        private static void AddTests_SqlChic(Tests tests)
            tests.Add(id =>
                using (var connection = Program.GetClosedConnection())
                    connection.Query <Post>("select * from Posts where Id = @Id", new { Id = id }).FirstAsync();
                      "SqlChic (Buffered)");

            tests.Add(id =>
                using (var connection = Program.GetOpenConnection())
                    connection.Query <Post>("select * from Posts where Id = @Id", new { Id = id }).FirstAsync();
                      "SqlChic (Non-buffered)");

            tests.Add(id =>
                using (var connection = Program.GetClosedConnection())
                    connection.Query("select * from Posts where Id = @Id", new { Id = id }).FirstAsync();
                      "SqlChic (Dynamic, Buffered)");

            tests.Add(id =>
                using (var connection = Program.GetOpenConnection())
                    connection.Query("select * from Posts where Id = @Id", new { Id = id }).FirstAsync();
                      "SqlChic (Dynamic, Non-buffered)");
        private static void AddTests_Linq2Sql(Tests tests, int concurrency, int iterations)
            var connections1 = Enumerable.Range(0, concurrency).Select(x => Program.GetClosedConnection()).ToArray();
            var l2scontexts1 = Enumerable.Range(0, concurrency).Select(x => new DataClassesDataContext(connections1[x])).ToArray();

            tests.Add(id => { l2scontexts1[id % concurrency].Posts.First(p => p.Id == id); },
                      () => l2scontexts1.Cast <IDisposable>().Union(connections1).ToList().ForEach(x => x.Dispose()),
                      "Linq2Sql (Normal)");

            var connections2    = Enumerable.Range(0, concurrency).Select(x => Program.GetClosedConnection()).ToArray();
            var l2scontexts2    = Enumerable.Range(0, concurrency).Select(x => new DataClassesDataContext(connections2[x])).ToArray();
            var compiledGetPost =
                CompiledQuery.Compile((Linq2Sql.DataClassesDataContext ctx, int id) => ctx.Posts.First(p => p.Id == id));

            tests.Add(id => { compiledGetPost(l2scontexts2[id % concurrency], id); },
                      () => l2scontexts2.Cast <IDisposable>().Union(connections2).ToList().ForEach(x => x.Dispose()),
                      "Linq2Sql (Compiled)");

            var connections3 = Enumerable.Range(0, concurrency).Select(x => Program.GetClosedConnection()).ToArray();
            var l2scontexts3 = Enumerable.Range(0, concurrency).Select(x => new DataClassesDataContext(connections3[x])).ToArray();

            tests.Add(id => { l2scontexts3[id % concurrency].ExecuteQuery <Post>("select * from Posts where Id = {0}", id).First(); },
                      () => l2scontexts3.Cast <IDisposable>().Union(connections3).ToList().ForEach(x => x.Dispose()),
                      "Linq2Sql (ExecuteQuery)");
        private static void AddTests_PetaPoco(Tests tests, int concurrency)
            // PetaPoco test with all default options
            var petaPocos = Enumerable.Range(0, concurrency).Select(x =>
                var r = new PetaPoco.Database(Program.connectionString, "System.Data.SqlClient");

            tests.Add(id => petaPocos[id % concurrency].Fetch <Post>("SELECT * from Posts where Id=@0", id),
                      () => petaPocos.ToList().ForEach(x => x.Dispose()),
                      "PetaPoco (Normal)");

            // PetaPoco with some "smart" functionality disabled
            var petapocoFasts = Enumerable.Range(0, concurrency).Select(x =>
                var r = new PetaPoco.Database(Program.connectionString, "System.Data.SqlClient");
                r.EnableAutoSelect    = false;
                r.EnableNamedParams   = false;
                r.ForceDateTimesToUtc = false;

            tests.Add(id => { petapocoFasts[id % concurrency].Fetch <Post>("SELECT * from Posts where Id=@0", id); },
                      () => petapocoFasts.ToList().ForEach(x => x.Dispose()),
                      "PetaPoco (Fast)");
        private static void AddTests_Subsonic(Tests tests, int concurrency)
            // Subsonic ActiveRecord
            tests.Add(id => SubSonic.Post.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == id), "SubSonic (ActiveRecord.SingleOrDefault)");

