public void ShowPage(PageType type, string [] warnings) { if (type == PageType.Setup) { Header = "Welcome to SparkleShare!"; Description = "First off, what’s your name and email?\n(visible only to team members)"; FullNameLabel = new SparkleLabel("Full Name:", NSTextAlignment.Right); FullNameLabel.Frame = new CGRect(165, Frame.Height - 234, 160, 17); FullNameTextField = new NSTextField() { Frame = new CGRect(330, Frame.Height - 238, 196, 22), StringValue = new NSProcessInfo().GetFullUserName(), Delegate = new SparkleTextFieldDelegate() }; EmailLabel = new SparkleLabel("Email:", NSTextAlignment.Right); EmailLabel.Frame = new CGRect(165, Frame.Height - 264, 160, 17); EmailTextField = new NSTextField() { Frame = new CGRect(330, Frame.Height - 268, 196, 22), Delegate = new SparkleTextFieldDelegate() }; CancelButton = new NSButton() { Title = "Cancel" }; ContinueButton = new NSButton() { Title = "Continue", Enabled = false }; (FullNameTextField.Delegate as SparkleTextFieldDelegate).StringValueChanged += delegate { Controller.CheckSetupPage(FullNameTextField.StringValue, EmailTextField.StringValue); }; (EmailTextField.Delegate as SparkleTextFieldDelegate).StringValueChanged += delegate { Controller.CheckSetupPage(FullNameTextField.StringValue, EmailTextField.StringValue); }; ContinueButton.Activated += delegate { string full_name = FullNameTextField.StringValue.Trim(); string email = EmailTextField.StringValue.Trim(); Controller.SetupPageCompleted(full_name, email); }; CancelButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.SetupPageCancelled(); }; Controller.UpdateSetupContinueButtonEvent += delegate(bool button_enabled) { SparkleShare.Controller.Invoke(() => { ContinueButton.Enabled = button_enabled; }); }; ContentView.AddSubview(FullNameLabel); ContentView.AddSubview(FullNameTextField); ContentView.AddSubview(EmailLabel); ContentView.AddSubview(EmailTextField); Buttons.Add(ContinueButton); Buttons.Add(CancelButton); Controller.CheckSetupPage(FullNameTextField.StringValue, EmailTextField.StringValue); if (FullNameTextField.StringValue.Equals("")) { MakeFirstResponder((NSResponder)FullNameTextField); } else { MakeFirstResponder((NSResponder)EmailTextField); } } if (type == PageType.Invite) { Header = "You’ve received an invite!"; Description = "Do you want to add this project to SparkleShare?"; AddressLabel = new SparkleLabel("Address:", NSTextAlignment.Right); AddressLabel.Frame = new CGRect(165, Frame.Height - 238, 160, 17); AddressLabel.Font = NSFont.BoldSystemFontOfSize(12); AddressTextField = new SparkleLabel(Controller.PendingInvite.Address, NSTextAlignment.Left) { Frame = new CGRect(330, Frame.Height - 240, 260, 17) }; PathLabel = new SparkleLabel("Remote Path:", NSTextAlignment.Right); PathLabel.Frame = new CGRect(165, Frame.Height - 262, 160, 17); PathLabel.Font = NSFont.BoldSystemFontOfSize(12); PathTextField = new SparkleLabel(Controller.PendingInvite.RemotePath, NSTextAlignment.Left) { Frame = new CGRect(330, Frame.Height - 264, 260, 17) }; CancelButton = new NSButton() { Title = "Cancel" }; AddButton = new NSButton() { Title = "Add" }; CancelButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.PageCancelled(); }; AddButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.InvitePageCompleted(); }; ContentView.AddSubview(AddressLabel); ContentView.AddSubview(PathLabel); ContentView.AddSubview(AddressTextField); ContentView.AddSubview(PathTextField); Buttons.Add(AddButton); Buttons.Add(CancelButton); } if (type == PageType.Add) { Header = "Where’s your project hosted?"; Description = ""; AddressLabel = new SparkleLabel("Address:", NSTextAlignment.Left) { Frame = new CGRect(190, Frame.Height - 310, 160, 17), Font = NSFont.BoldSystemFontOfSize(12) }; AddressTextField = new NSTextField() { Frame = new CGRect(190, Frame.Height - 336, 196, 22), Enabled = (Controller.SelectedPreset.Address == null), Delegate = new SparkleTextFieldDelegate(), StringValue = "" + Controller.PreviousAddress }; AddressTextField.Cell.LineBreakMode = NSLineBreakMode.TruncatingTail; PathLabel = new SparkleLabel("Remote Path:", NSTextAlignment.Left) { Frame = new CGRect(190 + 196 + 16, Frame.Height - 310, 160, 17), Font = NSFont.BoldSystemFontOfSize(12) }; PathTextField = new NSTextField() { Frame = new CGRect(190 + 196 + 16, Frame.Height - 336, 196, 22), Enabled = (Controller.SelectedPreset.Path == null), Delegate = new SparkleTextFieldDelegate(), StringValue = "" + Controller.PreviousPath }; PathTextField.Cell.LineBreakMode = NSLineBreakMode.TruncatingTail; PathHelpLabel = new SparkleLabel(Controller.SelectedPreset.PathExample, NSTextAlignment.Left) { TextColor = NSColor.DisabledControlText, Frame = new CGRect(190 + 196 + 16, Frame.Height - 358, 204, 19) }; AddressHelpLabel = new SparkleLabel(Controller.SelectedPreset.AddressExample, NSTextAlignment.Left) { TextColor = NSColor.DisabledControlText, Frame = new CGRect(190, Frame.Height - 358, 204, 19) }; if (TableView == null || TableView.RowCount != Controller.Presets.Count) { TableView = new NSTableView() { Frame = new CGRect(0, 0, 0, 0), RowHeight = 38, IntercellSpacing = new CGSize(8, 12), HeaderView = null, Delegate = new SparkleTableViewDelegate() }; ScrollView = new NSScrollView() { Frame = new CGRect(190, Frame.Height - 280, 408, 185), DocumentView = TableView, HasVerticalScroller = true, BorderType = NSBorderType.BezelBorder }; IconColumn = new NSTableColumn() { Width = 36, HeaderToolTip = "Icon", DataCell = new NSImageCell() { ImageAlignment = NSImageAlignment.Right } }; DescriptionColumn = new NSTableColumn() { Width = 350, HeaderToolTip = "Description", Editable = false }; TableView.AddColumn(IconColumn); TableView.AddColumn(DescriptionColumn); // Hi-res display support was added after Snow Leopard if (Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major < 11) { DataSource = new SparkleDataSource(1, Controller.Presets); } else { DataSource = new SparkleDataSource((float)BackingScaleFactor, Controller.Presets); } TableView.DataSource = DataSource; TableView.ReloadData(); (TableView.Delegate as SparkleTableViewDelegate).SelectionChanged += delegate { Controller.SelectedPresetChanged((int)TableView.SelectedRow); Controller.CheckAddPage(AddressTextField.StringValue, PathTextField.StringValue, (int)TableView.SelectedRow); }; } TableView.SelectRow(Controller.SelectedPresetIndex, byExtendingSelection: false); TableView.ScrollRowToVisible(Controller.SelectedPresetIndex); MakeFirstResponder((NSResponder)TableView); HistoryCheckButton = new NSButton() { Frame = new CGRect(190, Frame.Height - 400, 300, 18), Title = "Fetch prior revisions" }; if (Controller.FetchPriorHistory) { HistoryCheckButton.State = NSCellStateValue.On; } HistoryCheckButton.SetButtonType(NSButtonType.Switch); AddButton = new NSButton() { Title = "Add", Enabled = false }; CancelButton = new NSButton() { Title = "Cancel" }; Controller.ChangeAddressFieldEvent += delegate(string text, string example_text, FieldState state) { SparkleShare.Controller.Invoke(() => { AddressTextField.StringValue = text; AddressTextField.Enabled = (state == FieldState.Enabled); AddressHelpLabel.StringValue = example_text; }); }; Controller.ChangePathFieldEvent += delegate(string text, string example_text, FieldState state) { SparkleShare.Controller.Invoke(() => { PathTextField.StringValue = text; PathTextField.Enabled = (state == FieldState.Enabled); PathHelpLabel.StringValue = example_text; }); }; (AddressTextField.Delegate as SparkleTextFieldDelegate).StringValueChanged += delegate { Controller.CheckAddPage(AddressTextField.StringValue, PathTextField.StringValue, (int)TableView.SelectedRow); }; (PathTextField.Delegate as SparkleTextFieldDelegate).StringValueChanged += delegate { Controller.CheckAddPage(AddressTextField.StringValue, PathTextField.StringValue, (int)TableView.SelectedRow); }; HistoryCheckButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.HistoryItemChanged(HistoryCheckButton.State == NSCellStateValue.On); }; AddButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.AddPageCompleted(AddressTextField.StringValue, PathTextField.StringValue); }; CancelButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.PageCancelled(); }; Controller.UpdateAddProjectButtonEvent += delegate(bool button_enabled) { SparkleShare.Controller.Invoke(() => { AddButton.Enabled = button_enabled; }); }; ContentView.AddSubview(ScrollView); ContentView.AddSubview(AddressLabel); ContentView.AddSubview(AddressTextField); ContentView.AddSubview(AddressHelpLabel); ContentView.AddSubview(PathLabel); ContentView.AddSubview(PathTextField); ContentView.AddSubview(PathHelpLabel); ContentView.AddSubview(HistoryCheckButton); Buttons.Add(AddButton); Buttons.Add(CancelButton); Controller.CheckAddPage(AddressTextField.StringValue, PathTextField.StringValue, (int)TableView.SelectedRow); } if (type == PageType.Syncing) { Header = "Adding project ‘" + Controller.SyncingFolder + "’…"; Description = "This may take a while for large projects.\nIsn’t it coffee-o’clock?"; ProgressIndicator = new NSProgressIndicator() { Frame = new CGRect(190, Frame.Height - 200, 640 - 150 - 80, 20), Style = NSProgressIndicatorStyle.Bar, MinValue = 0.0, MaxValue = 100.0, Indeterminate = false, DoubleValue = Controller.ProgressBarPercentage }; ProgressIndicator.StartAnimation(this); CancelButton = new NSButton() { Title = "Cancel" }; FinishButton = new NSButton() { Title = "Finish", Enabled = false }; ProgressLabel = new SparkleLabel("Preparing to fetch files…", NSTextAlignment.Right); ProgressLabel.Frame = new CGRect(Frame.Width - 40 - 250, 185, 250, 25); Controller.UpdateProgressBarEvent += delegate(double percentage, string speed) { SparkleShare.Controller.Invoke(() => { ProgressIndicator.DoubleValue = percentage; ProgressLabel.StringValue = speed; }); }; CancelButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.SyncingCancelled(); }; ContentView.AddSubview(ProgressLabel); ContentView.AddSubview(ProgressIndicator); Buttons.Add(FinishButton); Buttons.Add(CancelButton); } if (type == PageType.Error) { Header = "Oops! Something went wrong…"; Description = "Please check the following:"; // Displaying marked up text with Cocoa is // a pain, so we just use a webview instead WebView web_view = new WebView(); web_view.Frame = new CGRect(190, Frame.Height - 525, 375, 400); string html = "<style>" + "* {" + " font-family: -apple-system, '" + UserInterface.FontName + "';" + " font-size: 12px; cursor: default;" + "}" + "body {" + " -webkit-user-select: none;" + " margin: 0;" + " padding: 3px;" + "}" + "li {" + " margin-bottom: 16px;" + " margin-left: 0;" + " padding-left: 0;" + " line-height: 20px;" + " word-wrap: break-word;" + "}" + "ul {" + " padding-left: 24px;" + "}" + "</style>" + "<ul>" + " <li><b>" + Controller.PreviousUrl + "</b> is the address we’ve compiled. Does this look alright?</li>" + " <li>Is this computer’s Client ID known by the host?</li>" + "</ul>"; if (warnings.Length > 0) { string warnings_markup = ""; foreach (string warning in warnings) { warnings_markup += "<br><b>" + warning + "</b>"; } html = html.Replace("</ul>", "<li>Here’s the raw error message: " + warnings_markup + "</li></ul>"); } web_view.MainFrame.LoadHtmlString(html, new NSUrl("")); web_view.DrawsBackground = false; CancelButton = new NSButton() { Title = "Cancel" }; TryAgainButton = new NSButton() { Title = "Retry" }; CancelButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.PageCancelled(); }; TryAgainButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.ErrorPageCompleted(); }; ContentView.AddSubview(web_view); Buttons.Add(TryAgainButton); Buttons.Add(CancelButton); } if (type == PageType.StorageSetup) { Header = string.Format("Storage type for ‘{0}’", Controller.SyncingFolder); Description = "What type of storage would you like to use?"; storage_type_descriptions = new List <NSTextField> (); ButtonCellProto = new NSButtonCell(); ButtonCellProto.SetButtonType(NSButtonType.Radio); ButtonCellProto.Font = NSFont.BoldSystemFontOfSize(12); Matrix = new NSMatrix(new CGRect(202, Frame.Height - 256 - 128, 256, 256), NSMatrixMode.Radio, ButtonCellProto, SparkleShare.Controller.FetcherAvailableStorageTypes.Count, 1); Matrix.CellSize = new CGSize(256, 36); Matrix.IntercellSpacing = new CGSize(32, 32); int i = 0; foreach (StorageTypeInfo storage_type in SparkleShare.Controller.FetcherAvailableStorageTypes) { Matrix.Cells [i].Title = " " + storage_type.Name; NSTextField storage_type_description = new SparkleLabel(storage_type.Description, NSTextAlignment.Left) { TextColor = NSColor.DisabledControlText, Frame = new CGRect(223, Frame.Height - 190 - (68 * i), 256, 32) }; storage_type_descriptions.Add(storage_type_description); ContentView.AddSubview(storage_type_description); i++; } ContentView.AddSubview(Matrix); CancelButton = new NSButton() { Title = "Cancel" }; ContinueButton = new NSButton() { Title = "Continue" }; ContinueButton.Activated += delegate { StorageTypeInfo selected_storage_type = SparkleShare.Controller.FetcherAvailableStorageTypes [(int)Matrix.SelectedRow]; Controller.StoragePageCompleted(selected_storage_type.Type); }; CancelButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.SyncingCancelled(); }; Buttons.Add(ContinueButton); Buttons.Add(CancelButton); NSApplication.SharedApplication.RequestUserAttention(NSRequestUserAttentionType.CriticalRequest); } if (type == PageType.CryptoSetup || type == PageType.CryptoPassword) { if (type == PageType.CryptoSetup) { Header = "Set up file encryption"; Description = "Please a provide a strong password that you don’t use elsewhere."; } else { Header = "This project contains encrypted files"; Description = "Please enter the password to see their contents."; } int extra_pos_y = 0; if (type == PageType.CryptoPassword) { extra_pos_y = 20; } PasswordLabel = new SparkleLabel("Password:"******"Show password", State = NSCellStateValue.Off }; ShowPasswordCheckButton.SetButtonType(NSButtonType.Switch); WarningImage = NSImage.ImageNamed("NSInfo"); WarningImage.Size = new CGSize(24, 24); WarningImageView = new NSImageView() { Image = WarningImage, Frame = new CGRect(200, Frame.Height - 320, 24, 24) }; WarningTextField = new SparkleLabel("This password can’t be changed later, and your files can’t be recovered if it’s forgotten.", NSTextAlignment.Left) { Frame = new CGRect(235, Frame.Height - 390, 325, 100), }; CancelButton = new NSButton() { Title = "Cancel" }; ContinueButton = new NSButton() { Title = "Continue", Enabled = false }; Controller.UpdateCryptoPasswordContinueButtonEvent += delegate(bool button_enabled) { SparkleShare.Controller.Invoke(() => { ContinueButton.Enabled = button_enabled; }); }; Controller.UpdateCryptoSetupContinueButtonEvent += delegate(bool button_enabled) { SparkleShare.Controller.Invoke(() => { ContinueButton.Enabled = button_enabled; }); }; ShowPasswordCheckButton.Activated += delegate { if (PasswordTextField.Superview == ContentView) { PasswordTextField.RemoveFromSuperview(); ContentView.AddSubview(VisiblePasswordTextField); } else { VisiblePasswordTextField.RemoveFromSuperview(); ContentView.AddSubview(PasswordTextField); } }; (PasswordTextField.Delegate as SparkleTextFieldDelegate).StringValueChanged += delegate { VisiblePasswordTextField.StringValue = PasswordTextField.StringValue; if (type == PageType.CryptoSetup) { Controller.CheckCryptoSetupPage(PasswordTextField.StringValue); } else { Controller.CheckCryptoPasswordPage(PasswordTextField.StringValue); } }; (VisiblePasswordTextField.Delegate as SparkleTextFieldDelegate).StringValueChanged += delegate { PasswordTextField.StringValue = VisiblePasswordTextField.StringValue; if (type == PageType.CryptoSetup) { Controller.CheckCryptoSetupPage(PasswordTextField.StringValue); } else { Controller.CheckCryptoPasswordPage(PasswordTextField.StringValue); } }; ContinueButton.Activated += delegate { if (type == PageType.CryptoSetup) { Controller.CryptoSetupPageCompleted(PasswordTextField.StringValue); } else { Controller.CryptoPasswordPageCompleted(PasswordTextField.StringValue); } }; CancelButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.CryptoPageCancelled(); }; ContentView.AddSubview(PasswordLabel); ContentView.AddSubview(PasswordTextField); ContentView.AddSubview(ShowPasswordCheckButton); if (type == PageType.CryptoSetup) { ContentView.AddSubview(WarningImageView); ContentView.AddSubview(WarningTextField); } Buttons.Add(ContinueButton); Buttons.Add(CancelButton); MakeFirstResponder((NSResponder)PasswordTextField); NSApplication.SharedApplication.RequestUserAttention(NSRequestUserAttentionType.CriticalRequest); } if (type == PageType.Finished) { Header = "Your shared project is ready!"; Description = "You can find the files in your SparkleShare folder."; if (warnings.Length > 0) { WarningImage = NSImage.ImageNamed("NSInfo"); WarningImage.Size = new CGSize(24, 24); WarningImageView = new NSImageView() { Image = WarningImage, Frame = new CGRect(200, Frame.Height - 175, 24, 24) }; WarningTextField = new SparkleLabel(warnings [0], NSTextAlignment.Left); WarningTextField.Frame = new CGRect(235, Frame.Height - 245, 325, 100); ContentView.AddSubview(WarningImageView); ContentView.AddSubview(WarningTextField); } ShowFilesButton = new NSButton() { Title = "Show Files" }; FinishButton = new NSButton() { Title = "Finish" }; ShowFilesButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.ShowFilesClicked(); }; FinishButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.FinishPageCompleted(); }; Buttons.Add(FinishButton); Buttons.Add(ShowFilesButton); NSApplication.SharedApplication.RequestUserAttention(NSRequestUserAttentionType.CriticalRequest); } }
public Setup() { Controller.ShowWindowEvent += delegate { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action) delegate { Show(); Activate(); BringIntoView(); }); }; Controller.HideWindowEvent += delegate { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action) delegate { Hide(); }); }; Controller.ChangePageEvent += delegate(PageType type, string [] warnings) { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action) delegate { Reset(); // TODO: Remove switch statement for ifs switch (type) { case PageType.Setup: { Header = "Welcome to SparkleShare!"; Description = "First off, what’s your name and email?\n(Visible only to team members)"; TextBlock name_label = new TextBlock() { Text = "Full Name:", Width = 150, TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Right, FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold }; string name = System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name; name = name.Split("\\".ToCharArray()) [1]; TextBox name_box = new TextBox() { Text = name, Width = 175 }; TextBlock email_label = new TextBlock() { Text = "Email:", Width = 150, TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Right, FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold }; TextBox email_box = new TextBox() { Width = 175 }; Button cancel_button = new Button() { Content = "Cancel" }; Button continue_button = new Button() { Content = "Continue", IsEnabled = false }; ContentCanvas.Children.Add(name_label); Canvas.SetLeft(name_label, 180); Canvas.SetTop(name_label, 200 + 3); ContentCanvas.Children.Add(name_box); Canvas.SetLeft(name_box, 340); Canvas.SetTop(name_box, 200); ContentCanvas.Children.Add(email_label); Canvas.SetLeft(email_label, 180); Canvas.SetTop(email_label, 230 + 3); ContentCanvas.Children.Add(email_box); Canvas.SetLeft(email_box, 340); Canvas.SetTop(email_box, 230); Buttons.Add(cancel_button); Buttons.Add(continue_button); Controller.UpdateSetupContinueButtonEvent += delegate(bool enabled) { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action) delegate { continue_button.IsEnabled = enabled; }); }; name_box.TextChanged += delegate { Controller.CheckSetupPage(name_box.Text, email_box.Text); }; email_box.TextChanged += delegate { Controller.CheckSetupPage(name_box.Text, email_box.Text); }; cancel_button.Click += delegate { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action) delegate { SparkleShare.UI.StatusIcon.Dispose(); Controller.SetupPageCancelled(); }); }; continue_button.Click += delegate { Controller.SetupPageCompleted(name_box.Text, email_box.Text); }; Controller.CheckSetupPage(name_box.Text, email_box.Text); if (name_box.Text.Equals("")) { name_box.Focus(); } else { email_box.Focus(); } break; } case PageType.Invite: { Header = "You’ve received an invite!"; Description = "Do you want to add this project to SparkleShare?"; TextBlock address_label = new TextBlock() { Text = "Address:", Width = 150, TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Right }; TextBlock address_value = new TextBlock() { Text = Controller.PendingInvite.Address, Width = 175, FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold }; TextBlock path_label = new TextBlock() { Text = "Remote Path:", Width = 150, TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Right }; TextBlock path_value = new TextBlock() { Width = 175, Text = Controller.PendingInvite.RemotePath, FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold }; Button cancel_button = new Button() { Content = "Cancel" }; Button add_button = new Button() { Content = "Add" }; ContentCanvas.Children.Add(address_label); Canvas.SetLeft(address_label, 180); Canvas.SetTop(address_label, 200); ContentCanvas.Children.Add(address_value); Canvas.SetLeft(address_value, 340); Canvas.SetTop(address_value, 200); ContentCanvas.Children.Add(path_label); Canvas.SetLeft(path_label, 180); Canvas.SetTop(path_label, 225); ContentCanvas.Children.Add(path_value); Canvas.SetLeft(path_value, 340); Canvas.SetTop(path_value, 225); Buttons.Add(add_button); Buttons.Add(cancel_button); cancel_button.Click += delegate { Controller.PageCancelled(); }; add_button.Click += delegate { Controller.InvitePageCompleted(); }; break; } case PageType.Add: { Header = "Where’s your project hosted?"; ListView list_view = new ListView() { Width = 419, Height = 195, SelectionMode = SelectionMode.Single }; GridView grid_view = new GridView() { AllowsColumnReorder = false }; grid_view.Columns.Add(new GridViewColumn()); string xaml = "<DataTemplate xmlns=\"\"" + " xmlns:x=\"\">" + " <Grid>" + " <StackPanel Orientation=\"Horizontal\">" + " <Image Margin=\"5,0,0,0\" Source=\"{Binding Image}\" Height=\"24\" Width=\"24\"/>" + " <StackPanel>" + " <TextBlock Padding=\"10,4,0,0\" FontWeight=\"Bold\" Text=\"{Binding Name}\">" + " </TextBlock>" + " <TextBlock Padding=\"10,0,0,4\" Opacity=\"0.5\" Text=\"{Binding Description}\">" + " </TextBlock>" + " </StackPanel>" + " </StackPanel>" + " </Grid>" + "</DataTemplate>"; grid_view.Columns [0].CellTemplate = (DataTemplate)XamlReader.Parse(xaml); Style header_style = new Style(typeof(GridViewColumnHeader)); header_style.Setters.Add(new Setter(GridViewColumnHeader.VisibilityProperty, Visibility.Collapsed)); grid_view.ColumnHeaderContainerStyle = header_style; foreach (Preset plugin in Controller.Presets) { // FIXME: images are blurry BitmapFrame image = BitmapFrame.Create( new Uri(plugin.ImagePath) ); list_view.Items.Add( new { Name = plugin.Name, Description = plugin.Description, Image = image } ); } list_view.View = grid_view; list_view.SelectedIndex = Controller.SelectedPresetIndex; TextBlock address_label = new TextBlock() { Text = "Address:", FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold }; TextBox address_box = new TextBox() { Width = 200, Text = Controller.PreviousAddress, IsEnabled = (Controller.SelectedPreset.Address == null) }; TextBlock address_help_label = new TextBlock() { Text = Controller.SelectedPreset.AddressExample, FontSize = 11, Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(128, 128, 