private ScreenWrite(GraphicsDevice graphicsDev) { this.graphicsDev = graphicsDev; textBatch = new SpriteBatch(graphicsDev); menuFont = Game1.GameInstance.Content.Load<SpriteFont>("SpriteFont1"); mainMenu = Game1.GameInstance.MenuProxy; }
public Ship(GameObjType _type, Sprite_Proxy _spriteRef) { type = _type; spriteRef = _spriteRef; waveBank = WaveBankManager.WaveBank(); soundBank = SoundBankManager.SoundBank(); }
public void createShip1(Vector2 pos, float _rot) { World world = Game1.GameInstance.getWorld(); //////////////// For Sprite System use /////////////// Sprite shipSprite = (Sprite)DisplayManager.Instance().getDisplayObj(SpriteEnum.Ship); Sprite_Proxy proxyShip = new Sprite_Proxy(shipSprite, pos.X, pos.Y, shipScale, Color.Blue); Ship p1 = new Ship(GameObjType.p1ship, proxyShip); SBNode shipBatch = SpriteBatchManager.Instance().getBatch(batchEnum.ships); shipBatch.addDisplayObject(proxyShip); ////////////////////////////////////// // Box2D Body Setup///////////////////////// var shipShape = new PolygonShape(); Vector2[] verts = new Vector2[5]; verts[0] = new Vector2(-5.0f, -5.0f); verts[1] = new Vector2(4.8f, -0.10f); verts[2] = new Vector2(5.0f, 0.00f); verts[3] = new Vector2(4.8f, 0.10f); verts[4] = new Vector2(-5.0f, 5.0f); shipShape.Set(verts, 5); shipShape._centroid = new Vector2(0, 0); var fd = new FixtureDef(); fd.shape = shipShape; fd.restitution = 0.9f; fd.friction = 0.0f; fd.density = 1.0f; fd.userData = p1; BodyDef bd = new BodyDef(); bd.allowSleep = false; bd.fixedRotation = true; bd.type = BodyType.Dynamic; bd.position = p1.spriteRef.pos; var body = world.CreateBody(bd); body.CreateFixture(fd); body.SetUserData(p1); body.Rotation = _rot; /////////////////////////////////////// // Set sprite body reference PhysicsMan.Instance().addPhysicsObj(p1, body); ////////////////// // Set Player's ship and add it to the GameObjManager ////////////// PlayerManager.Instance().getPlayer(; GameObjManager.Instance().addGameObj(p1); }
public Wall(GameObjType _type, Sprite_Proxy _spriteRef) { type = _type; spriteRef = _spriteRef; anim = new Animation(spriteRef.sprite); setUpAnimation(); soundBank = SoundBankManager.SoundBank(); waveBank = WaveBankManager.WaveBank(); }
public Missile(GameObjType _type, Sprite_Proxy _spriteRef, PlayerID _owner) { type = _type; spriteRef = _spriteRef; objSpeed = new Vector2(0, -15); soundBank = SoundBankManager.SoundBank(); waveBank = WaveBankManager.WaveBank(); owner = _owner; playFireSound(); }
/// <summary> /// LoadContent will be called once per game and is the place to load /// all of your content. /// </summary> protected override void LoadContent() { // TODO: use this.Content to load your game content here world = new World(new Vector2(0, 0), true); myContactListener myContactListener = new myContactListener(); world.ContactListener = myContactListener; Data.Instance().createData(); if(state != gameState.winner) state = gameState.mainmenu; player1 = PlayerManager.Instance().getPlayer(; player2 = PlayerManager.Instance().getPlayer(PlayerID.two); menuTex = new Text("MainMenu",, 0, 20, 20, false, SpriteAnimation.Type.Text_Sprite); menuImg = new Image(, 0, 0, 800, 480, menuTex); menuSprite = new Sprite(, 0, 0, 800, 500, false, 0, menuImg, false); menuProxy = new Sprite_Proxy(menuSprite, 400, 240, 1, Color.White); menuBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); }
public void addExplosion(Vector2 _pos, Color _color) { Sprite expSprite = (Sprite)DisplayManager.Instance().getDisplayObj(SpriteEnum.Explosion); Sprite_Proxy expProxy = new Sprite_Proxy(expSprite, (int)_pos.X, (int)_pos.Y, 0.20f, _color); SBNode expBatch = SpriteBatchManager.Instance().getBatch(batchEnum.explosions); expBatch.addDisplayObject(expProxy); TimeSpan currentTime = Timer.GetCurrentTime(); TimeSpan t_1 = currentTime.Add(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 500)); CallBackData nodeData = new CallBackData(3, TimeSpan.Zero); nodeData.spriteRef = expProxy; Timer.Add(t_1, nodeData, removeExplosion); }
