public static void InitializeMapFromLevel(this AStarMap map, Tile[,] maptiles) { int yLength = maptiles.GetLength(0); int xLength = maptiles.GetLength(1); Node[,] aStarNodes; aStarNodes = new Node[yLength, xLength]; for (int y = 0; y < yLength; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < xLength; x++) { Walkable walkable = Walkable.Walkable; switch (maptiles[y, x].TileType) { case TileType.Wall: case TileType.Spike: walkable = Walkable.Blocked; break; case TileType.Platform: walkable = Walkable.Platform; break; } if (walkable == Walkable.Walkable) { if (CheckForUnreachable(maptiles, y, x)) walkable = Walkable.NotReachable; } aStarNodes[y, x] = new Node(x, y, Tile.TILE_SIZE, walkable); } } AStarMap.InitializeMap(aStarNodes); }
public MapBoundsForm(StarEdit.LevelEditor.LevelWorker.TileOverLoad poverloader,Tile[,] oldTiles) { InitializeComponent(); overloader = poverloader; oldtiles = oldTiles; SizeXBox.Value = oldtiles.GetLength(1); SizeYBox.Value = oldtiles.GetLength(0); }
public void ModifyTiles(Tile[,] poldTiles,Point pzeroPointModification,Point pnewSize,TileOverLoad poverloader) { percentage = 0; overloader = poverloader; oldTiles = poldTiles; zeroPointModification = pzeroPointModification; newSize = pnewSize; progessTimer.Enabled = true; worker = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ThreadModifiyTiles)); worker.Start(); }
public Quadtree(Tile[,] leveltiles, int layers) { levelBoundingBox = new Rectangle( 0, 0, leveltiles.GetLength(1) * Tile.TILE_SIZE, leveltiles.GetLength(0) * Tile.TILE_SIZE); rootNode = new QuadTreeNode(levelBoundingBox, layers, leveltiles); current_rects = new List<Rectangle>(); MaxLayer = layers; enemyCollisionTiles = new List<Tile>[Environment.ProcessorCount]; enemyiterateNodes = new List<QuadTreeNode>[Environment.ProcessorCount]; }
private void CliffJump(float elapsed,Tile[,] map) { int xpos = (int)pos.X / Tile.TILE_SIZE; int ypos = (int)pos.Y / Tile.TILE_SIZE; if (xpos + 1 < map.GetLength(1) && xpos - 1 >= 0 && ypos + 1 < map.GetLength(0)) { if (map[ypos + 1, xpos].Standable) if (rundirection == StandardDirection.Left) { if (map[ypos + 1, xpos - 1].TileColission_Type == TileCollision.Passable) Jump(elapsed, false,4); } else if (map[ypos + 1, xpos + 1].TileColission_Type == TileCollision.Passable && rundirection == StandardDirection.Right) Jump(elapsed, false,4); } }
/// <summary> /// Checks if the specified Tile is Unreachable for the AStar Algorithm.<para>(KI can not reach it by walking or jumping)</para> /// </summary> /// <param name="maptiles">The Level Tiles</param> /// <param name="tileX">x Coordinate of the Specified Tile</param> /// <param name="tileY">y Coordinate of the Specified Tile</param> /// <returns><para>True if tile is unreachable</para>, <para>Fals if tile is reachable.</para></returns> private static bool CheckForUnreachable(Tile[,] maptiles, int tileX, int tileY) { bool unreachable = true; int yOffset; int xOffset; int mapYMax = maptiles.GetLength(1); int mapXMax = maptiles.GetLength(0); //Build a Pyramide with height of 3 under the CurrentMaptile to check if it is Unreachable for (xOffset = 1; xOffset <= 4 && unreachable && xOffset + tileX < mapXMax; xOffset++) { for (yOffset = -xOffset; yOffset <= xOffset && unreachable && yOffset + tileY < mapXMax && yOffset + tileY >= 0; yOffset++) { unreachable = !maptiles[tileX + xOffset, tileY + yOffset].Standable; } } return unreachable; }
