private bool SetBonusPrehurt(Player player, bool pvp, bool quiet, ref int damage, ref int hitDirection, ref bool crit, ref bool customDamage, ref bool playSound, ref bool genGore, ref PlayerDeathReason damageSource) { if (player.armor[0].type == ItemType <VitricHead>() && player.armor[1].type == ItemType <VitricChest>() && player.armor[2].type == ItemType <VitricLegs>())//Better way to do this? { foreach (Projectile shard in Main.projectile.Where(proj => && proj.owner == player.whoAmI && proj.modProjectile != null && proj.modProjectile is VitricArmorProjectile)) { VitricArmorProjectile moddedproj = shard.modProjectile as VitricArmorProjectile; if ([0] < 1) { moddedproj.Shatter(); damage = (int)(damage * 0.750f); break; } } } return(true); }
public override void ModifyDrawLayers(List <PlayerLayer> layers) { void backTarget(PlayerDrawInfo s) => DrawShards(s, false); //the Action<T> of our layer. This is the delegate which will actually do the drawing of the layer. PlayerLayer backLayer = new PlayerLayer("VitricLayer", "Vitric Armor Effect", backTarget); //Instantiate a new instance of PlayerLayer to insert into the list layers.Insert(layers.IndexOf(layers.First()), backLayer); //Insert the layer at the appropriate index. void frontTarget(PlayerDrawInfo s) => DrawShards(s, true); //the Action<T> of our layer. This is the delegate which will actually do the drawing of the layer. PlayerLayer frontLayer = new PlayerLayer("VitricLayer", "Vitric Armor Effect", frontTarget); //Instantiate a new instance of PlayerLayer to insert into the list layers.Insert(layers.IndexOf(layers.Last()), frontLayer); //Insert the layer at the appropriate index. void DrawShards(PlayerDrawInfo info, bool back) { List <VitricArmorProjectile> allshards = new List <VitricArmorProjectile>(); foreach (Projectile shard in Main.projectile.Where(proj => && proj.owner == player.whoAmI && proj.modProjectile != null && proj.modProjectile is VitricArmorProjectile)) { VitricArmorProjectile moddedproj = shard.modProjectile as VitricArmorProjectile; allshards.Add(moddedproj); } allshards = allshards.OrderBy((x) => x.projectile.Center.Y).ToList(); foreach (VitricArmorProjectile modshard in allshards) { double angle = Math.Sin(-modshard.projectile.localAI[1]); if (angle > 0 && !back || angle <= 0 && back) { Main.playerDrawData.Add(modshard.Draw()); } } } }