private void createBomb(PlayerID _id, Ship s) { BombData data = BombManager.Instance().getNextBomb(_id); bombID = data.ID; bombsprite = data.sprite; spriteRef = new Sprite_Proxy(bombsprite, (int)s.spriteRef.pos.X, (int)s.spriteRef.pos.Y, 0.5f, Color.White); SBNode bombBatch = SpriteBatchManager.Instance().getBatch(batchEnum.bomb); bombBatch.addDisplayObject(spriteRef); orgPos = spriteRef.pos; if (_id == { image1 = ImageManager.Instance().getImage(ImageEnum.bluebomb1); image2 = ImageManager.Instance().getImage(ImageEnum.bluebomb2); } else { image1 = ImageManager.Instance().getImage(ImageEnum.greenbomb1); image2 = ImageManager.Instance().getImage(ImageEnum.greenbomb2); } spriteRef.sprite.image = image1; curImage = 0; state = BombState.alive; }
public FencePost(GameObjType _type, Sprite_Proxy _spriteRef) { type = _type; spriteRef = _spriteRef; }
// Center Fences private void createTopFence() { World world = Game1.GameInstance.getWorld(); Rectangle gameScreenSize = Game1.GameInstance.gameScreenSize; // Sprite Animation /////////// Sprite wallSprite = (Sprite)DisplayManager.Instance().getDisplayObj(SpriteEnum.fenceCTop); DisplayManager.Instance().addDisplayObj(SpriteEnum.Wall, wallSprite); Sprite_Proxy wallProxy = new Sprite_Proxy(wallSprite, 150, 71, fenceScale, Color.White); Wall wall1 = new Wall(GameObjType.horzWalls, wallProxy); SBNode wallBatch = SpriteBatchManager.Instance().getBatch(batchEnum.boxs); wallBatch.addDisplayObject(wallProxy); ////////////////// // Box2D ///////////// var wallShape = new PolygonShape(); wallShape.SetAsBox(wall1.spriteRef.sprite.width / 2, wall1.spriteRef.sprite.height / 2); var fd = new FixtureDef(); fd.shape = wallShape; fd.restitution = 0.9f; fd.friction = 0.0f; fd.density = 1.0f; fd.userData = wall1; BodyDef bd = new BodyDef(); bd.type = BodyType.Static; bd.position = wall1.spriteRef.pos; var body = world.CreateBody(bd); body.CreateFixture(fd); body.SetUserData(wall1); body.Rotation = (float)(90.0f * (Math.PI / 180.0f)); GameObjManager.Instance().addGameObj(wall1); PhysicsMan.Instance().addPhysicsObj(wall1, body); ///////////////////// }
//////////////// private void createFencePosts() { Rectangle gameScreenSize = Game1.GameInstance.gameScreenSize; // Sprite Animation /////////// Sprite postSprite = (Sprite)DisplayManager.Instance().getDisplayObj(SpriteEnum.FencePost); int x = gameScreenSize.Width; // Top Wall /////////// Sprite_Proxy postProxy1 = new Sprite_Proxy(postSprite, 5, 5, fencePostScale, Color.White); Sprite_Proxy postProxy2 = new Sprite_Proxy(postSprite, 75, 5, fencePostScale, Color.White); Sprite_Proxy postProxy3 = new Sprite_Proxy(postSprite, 150, 5, fencePostScale, Color.White); Sprite_Proxy postProxy4 = new Sprite_Proxy(postSprite, 225, 5, fencePostScale, Color.White); Sprite_Proxy postProxy5 = new Sprite_Proxy(postSprite, 300, 5, fencePostScale, Color.White); //////////////// // Right Wall /////////// Sprite_Proxy postProxy6 = new Sprite_Proxy(postSprite, 300, 95, fencePostScale, Color.White); /////////////////////// // Left Wall ///////// Sprite_Proxy postProxy7 = new Sprite_Proxy(postSprite, 5, 95, fencePostScale, Color.White); // Bottom Wall //////// Sprite_Proxy postProxy8 = new Sprite_Proxy(postSprite, 5, 190, fencePostScale, Color.White); Sprite_Proxy postProxy9 = new Sprite_Proxy(postSprite, 75, 190, fencePostScale, Color.White); Sprite_Proxy postProxy10 = new Sprite_Proxy(postSprite, 150, 190, fencePostScale, Color.White); Sprite_Proxy postProxy11 = new Sprite_Proxy(postSprite, 225, 190, fencePostScale, Color.White); Sprite_Proxy postProxy12 = new Sprite_Proxy(postSprite, 300, 190, fencePostScale, Color.White); ////////////// // Center Posts /// Sprite_Proxy postProxy13 = new Sprite_Proxy(postSprite, 75, 71, fencePostScale, Color.White); Sprite_Proxy postProxy14 = new Sprite_Proxy(postSprite, 225, 71, fencePostScale, Color.White); Sprite_Proxy postProxy15 = new Sprite_Proxy(postSprite, 75, 119, fencePostScale, Color.White); Sprite_Proxy postProxy16 = new Sprite_Proxy(postSprite, 225, 119, fencePostScale, Color.White); /////////////// SBNode