            // Subsonic coding horror
            SubSonic.tempdbDB db = new SubSonic.tempdbDB();
                id => new global::SubSonic.Query.CodingHorror(db.Provider, "select * from Posts where Id = @0", id).ExecuteTypedList <Post>(),
                "SubSonic (Coding Horror)");
        private static void AddTest_SimpleData(Tests tests, int concurrency)
            var sdb = Simple.Data.Database.OpenConnection(Program.connectionString);

                id => { sdb.Posts.FindById(id); },
        private static void AddTests_NHibernate(Tests tests, int concurrency)
            var nhSessions1 = Enumerable.Range(0, concurrency).Select(x => NHibernateHelper.OpenSession()).ToArray();

            tests.Add(id => { nhSessions1[id % concurrency].CreateSQLQuery(@"select * from Posts where Id = :id")
                              .SetInt32("id", id)
                              .List(); },
                      () => nhSessions1.ToList().ForEach(x => x.Dispose()),
                      "NHibernate (SQL)");

            var nhSessions2 = Enumerable.Range(0, concurrency).Select(x => NHibernateHelper.OpenSession()).ToArray();

            tests.Add(id => { nhSessions2[id % concurrency].CreateQuery(@"from Post as p where p.Id = :id")
                              .SetInt32("id", id)
                              .List(); },
                      () => nhSessions2.ToList().ForEach(x => x.Dispose()),
                      "NHibernate (HQL)");

            var nhSessions3 = Enumerable.Range(0, concurrency).Select(x => NHibernateHelper.OpenSession()).ToArray();

            tests.Add(id => { nhSessions3[id % concurrency].CreateCriteria <Post>()
                              .List(); },
                      () => nhSessions3.ToList().ForEach(x => x.Dispose()),
                      "NHibernate (Criteria)");

            var nhSessions4 = Enumerable.Range(0, concurrency).Select(x => NHibernateHelper.OpenSession()).ToArray();

            tests.Add(id => { nhSessions4[id % concurrency]
                              .Query <Post>()
                              .Where(p => p.Id == id).First(); },
                      () => nhSessions4.ToList().ForEach(x => x.Dispose()),
                      "NHibernate (LINQ)");

            var nhSessions5 = Enumerable.Range(0, concurrency).Select(x => NHibernateHelper.OpenSession()).ToArray();

            tests.Add(id => { nhSessions5[id % concurrency].Get <Post>(id); },
                      () => nhSessions5.ToList().ForEach(x => x.Dispose()),
                      "NHibernate (Session.Get)");
        public static void Run(int iterations, int concurrency, Action <string, TestStats> resultLogger)
            if (iterations < 1)
            if (concurrency < 1)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("concurrency");
            if (resultLogger == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("resultLogger");

            var tests = new Tests(resultLogger);

            AddTests_Linq2Sql(tests, concurrency, iterations);

            AddTests_EntityFramework(tests, concurrency);



            AddTests_PetaPoco(tests, concurrency);

            AddTests_Subsonic(tests, concurrency);

            // NHibernate

            AddTests_NHibernate(tests, concurrency);

            // bltoolkit
            AddTest_BlToolkit(tests, concurrency);

            // Simple.Data
            AddTest_SimpleData(tests, concurrency);

            // Soma
            var somadb = new Soma.Core.Db(new SomaConfig());

            tests.Add(id => { somadb.Find <Post>(id); }, "Soma");

            //ServiceStack's OrmLite:
            AddTest_OrmLite(tests, concurrency);

            AddTests_HandCoded(tests, concurrency);

            tests.Run(iterations, concurrency);
        private static void AddTests_EntityFramework(Tests tests, int concurrency)
            var entityContext = new EntityFramework.tempdbEntities1();

            tests.Add(id => entityContext.Posts.First(p => p.Id == id),
                      () => entityContext.Dispose(),
                      "Entity Framework (Normal)");

            var entityContext2 = new EntityFramework.tempdbEntities1();

            tests.Add(id => entityContext2.ExecuteStoreQuery <Post>("select * from Posts where Id = {0}", id).First(),
                      () => entityContext2.Dispose(),
                      "Entity Framework (ExecuteStoreQuery)");

            var entityContext3 = new EntityFramework.tempdbEntities1();

            tests.Add(id => entityFrameworkCompiled(entityContext3, id),
                      () => entityContext3.Dispose(),
                      "Entity Framework (CompiledQuery)");

            var entityContext4 = new EntityFramework.tempdbEntities1();

            tests.Add(id => entityContext4.Posts.Where("it.Id = @id", new System.Data.Objects.ObjectParameter("id", id)).First(),
                      () => entityContext4.Dispose(),
                      "Entity Framework (ESQL)");

            var entityContext5 = new EntityFramework.tempdbEntities1();

