public async Task ConfigVerifyReceiveConfigChangeBroadcast() { _ = GetConfiguration(); using (var sender = Create(allowAdmin: true)) using (var receiver = Create(syncTimeout: 2000)) { int total = 0; receiver.ConfigurationChangedBroadcast += (s, a) => { Log("Config changed: " + (a.EndPoint == null ? "(none)" : a.EndPoint.ToString())); Interlocked.Increment(ref total); }; // send a reconfigure/reconnect message long count = sender.PublishReconfigure(); GetServer(receiver).Ping(); GetServer(receiver).Ping(); await Task.Delay(1000).ConfigureAwait(false); Assert.True(count == -1 || count >= 2, "subscribers"); Assert.True(Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref total, 0, 0) >= 1, "total (1st)"); Interlocked.Exchange(ref total, 0); // and send a second time via a re-master operation var server = GetServer(sender); if (server.IsReplica) { Skip.Inconclusive("didn't expect a replica"); } server.MakeMaster(ReplicationChangeOptions.Broadcast); await Task.Delay(1000).ConfigureAwait(false); GetServer(receiver).Ping(); GetServer(receiver).Ping(); Assert.True(Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref total, 0, 0) >= 1, "total (2nd)"); } }
public void LuaScriptWithKeys() { const string Script = "'set', @key, @value)"; using (var conn = Create(allowAdmin: true)) { Skip.IfMissingFeature(conn, nameof(RedisFeatures.Scripting), f => f.Scripting); var server = conn.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.MasterServerAndPort); server.ScriptFlush(); var script = LuaScript.Prepare(Script); var db = conn.GetDatabase(); var key = Me(); db.KeyDelete(key, CommandFlags.FireAndForget); var p = new { key = (RedisKey)key, value = 123 }; script.Evaluate(db, p); var val = db.StringGet(key); Assert.Equal(123, (int)val); // no super clean way to extract this; so just abuse InternalsVisibleTo script.ExtractParameters(p, null, out RedisKey[] keys, out RedisValue[] args);
public void ConnectToAzure(int?port, bool ssl) { Skip.IfNoConfig(nameof(TestConfig.Config.AzureCacheServer), TestConfig.Current.AzureCacheServer); Skip.IfNoConfig(nameof(TestConfig.Config.AzureCachePassword), TestConfig.Current.AzureCachePassword); var options = new ConfigurationOptions(); if (port == null) { options.EndPoints.Add(TestConfig.Current.AzureCacheServer); } else { options.EndPoints.Add(TestConfig.Current.AzureCacheServer, port.Value); } options.Ssl = ssl; options.Password = TestConfig.Current.AzureCachePassword; Output.WriteLine(options.ToString()); using (var connection = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(options)) { var ttl = connection.GetDatabase().Ping(); Output.WriteLine(ttl.ToString()); } }
public void StreamInfoGet() { var key = GetUniqueKey("stream_info"); using (var conn = Create()) { Skip.IfMissingFeature(conn, nameof(RedisFeatures.Streams), r => r.Streams); var db = conn.GetDatabase(); var id1 = db.StreamAdd(key, "field1", "value1"); var id2 = db.StreamAdd(key, "field2", "value2"); var id3 = db.StreamAdd(key, "field3", "value3"); var id4 = db.StreamAdd(key, "field4", "value4"); var streamInfo = db.StreamInfo(key); Assert.Equal(4, streamInfo.Length); Assert.True(streamInfo.RadixTreeKeys > 0); Assert.True(streamInfo.RadixTreeNodes > 0); Assert.Equal(id1, streamInfo.FirstEntry.Id); Assert.Equal(id4, streamInfo.LastEntry.Id); } }
public void StreamReadEmptyStream() { var key = GetUniqueKey("read_empty_stream"); using (var conn = Create()) { Skip.IfMissingFeature(conn, nameof(RedisFeatures.Streams), r => r.Streams); var db = conn.GetDatabase(); // Write to a stream to create the key. var id1 = db.StreamAdd(key, "field1", "value1"); // Delete the key to empty the stream. db.StreamDelete(key, new RedisValue[] { id1 }); var len = db.StreamLength(key); // Read the entire stream from the beginning. var entries = db.StreamRead(key, "0-0"); Assert.True(entries.Length == 0); Assert.Equal(0, len); } }
public void StreamConsumerGroupViewPendingMessageInfoForConsumer() { var key = GetUniqueKey("group_pending_for_consumer"); var groupName = "test_group"; var consumer1 = "test_consumer_1"; var consumer2 = "test_consumer_2"; using (var conn = Create()) { Skip.IfMissingFeature(conn, nameof(RedisFeatures.Streams), r => r.Streams); var db = conn.GetDatabase(); var id1 = db.StreamAdd(key, "field1", "value1"); var id2 = db.StreamAdd(key, "field2", "value2"); var id3 = db.StreamAdd(key, "field3", "value3"); var id4 = db.StreamAdd(key, "field4", "value4"); db.StreamCreateConsumerGroup(key, groupName, "-"); // Read a single message into the first consumer. var consumer1Messages = db.StreamReadGroup(key, groupName, consumer1, count: 1); // Read the remaining messages into the second consumer. var consumer2Messages = db.StreamReadGroup(key, groupName, consumer2); // Get the pending info about the messages themselves. var pendingMessageInfoList = db.StreamPendingMessages(key, groupName, 10, consumer2); Assert.NotNull(pendingMessageInfoList); Assert.Equal(3, pendingMessageInfoList.Length); } }
public void StreamConsumerGroupViewPendingInfoWhenNothingPending() { var key = GetUniqueKey("group_pending_info_nothing_pending"); var groupName = "test_group"; using (var conn = Create()) { Skip.IfMissingFeature(conn, nameof(RedisFeatures.Streams), r => r.Streams); var db = conn.GetDatabase(); var id1 = db.StreamAdd(key, "field1", "value1"); db.StreamCreateConsumerGroup(key, groupName, "0-0"); var pendingMessages = db.StreamPendingMessages(key, groupName, 10, consumerName: RedisValue.Null); Assert.NotNull(pendingMessages); Assert.True(pendingMessages.Length == 0); } }
public void StreamConsumerGroupViewPendingInfoNoConsumers() { var key = GetUniqueKey("group_pending_info_no_consumers"); var groupName = "test_group"; using (var conn = Create()) { Skip.IfMissingFeature(conn, nameof(RedisFeatures.Streams), r => r.Streams); var db = conn.GetDatabase(); var id1 = db.StreamAdd(key, "field1", "value1"); db.StreamCreateConsumerGroup(key, groupName, "-"); var pendingInfo = db.StreamPending(key, groupName); Assert.Equal(0, pendingInfo.PendingMessageCount); Assert.True(pendingInfo.LowestPendingMessageId == RedisValue.Null); Assert.True(pendingInfo.HighestPendingMessageId == RedisValue.Null); Assert.NotNull(pendingInfo.Consumers); Assert.True(pendingInfo.Consumers.Length == 0); } }