postBatch = SpriteBatchManager.Instance().getBatch(batchEnum.boxs); postBatch.addDisplayObject(postProxy1); postBatch.addDisplayObject(postProxy2); postBatch.addDisplayObject(postProxy3); postBatch.addDisplayObject(postProxy4); postBatch.addDisplayObject(postProxy5); postBatch.addDisplayObject(postProxy6); postBatch.addDisplayObject(postProxy7); postBatch.addDisplayObject(postProxy8); postBatch.addDisplayObject(postProxy9); postBatch.addDisplayObject(postProxy10); postBatch.addDisplayObject(postProxy11); postBatch.addDisplayObject(postProxy12); postBatch.addDisplayObject(postProxy13); postBatch.addDisplayObject(postProxy14); postBatch.addDisplayObject(postProxy15); postBatch.addDisplayObject(postProxy16); }
private void createP2Lives() { Sprite shipSprite = (Sprite)DisplayManager.Instance().getDisplayObj(SpriteEnum.Ship); Sprite_Proxy pShip1 = new Sprite_Proxy(shipSprite, 175, 85, 0.4f, Color.Chartreuse); Sprite_Proxy pShip2 = new Sprite_Proxy(shipSprite, 190, 85, 0.4f, Color.Chartreuse); Sprite_Proxy pShip3 = new Sprite_Proxy(shipSprite, 205, 85, 0.4f, Color.Chartreuse); pShip1.rotation = -(float)(90.0f * (Math.PI / 180.0f)); pShip2.rotation = -(float)(90.0f * (Math.PI / 180.0f)); pShip3.rotation = -(float)(90.0f * (Math.PI / 180.0f)); SBNode shipBatch = SpriteBatchManager.Instance().getBatch(batchEnum.ships); shipBatch.addDisplayObject(pShip1); shipBatch.addDisplayObject(pShip2); shipBatch.addDisplayObject(pShip3); lifeSprite1 = pShip1; lifeSprite2 = pShip2; lifeSprite3 = pShip3; color = Color.Chartreuse; // Bomb Sprites Sprite bSprite1 = new Sprite(SpriteEnum.Bomb, 0, 0, 50, 50, true, 0, ImageManager.Instance().getImage(ImageEnum.greenbomb1), false); Sprite_Proxy pBomb1 = new Sprite_Proxy(bSprite1, 175, 95, 0.5f, Color.Chartreuse); Sprite_Proxy pBomb2 = new Sprite_Proxy(bSprite1, 183, 95, 0.5f, Color.Chartreuse); Sprite_Proxy pBomb3 = new Sprite_Proxy(bSprite1, 191, 95, 0.5f, Color.Chartreuse); Sprite_Proxy pBomb4 = new Sprite_Proxy(bSprite1, 199, 95, 0.5f, Color.Chartreuse); Sprite_Proxy pBomb5 = new Sprite_Proxy(bSprite1, 207, 95, 0.5f, Color.Chartreuse); SBNode bombBatch = SpriteBatchManager.Instance().getBatch(batchEnum.bomb); bombBatch.addDisplayObject(pBomb1); bombBatch.addDisplayObject(pBomb2); bombBatch.addDisplayObject(pBomb3); bombBatch.addDisplayObject(pBomb4); bombBatch.addDisplayObject(pBomb5); bombSprite1 = pBomb1; bombSprite2 = pBomb2; bombSprite3 = pBomb3; bombSprite4 = pBomb4; bombSprite5 = pBomb5; }
public void createMissile() { if (state == PlayerState.alive && missileAvailable()) { Ship pShip = playerShip; Body pShipBody = pShip.physicsObj.body; Sprite missileSprite = (Sprite)DisplayManager.Instance().getDisplayObj(SpriteEnum.Missile); Sprite_Proxy proxyMissile = new Sprite_Proxy(missileSprite, (int)pShip.spriteRef.pos.X, (int)pShip.spriteRef.pos.Y, 0.5f, pShip.spriteRef.color); Missile missile = new Missile(missileType, proxyMissile, id); SBNode missileBatch = SpriteBatchManager.Instance().getBatch(batchEnum.missiles); missileBatch.addDisplayObject(proxyMissile); World world = Game1.GameInstance.getWorld(); var missileShape = new PolygonShape(); missileShape.SetAsBox(3, 3); var fd = new FixtureDef(); fd.shape = missileShape; fd.restitution = 0.0f; fd.friction = 0.0f; fd.density = 0.0001f; fd.userData = missile; // Grab ship orientation vector Vector2 direction = new Vector2((float)(Math.Cos(pShipBody.GetAngle())), (float)(Math.Sin(pShipBody.GetAngle()))); direction.Normalize(); BodyDef bd = new BodyDef(); bd.fixedRotation = true; bd.type = BodyType.Dynamic; bd.position = (new Vector2(pShip.spriteRef.pos.X, pShip.spriteRef.pos.Y)) + (direction * 10); var body = world.CreateBody(bd); body.SetBullet(true); body.Rotation = pShipBody.Rotation; body.CreateFixture(fd); body.SetUserData(missile); direction *= 1000; body.ApplyLinearImpulse(direction, body.GetWorldCenter()); GameObjManager.Instance().addGameObj(missile); PhysicsMan.Instance().addPhysicsObj(missile, body); if (numMissiles < maxNumMissiles) numMissiles++; } }