/*Make sure current lookahead symbol matches the given set * Throw an exception upon mismatch, which is catch by either the * error handler or by the syntactic predicate. */ public virtual void match(AST t, BitSet b) { if (t == null || t == ASTNULL || !b.member(t.Type)) { throw new MismatchedTokenException(getTokenNames(), t, b, false); } }
/*Consume tokens until one matches the given token set */ public virtual void consumeUntil(BitSet bset) { while (LA(1) != Token.EOF_TYPE && !bset.member(LA(1))) { consume(); } }
/*Consume chars until one matches the given set */ public virtual void consumeUntil(BitSet bset) { while (cached_LA1 != EOF_CHAR && !bset.member(cached_LA1)) { consume(); } }
public virtual void match(BitSet b) { if (!b.member(cached_LA1)) { throw new MismatchedCharException(cached_LA1, b, false, this); } consume(); }
// Expected BitSet / not BitSet public MismatchedCharException(char c, BitSet set_, bool matchNot, CharScanner scanner_) : base("Mismatched char", scanner_.getFilename(), scanner_.getLine(), scanner_.getColumn()) { mismatchType = matchNot ? CharTypeEnum.NotSetType : CharTypeEnum.SetType; foundChar = c; bset = set_; scanner = scanner_; }
// Expected BitSet / not BitSet public MismatchedTokenException(string[] tokenNames_, IToken token_, BitSet set_, bool matchNot, string fileName_) : base("Mismatched Token", fileName_, token_.getLine(), token_.getColumn()) { tokenNames = tokenNames_; token = token_; tokenText = token_.getText(); mismatchType = matchNot ? TokenTypeEnum.NotSetType : TokenTypeEnum.SetType; bset = set_; }
/*Make sure current lookahead symbol matches the given set * Throw an exception upon mismatch, which is catch by either the * error handler or by the syntactic predicate. */ public virtual void match(BitSet b) { if (!b.member(LA(1))) { throw new MismatchedTokenException(tokenNames, LT(1), b, false, getFilename()); } else { consume(); } }
// Expected BitSet / not BitSet public MismatchedTokenException(string[] tokenNames_, AST node_, BitSet set_, bool matchNot) : base("Mismatched Token", "<AST>", -1, -1) { tokenNames = tokenNames_; node = node_; if (node_ == null) { tokenText = "<empty tree>"; } else { tokenText = node_.ToString(); } mismatchType = matchNot ? TokenTypeEnum.NotSetType : TokenTypeEnum.SetType; bset = set_; }
public TokenStreamHiddenTokenFilter(TokenStream input) : base(input) { hideMask = new BitSet(); }
public virtual void hide(BitSet mask) { hideMask = mask; }
public virtual void recover(RecognitionException ex, BitSet tokenSet) { consume(); consumeUntil(tokenSet); }
public virtual void discard(BitSet mask) { discardMask = mask; }
public TokenStreamBasicFilter(TokenStream input) { this.input = input; discardMask = new BitSet(); }