        internal SLMergeCell Clone()
            SLMergeCell mc = new SLMergeCell();

            mc.iStartRowIndex    = this.iStartRowIndex;
            mc.iStartColumnIndex = this.iStartColumnIndex;
            mc.iEndRowIndex      = this.iEndRowIndex;
            mc.iEndColumnIndex   = this.iEndColumnIndex;
            mc.bIsValid          = this.bIsValid;

        internal SLMergeCell Clone()
            SLMergeCell mc = new SLMergeCell();
            mc.iStartRowIndex = this.iStartRowIndex;
            mc.iStartColumnIndex = this.iStartColumnIndex;
            mc.iEndRowIndex = this.iEndRowIndex;
            mc.iEndColumnIndex = this.iEndColumnIndex;
            mc.bIsValid = this.bIsValid;

            return mc;
        private void LoadSelectedWorksheet()
            // Need to check?
            //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(gsSelectedWorksheetRelationshipID)) return;

            WorksheetPart wsp = (WorksheetPart)wbp.GetPartById(gsSelectedWorksheetRelationshipID);

            slws = new SLWorksheet(SimpleTheme.listThemeColors, SimpleTheme.listIndexedColors, SimpleTheme.ThemeColumnWidth, SimpleTheme.ThemeColumnWidthInEMU, SimpleTheme.ThemeMaxDigitWidth, SimpleTheme.listColumnStepSize, SimpleTheme.ThemeRowHeight);

            int index = 0;
            SLColumnProperties cp;
            Column col;
            SLSheetView slsv;
            MergeCell mc;
            SLMergeCell slmc;
            SLConditionalFormatting condformat;
            SLHyperlink hl;

            OpenXmlReader oxrRow;
            int iRowIndex = -1;
            int iColumnIndex = -1;
            int iGuessRowIndex = 0;
            int iGuessColumnIndex = 0;
            SLRowProperties rp;
            Row r;
            Cell c;
            SLCell slc;

            OpenXmlReader oxr = OpenXmlReader.Create(wsp);
            while (oxr.Read())
                if (oxr.ElementType == typeof(SheetProperties))
                    SheetProperties sprop = (SheetProperties)oxr.LoadCurrentElement();
                else if (oxr.ElementType == typeof(SheetView))
                    slsv = new SLSheetView();

                    // we're concerned only with the first workbook view.
                    if (slsv.ShowFormulas && slsv.WorkbookViewId == 0) slws.IsDoubleColumnWidth = true;
                else if (oxr.ElementType == typeof(SheetFormatProperties))
                    SheetFormatProperties sfp = (SheetFormatProperties)oxr.LoadCurrentElement();
                else if (oxr.ElementType == typeof(Column))
                    #region Column
                    int i = 0;
                    col = (Column)oxr.LoadCurrentElement();
                    int min = (int)col.Min.Value;
                    int max = (int)col.Max.Value;
                    for (i = min; i <= max; ++i)
                        cp = new SLColumnProperties(SimpleTheme.ThemeColumnWidth, SimpleTheme.ThemeColumnWidthInEMU, SimpleTheme.ThemeMaxDigitWidth, SimpleTheme.listColumnStepSize);
                        if (col.Width != null)
                            cp.Width = col.Width.Value;
                            cp.HasWidth = true;
                        if (col.Style != null)
                            index = (int)col.Style.Value;
                            // default is 0
                            if (index > 0 && index < listStyle.Count)
                                cp.StyleIndex = (uint)index;
                        if (col.Hidden != null && col.Hidden.Value) cp.Hidden = col.Hidden.Value;
                        if (col.BestFit != null && col.BestFit.Value) cp.BestFit = col.BestFit.Value;
                        if (col.Phonetic != null && col.Phonetic.Value) cp.Phonetic = col.Phonetic.Value;
                        if (col.OutlineLevel != null && col.OutlineLevel.Value > 0) cp.OutlineLevel = col.OutlineLevel.Value;
                        if (col.Collapsed != null && col.Collapsed.Value) cp.Collapsed = col.Collapsed.Value;
                        slws.ColumnProperties[i] = cp;
                else if (oxr.ElementType == typeof(Row))
                    #region Row
                    iGuessColumnIndex = 0;
                    r = (Row)oxr.LoadCurrentElement();
                    rp = new SLRowProperties(SimpleTheme.ThemeRowHeight);
                    if (r.RowIndex != null)
                        iRowIndex = (int)r.RowIndex.Value;
                        iGuessRowIndex = iRowIndex;
                    if (r.StyleIndex != null)
                        index = (int)r.StyleIndex.Value;
                        // default is 0
                        if (index > 0 && index < listStyle.Count)
                            rp.StyleIndex = (uint)index;
                    if (r.Height != null)
                        rp.HasHeight = true;
                        rp.Height = r.Height.Value;
                    if (r.Hidden != null && r.Hidden.Value) rp.Hidden = r.Hidden.Value;
                    if (r.OutlineLevel != null && r.OutlineLevel.Value > 0) rp.OutlineLevel = r.OutlineLevel.Value;
                    if (r.Collapsed != null && r.Collapsed.Value) rp.Collapsed = r.Collapsed.Value;
                    if (r.ThickTop != null && r.ThickTop.Value) rp.ThickTop = r.ThickTop.Value;
                    if (r.ThickBot != null && r.ThickBot.Value) rp.ThickBottom = r.ThickBot.Value;
                    if (r.ShowPhonetic != null && r.ShowPhonetic.Value) rp.ShowPhonetic = r.ShowPhonetic.Value;