//public LevelVariables(string levelfilecontext,Tile[,] leveltiles) //{ // ErrorMessages = new List<string>(); // string[] leveldata = levelfilecontext.Split(';'); // dict = new Dictionary<string, string>(); // foreach (string data in leveldata) // { // string valuename; // string value; // string[] temp = data.Split('='); // if (temp.Length > 1) // { // valuename = temp[0]; // value = temp[1]; // valuename = valuename.Trim(); // value = value.Trim(); // dict.Add(valuename, value); // } // } // ParseDict(); // GetExit(leveltiles); //} public LevelVariables(string levelfilecontext, Tile[,] leveltiles) { ErrorMessages = new List<string>(); lv = new Dictionary<LV, string>(); dict = new Dictionary<string, string>(); killrectangles = new List<Rectangle>(); string[] leveldata = levelfilecontext.Split(';'); foreach (string data in leveldata) { string valuename; string value; string[] temp = data.Split('='); if (temp.Length > 1) { valuename = temp[0]; value = temp[1]; valuename = valuename.Trim(); value = value.Trim(); dict.Add(valuename, value); } } foreach(LV levelvariables in Enum.GetValues(typeof(LV))) { try { if (dict.ContainsKey(levelvariables.ToString())) lv.Add(levelvariables, dict[levelvariables.ToString()]); else lv.Add(levelvariables, ""); } catch (Exception e) { successfull = false; ErrorMessages.Add("Failed to Load " + levelvariables.ToString() + "\n Additional Info: " + e.Message); } } ParseDict(); GetExit(leveltiles); }
/// <summary> /// This Generates a last node in the Quadtree. /// It contains the Leveltiles which are important for the collision. /// </summary> /// <param name="parentRect">The Rectangle of the Parent Node</param> /// <param name="indicator"></param> /// <param name="levelTiles">The Tiles from the Level which should be included into the Quadtree</param> public QuadTreeNode(Rectangle parentRect, Tile[,] levelTiles) { Rectangle intersectsRect; isLastLayer = true; ownRect = parentRect; intersectsRect = new Rectangle( ownRect.X , ownRect.Y , ownRect.Width, ownRect.Height); ownRect = intersectsRect; tiles = new List<Tile>(); foreach (Tile tile in levelTiles) { if (intersectsRect.Intersects(tile.get_rect) && (tile.TileColission_Type != TileCollision.Passable)) { tiles.Add(tile); } } }
protected void UpdateEnemy(GameTime gameTime, Quadtree quadtree,Vector2 playerPos,int numThread,Tile[,] map) { if (!alive) { timeTillDeath += (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds; if (timeTillDeath > 10) removable = true; //particleManager.Update(gameTime); wave.Update(gameTime, pos); } else { speed = new Vector2(); gravity.Y += GameParameters.Gravity * (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds; UpdateRectangles(pos); speed.Y += gravity.Y; DoEnemyKI(gameTime, quadtree, playerPos, map); if (movementType == MovementType.Normal && !standXStill) { if (rundirection == StandardDirection.Left) speed.X = -maxSpeed; else speed.X = maxSpeed; } speed.Y += jumpSpeed.Y; if (jumping) animations.CurrentAnimation = Anims.Jump; else animations.CurrentAnimation = Anims.Walk; //#TODO : Speed Collision(quadtree, (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds, numThread); animations.Update(gameTime, !(rundirection == standardirection)); pos += speed * (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds; UpdateRectangles(pos); } }
