public override void PostDraw(int i, int j, SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { Tile tile = Main.tile[i, j]; NestEntity entity = GetTE(i, j); if (entity == null || entity.owner == null) { return; } if (tile.frameX == 0 && tile.frameY == 0) { Vector2 center = (new Vector2(i + 1, j - 1) + Helper.TileAdj) * 16 + new Vector2(8, 0); spriteBatch.DrawString(Main.fontItemStack, + "'s dragon\n" +, center + new Vector2(0, -64) - Main.screenPosition - Main.fontItemStack.MeasureString( / 2, Color.White); } }
public override bool NewRightClick(int i, int j) { NestEntity entity = GetTE(i, j); if (entity == null) { return(false); } Item item = Main.LocalPlayer.inventory[Main.LocalPlayer.selectedItem]; if (entity.owner == null && item.type == ItemType <Items.Dragons.Egg>()) { entity.owner = Main.LocalPlayer; //Sets the ID if the nest has not yet been claimed =; int index = NPC.NewNPC(entity.Position.X * 16 + 27, entity.Position.Y * 16, NPCType <DragonEgg>()); (Main.npc[index].modNPC as DragonEgg).nest = entity; item.TurnToAir(); //Absorbs the egg } return(true); }