            entityContext5.Posts.MergeOption = System.Data.Objects.MergeOption.NoTracking;
            tests.Add(id => entityContext5.Posts.First(p => p.Id == id),
                      () => entityContext5.Dispose(),
                      "Entity Framework (No Tracking)");
 private static void AddTest_OrmLite(Tests tests, int concurrency)
     //var connections = Enumerable.Range(0, concurrency).Select(x => Program.GetOpenConnection()).ToArray();
     OrmLiteConfig.DialectProvider = SqlServerOrmLiteDialectProvider.Instance;         //Using SQL Server
     //var ormLiteCmds = Enumerable.Range(0, concurrency).Select(i => connections[i].CreateCommand()).ToArray();
         id =>
         using (var connection = Program.GetOpenConnection())
             using (var command = connection.CreateCommand())
                 command.QueryById <Post>(id);
         "OrmLite (QueryById)");
 private static void AddTest_BlToolkit(Tests tests, int concurrency)
     //var connections = Enumerable.Range(0, concurrency).Select(x=>Program.GetOpenConnection()).ToArray();
     //var dbManagers = Enumerable.Range(0, concurrency).Select((x,i) => new DbManager(connections[x])).ToArray();
         id =>
         using (var connection = Program.GetOpenConnection())
             using (var dbManager = new DbManager(connection))
                 dbManager.SetCommand("select * from Posts where Id = @id",
                                      dbManager.Parameter("id", id)
                                      ).ExecuteList <Post>();
         //() => dbManagers.Cast<IDisposable>().Union(connections).ToList().ForEach(x=>x.Dispose()),
        private static void AddTests_Dapper(Tests tests)
            tests.Add(id =>
                using (var connection = Program.GetClosedConnection())
                    global::Dapper.SqlMapper.Query <Post>(connection, "select * from Posts where Id = @Id", new { Id = id }).First();
                      "Dapper (Buffered, Sync)");

            tests.Add(id =>
                using (var connection = Program.GetOpenConnection())
                    global::Dapper.SqlMapper.Query <Post>(connection, "select * from Posts where Id = @Id", new { Id = id }).First();
                      "Dapper (Non-buffered, Sync)");

            tests.Add(id =>
                using (var connection = Program.GetClosedConnection())
                    global::Dapper.SqlMapper.Query <dynamic>(connection, "select * from Posts where Id = @Id", new { Id = id }).First();
                      "Dapper (Dynamic, Buffered, Sync)");

            tests.Add((Action <int>)(id =>
                using (var connection = Program.GetOpenConnection())
                    global::Dapper.SqlMapper.Query <dynamic>(connection, "select * from Posts where Id = @Id", new { Id = id }).First();
                      "Dapper (Dynamic, Non-buffered, Sync)");

            //tests.Add(async id => (await global::Dapper.SqlMapper.QueryAsync<Post>(mapperConnectionClosed3, "select * from Posts where Id = @Id", new { Id = id })).First(),
            //	() => mapperConnectionClosed3.Dispose(),
            //	"Dapper (Buffered, Async)");

            tests.Add(async(int id) =>
                using (var connection = Program.GetOpenConnection())
                    (await global::Dapper.SqlMapper.QueryAsync <Post>(connection, "select * from Posts where Id = @Id", new { Id = id })).First();
                      "Dapper (Non-buffered, Async)");

            //tests.Add((Func<int,Task>)(async id => (await global::Dapper.SqlMapper.QueryAsync<dynamic>(mapperConnectionClosed4, "select * from Posts where Id = @Id", new { Id = id })).First()),
            //	() => mapperConnectionClosed4.Dispose(),
            //	"Dapper (Dynamic, Buffered, Async)");

            tests.Add(async id =>
                using (var connection = Program.GetOpenConnection())
                    (await global::Dapper.SqlMapper.QueryAsync <dynamic>(connection, "select * from Posts where Id = @Id", new { Id = id })).First();
                      "Dapper (Dynamic, Non-buffered, Async)");
        private static void AddTests_HandCoded(Tests tests, int concurrency)
            Func <SqlConnection, int, SqlCommand> createCommand = (connection, id) =>
                var command = new SqlCommand();
                command.Connection  = connection;
                command.CommandText = @"select Id, [Text], [CreationDate], LastChangeDate, 
                Counter1,Counter2,Counter3,Counter4,Counter5,Counter6,Counter7,Counter8,Counter9 from Posts where Id = @Id";
                var idParam = command.Parameters.Add("@Id", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int);
                idParam.Value = id;