128)) }; TextBlock path_label = new TextBlock() { Text = "Remote Path:", FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold, Width = 200 }; TextBox path_box = new TextBox() { Width = 200, Text = Controller.PreviousPath, IsEnabled = (Controller.SelectedPreset.Path == null) }; TextBlock path_help_label = new TextBlock() { Text = Controller.SelectedPreset.PathExample, FontSize = 11, Width = 200, Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(128, 128, 128)) }; Button cancel_button = new Button() { Content = "Cancel" }; Button add_button = new Button() { Content = "Add" }; CheckBox history_check_box = new CheckBox() { Content = "Fetch prior revisions", IsChecked = Controller.FetchPriorHistory }; history_check_box.Click += delegate { Controller.HistoryItemChanged(history_check_box.IsChecked.Value); }; ContentCanvas.Children.Add(history_check_box); Canvas.SetLeft(history_check_box, 185); Canvas.SetBottom(history_check_box, 12); ContentCanvas.Children.Add(list_view); Canvas.SetTop(list_view, 70); Canvas.SetLeft(list_view, 185); ContentCanvas.Children.Add(address_label); Canvas.SetTop(address_label, 285); Canvas.SetLeft(address_label, 185); ContentCanvas.Children.Add(address_box); Canvas.SetTop(address_box, 305); Canvas.SetLeft(address_box, 185); ContentCanvas.Children.Add(address_help_label); Canvas.SetTop(address_help_label, 330); Canvas.SetLeft(address_help_label, 185); ContentCanvas.Children.Add(path_label); Canvas.SetTop(path_label, 285); Canvas.SetRight(path_label, 30); ContentCanvas.Children.Add(path_box); Canvas.SetTop(path_box, 305); Canvas.SetRight(path_box, 30); ContentCanvas.Children.Add(path_help_label); Canvas.SetTop(path_help_label, 330); Canvas.SetRight(path_help_label, 30); TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressValue = 0.0; TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressState = TaskbarItemProgressState.None; Buttons.Add(add_button); Buttons.Add(cancel_button); address_box.Focus(); address_box.Select(address_box.Text.Length, 0); Controller.ChangeAddressFieldEvent += delegate(string text, string example_text, FieldState state) { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action) delegate { address_box.Text = text; address_box.IsEnabled = (state == FieldState.Enabled); address_help_label.Text = example_text; }); }; Controller.ChangePathFieldEvent += delegate(string text, string example_text, FieldState state) { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action) delegate { path_box.Text = text; path_box.IsEnabled = (state == FieldState.Enabled); path_help_label.Text = example_text; }); }; Controller.UpdateAddProjectButtonEvent += delegate(bool button_enabled) { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action) delegate { add_button.IsEnabled = button_enabled; }); }; list_view.SelectionChanged += delegate { Controller.SelectedPresetChanged(list_view.SelectedIndex); }; list_view.KeyDown += delegate { Controller.SelectedPresetChanged(list_view.SelectedIndex); }; Controller.CheckAddPage(address_box.Text, path_box.Text, list_view.SelectedIndex); address_box.TextChanged += delegate { Controller.CheckAddPage(address_box.Text, path_box.Text, list_view.SelectedIndex); }; path_box.TextChanged += delegate { Controller.CheckAddPage(address_box.Text, path_box.Text, list_view.SelectedIndex); }; cancel_button.Click += delegate { Controller.PageCancelled(); }; add_button.Click += delegate { Controller.AddPageCompleted(address_box.Text, path_box.Text); }; break; } case PageType.Syncing: { Header = "Adding project ‘" + Controller.SyncingFolder + "’…"; Description = "This may take a while for large projects.