                    if (slws.RowProperties.ContainsKey(iGuessRowIndex))
                        slws.RowProperties[iGuessRowIndex] = rp;
                        slws.RowProperties.Add(iGuessRowIndex, rp);

                    oxrRow = OpenXmlReader.Create(r);
                    while (oxrRow.Read())
                        if (oxrRow.ElementType == typeof(Cell))
                            c = (Cell)oxrRow.LoadCurrentElement();
                            slc = new SLCell();
                            if (c.CellReference != null)
                                if (SLTool.FormatCellReferenceToRowColumnIndex(c.CellReference.Value, out iRowIndex, out iColumnIndex))
                                    iGuessRowIndex = iRowIndex;
                                    iGuessColumnIndex = iColumnIndex;
                                    slws.Cells[new SLCellPoint(iGuessRowIndex, iGuessColumnIndex)] = slc;
                                    slws.Cells[new SLCellPoint(iGuessRowIndex, iGuessColumnIndex)] = slc;
                                slws.Cells[new SLCellPoint(iGuessRowIndex, iGuessColumnIndex)] = slc;
                else if (oxr.ElementType == typeof(SheetProtection))
                    SLSheetProtection sp = new SLSheetProtection();
                    slws.HasSheetProtection = true;
                    slws.SheetProtection = sp.Clone();
                else if (oxr.ElementType == typeof(AutoFilter))
                    SLAutoFilter af = new SLAutoFilter();
                    slws.HasAutoFilter = true;
                    slws.AutoFilter = af.Clone();
                else if (oxr.ElementType == typeof(MergeCell))
                    mc = (MergeCell)oxr.LoadCurrentElement();
                    slmc = new SLMergeCell();
                    if (slmc.IsValid) slws.MergeCells.Add(slmc);
                else if (oxr.ElementType == typeof(ConditionalFormatting))
                    condformat = new SLConditionalFormatting();
                else if (oxr.ElementType == typeof(DataValidations))
                    DataValidations dvs = (DataValidations)oxr.LoadCurrentElement();
                    if (dvs.DisablePrompts != null) slws.DataValidationDisablePrompts = dvs.DisablePrompts.Value;
                    if (dvs.XWindow != null) slws.DataValidationXWindow = dvs.XWindow.Value;
                    if (dvs.YWindow != null) slws.DataValidationYWindow = dvs.YWindow.Value;

