private static void save_CommandFired(object sender, EventArgsCommand e) { SaveGame.Save(); }
private static void load_CommandFired(object sender, EventArgsCommand e) { Game1.hasLoadedGame = false; Game1.activeClickableMenu = new LoadGameMenu(); }
private static void RegisterNewItem(object sender, EventArgsCommand e) { #if DEBUG SObject s = SGame.PullModItemFromDict(0, true); s.Stack = 999; Game1.player.addItemToInventory(s); #endif }
private static void world_setSeason(object sender, EventArgsCommand e) { if (e.Command.CalledArgs.Length > 0) { var obj = e.Command.CalledArgs[0]; var objs = "winter,spring,summer,fall".Split(','); if (objs.Contains(obj)) { Game1.currentSeason = obj; } else { Log.LogValueInvalid(); } } else { Log.LogValueNotSpecified(); } }
private static void blank_command(object sender, EventArgsCommand e) { }
private static void world_downMineLevel(object sender, EventArgsCommand e) { Game1.nextMineLevel(); }
private static void world_setDay(object sender, EventArgsCommand e) { if (e.Command.CalledArgs.Length > 0) { if (e.Command.CalledArgs[0].IsInt32()) { if (e.Command.CalledArgs[0].AsInt32() <= 28 && e.Command.CalledArgs[0].AsInt32() > 0) { Game1.dayOfMonth = e.Command.CalledArgs[0].AsInt32(); } else { Log.AsyncY("<value> must be between 1 and 28"); } } else { Log.LogValueNotInt32(); } } else { Log.LogValueNotSpecified(); } }
private static void player_changeStyle(object sender, EventArgsCommand e) { if (e.Command.CalledArgs.Length > 1) { var obj = e.Command.CalledArgs[0]; var objs = "hair,shirt,skin,acc,shoe,swim,gender".Split(','); if (objs.Contains(obj)) { if (e.Command.CalledArgs[1].IsInt32()) { var i = e.Command.CalledArgs[1].AsInt32(); switch (obj) { case "hair": Game1.player.changeHairStyle(i); break; case "shirt": Game1.player.changeShirt(i); break; case "acc": Game1.player.changeAccessory(i); break; case "skin": Game1.player.changeSkinColor(i); break; case "shoe": Game1.player.changeShoeColor(i); break; case "swim": if (i == 0) Game1.player.changeOutOfSwimSuit(); else if (i == 1) Game1.player.changeIntoSwimsuit(); else Log.AsyncR("<value> must be 0 or 1 for this <object>"); break; case "gender": if (i == 0) Game1.player.changeGender(true); else if (i == 1) Game1.player.changeGender(false); else Log.AsyncR("<value> must be 0 or 1 for this <object>"); break; } } else { Log.LogValueInvalid(); } } else { Log.LogObjectInvalid(); } } else { Log.LogObjectValueNotSpecified(); } }
private static void player_setHealth(object sender, EventArgsCommand e) { if (e.Command.CalledArgs.Length > 0) { if (e.Command.CalledArgs[0] == "inf") { infHealth = true; } else { infHealth = false; if (e.Command.CalledArgs[0].IsInt32()) { = e.Command.CalledArgs[0].AsInt32(); } else { Log.LogValueNotInt32(); } } } else { Log.LogValueNotSpecified(); } }
private static void player_addRing(object sender, EventArgsCommand e) { if (e.Command.CalledArgs.Length > 0) { if (e.Command.CalledArgs[0].IsInt32()) { var toAdd = new Ring(e.Command.CalledArgs[0].AsInt32()); Game1.player.addItemByMenuIfNecessary(toAdd); Log.Async($"Given {toAdd.Name} to {Game1.player.Name}"); } else { Log.AsyncR("<item> is invalid"); } } else { Log.LogObjectValueNotSpecified(); } }