            //var connections1 = Enumerable.Range(0, concurrency).Select(x => Program.GetOpenConnection()).ToArray();
            tests.Add(id =>
                using (var connection = Program.GetOpenConnection())
                    using (var postCommand = createCommand(connection, id))
                        using (var reader = postCommand.ExecuteReader())
                            var post            = new Post();
                            post.Id             = reader.GetInt32(0);
                            post.Text           = reader.GetNullableString(1);
                            post.CreationDate   = reader.GetDateTime(2);
                            post.LastChangeDate = reader.GetDateTime(3);

                            post.Counter1 = reader.GetNullableValue <int>(4);
                            post.Counter2 = reader.GetNullableValue <int>(5);
                            post.Counter3 = reader.GetNullableValue <int>(6);
                            post.Counter4 = reader.GetNullableValue <int>(7);
                            post.Counter5 = reader.GetNullableValue <int>(8);
                            post.Counter6 = reader.GetNullableValue <int>(9);
                            post.Counter7 = reader.GetNullableValue <int>(10);
                            post.Counter8 = reader.GetNullableValue <int>(11);
                            post.Counter9 = reader.GetNullableValue <int>(12);
                      "Hand Coded (DataReader, Sync)");

            //var connections2 = Enumerable.Range(0, concurrency).Select(x => Program.GetOpenConnection()).ToArray();
            tests.Add(async id =>
                using (var connection = Program.GetOpenConnection())
                    using (var postCommand = createCommand(connection, id))
                        using (var reader = await postCommand.ExecuteReaderAsync())
                            await reader.ReadAsync();
                            var post            = new Post();
                            post.Id             = await reader.GetFieldValueAsync <int>(0);
                            post.Text           = reader.GetNullableString(1);
                            post.CreationDate   = await reader.GetFieldValueAsync <DateTime>(2);
                            post.LastChangeDate = await reader.GetFieldValueAsync <DateTime>(3);

                            post.Counter1 = await reader.GetNullableValueAsync <int>(4);
                            post.Counter2 = await reader.GetNullableValueAsync <int>(5);
                            post.Counter3 = await reader.GetNullableValueAsync <int>(6);
                            post.Counter4 = await reader.GetNullableValueAsync <int>(7);
                            post.Counter5 = await reader.GetNullableValueAsync <int>(8);
                            post.Counter6 = await reader.GetNullableValueAsync <int>(9);
                            post.Counter7 = await reader.GetNullableValueAsync <int>(10);
                            post.Counter8 = await reader.GetNullableValueAsync <int>(11);
                            post.Counter9 = await reader.GetNullableValueAsync <int>(12);
                      "Hand Coded (DataReader, Async)");

            DataTable table = new DataTable
                Columns =
                    { "Id",             typeof(int)      },
                    { "Text",           typeof(string)   },
                    { "CreationDate",   typeof(DateTime) },
                    { "LastChangeDate", typeof(DateTime) },
                    { "Counter1",       typeof(int)      },
                    { "Counter2",       typeof(int)      },
                    { "Counter3",       typeof(int)      },
                    { "Counter4",       typeof(int)      },
                    { "Counter5",       typeof(int)      },
                    { "Counter6",       typeof(int)      },
                    { "Counter7",       typeof(int)      },
                    { "Counter8",       typeof(int)      },
                    { "Counter9",       typeof(int)      },

            ////var connections3 = Enumerable.Range(0, concurrency).Select(x => Program.GetOpenConnection()).ToArray();
            //tests.Add(id =>
            //	{
            //		using (var connection = Program.GetOpenConnection())
            //		using (var postCommand = createCommand(connection, id))
            //		{
            //			object[] values = new object[13];
            //			using (var reader = postCommand.ExecuteReader())
            //			{
            //				reader.Read();
            //				reader.GetValues(values);
            //				table.Rows.Add(values);
            //			}
            //		}
            //	},
            //	//()=>connections3.Cast<IDisposable>().ToList().ForEach(x=>x.Dispose()),
            //	"Hand Coded (DataTable via IDataReader.GetValues, Sync)");

            ////var connections4 = Enumerable.Range(0, concurrency).Select(x => Program.GetOpenConnection()).ToArray();
            //tests.Add(async id =>
            //	using (var connection = Program.GetOpenConnection())
            //	using (var postCommand = createCommand(connection, id))
            //	{
            //		object[] values = new object[13];
            //		using (var reader = await postCommand.ExecuteReaderAsync())
            //		{
            //			await reader.ReadAsync();
            //			reader.GetValues(values);
            //			table.Rows.Add(values);
            //		}
            //	}
            //	//()=>connections4.Cast<IDisposable>().ToList().ForEach(x=>x.Dispose()),
            //"Hand Coded (DataTable via IDataReader.GetValues, Async)");