                    using (OpenXmlReader oxrDataValidation = OpenXmlReader.Create(dvs))
                        SLDataValidation dv;
                        while (oxrDataValidation.Read())
                            if (oxrDataValidation.ElementType == typeof(DataValidation))
                                dv = new SLDataValidation();
                else if (oxr.ElementType == typeof(Hyperlink))
                    hl = new SLHyperlink();
                else if (oxr.ElementType == typeof(PrintOptions))
                    PrintOptions po = (PrintOptions)oxr.LoadCurrentElement();
                    if (po.HorizontalCentered != null) slws.PageSettings.PrintHorizontalCentered = po.HorizontalCentered.Value;
                    if (po.VerticalCentered != null) slws.PageSettings.PrintVerticalCentered = po.VerticalCentered.Value;
                    if (po.Headings != null) slws.PageSettings.PrintHeadings = po.Headings.Value;
                    if (po.GridLines != null) slws.PageSettings.PrintGridLines = po.GridLines.Value;
                    if (po.GridLinesSet != null) slws.PageSettings.PrintGridLinesSet = po.GridLinesSet.Value;
                else if (oxr.ElementType == typeof(PageMargins))
                    PageMargins pm = (PageMargins)oxr.LoadCurrentElement();
                    if (pm.Left != null) slws.PageSettings.LeftMargin = pm.Left.Value;
                    if (pm.Right != null) slws.PageSettings.RightMargin = pm.Right.Value;
                    if (pm.Top != null) slws.PageSettings.TopMargin = pm.Top.Value;
                    if (pm.Bottom != null) slws.PageSettings.BottomMargin = pm.Bottom.Value;
                    if (pm.Header != null) slws.PageSettings.HeaderMargin = pm.Header.Value;
                    if (pm.Footer != null) slws.PageSettings.FooterMargin = pm.Footer.Value;
                else if (oxr.ElementType == typeof(PageSetup))
                    PageSetup ps = (PageSetup)oxr.LoadCurrentElement();
                    // consider setting to 1 if not one of the "valid" paper sizes?
                    if (ps.PaperSize != null) slws.PageSettings.PaperSize = (SLPaperSizeValues)ps.PaperSize.Value;
                    if (ps.Scale != null) slws.PageSettings.iScale = ps.Scale.Value;
                    if (ps.FirstPageNumber != null) slws.PageSettings.FirstPageNumber = ps.FirstPageNumber.Value;
                    if (ps.FitToWidth != null) slws.PageSettings.iFitToWidth = ps.FitToWidth.Value;
                    if (ps.FitToHeight != null) slws.PageSettings.iFitToHeight = ps.FitToHeight.Value;
                    if (ps.PageOrder != null) slws.PageSettings.PageOrder = ps.PageOrder.Value;
                    if (ps.Orientation != null) slws.PageSettings.Orientation = ps.Orientation.Value;
                    if (ps.UsePrinterDefaults != null) slws.PageSettings.UsePrinterDefaults = ps.UsePrinterDefaults.Value;
                    if (ps.BlackAndWhite != null) slws.PageSettings.BlackAndWhite = ps.BlackAndWhite.Value;
                    if (ps.Draft != null) slws.PageSettings.Draft = ps.Draft.Value;
                    if (ps.CellComments != null) slws.PageSettings.CellComments = ps.CellComments.Value;
                    if (ps.Errors != null) slws.PageSettings.Errors = ps.Errors.Value;
                    if (ps.HorizontalDpi != null) slws.PageSettings.HorizontalDpi = ps.HorizontalDpi.Value;
                    if (ps.VerticalDpi != null) slws.PageSettings.VerticalDpi = ps.VerticalDpi.Value;
                    if (ps.Copies != null) slws.PageSettings.Copies = ps.Copies.Value;
                else if (oxr.ElementType == typeof(HeaderFooter))
                    HeaderFooter hf = (HeaderFooter)oxr.LoadCurrentElement();
                    if (hf.OddHeader != null) slws.PageSettings.OddHeaderText = hf.OddHeader.Text;
                    if (hf.OddFooter != null) slws.PageSettings.OddFooterText = hf.OddFooter.Text;
                    if (hf.EvenHeader != null) slws.PageSettings.EvenHeaderText = hf.EvenHeader.Text;
                    if (hf.EvenFooter != null) slws.PageSettings.EvenFooterText = hf.EvenFooter.Text;
                    if (hf.FirstHeader != null) slws.PageSettings.FirstHeaderText = hf.FirstHeader.Text;
                    if (hf.FirstFooter != null) slws.PageSettings.FirstFooterText = hf.FirstFooter.Text;
                    if (hf.DifferentOddEven != null) slws.PageSettings.DifferentOddEvenPages = hf.DifferentOddEven.Value;
                    if (hf.DifferentFirst != null) slws.PageSettings.DifferentFirstPage = hf.DifferentFirst.Value;
                    if (hf.ScaleWithDoc != null) slws.PageSettings.ScaleWithDocument = hf.ScaleWithDoc.Value;
                    if (hf.AlignWithMargins != null) slws.PageSettings.AlignWithMargins = hf.AlignWithMargins.Value;
                else if (oxr.ElementType == typeof(RowBreaks))
                    SLBreak b;
                    uint rowbkindex;
                    using (OpenXmlReader oxrRowBreaks = OpenXmlReader.Create((RowBreaks)oxr.LoadCurrentElement()))
                        while (oxrRowBreaks.Read())
                            if (oxrRowBreaks.ElementType == typeof(Break))
                                b = new SLBreak();
                                rowbkindex = b.Id;
                                slws.RowBreaks[(int)rowbkindex] = b;
                else if (oxr.ElementType == typeof(ColumnBreaks))
                    SLBreak b;
                    uint colbkindex;
                    using (OpenXmlReader oxrColBreaks = OpenXmlReader.Create((ColumnBreaks)oxr.LoadCurrentElement()))
                        while (oxrColBreaks.Read())
                            if (oxrColBreaks.ElementType == typeof(Break))
                                b = new SLBreak();
                                colbkindex = b.Id;
                                slws.ColumnBreaks[(int)colbkindex] = b;
                else if (oxr.ElementType == typeof(DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Drawing))
                    DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Drawing drawing = (DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Drawing)oxr.LoadCurrentElement();
                    slws.DrawingId = drawing.Id;
                    if (wsp.DrawingsPart != null)
                        Xdr.NonVisualDrawingProperties nvdp;
                        uint iUniqueId = 1;
                        using (OpenXmlReader oxrDrawing = OpenXmlReader.Create(wsp.DrawingsPart.WorksheetDrawing))
                            while (oxrDrawing.Read())
                                if (oxrDrawing.ElementType == typeof(Xdr.NonVisualDrawingProperties))
                                    nvdp = (Xdr.NonVisualDrawingProperties)oxrDrawing.LoadCurrentElement();
                                    if (nvdp.Id != null && nvdp.Id.Value > iUniqueId)
                                        iUniqueId = nvdp.Id.Value;
                        slws.NextWorksheetDrawingId = iUniqueId + 1;
                else if (oxr.ElementType == typeof(Picture))
                    Picture pic = (Picture)oxr.LoadCurrentElement();
                    slws.BackgroundPictureId = pic.Id;
                    slws.BackgroundPictureDataIsInFile = null;
                else if (oxr.ElementType == typeof(WorksheetExtensionList))
                    WorksheetExtensionList wsextlist = (WorksheetExtensionList)oxr.LoadCurrentElement();

