protected override void Before_each()
     _ship = new LandingShip {Designation = "LS-1223"};
     _item = new AssaultItem {Description = "AT-ST", LoadValue = 6};
 protected override void Because()
     _ship = new LandingShip();
        public int CreateDb()
            var sessionFactory = CreateSessionFactory();

            using (var session = sessionFactory.OpenSession())
                using (var trx = session.BeginTransaction())
                    #region trooplist

                    var troopList = new List<AssaultItem>
                                            new AssaultItem
                                                    Description = "2 Shock Troopers, 6 Stormtroopers",
                                                    LoadValue = 4,
                                                    Type = "Shock Trooper Support Squad"
                                            new AssaultItem
                                                    Description = "5 Dark Troopers",
                                                    LoadValue = 4,
                                                    Type = "Dark Trooper Sqaud"
                                            new AssaultItem
                                                    Description = "8 Scout Troopers",
                                                    LoadValue = 4,
                                                    Type = "Scout Trooper Sqaud"
                                            new AssaultItem
                                                    Description = "Speeder Bike and 1 Scout Trooper",
                                                    LoadValue = 2,
                                                    Type = "Speeder Bike"
                                            new AssaultItem
                                                    Description = "Heavy Blaster and 2 Stormtroopers",
                                                    LoadValue = 1,
                                                    Type = "Heavy Blaster"
                                            new AssaultItem
                                                    Description = "AT-ST and pilot",
                                                    LoadValue = 6,
                                                    Type = "AT-ST"

                    var shockTroopers = new AssaultItem
                                                Description = "6 Shock Troopers",
                                                LoadValue = 4,
                                                Type = "Shock Trooper Sqaud"
                    var stormtroopers = new AssaultItem
                                                Description = "9 Stormtroopers",
                                                LoadValue = 4,
                                                Type = "Standard Stormtrooper Sqaud"


                    foreach (var item in troopList)

                    for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++)
                        var s = new LandingShip { Designation = string.Format("LS11{0}", i), Deployed = false };

                    var landingShip = new LandingShip { Deployed = true, Designation = "LS1138" };


                    var products = new List<Product>()
                                           new Product()
                                                   Description = "Not your daddy's light saber.",
                                                   InStock = true,
                                                   Name = "Asajj Ventress Force FX Saber",
                                                   Price = 29.99m,
                                                   ShortName = "ForceFXSaber"
                                           new Product()
                                                   Description = "A replica of the original.",
                                                   InStock = true,
                                                   Name = "Anakin Skywalker Lightsaber",
                                                   Price = 32.99m,
                                                   ShortName = "SkywalkerLightsaber"
                                           new Product()
                                                   Description = "The perfect balance of weight and performance.",
                                                   InStock = true,
                                                   Name = "Ahsoka Lightsaber",
                                                   Price = 12.99m,
                                                   ShortName = "AhsokaLightsaber"
                                            new Product()
                                                   Description = "Secure your battleship with one of the finest.",
                                                   InStock = false,
                                                   Name = "Senate Security Clone",
                                                   Price = 22.99m,
                                                   ShortName = "SenateSecurityClone"
                                            new Product()
                                                   Description = "Bring in the big guns.",
                                                   InStock = true,
                                                   Name = "Alliance Tank Droid",
                                                   Price = 44.99m,
                                                   ShortName = "AllianceTankDrois"
                                            new Product()
                                                   Description = "Turbo means better!.",
                                                   InStock = true,
                                                   Name = "Clone Wars Turbo Tank",
                                                   Price = 994.99m,
                                                   ShortName = "CloneWarsTank"

                    foreach (var product in products)




            int count;

            using (var session = sessionFactory.OpenSession())
                using (var trx = session.BeginTransaction())
                    var items = session.CreateCriteria(typeof(AssaultItem)).List<AssaultItem>();
                    count = items.Count;

            return count;