public void loadGrass(Tile[,] tiles) { int max_height = tiles.GetLength(0); int max_width = tiles.GetLength(1); if (tile_x - 1 >= 0) { if (tiles[tile_y, tile_x - 1].TileType != TileType.Wall) { grass[(int)GrassType.Left].rect = new Rectangle(rect.Left, rect.Top, 10, TILE_SIZE); grass[(int)GrassType.Left].type = GrassType.Left; } else { grass[(int)GrassType.Left].rect = Rectangle.Empty; grass[(int)GrassType.Left].type = GrassType.Empty; } } else { grass[(int)GrassType.Left].rect = new Rectangle(rect.Left, rect.Top, 10, TILE_SIZE); grass[(int)GrassType.Left].type = GrassType.Left; } if (tile_x + 1 < max_width) { if (tiles[tile_y, tile_x + 1].TileType != TileType.Wall) { grass[(int)GrassType.Right].rect = new Rectangle(rect.Right - 10, rect.Top, 10, TILE_SIZE); grass[(int)GrassType.Right].type = GrassType.Right; } else { grass[(int)GrassType.Right].rect = Rectangle.Empty; grass[(int)GrassType.Right].type = GrassType.Empty; } } else { grass[(int)GrassType.Right].rect = new Rectangle(rect.Right - 10, rect.Top, 10, TILE_SIZE); grass[(int)GrassType.Right].type = GrassType.Right; } if (tile_y - 1 >= 0) { if (tiles[tile_y - 1, tile_x].TileType != TileType.Wall) { grass[(int)GrassType.Top].rect = new Rectangle(rect.Left - 5, rect.Top - 5, TILE_SIZE + 10, 20); grass[(int)GrassType.Top].type = GrassType.Top; } else { grass[(int)GrassType.Top].rect = Rectangle.Empty; grass[(int)GrassType.Top].type = GrassType.Empty; } } else { grass[(int)GrassType.Top].rect = new Rectangle(rect.Left - 5, rect.Top - 5, TILE_SIZE + 10, 20); grass[(int)GrassType.Top].type = GrassType.Top; } if (tile_y + 1 < max_height) { if (tiles[tile_y + 1, tile_x].TileType != TileType.Wall) { grass[(int)GrassType.Bottom].rect = new Rectangle(rect.Left, rect.Bottom - 10, TILE_SIZE, 10); grass[(int)GrassType.Bottom].type = GrassType.Bottom; } else { grass[(int)GrassType.Bottom].rect = Rectangle.Empty; grass[(int)GrassType.Bottom].type = GrassType.Empty; } } else { grass[(int)GrassType.Bottom].rect = new Rectangle(rect.Left, rect.Bottom - 10, TILE_SIZE, 10); grass[(int)GrassType.Bottom].type = GrassType.Bottom; } }
/// <summary> /// Loads the Level Tiles /// </summary> /// <param name="leveldata">the Content from Level = leveldata ;</param> /// <returns>if it was successfull</returns> private bool load_level_tiles(string leveldata) { bool successfull = true; try { //Split Lines string[] level_lines = leveldata.Split(':'); int x_max = 0; int y_max = level_lines.Count(); string[][] tiledata = new string[y_max][]; //Split each Line into Tiles for (int y = 0; y < y_max; y++) { tiledata[y] = level_lines[y].Split(','); } //Search for longest Line foreach (string[] temp in tiledata) { x_max = (int)MathHelper.Max(temp.Count(), x_max); } // Initializes the 2 dimensional Array tiles = new Tile[y_max, x_max]; //Initialize every Tile for (int y = 0; y < y_max; y++) { //Invoke LevelLoadLineEnhanced Event if (LevelLoadLineEnhanced != null) if ((y + 1) % 20 == 0 || y + 1 == y_max) { LevelLoadLineEnhanced(y + 1, y_max); //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); } for (int x = 0; x < x_max; x++) { //Set Tile Position tiles[y, x] = new Tile(x, y); //If this line is shorter than the longest Line, //then fill rest with Empty tiles if (x >= tiledata[y].Count() ) { tiles[y, x].load_tile(((int)TileType.Empty),null); } else { //Load the Tile //FAIL bool parsing; int tileint; parsing = int.TryParse(tiledata[y][x],out tileint); if (parsing == true) { if(y-1>=0) tiles[y, x].load_tile(int.Parse(tiledata[y][x]), tiles[y - 1, x]); else tiles[y, x].load_tile(int.Parse(tiledata[y][x]),null); //Search for the Start of the Level if (tiles[y, x].TileType == TileType.Start) { startpos.X = tiles[y, x].get_rect.Location.X + Tile.TILE_SIZE / 2; startpos.Y = tiles[y, x].get_rect.Location.Y + Tile.TILE_SIZE / 2; } } else { tiles[y, x].load_tile((int)TileType.Empty,null); } } } } //If Tiles is wall then load grass foreach (Tile tile in tiles) { if (tile.TileType == TileType.Wall) { tile.loadGrass(tiles); } } AStarMap map = new AStarMap(); map.InitializeMapFromLevel(tiles); } catch (Exception ex) { successfull = false; throw new Exception(ex.Message); } return successfull; }
