/// <summary> /// Parse a secret key from one of the GPG S expression keys. /// </summary> internal static PgpSecretKey DoParseSecretKeyFromSExpr(Stream inputStream, byte[] rawPassPhrase, PgpKey?pubKey) { SXprReader reader = new SXprReader(inputStream); reader.SkipOpenParenthesis(); string type = reader.ReadString(); if (type.Equals("protected-private-key", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { reader.SkipOpenParenthesis(); string curveName; Oid curveOid; string keyType = reader.ReadString(); if (keyType.Equals("ecc", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { reader.SkipOpenParenthesis(); string curveID = reader.ReadString(); curveName = reader.ReadString(); switch (curveName) { case "NIST P-256": curveOid = new Oid("1.2.840.10045.3.1.7"); break; case "NIST P-384": curveOid = new Oid(""); break; case "NIST P-521": curveOid = new Oid(""); break; case "brainpoolP256r1": curveOid = new Oid(""); break; case "brainpoolP384r1": curveOid = new Oid(""); break; case "brainpoolP512r1": curveOid = new Oid(""); break; case "Curve25519": curveOid = new Oid(""); break; case "Ed25519": curveOid = new Oid(""); break; default: throw new PgpException("unknown curve algorithm"); } reader.SkipCloseParenthesis(); } else { throw new PgpException("no curve details found"); } byte[] qVal; string?flags = null; reader.SkipOpenParenthesis(); type = reader.ReadString(); if (type == "flags") { // Skip over flags flags = reader.ReadString(); reader.SkipCloseParenthesis(); reader.SkipOpenParenthesis(); type = reader.ReadString(); } if (type.Equals("q", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { qVal = reader.ReadBytes(); } else { throw new PgpException("no q value found"); } if (pubKey == null) { var writer = new AsnWriter(AsnEncodingRules.DER); writer.WriteObjectIdentifier(curveOid.Value !); int expectedLength = writer.GetEncodedLength() + 2 + qVal.Length; var destination = new byte[expectedLength]; writer.TryEncode(destination, out int oidBytesWritten); Keys.MPInteger.TryWriteInteger(qVal, destination.AsSpan(oidBytesWritten), out int qBytesWritten); var pubKeyBytes = destination.AsSpan(1, oidBytesWritten + qBytesWritten - 1).ToArray(); PublicKeyPacket pubPacket = new PublicKeyPacket( flags == "eddsa" ? PgpPublicKeyAlgorithm.EdDsa : PgpPublicKeyAlgorithm.ECDsa, DateTime.UtcNow, pubKeyBytes); pubKey = new PgpPublicKey(pubPacket); } reader.SkipCloseParenthesis(); byte[] dValue = GetDValue(reader, pubKey.KeyPacket, rawPassPhrase, curveName); var keyBytes = new byte[pubKey.KeyPacket.PublicKeyLength + 3 + dValue.Length]; pubKey.KeyPacket.KeyBytes.AsSpan(0, pubKey.KeyPacket.PublicKeyLength).CopyTo(keyBytes); keyBytes[pubKey.KeyPacket.PublicKeyLength] = (byte)S2kUsageTag.None; Keys.MPInteger.TryWriteInteger(dValue, keyBytes.AsSpan(pubKey.KeyPacket.PublicKeyLength + 1), out var _); return(new PgpSecretKey(new SecretKeyPacket(pubKey.Algorithm, pubKey.CreationTime, keyBytes), pubKey)); } throw new PgpException("unknown key type found"); }
private static byte[] GetDValue(SXprReader reader, KeyPacket publicKey, byte[] rawPassPhrase, string curveName) { string type; reader.SkipOpenParenthesis(); string protection; string?protectedAt = null; S2k s2k; byte[] iv; byte[] secKeyData; type = reader.ReadString(); if (type.Equals("protected", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { protection = reader.ReadString(); reader.SkipOpenParenthesis(); s2k = reader.ParseS2k(); iv = reader.ReadBytes(); reader.SkipCloseParenthesis(); secKeyData = reader.ReadBytes(); reader.SkipCloseParenthesis(); reader.SkipOpenParenthesis(); if (reader.ReadString().Equals("protected-at", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { protectedAt = reader.ReadString(); } } else { throw new PgpException("protected block not found"); } byte[] data; switch (protection) { case "openpgp-s2k3-sha1-aes256-cbc": case "openpgp-s2k3-sha1-aes-cbc": PgpSymmetricKeyAlgorithm symmAlg = protection.Equals("openpgp-s2k3-sha1-aes256-cbc", StringComparison.Ordinal) ? PgpSymmetricKeyAlgorithm.Aes256 : PgpSymmetricKeyAlgorithm.Aes128; using (var c = PgpUtilities.GetSymmetricAlgorithm(symmAlg)) { var keyBytes = new byte[c.KeySize / 8]; S2kBasedEncryption.MakeKey(rawPassPhrase, PgpHashAlgorithm.Sha1, s2k.GetIV(), s2k.IterationCount, keyBytes); c.Key = keyBytes; c.IV = iv; c.Mode = CipherMode.CBC; using var decryptor = new ZeroPaddedCryptoTransform(c.CreateDecryptor()); data = decryptor.TransformFinalBlock(secKeyData, 0, secKeyData.Length); // TODO: check SHA-1 hash. } break; case "openpgp-s2k3-ocb-aes": { MemoryStream aad = new MemoryStream(); WriteSExprPublicKey(new SXprWriter(aad), publicKey, curveName, protectedAt); var keyBytes = new byte[16]; S2kBasedEncryption.MakeKey(rawPassPhrase, PgpHashAlgorithm.Sha1, s2k.GetIV(), s2k.IterationCount, keyBytes); using var aesOcb = new AesOcb(keyBytes); data = new byte[secKeyData.Length - 16]; aesOcb.Decrypt(iv, secKeyData.AsSpan(0, secKeyData.Length - 16), secKeyData.AsSpan(secKeyData.Length - 16), data, aad.ToArray()); } break; case "openpgp-native": default: throw new PgpException(protection + " key format is not supported yet"); } // // parse the secret key S-expr // Stream keyIn = new MemoryStream(data, false); reader = new SXprReader(keyIn); reader.SkipOpenParenthesis(); reader.SkipOpenParenthesis(); reader.SkipOpenParenthesis(); String name = reader.ReadString(); return(reader.ReadBytes()); }