                    SLConditionalFormatting2010 cf2010;
                    X14.SparklineGroup sparkgrp;
                    SLSparklineGroup spkgrp;

                    using (OpenXmlReader oxrext = OpenXmlReader.Create(wsextlist))
                        while (oxrext.Read())
                            if (oxrext.ElementType == typeof(X14.ConditionalFormatting))
                                cf2010 = new SLConditionalFormatting2010();
                            else if (oxrext.ElementType == typeof(X14.SparklineGroup))
                                sparkgrp = (X14.SparklineGroup)oxrext.LoadCurrentElement();
                                spkgrp = new SLSparklineGroup(SimpleTheme.listThemeColors, SimpleTheme.listIndexedColors);

            if (wsp.TableDefinitionParts != null)
                SLTable t;
                foreach (TableDefinitionPart tdp in wsp.TableDefinitionParts)
                    t = new SLTable();
                    t.RelationshipID = wsp.GetIdOfPart(tdp);
                    t.IsNewTable = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Unmerge cells given a corner cell of an existing merged rectangle of cells, and the opposite corner cell. For example, the top-left corner cell and the bottom-right corner cell. Or the bottom-left corner cell and the top-right corner cell.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="StartRowIndex">The row index of the corner cell.</param>
        /// <param name="StartColumnIndex">The column index of the corner cell.</param>
        /// <param name="EndRowIndex">The row index of the opposite corner cell.</param>
        /// <param name="EndColumnIndex">The column index of the opposite corner cell.</param>
        /// <returns>True if unmerging is successful. False otherwise.</returns>
        public bool UnmergeWorksheetCells(int StartRowIndex, int StartColumnIndex, int EndRowIndex, int EndColumnIndex)
            int iStartRowIndex = 1, iEndRowIndex = 1, iStartColumnIndex = 1, iEndColumnIndex = 1;
            if (StartRowIndex < EndRowIndex)
                iStartRowIndex = StartRowIndex;
                iEndRowIndex = EndRowIndex;
                iStartRowIndex = EndRowIndex;
                iEndRowIndex = StartRowIndex;