public void Update(GameTime gameTime,Quadtree quadtree,Vector2 playerPos,int numThread,Tile[,] map) { //try { UpdateEnemy(gameTime, quadtree,playerPos,numThread,map); } //catch (Exception e) { //errorMessage = ("Couldn't Update Enemy: " + e.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Generates an Empty Level with default Values /// </summary> /// <param name="serviceProvider">For The Content</param> public void LoadLevel(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, Options options) { content = new ContentManager(serviceProvider); content.RootDirectory = "Data"; textures = new Texture2D[AMOUNT_TILE_TYPES]; startpos = Vector2.Zero; levelvariables = new LevelVariables(); error_messages = new List<string>(); tiles = new Tile[1, 1]; tiles[0, 0] = new Tile(0, 0); tiles[0, 0].load_tile((int)TileType.Empty,null); InitializeEffects(serviceProvider, graphicsDevice, options); reLoadTextures(); }
/// <summary> /// Generates an new default Level with px rows an py coloumns /// </summary> /// <param name="serviceProvider"></param> /// <param name="px"></param> /// <param name="py"></param> public void LoadLevel(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, Options options, int px, int py) { content = new ContentManager(serviceProvider); content.RootDirectory = "Data"; textures = new Texture2D[AMOUNT_TILE_TYPES]; startpos = Vector2.Zero; levelvariables = new LevelVariables(); error_messages = new List<string>(); tiles = new Tile[py, px]; for (int x = 0; x < px; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < py; y++) { tiles[y, x] = new Tile(x, y); if (y - 1 >= 0) tiles[y, x].load_tile(((int)TileType.Empty), tiles[y - 1, x]); else tiles[y, x].load_tile(((int)TileType.Empty), null); } } InitializeEffects(serviceProvider, graphicsDevice, options); reLoadTextures(); }
private QuadTreeNode[] GenerateChildNodes(Rectangle parentRect,int layernumber,int maxLayer,Tile[,] leveltiles) { QuadTreeNode[] childs; layernumber++; if (layernumber + 1 >= maxLayer) { childs = new QuadTreeNode[1]; childs[0] = new QuadTreeNode(parentRect, leveltiles); } else { childs = new QuadTreeNode[4]; childs[0] = new QuadTreeNode(parentRect, QTI.LeftTop, layernumber, maxLayer, leveltiles); childs[1] = new QuadTreeNode(parentRect, QTI.RightTop, layernumber, maxLayer, leveltiles); childs[2] = new QuadTreeNode(parentRect, QTI.LeftBottom, layernumber, maxLayer, leveltiles); childs[3] = new QuadTreeNode(parentRect, QTI.RightBottom, layernumber, maxLayer, leveltiles); } return childs; }
private void DoEnemyKI(GameTime gameTime, Quadtree quadtree, Vector2 playerPos,Tile[,] map) { switch (tracking) { case PlayerTracking.NotTracking: break; case PlayerTracking.Tracking: TrackPlayer((float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds,playerPos); CliffJump((float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds, map); break; } }