private static void player_changeColour(object sender, EventArgsCommand e) { if (e.Command.CalledArgs.Length > 1) { var obj = e.Command.CalledArgs[0]; var objs = "hair,eyes,pants".Split(','); if (objs.Contains(obj)) { var cs = e.Command.CalledArgs[1].Split(new[] {','}, 3); if (cs[0].IsInt32() && cs[1].IsInt32() && cs[2].IsInt32()) { var c = new Color(cs[0].AsInt32(), cs[1].AsInt32(), cs[2].AsInt32()); switch (obj) { case "hair": Game1.player.hairstyleColor = c; break; case "eyes": Game1.player.changeEyeColor(c); break; case "pants": Game1.player.pantsColor = c; break; } } else { Log.AsyncR("<colour> is invalid"); } } else { Log.LogObjectInvalid(); } } else { Log.AsyncR("<object> and <colour> must be specified"); } }
private static void player_addItem(object sender, EventArgsCommand e) { if (e.Command.CalledArgs.Length > 0) { if (e.Command.CalledArgs[0].IsInt32()) { var count = 1; var quality = 0; if (e.Command.CalledArgs.Length > 1) { Console.WriteLine(e.Command.CalledArgs[1]); if (e.Command.CalledArgs[1].IsInt32()) { count = e.Command.CalledArgs[1].AsInt32(); } else { Log.AsyncR("[count] is invalid"); return; } if (e.Command.CalledArgs.Length > 2) { if (e.Command.CalledArgs[2].IsInt32()) { quality = e.Command.CalledArgs[2].AsInt32(); } else { Log.AsyncR("[quality] is invalid"); return; } } } var o = new Object(e.Command.CalledArgs[0].AsInt32(), count) {quality = quality}; Game1.player.addItemByMenuIfNecessary(o); } else { Log.AsyncR("<item> is invalid"); } } else { Log.LogObjectValueNotSpecified(); } }
private static void out_rings(object sender, EventArgsCommand e) { for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { try { Item it = new Ring(i); if (it.Name != "Error Item") Console.WriteLine(i + "| " + it.Name); } catch { } } }
private static void out_melee(object sender, EventArgsCommand e) { var d = Game1.content.Load<Dictionary<int, string>>("Data\\weapons"); Console.Write("DATA\\WEAPONS: "); foreach (var v in d) { Console.WriteLine(v.Key + " | " + v.Value); } }
private static void show_CommandFired(object sender, EventArgsCommand e) { Program.StardewInvoke(() => { Program.StardewForm.Show(); }); }
private static void player_setLevel(object sender, EventArgsCommand e) { if (e.Command.CalledArgs.Length > 1) { var skill = e.Command.CalledArgs[0]; var skills = "luck,mining,combat,farming,fishing,foraging".Split(','); if (skills.Contains(skill)) { var ou = 0; if (int.TryParse(e.Command.CalledArgs[1], out ou)) { switch (skill) { case "luck": Game1.player.LuckLevel = ou; break; case "mining": Game1.player.MiningLevel = ou; break; case "combat": Game1.player.CombatLevel = ou; break; case "farming": Game1.player.FarmingLevel = ou; break; case "fishing": Game1.player.FishingLevel = ou; break; case "foraging": Game1.player.ForagingLevel = ou; break; } } else { Log.LogValueNotInt32(); } } else { Log.AsyncR("<skill> is invalid"); } } else { Log.AsyncR("<skill> and <value> must be specified"); } }
private static void types_CommandFired(object sender, EventArgsCommand e) { Log.AsyncY($"[Int32: {int.MinValue} - {int.MaxValue}], [Int64: {long.MinValue} - {long.MaxValue}], [String: \"raw text\"], [Colour: r,g,b (EG: 128, 32, 255)]"); }
private static void player_setMaxHealth(object sender, EventArgsCommand e) { if (e.Command.CalledArgs.Length > 0) { if (e.Command.CalledArgs[0].IsInt32()) { Game1.player.maxHealth = e.Command.CalledArgs[0].AsInt32(); } else { Log.LogValueNotInt32(); } } else { Log.LogValueNotSpecified(); } }