public void StreamReadMultipleStreamsWithCount() { var key1 = GetUniqueKey("read_multi_count_1"); var key2 = GetUniqueKey("read_multi_count_2"); using (var conn = Create()) { Skip.IfMissingFeature(conn, nameof(RedisFeatures.Streams), r => r.Streams); var db = conn.GetDatabase(); var id1 = db.StreamAdd(key1, "field1", "value1"); var id2 = db.StreamAdd(key1, "fiedl2", "value2"); var id3 = db.StreamAdd(key2, "field3", "value3"); var id4 = db.StreamAdd(key2, "field4", "value4"); var streamList = new StreamIdPair[2] { new StreamIdPair(key1, "0-0"), new StreamIdPair(key2, "0-0") }; var streams = db.StreamRead(streamList, countPerStream: 1); // We should get both streams back. Assert.True(streams.Length == 2); // Ensure we only got one message per stream. Assert.True(streams[0].Entries.Length == 1); Assert.True(streams[1].Entries.Length == 1); // Check the message IDs as well. Assert.Equal(id1, streams[0].Entries[0].Id); Assert.Equal(id3, streams[1].Entries[0].Id); } }
public void SortedSetPopMulti_Multi() { using (var conn = Create()) { Skip.IfMissingFeature(conn, nameof(RedisFeatures.SortedSetPop), r => r.SortedSetPop); var db = conn.GetDatabase(); var key = Me(); db.KeyDelete(key, CommandFlags.FireAndForget); db.SortedSetAdd(key, entries, CommandFlags.FireAndForget); var first = db.SortedSetPop(key, Order.Ascending); Assert.True(first.HasValue); Assert.Equal(entries[0], first.Value); Assert.Equal(9, db.SortedSetLength(key)); var lasts = db.SortedSetPop(key, 2, Order.Descending); Assert.Equal(2, lasts.Length); Assert.Equal(entries[9], lasts[0]); Assert.Equal(entries[8], lasts[1]); Assert.Equal(7, db.SortedSetLength(key)); } }
public async Task TestIncrByFloat() { using (var muxer = Create()) { Skip.IfMissingFeature(muxer, nameof(RedisFeatures.IncrementFloat), r => r.IncrementFloat); var conn = muxer.GetDatabase(); var key = Me(); _ = conn.KeyDeleteAsync(key).ForAwait(); var aTasks = new Task <double> [1000]; var bTasks = new Task <double> [1000]; for (int i = 1; i < 1001; i++) { aTasks[i - 1] = conn.HashIncrementAsync(key, "a", 1.0); bTasks[i - 1] = conn.HashIncrementAsync(key, "b", -1.0); } await Task.WhenAll(bTasks).ForAwait(); for (int i = 1; i < 1001; i++) { Assert.Equal(i, aTasks[i - 1].Result); Assert.Equal(-i, bTasks[i - 1].Result); } } }
public async Task Basic() { var fromConfig = new ConfigurationOptions { EndPoints = { { TestConfig.Current.SecureServer, TestConfig.Current.SecurePort } }, Password = TestConfig.Current.SecurePassword, AllowAdmin = true }; var toConfig = new ConfigurationOptions { EndPoints = { { TestConfig.Current.MasterServer, TestConfig.Current.MasterPort } }, AllowAdmin = true }; using (var from = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(fromConfig)) using (var to = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(toConfig)) { if (await IsWindows(from) || await IsWindows(to)) { Skip.Inconclusive("'migrate' is unreliable on redis-64"); } RedisKey key = Me(); var fromDb = from.GetDatabase(); var toDb = to.GetDatabase(); fromDb.KeyDelete(key, CommandFlags.FireAndForget); toDb.KeyDelete(key, CommandFlags.FireAndForget); fromDb.StringSet(key, "foo", flags: CommandFlags.FireAndForget); var dest = to.GetEndPoints(true).Single(); fromDb.KeyMigrate(key, dest); await Task.Delay(1000); // this is *meant* to be synchronous at the redis level, but // we keep seeing it fail on the CI server where the key has *left* the origin, but // has *not* yet arrived at the destination; adding a pause while we investigate with // the redis folks Assert.False(fromDb.KeyExists(key)); Assert.True(toDb.KeyExists(key)); string s = toDb.StringGet(key); Assert.Equal("foo", s); } }
public async Task GetStats() { using (var conn = Create()) { Skip.IfMissingFeature(conn, nameof(RedisFeatures.Memory), r => r.Streams); var server = conn.GetServer(conn.GetEndPoints()[0]); var stats = server.MemoryStats(); Assert.Equal(ResultType.MultiBulk, stats.Type); var parsed = stats.ToDictionary(); var alloc = parsed["total.allocated"]; Assert.Equal(ResultType.Integer, alloc.Type); Assert.True(alloc.AsInt64() > 0); stats = await server.MemoryStatsAsync(); Assert.Equal(ResultType.MultiBulk, stats.Type); alloc = parsed["total.allocated"]; Assert.Equal(ResultType.Integer, alloc.Type); Assert.True(alloc.AsInt64() > 0); } }
public void StreamConsumerGroupReadOnlyNewMessagesWithEmptyResponse() { var key = GetUniqueKey("group_read"); var groupName = "test_group"; using (var conn = Create()) { Skip.IfMissingFeature(conn, nameof(RedisFeatures.Streams), r => r.Streams); var db = conn.GetDatabase(); // Create a stream db.StreamAdd(key, "field1", "value1"); db.StreamAdd(key, "field2", "value2"); // Create a group. db.StreamCreateConsumerGroup(key, groupName); // Read, expect no messages var entries = db.StreamReadGroup(key, groupName, "test_consumer", "0-0"); Assert.True(entries.Length == 0); } }
protected virtual ConnectionMultiplexer Create( string clientName = null, int?syncTimeout = null, bool?allowAdmin = null, int?keepAlive = null, int?connectTimeout = null, string password = null, string tieBreaker = null, TextWriter log = null, bool fail = true, string[] disabledCommands = null, string[] enabledCommands = null, bool checkConnect = true, bool pause = true, string failMessage = null, string channelPrefix = null, bool useSharedSocketManager = true, Proxy?proxy = null) { if (pause) { Thread.Sleep(250); // get a lot of glitches when hammering new socket creations etc; pace it out a bit } string configuration = GetConfiguration(); var config = ConfigurationOptions.Parse(configuration); if (disabledCommands != null && disabledCommands.Length != 0) { config.CommandMap = CommandMap.Create(new HashSet <string>(disabledCommands), false); } else if (enabledCommands != null && enabledCommands.Length != 0) { config.CommandMap = CommandMap.Create(new HashSet <string>(enabledCommands), true); } if (Debugger.IsAttached) { syncTimeout = int.MaxValue; } if (useSharedSocketManager) { config.SocketManager = socketManager; } if (channelPrefix != null) { config.ChannelPrefix = channelPrefix; } if (tieBreaker != null) { config.TieBreaker = tieBreaker; } if (password != null) { config.Password = string.IsNullOrEmpty(password) ? null : password; } if (clientName != null) { config.ClientName = clientName; } if (syncTimeout != null) { config.SyncTimeout = syncTimeout.Value; } if (allowAdmin != null) { config.AllowAdmin = allowAdmin.Value; } if (keepAlive != null) { config.KeepAlive = keepAlive.Value; } if (connectTimeout != null) { config.ConnectTimeout = connectTimeout.Value; } if (proxy != null) { config.Proxy = proxy.Value; } var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var task = ConnectionMultiplexer.ConnectAsync(config, log ?? Writer); if (!task.Wait(config.ConnectTimeout >= (int.MaxValue / 2) ? int.MaxValue : config.ConnectTimeout * 2)) { task.ContinueWith(x => { try { GC.KeepAlive(x.Exception); } catch { } }, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted); throw new TimeoutException("Connect timeout"); } watch.Stop(); if (Output == null) { Assert.True(false, "Failure: Be sure to call the TestBase constuctor like this: BasicOpsTests(ITestOutputHelper output) : base(output) { }"); } Output.WriteLine("Connect took: " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms"); var muxer = task.Result; if (checkConnect && (muxer == null || !muxer.IsConnected)) { // If fail is true, we throw. Assert.False(fail, failMessage + "Server is not available"); Skip.Inconclusive(failMessage + "Server is not available"); } muxer.InternalError += OnInternalError; muxer.ConnectionFailed += OnConnectionFailed; return(muxer); }
public void ScanResume() { using (var conn = Create(allowAdmin: true)) { // only goes up to 3.*, so... Skip.IfMissingFeature(conn, nameof(RedisFeatures.Scan), x => x.Scan); var dbId = TestConfig.GetDedicatedDB(conn); var db = conn.GetDatabase(dbId); var prefix = Me(); var server = GetServer(conn); server.FlushDatabase(dbId); int i; for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { db.StringSet(prefix + ":" + i, Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); } var expected = new HashSet <string>(); long snapCursor = 0; int snapOffset = 0, snapPageSize = 0; i = 0; var seq = server.Keys(dbId, prefix + ":*", pageSize: 15); foreach (var key in seq) { if (i == 57) { snapCursor = ((IScanningCursor)seq).Cursor; snapOffset = ((IScanningCursor)seq).PageOffset; snapPageSize = ((IScanningCursor)seq).PageSize; Log($"i: {i}, Cursor: {snapCursor}, Offset: {snapOffset}, PageSize: {snapPageSize}"); } if (i >= 57) { expected.Add((string)key); } i++; } Log($"Expected: 43, Actual: {expected.Count}, Cursor: {snapCursor}, Offset: {snapOffset}, PageSize: {snapPageSize}"); Assert.Equal(43, expected.Count); Assert.NotEqual(0, snapCursor); Assert.Equal(15, snapPageSize); // note: you might think that we can say "hmmm, 57 when using page-size 15 on an empty (flushed) db (so: no skipped keys); that'll be // offset 12 in the 4th page; you'd be wrong, though; page size doesn't *actually* mean page size; it is a rough analogue for // page size, with zero guarantees; in this particular test, the first page actually has 19 elements, for example. So: we cannot // make the following assertion: // Assert.Equal(12, snapOffset); seq = server.Keys(dbId, prefix + ":*", pageSize: 15, cursor: snapCursor, pageOffset: snapOffset); var seqCur = (IScanningCursor)seq; Assert.Equal(snapCursor, seqCur.Cursor); Assert.Equal(snapPageSize, seqCur.PageSize); Assert.Equal(snapOffset, seqCur.PageOffset); using (var iter = seq.GetEnumerator()) { var iterCur = (IScanningCursor)iter; Assert.Equal(snapCursor, iterCur.Cursor); Assert.Equal(snapOffset, iterCur.PageOffset); Assert.Equal(snapCursor, seqCur.Cursor); Assert.Equal(snapOffset, seqCur.PageOffset); Assert.True(iter.MoveNext()); Assert.Equal(snapCursor, iterCur.Cursor); Assert.Equal(snapOffset, iterCur.PageOffset); Assert.Equal(snapCursor, seqCur.Cursor); Assert.Equal(snapOffset, seqCur.PageOffset); Assert.True(iter.MoveNext()); Assert.Equal(snapCursor, iterCur.Cursor); Assert.Equal(snapOffset + 1, iterCur.PageOffset); Assert.Equal(snapCursor, seqCur.Cursor); Assert.Equal(snapOffset + 1, seqCur.PageOffset); } int count = 0; foreach (var key in seq) { expected.Remove((string)key); count++; } Assert.Empty(expected); Assert.Equal(43, count); } }
public async Task SubscriptionsSurviveMasterSwitchAsync(bool useSharedSocketManager) { if (RunningInCI) { Skip.Inconclusive("TODO: Fix race in broadcast reconfig a zero latency."); } using (var a = Create(allowAdmin: true, useSharedSocketManager: useSharedSocketManager)) using (var b = Create(allowAdmin: true, useSharedSocketManager: useSharedSocketManager)) { RedisChannel channel = Me(); var subA = a.GetSubscriber(); var subB = b.GetSubscriber(); long masterChanged = 0, aCount = 0, bCount = 0; a.ConfigurationChangedBroadcast += delegate { Output.WriteLine("A noticed config broadcast: " + Interlocked.Increment(ref masterChanged)); }; b.ConfigurationChangedBroadcast += delegate { Output.WriteLine("B noticed config broadcast: " + Interlocked.Increment(ref masterChanged)); }; subA.Subscribe(channel, (_, message) => { Output.WriteLine("A got message: " + message); Interlocked.Increment(ref aCount); }); subB.Subscribe(channel, (_, message) => { Output.WriteLine("B got message: " + message); Interlocked.Increment(ref bCount); }); Assert.False(a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort).IsSlave, $"A Connection: {TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort} should be a master"); Assert.True(a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort).IsSlave, $"A Connection: {TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort} should be a slave"); Assert.False(b.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort).IsSlave, $"B Connection: {TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort} should be a master"); Assert.True(b.