public void PushCount_ReturnsCountOfPushed() { Stack stack = new Stack(); String pushed1 = null; String pushed2 = ""; String pushed3 = "three"; stack.Push(pushed1); stack.Push(pushed2); stack.Push(pushed3); int expected = 3; int actual = stack.Count(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual, "Number of items pushed does not equal number of items counted"); }
public void IsEmptyPoppedStack_ReturnsTrue() { Stack stack = new Stack(); stack.Push("one"); stack.Pop(); bool expected = true; bool actual = stack.IsEmpty(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual, "The popped stack is not empty"); }
public void PushPeek_RetainsPeekValue() { Stack stack = new Stack(); String pushed = "one"; stack.Push(pushed); stack.Peek(); bool expectedBool = false; bool actualBool = stack.IsEmpty(); Assert.AreEqual(expectedBool, actualBool, "Peeked value not on top of stack"); }
public void PushedStackIsEmpty_ReturnsFalse() { Stack stack = new Stack(); stack.Push("one"); bool expected = false; bool actual = stack.IsEmpty(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual, "The pushed stack is empty"); }
public void PushPop_ReturnsPushValue() { Stack stack = new Stack(); String pushed = "one"; stack.Push(pushed); String popped = stack.Pop(); Assert.AreEqual(pushed, popped, "Popped value does not equal pushed value"); }
public void PushPop_DeletesPopValue() { Stack stack = new Stack(); String pushed = "one"; stack.Push(pushed); stack.Pop(); bool expectedBool = true; bool actualBool = stack.IsEmpty(); Assert.AreEqual(expectedBool, actualBool, "Popped value not deleted"); }
public void PushPopCount_ReturnsZero() { Stack stack = new Stack(); String pushed1 = "one"; stack.Push(pushed1); stack.Pop(); int expected = 0; int actual = stack.Count(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual, "Popped stack not empty"); }
public void PushPeek_ReturnsPushValue() { Stack stack = new Stack(); String pushed = "one"; stack.Push(pushed); String peeked = stack.Peek(); Assert.AreEqual(pushed, peeked, "Pushed value does not equal peeked value"); }