public void load_tile(int indicator,Tile tileAbove) { #region "PerChar" /* switch (indicator) { case 'S': //type = TileType.Wall; passable = TileColission.Passable; tile_type = TileType.Start; break; case 'X': //type = "Exit"; passable = TileColission.Passable; tile_type = TileType.Exit; break; case 'W': //type = "Wall"; passable = TileColission.Impassable; tile_type = TileType.Wall; break; default : //type = "Empty"; passable = TileColission.Passable; tile_type = TileType.Empty; break; } */ #endregion //tile_type = TileType.Empty; tile_type = TileType.Empty; passable = TileCollision.Passable; //indicator = indicator.Trim(); foreach (TileType type in Enum.GetValues(typeof(TileType))) { if (((int)type) == indicator) { tile_type = type; } } switch (tile_type) { case (TileType.Wall): passable = TileCollision.Impassable; break; case (TileType.Platform): passable = TileCollision.Platform; break; case TileType.Spike: passable = TileCollision.Event; break; } switch (tile_type) { case TileType.Platform: case TileType.Wall: standable = true; break; default: standable = false; break; } if (tileAbove != null) { switch (tileAbove.TileType) { case TileType.Wall: standable = false; break; default: break; } } }
private void UpdateMouseTile() { Vector2 tilepos = new Vector2(); tilepos += new Vector2(MousePosition.X, MousePosition.Y) / camera.Scale; tilepos -= FormLocation / camera.Scale; tilepos -= camera.Position; tilepos -= camera.Offset; tilepos -= mouseoffset / camera.Scale; int tx = (int)(tilepos.X / 32 - 0.5f); int ty = (int)((tilepos.Y / 32)) - (int)(1 / camera.Scale); mousetile = new Tile(tx, ty); if (tx >= 0 && ty >= 0 && tx < level.Tiles.GetLength(1) && ty < level.Tiles.GetLength(0)) { mousetile.load_tile((int)mousetiletype,null); if (level.Tiles != null && mousetile.TileType == TileType.Wall) { mousetile.LoadGrass(); } } else { mousetile.load_tile((int)TileType.Error,null); } if (placing == true) { PlaceMouseTile(); } }
private void GetKillRectangles(Tile[,] leveltiles) { foreach(Tile tile in leveltiles) { if (tile.TileType == TileType.Spike) { Rectangle rect = tile.get_rect; rect.Y += 12; rect.Height -= 12; killrectangles.Add(rect); } } }
private void GetExit(Tile[,] leveltiles) { foreach (Tile tile in leveltiles) { if (tile.TileType == TileType.Exit) { exitrect = tile.get_rect; break; } } }
protected override void Initialize() { //Initilaize Layer Data layerData = new Dictionary<LayerFX, LayerFXData>(); //Fill Dictionary with Default Values foreach (LayerFX layer in Enum.GetValues(typeof(LayerFX))) { layerData.Add(layer, LayerFXData.Default); } editorcontent = new ContentManager(Services, "StarEditData"); gamecontent = new ContentManager(Services, "Data"); blanktex = gamecontent.Load<Texture2D>("Stuff/Blank"); recttool = new Rectangle(); options = new Options(); options.ScreenHeight = DisplayRectangle.Height; options.ScreenWidth = DisplayRectangle.Width; options.ScreenWidth = GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferWidth; options.ScreenHeight = GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferHeight; = GraphicsDevice; options.InitObjectHolder.serviceProvider = Services; oldscreensize = new Point(DisplayRectangle.Width, DisplayRectangle.Height); try { arial = editorcontent.Load<SpriteFont>("Arial"); spritebatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); } catch (Exception e) { string error = e.Message; } level = new Level(); level.LoadLevel(Services,GraphicsDevice,options); //level = new Level(Services); iObjectManager = new InteractiveObjectManager(); iObjectManager.Initialize(Services, level.LevelVariables, GraphicsDevice, options); rearparallaxLayer = new ParallaxLayer(); frontparallaxLayer = new ParallaxLayer(); cloudlayer = new CloudLayer(); reardecoLayer = new DecoLayer(); frontDecoLayer = new DecoLayer(); SetBGRect(); camera = new Camera(DisplayRectangle.Width, DisplayRectangle.Height, Vector2.Zero, DisplayRectangle.Height / 600f); mousetile = new Tile(0, 0); mousetile.load_tile((int)TileType.Wall,null); mouseTex = editorcontent.Load<Texture2D>("mousetile"); if (level.Tiles != null) { mousetile.LoadGrass(); } SetBorders(1, 1); enemymanager = new EnemyManager(Services, new Options()); try { placeEnemy = new SingleEnemyManager(Services); placeEnemy.LoadEnemy(selectedEnemy); } catch (Exception e) { FileManager.WriteInErrorLog(this, e.Message, e.GetType()); } bg_tex = new Texture2D(GraphicsDevice, 1, 1); colorizePost = new ColorizeLUT(); colorizePost.Initialize(Services,GraphicsDevice,new Options()); colorizePost.Enabled = true; colorizePost.StartResetEffect(); colorizePost.FxData = LayerFXData.Default; colorizeBackground = new ColorizeLUT(); colorizeBackground.Initialize(Services, GraphicsDevice, new Options()); colorizeBackground.Enabled = true; colorizeBackground.StartResetEffect(); target = new RenderTarget2D(GraphicsDevice, GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferWidth, GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferHeight, false, SurfaceFormat.Color, DepthFormat.None, GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.MultiSampleCount, RenderTargetUsage.PreserveContents); }
private void platform_collision(Tile tile,ref Vector2 speed,ref Vector2 temp_pos,ref List<CollisionType> intersects) { Rectangle tile_rect = tile.get_rect; tile_rect.Y += 7; if (bottom.Intersects(tile_rect) && speed.Y > 0 && !left.Intersects(tile_rect) && !right.Intersects(tile_rect) && !top.Intersects(tile_rect)) { intersects.Add(CollisionType.StandsOnIt); temp_pos.Y -= bottom.Bottom - tile_rect.Top; speed.Y = 0; } }
private void impassable_collision(Tile tile,ref Vector2 speed, ref Vector2 temp_pos,ref List<CollisionType> intersects) { if (bottom.Intersects(tile.get_rect) && speed.Y > 0) { intersects.Add(CollisionType.StandsOnIt); //int temp = (bounding_box.Bottom - tile.get_rect.Top); speed.Y = 0; temp_pos.Y -= bounding_box.Bottom - tile.get_rect.Top; //pos.Y -= bottom.Bottom - tile.get_rect.Top; //move_down = false; } else if (right.Intersects(tile.get_rect) && speed.X >= 0) { if (is_jumping == true) { intersects.Add(CollisionType.JumpsAgainstIt); } else { intersects.Add(CollisionType.WalksAgainstIt); } speed.X = 0; temp_pos.X -= right.Right - tile.get_rect.Left; //move_right = false; } else if (left.Intersects(tile.get_rect) && speed.X <= 0) { if (is_jumping == true) { intersects.Add(CollisionType.JumpsAgainstIt); } else { intersects.Add(CollisionType.WalksAgainstIt); } speed.X = 0; temp_pos.X += tile.get_rect.Right - left.Left; //move_left = false; } else if (top.Intersects(tile.get_rect) && speed.Y < 0) { intersects.Add(CollisionType.JumpsAgainstTop); speed.Y = 0; jump.Y = -physics.Y; temp_pos.Y += tile.get_rect.Bottom - bounding_box.Top; //physics.Y = 0; //move_up = false; } }
/// <summary> /// Generates the RootNode of the Quadtree /// </summary> /// <param name="parentRect">The Rectangle of the RootNode /// (normally the Bounding Box of the Level)</param> /// <param name="maxLayer">The Maximum count of Layers in the Quadtree</param> /// <param name="leveltiles">The Tiles from the Level which should be included into the Quadtree</param> public QuadTreeNode(Rectangle parentRect, int maxLayer, Tile[,] leveltiles) { ownRect = parentRect; childTreeNodes = GenerateChildNodes(ownRect, 0, maxLayer, leveltiles); }