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort).IsSlave, $"B Connection: {TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort} should be a slave"); var epA = subA.SubscribedEndpoint(channel); var epB = subB.SubscribedEndpoint(channel); Output.WriteLine("A: " + EndPointCollection.ToString(epA)); Output.WriteLine("B: " + EndPointCollection.ToString(epB)); subA.Publish(channel, "A1"); subB.Publish(channel, "B1"); subA.Ping(); subB.Ping(); Assert.Equal(2, Interlocked.Read(ref aCount)); Assert.Equal(2, Interlocked.Read(ref bCount)); Assert.Equal(0, Interlocked.Read(ref masterChanged)); try { Interlocked.Exchange(ref masterChanged, 0); Interlocked.Exchange(ref aCount, 0); Interlocked.Exchange(ref bCount, 0); Output.WriteLine("Changing master..."); using (var sw = new StringWriter()) { a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort).MakeMaster(ReplicationChangeOptions.All, sw); Output.WriteLine(sw.ToString()); } await Task.Delay(5000).ForAwait(); subA.Ping(); subB.Ping(); Output.WriteLine("Pausing..."); Output.WriteLine("A " + TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort + " status: " + (a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort).IsSlave ? "Slave" : "Master")); Output.WriteLine("A " + TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort + " status: " + (a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort).IsSlave ? "Slave" : "Master")); Output.WriteLine("B " + TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort + " status: " + (b.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort).IsSlave ? "Slave" : "Master")); Output.WriteLine("B " + TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort + " status: " + (b.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort).IsSlave ? "Slave" : "Master")); Assert.True(a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort).IsSlave, $"A Connection: {TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort} should be a slave"); Assert.False(a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort).IsSlave, $"A Connection: {TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort} should be a master"); Assert.True(b.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort).IsSlave, $"B Connection: {TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort} should be a slave"); Assert.False(b.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort).IsSlave, $"B Connection: {TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort} should be a master"); Output.WriteLine("Pause complete"); Output.WriteLine("A outstanding: " + a.GetCounters().TotalOutstanding); Output.WriteLine("B outstanding: " + b.GetCounters().TotalOutstanding); subA.Ping(); subB.Ping(); await Task.Delay(2000).ForAwait(); epA = subA.SubscribedEndpoint(channel); epB = subB.SubscribedEndpoint(channel); Output.WriteLine("A: " + EndPointCollection.ToString(epA)); Output.WriteLine("B: " + EndPointCollection.ToString(epB)); Output.WriteLine("A2 sent to: " + subA.Publish(channel, "A2")); Output.WriteLine("B2 sent to: " + subB.Publish(channel, "B2")); subA.Ping(); subB.Ping(); Output.WriteLine("Checking..."); Assert.Equal(2, Interlocked.Read(ref aCount)); Assert.Equal(2, Interlocked.Read(ref bCount)); // Expect 6, because a sees a, but b sees a and b due to replication Assert.Equal(6, Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref masterChanged, 0, 0)); } finally { Output.WriteLine("Restoring configuration..."); try { a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort).MakeMaster(ReplicationChangeOptions.All); await Task.Delay(1000).ForAwait(); } catch { } } } }
public async Task SubscriptionsSurviveMasterSwitchAsync() { void TopologyFail() => Skip.Inconclusive("Replication tolopogy change failed...and that's both inconsistent and not what we're testing."); if (RunningInCI) { Skip.Inconclusive("TODO: Fix race in broadcast reconfig a zero latency."); } using (var a = Create(allowAdmin: true, shared: false)) using (var b = Create(allowAdmin: true, shared: false)) { RedisChannel channel = Me(); Log("Using Channel: " + channel); var subA = a.GetSubscriber(); var subB = b.GetSubscriber(); long masterChanged = 0, aCount = 0, bCount = 0; a.ConfigurationChangedBroadcast += delegate { Log("A noticed config broadcast: " + Interlocked.Increment(ref masterChanged)); }; b.ConfigurationChangedBroadcast += delegate { Log("B noticed config broadcast: " + Interlocked.Increment(ref masterChanged)); }; subA.Subscribe(channel, (_, message) => { Log("A got message: " + message); Interlocked.Increment(ref aCount); }); subB.Subscribe(channel, (_, message) => { Log("B got message: " + message); Interlocked.Increment(ref bCount); }); Assert.False(a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort).IsSlave, $"A Connection: {TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort} should be a master"); if (!a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort).IsSlave) { TopologyFail(); } Assert.True(a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort).IsSlave, $"A Connection: {TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort} should be a slave"); Assert.False(b.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort).IsSlave, $"B Connection: {TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort} should be a master"); Assert.True(b.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort).IsSlave, $"B Connection: {TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort} should be a slave"); Log("Failover 1 Complete"); var epA = subA.SubscribedEndpoint(channel); var epB = subB.SubscribedEndpoint(channel); Log(" A: " + EndPointCollection.ToString(epA)); Log(" B: " + EndPointCollection.ToString(epB)); subA.Publish(channel, "A1"); subB.Publish(channel, "B1"); Log(" SubA ping: " + subA.Ping()); Log(" SubB ping: " + subB.Ping()); // If redis is under load due to this suite, it may take a moment to send across. await UntilCondition(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), () => Interlocked.Read(ref aCount) == 2 && Interlocked.Read(ref bCount) == 2).ForAwait(); Assert.Equal(2, Interlocked.Read(ref aCount)); Assert.Equal(2, Interlocked.Read(ref bCount)); Assert.Equal(0, Interlocked.Read(ref masterChanged)); try { Interlocked.Exchange(ref masterChanged, 0); Interlocked.Exchange(ref aCount, 0); Interlocked.Exchange(ref bCount, 0); Log("Changing master..."); using (var sw = new StringWriter()) { a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort).MakeMaster(ReplicationChangeOptions.All, sw); Log(sw.ToString()); } Log("Waiting for connection B to detect..."); await UntilCondition(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), () => b.