public Response AddDeliveryTransaction(Delivery aDelivery) { Response theResponse = new Response(); if (aDelivery != null) { if (aDelivery.stopID <= 0) { theResponse.statusDescription = "Stop ID is missing"; } if (aDelivery.deliveryCode <= 0) { theResponse.statusDescription = "Delivery Code is missing"; } if (theResponse.statusDescription.Equals("")) { SqlCommand cmdAddDelivery = new SqlCommand("AddDelivery", theConnection); cmdAddDelivery.Transaction = theTrans; cmdAddDelivery.Parameters.AddWithValue("@stopID", aDelivery.stopID); cmdAddDelivery.Parameters.AddWithValue("@failureID", aDelivery.failureID); cmdAddDelivery.Parameters.AddWithValue("@deliveryCode", aDelivery.deliveryCode); // cmdAddDelivery.Parameters.AddWithValue("@dateAdded", Convert.ToDateTime(aDelivery.dateAdded)); cmdAddDelivery.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure; int numRowsAffected = cmdAddDelivery.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (numRowsAffected > 0) { theResponse.statusCode = 0; theResponse.statusDescription = ""; } else { theResponse.statusDescription = "Could not add Delivery to StopID " + aDelivery.stopID; } } else { theResponse.statusCode = 6; } } else { theResponse.statusCode = 4; theResponse.statusDescription = "Delivery Model missing"; } return theResponse; }
public Response CommitIssuesV7(StopWithStoreAndFailure aStop) { //string text = ""; //text = " Online Start time :" + DateTime.Now + "\n"; //WriteToFile(text); Response theResponse = new Response(); int totalFailureErrors = 0, totalImageErrors = 0, totalDeliveryErrors = 0; try { openDataConnection(); theTrans = theConnection.BeginTransaction(); if (aStop.failure != null && aStop.failure.Count > 0) { foreach (Failure aFailure in aStop.failure) { SqlCommand cmdCheckUniqueID = new SqlCommand("SELECT UniqueID FROM Failure WHERE UniqueID = '" + aFailure.uniqueID + "'", theConnection); cmdCheckUniqueID.Transaction = theTrans; object uniqueId = cmdCheckUniqueID.ExecuteScalar(); if (uniqueId != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(uniqueId.ToString())) { continue; } ResponseFailure addFailureResponse = AddFailureTransaction(aFailure); if (addFailureResponse.statusCode != 0) { totalFailureErrors++; } if ( != null && > 0) { foreach (Photo aPhoto in { Photo thisPhoto = new Photo(); thisPhoto.imageData = aPhoto.imageData; thisPhoto.stopID = aFailure.stopID; thisPhoto.failureID = addFailureResponse.failure.failureID; Response addPhotoResponse = AddPhotoToStopTransaction(thisPhoto); if (addPhotoResponse.statusCode != 0) { totalImageErrors++; } } } if (aFailure.deliveryCodes != null && aFailure.deliveryCodes.Count > 0) { foreach (Delivery aDelivery in aFailure.deliveryCodes) { Delivery thisDelivery = new Delivery(); thisDelivery.deliveryCode = aDelivery.deliveryCode; thisDelivery.stopID =; thisDelivery.failureID = addFailureResponse.failure.failureID; // thisDelivery.dateAdded = aDelivery.dateAdded; Response addDeliveryResponse = AddDeliveryTransaction(thisDelivery); if (addDeliveryResponse.statusCode != 0) { totalDeliveryErrors++; } } } } } Response addStopCompletedDateResponse = AddStopCompletedDate(, aStop.completedDate); if (totalFailureErrors > 0 || totalImageErrors > 0 || totalDeliveryErrors > 0) { theTrans.Rollback(); theResponse.statusCode = 6; theResponse.statusDescription = "Unable to update data"; } else { theTrans.Commit(); theResponse.statusCode = 0; theResponse.statusDescription = "All data has been synchronized"; ConsolidateEmails(; } } catch (Exception ex) { //text = "Exception :" + ex.Message + "\n"; //WriteToFile(text); theTrans.Rollback(); theResponse.statusCode = 6; theResponse.statusDescription = "Unable to update data"; } finally { theTrans = null; closeDataConnection(); } //text = " End time :" + DateTime.Now + "\n"; //WriteToFile(text); return theResponse; }
