/// <summary>
        /// Begins profiling for the given context.
        /// If the same context object is returned by the registered IProfiler, the IProfiledCommands
        /// will be associated with each other.
        /// Call FinishProfiling with the same context to get the assocated commands.
        /// Note that forContext cannot be a WeakReference or a WeakReference&lt;T&gt;
        /// </summary>
        public void BeginProfiling(object forContext)
            if (profiler == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot begin profiling if no IProfiler has been registered with RegisterProfiler");
            if (forContext == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(forContext));
            if (forContext is WeakReference)
                throw new ArgumentException("Context object cannot be a WeakReference", nameof(forContext));

            if (!profiledCommands.TryCreate(forContext))
                throw ExceptionFactory.BeganProfilingWithDuplicateContext(forContext);