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort).IsSlave).ForAwait(); subA.Ping(); subB.Ping(); Log("Falover 2 Attempted. Pausing..."); Log(" A " + TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort + " status: " + (a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort).IsSlave ? "Slave" : "Master")); Log(" A " + TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort + " status: " + (a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort).IsSlave ? "Slave" : "Master")); Log(" B " + TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort + " status: " + (b.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort).IsSlave ? "Slave" : "Master")); Log(" B " + TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort + " status: " + (b.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort).IsSlave ? "Slave" : "Master")); if (!a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort).IsSlave) { TopologyFail(); } Log("Falover 2 Complete."); Assert.True(a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort).IsSlave, $"A Connection: {TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort} should be a slave"); Assert.False(a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort).IsSlave, $"A Connection: {TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort} should be a master"); await UntilCondition(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), () => b.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort).IsSlave).ForAwait(); var sanityCheck = b.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort).IsSlave; if (!sanityCheck) { Log("FAILURE: B has not detected the topology change."); foreach (var server in b.GetServerSnapshot().ToArray()) { Log(" Server" + server.EndPoint); Log(" State: " + server.ConnectionState); Log(" IsMaster: " + !server.IsSlave); Log(" Type: " + server.ServerType); } //Skip.Inconclusive("Not enough latency."); } Assert.True(sanityCheck, $"B Connection: {TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort} should be a slave"); Assert.False(b.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort).IsSlave, $"B Connection: {TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort} should be a master"); Log("Pause complete"); Log(" A outstanding: " + a.GetCounters().TotalOutstanding); Log(" B outstanding: " + b.GetCounters().TotalOutstanding); subA.Ping(); subB.Ping(); await Task.Delay(5000).ForAwait(); epA = subA.SubscribedEndpoint(channel); epB = subB.SubscribedEndpoint(channel); Log("Subscription complete"); Log(" A: " + EndPointCollection.ToString(epA)); Log(" B: " + EndPointCollection.ToString(epB)); var aSentTo = subA.Publish(channel, "A2"); var bSentTo = subB.Publish(channel, "B2"); Log(" A2 sent to: " + aSentTo); Log(" B2 sent to: " + bSentTo); subA.Ping(); subB.Ping(); Log("Ping Complete. Checking..."); await UntilCondition(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), () => Interlocked.Read(ref aCount) == 2 && Interlocked.Read(ref bCount) == 2).ForAwait(); Log("Counts so far:"); Log(" aCount: " + Interlocked.Read(ref aCount)); Log(" bCount: " + Interlocked.Read(ref bCount)); Log(" masterChanged: " + Interlocked.Read(ref masterChanged)); Assert.Equal(2, Interlocked.Read(ref aCount)); Assert.Equal(2, Interlocked.Read(ref bCount)); // Expect 10, because a sees a, but b sees a and b due to replication Assert.Equal(10, Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref masterChanged, 0, 0)); } catch { LogNoTime(""); Log("ERROR: Something went bad - see above! Roooooolling back. Back it up. Baaaaaack it on up."); LogNoTime(""); throw; } finally { Log("Restoring configuration..."); try { a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort).MakeMaster(ReplicationChangeOptions.All); await Task.Delay(1000).ForAwait(); } catch { } } } }
public async Task ConnectToSSLServer(bool useSsl, bool specifyHost) { var server = TestConfig.Current.SslServer; int? port = TestConfig.Current.SslPort; string password = ""; bool isAzure = false; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(server) && useSsl) { // we can bounce it past azure instead? server = TestConfig.Current.AzureCacheServer; password = TestConfig.Current.AzureCachePassword; port = null; isAzure = true; } Skip.IfNoConfig(nameof(TestConfig.Config.SslServer), server); var config = new ConfigurationOptions { AllowAdmin = true, SyncTimeout = Debugger.IsAttached ? int.MaxValue : 5000, Password = password, }; var map = new Dictionary <string, string> { ["config"] = null // don't rely on config working }; if (!isAzure) { map["cluster"] = null; } config.CommandMap = CommandMap.Create(map); if (port != null) { config.EndPoints.Add(server, port.Value); } else { config.EndPoints.Add(server); } if (useSsl) { config.Ssl = useSsl; if (specifyHost) { config.SslHost = server; } config.CertificateValidation += (sender, cert, chain, errors) => { Log("errors: " + errors); Log("cert issued to: " + cert.Subject); return(true); // fingers in ears, pretend we don't know this is wrong }; } var configString = config.ToString(); Log("config: " + configString); var clone = ConfigurationOptions.Parse(configString); Assert.Equal(configString, clone.ToString()); using (var log = new StringWriter()) using (var muxer = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(config, log)) { Log("Connect log:"); lock (log) { Log(log.ToString()); } Log("===="); muxer.ConnectionFailed += OnConnectionFailed; muxer.InternalError += OnInternalError; var db = muxer.GetDatabase(); await db.PingAsync().ForAwait(); using (var file = File.Create("ssl-" + useSsl + "-" + specifyHost + ".zip")) { muxer.ExportConfiguration(file); } RedisKey key = "SE.Redis"; const int AsyncLoop = 2000; // perf; async await db.KeyDeleteAsync(key).ForAwait(); var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); for (int i = 0; i < AsyncLoop; i++) { try { await db.StringIncrementAsync(key, flags : CommandFlags.FireAndForget).ForAwait(); } catch (Exception ex) { Log($"Failure on i={i}: {ex.Message}"); throw; } } // need to do this inside the timer to measure the TTLB long value = (long)await db.StringGetAsync(key).ForAwait(); watch.Stop(); Assert.Equal(AsyncLoop, value); Log("F&F: {0} INCR, {1:###,##0}ms, {2} ops/s; final value: {3}", AsyncLoop, watch.ElapsedMilliseconds, (long)(AsyncLoop / watch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds), value); // perf: sync/multi-threaded // TestConcurrent(db, key, 30, 10); //TestConcurrent(db, key, 30, 20); //TestConcurrent(db, key, 30, 30); //TestConcurrent(db, key, 30, 40); //TestConcurrent(db, key, 30, 50); } }