private void ThreadModifiyTiles() { Tile[,] newtiles; Point oldSize = new Point( oldTiles.GetLength(1), oldTiles.GetLength(0)); Point totalSize = new Point( newSize.X - zeroPointModification.X, newSize.Y - zeroPointModification.Y); newtiles = new Tile[totalSize.Y, totalSize.X]; int y; int x; int newx; int newy; for (y = zeroPointModification.Y,newy=0; y < newSize.Y && newy<totalSize.Y; y++,newy++) { for(x=zeroPointModification.X,newx = 0;x< newSize.X && newx<totalSize.X;x++,newx++) { newtiles[newy, newx] = new Tile(newx, newy); if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= oldSize.X || y >= oldSize.Y) { newtiles[newy, newx].load_tile((int)TileType.Empty,null); } else { newtiles[newy, newx].load_tile((int)oldTiles[y, x].TileType,null); } } percentage = ((float)newy / (float)totalSize.Y) *100; } foreach (Tile tile in newtiles) { tile.loadGrass(newtiles); } percentage = 100; overloader(newtiles); }
public void SetLevel(Tile[,] newtiles) { levelControl1.Level.Tiles = newtiles; levelControl1.SetBorders(newtiles.GetLength(1), newtiles.GetLength(0)); //Focus(); }
public void Update(GameTime gameTime, Quadtree quadtree, Vector2 playerPos,Rectangle playerRect,Tile[,] map,Matrix matrix) { = map; this.gameTime = gameTime; this.quadtree = quadtree; this.playerPos = playerPos; CheckIntersection(playerRect,matrix); ClearEnemies(); for (int i = 0; i < updater.Length;i++) { //thread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(UpdateThread)); if (updater[i].ThreadState == ThreadState.Unstarted) updater[i].Start(i); if (updater[i].ThreadState == ThreadState.Suspended) updater[i].Resume(); } }
private List<CollisionType> collision(Tile tile,ref Vector2 speed,ref Vector2 temp_pos,Input.RunDirection rundirection) { //collission.Clear(); right = new Rectangle(bounding_box.Right-5, bounding_box.Top+10, 5, bounding_box.Height-35); left = new Rectangle(bounding_box.Left, bounding_box.Top+10, 5, bounding_box.Height-35); top = new Rectangle(bounding_box.Left+6, bounding_box.Top-3, bounding_box.Width-12,3); bottom = new Rectangle(bounding_box.Left+6, bounding_box.Bottom-6, bounding_box.Width-12, 3); List<CollisionType> intersects = new List<CollisionType>(); Vector2 distance_vector = new Vector2(tile.get_rect.Center.X, tile.get_rect.Center.Y) - temp_pos; switch (tile.TileColission_Type) { case (TileCollision.Impassable): impassable_collision(tile, ref speed, ref temp_pos, ref intersects); break; case (TileCollision.Platform): platform_collision(tile,ref speed,ref temp_pos,ref intersects); break; } return intersects; }
/// <summary> /// Generates a normal node of the Quadtree. /// This one contains no Tiles, but conatins 4 ChildNodes /// </summary> /// <param name="parentRect">The Rectangle of the Parent Node. /// The Node will generate his own rectangle depending on the Indicator</param> /// <param name="indicator">The Indicator controlls which Position this Node will have in the Parent Node</param> /// <param name="layernumber">The current Layernumber</param> /// <param name="maxLayer">The Maximum count of Layers in the Quadtree</param> /// <param name="leveltiles">The Tiles from the Level which should be included into the Quadtree</param> public QuadTreeNode(Rectangle parentRect,QTI indicator,int layernumber,int maxLayer,Tile[,] leveltiles) { ownRect = GenerateRect(parentRect, indicator); childTreeNodes = GenerateChildNodes(ownRect, layernumber, maxLayer, leveltiles); }