        public ICmd Exec()
            List <ICmd> invList = new List <ICmd>(); //list to store returned inverses

            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)     //loop through entire list
                invList.Add(list[i].Exec());         //call execute function for each element in the list and add returned inverse to inverse list
            var inverse = new MultiCmd(invList);     //create new inverse element

        public void pushToUndoBGColorGroup(List <Cell> list) //push group of color changes to undo stack
            List <ICmd> cmds = new List <ICmd>();

            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) //loop through list of cells to create list of restore background color objects
                RestoreBackgroundColor temp = new RestoreBackgroundColor(list[i], list[i].getBGColor());
            MultiCmd mcmd = new MultiCmd(cmds); //create new multi command object

            mcmd.setMessage(" change in background color of cells");
            undo.Push(mcmd); //add multi command object to list