public static ConnectionMultiplexer CreateDefault( TextWriter output, string clientName = null, int?syncTimeout = null, bool?allowAdmin = null, int?keepAlive = null, int?connectTimeout = null, string password = null, string tieBreaker = null, TextWriter log = null, bool fail = true, string[] disabledCommands = null, string[] enabledCommands = null, bool checkConnect = true, string failMessage = null, string channelPrefix = null, Proxy?proxy = null, string configuration = null, bool logTransactionData = true, int?defaultDatabase = null, [CallerMemberName] string caller = null) { StringWriter localLog = null; if (log == null) { log = localLog = new StringWriter(); } try { var config = ConfigurationOptions.Parse(configuration); if (disabledCommands != null && disabledCommands.Length != 0) { config.CommandMap = CommandMap.Create(new HashSet <string>(disabledCommands), false); } else if (enabledCommands != null && enabledCommands.Length != 0) { config.CommandMap = CommandMap.Create(new HashSet <string>(enabledCommands), true); } if (Debugger.IsAttached) { syncTimeout = int.MaxValue; } if (channelPrefix != null) { config.ChannelPrefix = channelPrefix; } if (tieBreaker != null) { config.TieBreaker = tieBreaker; } if (password != null) { config.Password = string.IsNullOrEmpty(password) ? null : password; } if (clientName != null) { config.ClientName = clientName; } else if (caller != null) { config.ClientName = caller; } if (syncTimeout != null) { config.SyncTimeout = syncTimeout.Value; } if (allowAdmin != null) { config.AllowAdmin = allowAdmin.Value; } if (keepAlive != null) { config.KeepAlive = keepAlive.Value; } if (connectTimeout != null) { config.ConnectTimeout = connectTimeout.Value; } if (proxy != null) { config.Proxy = proxy.Value; } if (defaultDatabase != null) { config.DefaultDatabase = defaultDatabase.Value; } var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var task = ConnectionMultiplexer.ConnectAsync(config, log); if (!task.Wait(config.ConnectTimeout >= (int.MaxValue / 2) ? int.MaxValue : config.ConnectTimeout * 2)) { task.ContinueWith(x => { try { GC.KeepAlive(x.Exception); } catch { /* No boom */ } }, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted); throw new TimeoutException("Connect timeout"); } watch.Stop(); if (output != null) { Log(output, "Connect took: " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms"); } var muxer = task.Result; if (checkConnect && (muxer == null || !muxer.IsConnected)) { // If fail is true, we throw. Assert.False(fail, failMessage + "Server is not available"); Skip.Inconclusive(failMessage + "Server is not available"); } if (output != null) { muxer.MessageFaulted += (msg, ex, origin) => { output?.WriteLine($"Faulted from '{origin}': '{msg}' - '{(ex == null ? "(null)" : ex.Message)}'"); if (ex != null && ex.Data.Contains("got")) { output?.WriteLine($"Got: '{ex.Data["got"]}'"); } }; muxer.Connecting += (e, t) => output?.WriteLine($"Connecting to {Format.ToString(e)} as {t}"); if (logTransactionData) { muxer.TransactionLog += msg => output?.WriteLine("tran: " + msg); } muxer.InfoMessage += msg => output?.WriteLine(msg); muxer.Resurrecting += (e, t) => output?.WriteLine($"Resurrecting {Format.ToString(e)} as {t}"); muxer.Closing += complete => output?.WriteLine(complete ? "Closed" : "Closing..."); } return(muxer); } catch { if (localLog != null) { output?.WriteLine(localLog.ToString()); } throw; } }
public void RedisLabsEnvironmentVariableClientCertificate(bool setEnv) { try { Skip.IfNoConfig(nameof(TestConfig.Config.RedisLabsSslServer), TestConfig.Current.RedisLabsSslServer); Skip.IfNoConfig(nameof(TestConfig.Config.RedisLabsPfxPath), TestConfig.Current.RedisLabsPfxPath); if (setEnv) { Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("SERedis_ClientCertPfxPath", TestConfig.Current.RedisLabsPfxPath); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("SERedis_IssuerCertPath", "redislabs_ca.pem"); // check env worked Assert.Equal(TestConfig.Current.RedisLabsPfxPath, Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SERedis_ClientCertPfxPath")); Assert.Equal("redislabs_ca.pem", Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SERedis_IssuerCertPath")); } int timeout = 5000; if (Debugger.IsAttached) { timeout *= 100; } var options = new ConfigurationOptions { EndPoints = { { TestConfig.Current.RedisLabsSslServer, TestConfig.Current.RedisLabsSslPort } }, ConnectTimeout = timeout, AllowAdmin = true, CommandMap = CommandMap.Create(new HashSet <string> { "subscribe", "unsubscribe", "cluster" }, false) }; if (!Directory.Exists(Me())) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Me()); } #if LOGOUTPUT ConnectionMultiplexer.EchoPath = Me(); #endif options.Ssl = true; RedisKey key = Me(); using (var conn = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(options)) { if (!setEnv) { Assert.True(false, "Could not set environment"); } var db = conn.GetDatabase(); db.KeyDelete(key, CommandFlags.FireAndForget); string s = db.StringGet(key); Assert.Null(s); db.StringSet(key, "abc"); s = db.StringGet(key); Assert.Equal("abc", s); var latency = db.Ping(); Log("RedisLabs latency: {0:###,##0.##}ms", latency.TotalMilliseconds); using (var file = File.Create("")) { conn.ExportConfiguration(file); } } } catch (RedisConnectionException ex) { if (setEnv || ex.FailureType != ConnectionFailureType.UnableToConnect) { throw; } } finally { Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("SERedis_ClientCertPfxPath", null); } }