public Response CommitCachedDataV7(TripForSync aTripModel) { //string text = ""; //text = " Offline Start time :" + DateTime.Now + "\n"; //WriteToFile(text); Response theResponse = new Response(); List<int> lstStopIds = new List<int>(); int totalFailuresCommitted = 0; int totalImagesCommitted = 0; int totalDeliveryCodesCommitted = 0; int totalCommentsCommitted = 0; int totalFailureErrors = 0; int totalImageErrors = 0; int totalDeliveryCodeErrors = 0; int totalCommentErrors = 0; try { openDataConnection(); theTrans = theConnection.BeginTransaction(); if (aTripModel != null) { if ( > 0) { SqlCommand cmdCheckTripID = new SqlCommand("SELECT TripID FROM Trip WHERE TripID = " +, theConnection); cmdCheckTripID.Transaction = theTrans; theReader = cmdCheckTripID.ExecuteReader(); if (theReader.HasRows) { theReader.Close(); if (aTripModel.stops != null && aTripModel.stops.Count > 0) { foreach (StopWithStoreAndFailure aStop in aTripModel.stops) { if (aStop.committed) { continue; } SqlCommand cmdCheckStopID = new SqlCommand("SELECT StopID FROM Stop WHERE StopID = " +, theConnection); cmdCheckStopID.Transaction = theTrans; theReader = cmdCheckStopID.ExecuteReader(); if (theReader.HasRows) { theReader.Close(); if (aStop.failure != null && aStop.failure.Count > 0) { foreach (Failure aFailure in aStop.failure) { SqlCommand cmdCheckUniqueID = new SqlCommand("SELECT UniqueID FROM Failure WHERE UniqueID = '" + aFailure.uniqueID + "'", theConnection); cmdCheckUniqueID.Transaction = theTrans; object uniqueId = cmdCheckUniqueID.ExecuteScalar(); if (uniqueId != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(uniqueId.ToString())) { continue; } ResponseFailure addFailureResponse = AddFailureTransaction(aFailure); if (addFailureResponse.statusCode == 0) { totalFailuresCommitted++; } else { totalFailureErrors++; } if ( != null && > 0) { foreach (Photo aPhoto in { Photo thisPhoto = new Photo(); thisPhoto.imageData = aPhoto.imageData; thisPhoto.stopID =; thisPhoto.failureID = addFailureResponse.failure.failureID; Response addPhotoResponse = AddPhotoToStopTransaction(thisPhoto); if (addPhotoResponse.statusCode == 0) { totalImagesCommitted++; } else { totalImageErrors++; } } } if (aFailure.deliveryCodes != null && aFailure.deliveryCodes.Count > 0) { foreach (Delivery aDelivery in aFailure.deliveryCodes) { if (aDelivery.deliveryCode == 0) { continue; } Delivery thisDelivery = new Delivery(); thisDelivery.deliveryCode = aDelivery.deliveryCode; thisDelivery.stopID =; thisDelivery.failureID = addFailureResponse.failure.failureID; //thisDelivery.dateAdded = aDelivery.dateAdded; Response addDeliveryResponse = AddDeliveryTransaction(thisDelivery); if (addDeliveryResponse.statusCode == 0) { totalDeliveryCodesCommitted++; } else { totalDeliveryCodeErrors++; } } } } } Response addStopCompletedDateResponse = AddStopCompletedDate(, aStop.completedDate); if (aStop.completed) { Response addCompletedResponse = CompleteStopTransaction(; } lstStopIds.Add(; //ConsolidateEmails(; } else { theReader.Close(); theResponse.statusCode = 6; theResponse.statusDescription = "The Stop ID " + + " does not exist"; } } if (totalFailureErrors == 0 && totalImageErrors == 0 && totalDeliveryCodeErrors == 0 && totalCommentErrors == 0) { theTrans.Commit(); theResponse.statusCode = 0; theResponse.statusDescription = "All data has been synchronized"; //for(int i = 0; i<lstStopIds.Count;i++) foreach (int id in lstStopIds) ConsolidateEmails(id.ToString()); //ConsolidateEmails(; } else { if (totalFailuresCommitted > 0 || totalImagesCommitted > 0 || totalDeliveryCodeErrors > 0 || totalCommentsCommitted > 0) { theTrans.Commit(); theResponse.statusCode = 6; theResponse.statusDescription = "Some of the data has been synchronized. " + totalFailureErrors + " Failures, " + totalDeliveryCodeErrors + " DeliveryCodes, " + totalImageErrors + " Images and " + totalCommentErrors + " Comments could not be synchronized"; } } } else { theResponse.statusCode = 6; theResponse.statusDescription = "No stops were supplied with the trip model. No data was synchronized."; } } else { theReader.Close(); theResponse.statusCode = 4; theResponse.statusDescription = "Trip ID was invalid"; } } } else { theResponse.statusCode = 6; theResponse.statusDescription = "Trip Model not supplied"; } } catch (Exception ex) { //text = "Exception :" + ex.Message + "\n"; //WriteToFile(text); theTrans.Rollback(); theResponse.statusCode = 6; theResponse.statusDescription = "Unable to update data"; } finally { theTrans = null; closeDataConnection(); } //text = " End time :" + DateTime.Now + "\n"; //WriteToFile(text); return theResponse; }