchedConsole(), new CustomConsoles.StringParsingConsole(), new CustomConsoles.ControlsTest(), new CustomConsoles.FadingExample(), new CustomConsoles.DOSConsole(), new CustomConsoles.ViewsAndSubViews(), new CustomConsoles.AnsiConsole(), new CustomConsoles.StaticConsole(), new CustomConsoles.BorderedConsole(), new CustomConsoles.GameObjectConsole(), new CustomConsoles.WorldGenerationConsole(), }; // Show the first console (by default all of our demo consoles are hidden) SadConsole.Engine.ConsoleRenderStack[0].IsVisible = true; // Set the first console in the console list as the "active" console. This allows the keyboard to be processed on the console. SadConsole.Engine.ActiveConsole = SadConsole.Engine.ConsoleRenderStack[0]; // Initialize the windows _characterWindow = new Windows.CharacterViewer(); }
private static void Init() { // Any setup if (Settings.UnlimitedFPS) { SadConsole.Game.Instance.Components.Add(new SadConsole.Game.FPSCounterComponent(SadConsole.Game.Instance)); } // Setup our custom theme. Theme.SetupThemes(); SadConsole.Game.Instance.Window.Title = "DemoProject FNA"; // We'll instead use our demo consoles that show various features of SadConsole. MainConsole = new Container(); Global.CurrentScreen = MainConsole; // Initialize the windows _characterWindow = new Windows.CharacterViewer(); }
private static void Init() { // Any setup if (Settings.UnlimitedFPS) { SadConsole.Game.Instance.Components.Add(new SadConsole.Game.FPSCounterComponent(SadConsole.Game.Instance)); } // Setup our custom theme. StarterProject.Theme.SetupThemes(); // By default SadConsole adds a blank ready-to-go console to the rendering system. // We don't want to use that for the sample project so we'll remove it. //Global.MouseState.ProcessMouseWhenOffScreen = true; // We'll instead use our demo consoles that show various features of SadConsole. Global.CurrentScreen.Children.Add(new CustomConsoles.RandomScrollingConsole()); Global.CurrentScreen.Children.Add(new CustomConsoles.AutoTypingConsole()); Global.CurrentScreen.Children.Add(new CustomConsoles.StringParsingConsole()); Global.CurrentScreen.Children.Add(new CustomConsoles.ControlsTest()); //Global.CurrentScreen.Children.Add(new CustomConsoles.AnsiConsole()); //Code to load ansi files is not platform independent yet. Global.CurrentScreen.Children.Add(new CustomConsoles.StretchedConsole()); Global.CurrentScreen.Children.Add(new CustomConsoles.SubConsoleCursor()); Global.CurrentScreen.Children.Add(new CustomConsoles.CursorConsole()); Global.CurrentScreen.Children.Add(new CustomConsoles.ViewsAndSubViews()); Global.CurrentScreen.Children.Add(new CustomConsoles.GameObjectConsole()); Global.CurrentScreen.Children.Add(new CustomConsoles.DOSConsole()); Global.CurrentScreen.Children.Add(new CustomConsoles.BorderedConsole()); Global.CurrentScreen.Children.Add(new CustomConsoles.ScrollableConsole(25, 6, 70)); // Not working... it was... Global.CurrentScreen.Children.Add(new CustomConsoles.SceneProjectionConsole()); //= new ConsoleList() { // //new CustomConsoles.CachedConsoleConsole(), // //new CustomConsoles.RandomScrollingConsole(), // new CustomConsoles.AutoTypingConsole(), // //new CustomConsoles.SplashScreen() { SplashCompleted = () => { MoveNextConsole(); } }, // new CustomConsoles.StretchedConsole(), // new CustomConsoles.StringParsingConsole(), // new CustomConsoles.ControlsTest(), // //new CustomConsoles.FadingExample(), // new CustomConsoles.DOSConsole(), // new CustomConsoles.AnsiConsole(), // new CustomConsoles.ViewsAndSubViews(), // new CustomConsoles.StaticConsole(), // new CustomConsoles.SceneProjectionConsole(), // new CustomConsoles.BorderedConsole(), // new CustomConsoles.GameObjectConsole(), // new CustomConsoles.WorldGenerationConsole(), // }; // Show the first console (by default all of our demo consoles are hidden) Global.CurrentScreen.Children[0].IsVisible = true; // Set the first console in the console list as the "active" console. This allows the keyboard to be processed on the console. Console.ActiveConsole = (IConsole)Global.CurrentScreen.Children[0]; // Initialize the windows _characterWindow = new Windows.CharacterViewer(); //SadConsole.Effects.Fade a = new SadConsole.Effects.Fade(); //a.DestinationForeground = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color.Turquoise; //SadConsole.Engine.MonoGameInstance.Components.Add(new FPSCounterComponent(SadConsole.Engine.MonoGameInstance)); }