public void ConnectToSSLServer(bool useSsl, bool specifyHost) { Skip.IfNoConfig(nameof(TestConfig.Config.SslServer), TestConfig.Current.SslServer); var config = new ConfigurationOptions { CommandMap = CommandMap.Create( // looks like "config" is disabled new Dictionary <string, string> { ["config"] = null, ["cluster"] = null } ), EndPoints = { { TestConfig.Current.SslServer, TestConfig.Current.SslPort } }, AllowAdmin = true, SyncTimeout = Debugger.IsAttached ? int.MaxValue : 5000 }; if (useSsl) { config.Ssl = useSsl; if (specifyHost) { config.SslHost = TestConfig.Current.SslServer; } config.CertificateValidation += (sender, cert, chain, errors) => { Output.WriteLine("errors: " + errors); Output.WriteLine("cert issued to: " + cert.Subject); return(true); // fingers in ears, pretend we don't know this is wrong }; } var configString = config.ToString(); Output.WriteLine("config: " + configString); var clone = ConfigurationOptions.Parse(configString); Assert.Equal(configString, clone.ToString()); using (var log = new StringWriter()) using (var muxer = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(config, log)) { Output.WriteLine("Connect log:"); Output.WriteLine(log.ToString()); Output.WriteLine("===="); muxer.ConnectionFailed += OnConnectionFailed; muxer.InternalError += OnInternalError; var db = muxer.GetDatabase(); db.Ping(); using (var file = File.Create("ssl-" + useSsl + "-" + specifyHost + ".zip")) { muxer.ExportConfiguration(file); } RedisKey key = "SE.Redis"; const int AsyncLoop = 2000; // perf; async db.KeyDelete(key, CommandFlags.FireAndForget); var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); for (int i = 0; i < AsyncLoop; i++) { db.StringIncrement(key, flags: CommandFlags.FireAndForget); } // need to do this inside the timer to measure the TTLB long value = (long)db.StringGet(key); watch.Stop(); Assert.Equal(AsyncLoop, value); Output.WriteLine("F&F: {0} INCR, {1:###,##0}ms, {2} ops/s; final value: {3}", AsyncLoop, (long)watch.ElapsedMilliseconds, (long)(AsyncLoop / watch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds), value); // perf: sync/multi-threaded TestConcurrent(db, key, 30, 10); //TestConcurrent(db, key, 30, 20); //TestConcurrent(db, key, 30, 30); //TestConcurrent(db, key, 30, 40); //TestConcurrent(db, key, 30, 50); } }
public async Task DeslaveGoesToPrimary() { ConfigurationOptions config = GetMasterSlaveConfig(); using (var conn = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(config)) { var primary = conn.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort); var secondary = conn.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort); primary.Ping(); secondary.Ping(); primary.MakeMaster(ReplicationChangeOptions.SetTiebreaker); secondary.MakeMaster(ReplicationChangeOptions.None); await Task.Delay(100).ConfigureAwait(false); primary.Ping(); secondary.Ping(); using (var writer = new StringWriter()) { conn.Configure(writer); string log = writer.ToString(); Writer.WriteLine(log); bool isUnanimous = log.Contains("tie-break is unanimous at " + TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort); if (!isUnanimous) { Skip.Inconclusive("this is timing sensitive; unable to verify this time"); } } // k, so we know everyone loves 6379; is that what we get? var db = conn.GetDatabase(); RedisKey key = Me(); Assert.Equal(primary.EndPoint, db.IdentifyEndpoint(key, CommandFlags.PreferMaster)); Assert.Equal(primary.EndPoint, db.IdentifyEndpoint(key, CommandFlags.DemandMaster)); Assert.Equal(primary.EndPoint, db.IdentifyEndpoint(key, CommandFlags.PreferSlave)); var ex = Assert.Throws <RedisConnectionException>(() => db.IdentifyEndpoint(key, CommandFlags.DemandSlave)); Assert.StartsWith("No connection is active/available to service this operation: EXISTS " + Me(), ex.Message); Writer.WriteLine("Invoking MakeMaster()..."); primary.MakeMaster(ReplicationChangeOptions.Broadcast | ReplicationChangeOptions.EnslaveSubordinates | ReplicationChangeOptions.SetTiebreaker, Writer); Writer.WriteLine("Finished MakeMaster() call."); await Task.Delay(100).ConfigureAwait(false); Writer.WriteLine("Invoking Ping() (post-master)"); primary.Ping(); secondary.Ping(); Writer.WriteLine("Finished Ping() (post-master)"); Assert.True(primary.IsConnected, $"{primary.EndPoint} is not connected."); Assert.True(secondary.IsConnected, $"{secondary.EndPoint} is not connected."); Writer.WriteLine($"{primary.EndPoint}: {primary.ServerType}, Mode: {(primary.IsSlave ? "Slave" : "Master")}"); Writer.WriteLine($"{secondary.EndPoint}: {secondary.ServerType}, Mode: {(secondary.IsSlave ? "Slave" : "Master")}"); // Create a separate multiplexer with a valid view of the world to distinguish between failures of // server topology changes from failures to recognize those changes Writer.WriteLine("Connecting to secondary validation connection."); using (var conn2 = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(config)) { var primary2 = conn2.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort); var secondary2 = conn2.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort); Writer.WriteLine($"Check: {primary2.EndPoint}: {primary2.ServerType}, Mode: {(primary2.IsSlave ? "Slave" : "Master")}"); Writer.WriteLine($"Check: {secondary2.EndPoint}: {secondary2.ServerType}, Mode: {(secondary2.IsSlave ? "Slave" : "Master")}"); Assert.False(primary2.IsSlave, $"{primary2.EndPoint} should be a master (verification connection)."); Assert.True(secondary2.IsSlave, $"{secondary2.EndPoint} should be a slave (verification connection)."); var db2 = conn2.GetDatabase(); Assert.Equal(primary2.EndPoint, db2.IdentifyEndpoint(key, CommandFlags.PreferMaster)); Assert.Equal(primary2.EndPoint, db2.IdentifyEndpoint(key, CommandFlags.DemandMaster)); Assert.Equal(secondary2.EndPoint, db2.IdentifyEndpoint(key, CommandFlags.PreferSlave)); Assert.Equal(secondary2.EndPoint, db2.IdentifyEndpoint(key, CommandFlags.DemandSlave)); } await UntilCondition(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20), () => !primary.IsSlave && secondary.IsSlave); Assert.False(primary.IsSlave, $"{primary.EndPoint} should be a master."); Assert.True(secondary.IsSlave, $"{secondary.EndPoint} should be a slave."); Assert.Equal(primary.EndPoint, db.IdentifyEndpoint(key, CommandFlags.PreferMaster)); Assert.Equal(primary.EndPoint, db.IdentifyEndpoint(key, CommandFlags.DemandMaster)); Assert.Equal(secondary.EndPoint, db.IdentifyEndpoint(key, CommandFlags.PreferSlave)); Assert.Equal(secondary.EndPoint, db.IdentifyEndpoint(key, CommandFlags.DemandSlave)); } }
