static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Enter path to your xml file or nothing to take xml file from \"xml//AppleSection.xml\":"); string pathxml = Console.ReadLine(); Section section1; if (pathxml == "") section1 = new Section("xml//AppleSection.xml"); else section1 = new Section(pathxml); Console.WriteLine(section1.path); XmlTextReader xtr = new XmlTextReader("xml//xmldb.xml"); Table [] tb = new Table[3]; string [] tablesName = {"Apple", "Dept", "Sale_date"}; for (int i = 0; i!=3; i++) { while (xtr.Name != tablesName[i]) xtr.Read(); tb[i] = new Table(ref xtr); } Datatable dt = new Datatable(ref xtr); SelectQueries sql = new SelectQueries(dt, tb, section1); SQLiteConnection appleConnection = new SQLiteConnection(String.Format("Data Source={0}", section1.path)); appleConnection.Open(); SQLiteCommand appleCommand = new SQLiteCommand(appleConnection); Console.Write("{0, -20} |", ' '); for (int i = 0; i!=sql.idCol.Count; i++) Console.Write("{0, -20} |", sql.idCol[i]); Console.WriteLine(); int i2 = 0; for (int j = 0; j != sql.idRow.Count; j++) { Console.Write("{0, -20} |", sql.idRow[j]); for (int i = 0; i != sql.idCol.Count; i++) { appleCommand.CommandText = sql.queries[i2]; SQLiteDataReader dataReader = appleCommand.ExecuteReader(); DataTable data = new DataTable(); data.Load(dataReader); dataReader.Close(); if (data.Rows.Count != 0) Console.Write("{0, -20} |", data.Rows[0][0]); else Console.Write("{0, -20} |", 0); i2++; } Console.WriteLine(); } appleConnection.Close(); Console.ReadKey(); }
public SelectQueries(Datatable dt, Table[] tables, Section sec) { queries = new List<string>(); idCol = new List<string>(); idRow = new List<string>(); string amount = ""; foreach (Fact s in dt.facts) if ( == "Amount") amount = s.nameinDB; StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder("Select " + dt.nameDT + "." + amount + " from " + dt.nameDT); for (int j = 0; j!=tables.Length; j++) { string fk = ""; foreach (Fact t in dt.facts) if ( == tables[j].table) fk = t.nameinDB; query.AppendFormat(" inner join {0} on {1}.{2} = {3}.{4}", tables[j].tableDB, tables[j].tableDB, tables[j].pk, dt.nameDT, fk); } Table t1 = tables[0]; foreach (Table t in tables) if (t.table == sec.fixedDim) t1 = t; Field f1 = t1.fields[0]; foreach (Field f in t1.fields) if ( == sec.fixedField) f1 = f; query.AppendFormat(" where {0}.{1}={2} and ", t1.tableDB, f1.nameinDB, sec.fixedId[0]); Table dimCol = tables[0]; foreach (Table t in tables) if (t.table == sec.dimByColumn) dimCol = t; Field vis = dimCol.fields[0]; foreach (Field f in dimCol.fields) if (f.visible) vis = f; for (int colNum = 0; colNum != sec.selectId[0].Count; colNum++) { SQLiteConnection appleConnection = new SQLiteConnection(String.Format("Data Source={0}", sec.path)); appleConnection.Open(); SQLiteCommand appleCommand = new SQLiteCommand(appleConnection); appleCommand.CommandText = "select " + vis.nameinDB + " from " + dimCol.tableDB + " where " + + "=" + sec.selectId[0][colNum]; SQLiteDataReader dataReader = appleCommand.ExecuteReader(); DataTable data = new DataTable(); data.Load(dataReader); dataReader.Close(); idCol.Add(data.Rows[0][0].ToString()); } Table dimRow = tables[0]; foreach (Table t in tables) if (t.table == sec.dimByRow) dimRow = t; vis = dimRow.fields[0]; foreach (Field f in dimRow.fields) if (f.visible) vis = f; for (int rowNum = 0; rowNum != sec.selectId[1].Count; rowNum++) { SQLiteConnection appleConnection = new SQLiteConnection(String.Format("Data Source={0}", sec.path)); appleConnection.Open(); SQLiteCommand appleCommand = new SQLiteCommand(appleConnection); appleCommand.CommandText = "select " + vis.nameinDB + " from " + dimRow.tableDB + " where " + + "=" + sec.selectId[1][rowNum]; SQLiteDataReader dataReader = appleCommand.ExecuteReader(); DataTable data = new DataTable(); data.Load(dataReader); dataReader.Close(); idRow.Add(data.Rows[0][0].ToString()); } for (int rowNum = 0; rowNum != sec.selectId[1].Count; rowNum++) { for (int colNum = 0; colNum != sec.selectId[0].Count; colNum++) { StringBuilder resQuery = new StringBuilder(query.ToString()); bool prov = true; foreach (Table t in tables) { if (t.table != sec.fixedDim && prov) { resQuery.AppendFormat("{0}.{1}={2} and ", t.tableDB,, sec.selectId[0][colNum]); prov = false; } else if (t.table != sec.fixedDim) resQuery.AppendFormat("{0}.{1}={2};", t.tableDB,, sec.selectId[1][rowNum]); } queries.Add(resQuery.ToString()); } } }