            if (StartColumnIndex < EndColumnIndex)
                iStartColumnIndex = StartColumnIndex;
                iEndColumnIndex = EndColumnIndex;
                iStartColumnIndex = EndColumnIndex;
                iEndColumnIndex = StartColumnIndex;

            bool result = false;
            SLMergeCell mc = new SLMergeCell();
            for (int i = 0; i < slws.MergeCells.Count; ++i)
                mc = slws.MergeCells[i];
                if (mc.StartRowIndex == iStartRowIndex && mc.StartColumnIndex == iStartColumnIndex && mc.EndRowIndex == iEndRowIndex && mc.EndColumnIndex == iEndColumnIndex)
                    result = true;

            return result;
        /// <summary>
        /// Merge cells given a corner cell of the to-be-merged rectangle of cells, and the opposite corner cell. For example, the top-left corner cell and the bottom-right corner cell. Or the bottom-left corner cell and the top-right corner cell.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="StartRowIndex">The row index of the corner cell.</param>
        /// <param name="StartColumnIndex">The column index of the corner cell.</param>
        /// <param name="EndRowIndex">The row index of the opposite corner cell.</param>
        /// <param name="EndColumnIndex">The column index of the opposite corner cell.</param>
        /// <returns>True if merging is successful. False otherwise.</returns>
        public bool MergeWorksheetCells(int StartRowIndex, int StartColumnIndex, int EndRowIndex, int EndColumnIndex)
            int iStartRowIndex = 1, iEndRowIndex = 1, iStartColumnIndex = 1, iEndColumnIndex = 1;
            if (StartRowIndex < EndRowIndex)
                iStartRowIndex = StartRowIndex;
                iEndRowIndex = EndRowIndex;
                iStartRowIndex = EndRowIndex;
                iEndRowIndex = StartRowIndex;

            if (StartColumnIndex < EndColumnIndex)
                iStartColumnIndex = StartColumnIndex;
                iEndColumnIndex = EndColumnIndex;
                iStartColumnIndex = EndColumnIndex;
                iEndColumnIndex = StartColumnIndex;

            // no point merging one cell
            if (iStartRowIndex == iEndRowIndex && iStartColumnIndex == iEndColumnIndex)
                return false;

            int i;
            bool result = false;
            SLMergeCell mc = new SLMergeCell();
            if (SLTool.CheckRowColumnIndexLimit(iStartRowIndex, iStartColumnIndex) && SLTool.CheckRowColumnIndexLimit(iEndRowIndex, iEndColumnIndex))
                result = true;
                for (i = 0; i < slws.MergeCells.Count; ++i)
                    mc = slws.MergeCells[i];

                    // This comes from the separating axis theorem.
                    // We're checking that the given merged cell does not overlap with
                    // any existing merged cells. The conditions are made easier because
                    // the merged cells are rectangular, the row/column indices are whole numbers,
                    // and they map strictly to a 2D grid.
                    // We've also rearranged values such that the given end row index is equal
                    // to or greater than the given start row index (similarly for the column index).
                    // This means we only need to check for one given value against an existing value.

                    // The given merged cell doesn't overlap if:
                    // 1) it is completely above the existing merged cell OR
                    // 2) it is completely below the existing merged cell OR
                    // 3) it is completely to the left of the existing merged cell OR
                    // 4) it is completely to the right of the existing merged cell

                    if (!(iEndRowIndex < mc.StartRowIndex || iStartRowIndex > mc.EndRowIndex || iEndColumnIndex < mc.StartColumnIndex || iStartColumnIndex > mc.EndColumnIndex))
                        result = false;

                if (result)
                    SLTable t;
                    for (i = 0; i < slws.Tables.Count; ++i)
                        t = slws.Tables[i];
                        if (!(iEndRowIndex < t.StartRowIndex || iStartRowIndex > t.EndRowIndex || iEndColumnIndex < t.StartColumnIndex || iStartColumnIndex > t.EndColumnIndex))
                            result = false;

            // if all went well!
            if (result)
                mc = new SLMergeCell();
                mc.FromIndices(iStartRowIndex, iStartColumnIndex, iEndRowIndex, iEndColumnIndex);

            return result;