static void TopologyFail() => Skip.Inconclusive("Replication topology change failed...and that's both inconsistent and not what we're testing.");
public async Task SubscriptionsSurviveMasterSwitchAsync() { void TopologyFail() => Skip.Inconclusive("Replication tolopogy change failed...and that's both inconsistent and not what we're testing."); if (RunningInCI) { Skip.Inconclusive("TODO: Fix race in broadcast reconfig a zero latency."); } using (var a = Create(allowAdmin: true, shared: false)) using (var b = Create(allowAdmin: true, shared: false)) { RedisChannel channel = Me(); var subA = a.GetSubscriber(); var subB = b.GetSubscriber(); long masterChanged = 0, aCount = 0, bCount = 0; a.ConfigurationChangedBroadcast += delegate { Log("A noticed config broadcast: " + Interlocked.Increment(ref masterChanged)); }; b.ConfigurationChangedBroadcast += delegate { Log("B noticed config broadcast: " + Interlocked.Increment(ref masterChanged)); }; subA.Subscribe(channel, (_, message) => { Log("A got message: " + message); Interlocked.Increment(ref aCount); }); subB.Subscribe(channel, (_, message) => { Log("B got message: " + message); Interlocked.Increment(ref bCount); }); Assert.False(a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort).IsSlave, $"A Connection: {TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort} should be a master"); if (!a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort).IsSlave) { TopologyFail(); } Assert.True(a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort).IsSlave, $"A Connection: {TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort} should be a slave"); Assert.False(b.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort).IsSlave, $"B Connection: {TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort} should be a master"); Assert.True(b.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort).IsSlave, $"B Connection: {TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort} should be a slave"); var epA = subA.SubscribedEndpoint(channel); var epB = subB.SubscribedEndpoint(channel); Log("A: " + EndPointCollection.ToString(epA)); Log("B: " + EndPointCollection.ToString(epB)); subA.Publish(channel, "A1"); subB.Publish(channel, "B1"); Log("SubA ping: " + subA.Ping()); Log("SubB ping: " + subB.Ping()); // If redis is under load due to this suite, it may take a moment to send across. await UntilCondition(5000, () => Interlocked.Read(ref aCount) == 2 && Interlocked.Read(ref bCount) == 2).ForAwait(); Assert.Equal(2, Interlocked.Read(ref aCount)); Assert.Equal(2, Interlocked.Read(ref bCount)); Assert.Equal(0, Interlocked.Read(ref masterChanged)); try { Interlocked.Exchange(ref masterChanged, 0); Interlocked.Exchange(ref aCount, 0); Interlocked.Exchange(ref bCount, 0); Log("Changing master..."); using (var sw = new StringWriter()) { a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort).MakeMaster(ReplicationChangeOptions.All, sw); Log(sw.ToString()); } await UntilCondition(3000, () => b.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort).IsSlave).ForAwait(); subA.Ping(); subB.Ping(); Log("Pausing..."); Log("A " + TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort + " status: " + (a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort).IsSlave ? "Slave" : "Master")); Log("A " + TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort + " status: " + (a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort).IsSlave ? "Slave" : "Master")); Log("B " + TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort + " status: " + (b.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort).IsSlave ? "Slave" : "Master")); Log("B " + TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort + " status: " + (b.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort).IsSlave ? "Slave" : "Master")); if (!a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort).IsSlave) { TopologyFail(); } Assert.True(a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort).IsSlave, $"A Connection: {TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort} should be a slave"); Assert.False(a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort).IsSlave, $"A Connection: {TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort} should be a master"); var sanityCheck = b.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort).IsSlave; if (!sanityCheck) { Skip.Inconclusive("Not enough latency."); } Assert.True(sanityCheck, $"B Connection: {TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort} should be a slave"); Assert.False(b.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort).IsSlave, $"B Connection: {TestConfig.Current.FailoverSlaveServerAndPort} should be a master"); Log("Pause complete"); Log("A outstanding: " + a.GetCounters().TotalOutstanding); Log("B outstanding: " + b.GetCounters().TotalOutstanding); subA.Ping(); subB.Ping(); await Task.Delay(1000).ForAwait(); epA = subA.SubscribedEndpoint(channel); epB = subB.SubscribedEndpoint(channel); Log("A: " + EndPointCollection.ToString(epA)); Log("B: " + EndPointCollection.ToString(epB)); Log("A2 sent to: " + subA.Publish(channel, "A2")); Log("B2 sent to: " + subB.Publish(channel, "B2")); subA.Ping(); subB.Ping(); Log("Checking..."); await UntilCondition(10000, () => Interlocked.Read(ref aCount) == 2 && Interlocked.Read(ref bCount) == 2).ForAwait(); Assert.Equal(2, Interlocked.Read(ref aCount)); Assert.Equal(2, Interlocked.Read(ref bCount)); // Expect 6, because a sees a, but b sees a and b due to replication Assert.Equal(6, Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref masterChanged, 0, 0)); } finally { Log("Restoring configuration..."); try { a.GetServer(TestConfig.Current.FailoverMasterServerAndPort).MakeMaster(ReplicationChangeOptions.All); await Task.Delay(1000).ForAwait(); } catch { } } } }
public SentinelBase(ITestOutputHelper output) : base(output) { Skip.IfNoConfig(nameof(TestConfig.Config.SentinelServer), TestConfig.Current.SentinelServer); Skip.IfNoConfig(nameof(TestConfig.Config.SentinelSeviceName), TestConfig.Current.SentinelSeviceName); }