private static void world_freezeTime(object sender, EventArgsCommand e) { if (e.Command.CalledArgs.Length > 0) { if (e.Command.CalledArgs[0].IsInt32()) { if (e.Command.CalledArgs[0].AsInt32() == 0 || e.Command.CalledArgs[0].AsInt32() == 1) { freezeTime = e.Command.CalledArgs[0].AsInt32() == 1; frozenTime = freezeTime ? Game1.timeOfDay : 0; Log.AsyncY("Time is now " + (freezeTime ? "frozen" : "thawed")); } else { Log.AsyncR("<value> should be 0 or 1"); } } else { Log.LogValueNotInt32(); } } else { Log.LogValueNotSpecified(); } }
private static void player_setName(object sender, EventArgsCommand e) { if (e.Command.CalledArgs.Length > 1) { var obj = e.Command.CalledArgs[0]; var objs = "player,pet,farm".Split(','); if (objs.Contains(obj)) { switch (obj) { case "player": Game1.player.Name = e.Command.CalledArgs[1]; break; case "pet": Log.AsyncR("Pets cannot currently be renamed."); break; case "farm": Game1.player.farmName = e.Command.CalledArgs[1]; break; } } else { Log.LogObjectInvalid(); } } else { Log.LogObjectValueNotSpecified(); } }
private static void world_setMineLevel(object sender, EventArgsCommand e) { if (e.Command.CalledArgs.Length > 0) { if (e.Command.CalledArgs[0].IsInt32()) { Game1.enterMine(true, e.Command.CalledArgs[0].AsInt32(), ""); } else { Log.LogValueNotInt32(); } } else { Log.LogValueNotSpecified(); } }
private static void player_setSpeed(object sender, EventArgsCommand e) { if (e.Command.CalledArgs.Length > 0) { if (e.Command.CalledArgs[0].IsInt32()) { Game1.player.addedSpeed = e.Command.CalledArgs[0].AsInt32(); Log.Async($"Set {Game1.player.Name}'s added speed to {Game1.player.addedSpeed}"); } else { Log.LogValueNotInt32(); } } else { Log.LogValueNotSpecified(); } }
private static void world_setTime(object sender, EventArgsCommand e) { if (e.Command.CalledArgs.Length > 0) { if (e.Command.CalledArgs[0].IsInt32()) { if (e.Command.CalledArgs[0].AsInt32() <= 2600 && e.Command.CalledArgs[0].AsInt32() >= 600) { Game1.timeOfDay = e.Command.CalledArgs[0].AsInt32(); frozenTime = freezeTime ? Game1.timeOfDay : 0; Log.AsyncY("Time set to: " + Game1.timeOfDay); } else { Log.AsyncR("<value> should be between 600 and 2600 (06:00 AM - 02:00 AM [NEXT DAY])"); } } else { Log.LogValueNotInt32(); } } else { Log.LogValueNotSpecified(); } }
private static void player_setStamina(object sender, EventArgsCommand e) { if (e.Command.CalledArgs.Length > 0) { if (e.Command.CalledArgs[0] == "inf") { infStamina = true; } else { infStamina = false; var ou = 0; if (int.TryParse(e.Command.CalledArgs[0], out ou)) { Game1.player.Stamina = ou; Log.Async($"Set {Game1.player.Name}'s stamina to {Game1.player.Stamina}"); } else { Log.LogValueNotInt32(); } } } else { Log.LogValueNotSpecified(); } }
private static void help_CommandFired(object o, EventArgsCommand e) { if (e.Command.CalledArgs.Length > 0) { var fnd = Command.FindCommand(e.Command.CalledArgs[0]); if (fnd == null) Log.AsyncR("The command specified could not be found"); else { Log.AsyncY(fnd.CommandArgs.Length > 0 ? $"{fnd.CommandName}: {fnd.CommandDesc} - {fnd.CommandArgs.ToSingular()}" : $"{fnd.CommandName}: {fnd.CommandDesc}"); } } else Log.AsyncY("Commands: " + Command.RegisteredCommands.Select(x => x.CommandName).ToSingular()); }
private static void exit_CommandFired(object sender, EventArgsCommand e) { Program.gamePtr.Exit(); Environment.Exit(0); }