\nIsn’t it coffee-o’clock?"; Button finish_button = new Button() { Content = "Finish", IsEnabled = false }; Button cancel_button = new Button() { Content = "Cancel" }; ProgressBar progress_bar = new ProgressBar() { Width = 414, Height = 15, Value = Controller.ProgressBarPercentage }; TextBlock progress_label = new TextBlock() { Width = 414, Text = "Preparing to fetch files…", TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Right }; ContentCanvas.Children.Add(progress_bar); ContentCanvas.Children.Add(progress_label); Canvas.SetLeft(progress_bar, 185); Canvas.SetTop(progress_bar, 150); Canvas.SetLeft(progress_label, 185); Canvas.SetTop(progress_label, 175); TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressState = TaskbarItemProgressState.Normal; Buttons.Add(cancel_button); Buttons.Add(finish_button); Controller.UpdateProgressBarEvent += delegate(double percentage, string speed) { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action) delegate { progress_bar.Value = percentage; TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressValue = percentage / 100; progress_label.Text = speed; }); }; cancel_button.Click += delegate { Controller.SyncingCancelled(); }; break; } case PageType.Error: { Header = "Oops! Something went wrong…"; Description = "Please check the following:"; TextBlock help_block = new TextBlock() { TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap, Width = 310 }; TextBlock bullets_block = new TextBlock() { Text = "•\n\n\n•" }; help_block.Inlines.Add(new Bold(new Run(Controller.PreviousUrl))); help_block.Inlines.Add(" is the address we’ve compiled. Does this look alright?\n\n"); help_block.Inlines.Add("Is this computer’s Client ID known by the host?"); if (warnings.Length > 0) { bullets_block.Text += "\n\n•"; help_block.Inlines.Add("\n\nHere’s the raw error message:"); foreach (string warning in warnings) { help_block.Inlines.Add("\n"); help_block.Inlines.Add(new Bold(new Run(warning))); } } Button cancel_button = new Button() { Content = "Cancel" }; Button try_again_button = new Button() { Content = "Try again…" }; ContentCanvas.Children.Add(bullets_block); Canvas.SetLeft(bullets_block, 195); Canvas.SetTop(bullets_block, 100); ContentCanvas.Children.Add(help_block); Canvas.SetLeft(help_block, 210); Canvas.SetTop(help_block, 100); TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressValue = 1.0; TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressState = TaskbarItemProgressState.Error; Buttons.Add(try_again_button); Buttons.Add(cancel_button); cancel_button.Click += delegate { Controller.PageCancelled(); }; try_again_button.Click += delegate { Controller.ErrorPageCompleted(); }; break; } case PageType.CryptoSetup: { // TODO: Merge crypto pages Header = "Set up file encryption"; Description = "Please a provide a strong password that you don’t use elsewhere."; TextBlock password_label = new TextBlock() { Text = "Password:"******"Show password", IsChecked = false }; TextBlock info_label = new TextBlock() { Text = "This password can’t be changed later, and your files can’t be recovered if it’s forgotten.", TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap, Width = 315 }; Image warning_image = new Image() { Source = Imaging.CreateBitmapSourceFromHIcon(Drawing.SystemIcons.Information.Handle, Int32Rect.Empty, BitmapSizeOptions.FromEmptyOptions()) }; show_password_checkbox.Checked += delegate { visible_password_box.Text = password_box.Password; visible_password_box.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; password_box.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; }; show_password_checkbox.Unchecked += delegate { password_box.Password = visible_password_box.Text; password_box.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; visible_password_box.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; }; password_box.PasswordChanged += delegate { Controller.CheckCryptoSetupPage(password_box.Password); }; visible_password_box.TextChanged += delegate { Controller.CheckCryptoSetupPage(visible_password_box.Text); }; Button continue_button = new Button() { Content = "Continue", IsEnabled = false }; continue_button.Click += delegate { if (show_password_checkbox.IsChecked == true) { Controller.CryptoSetupPageCompleted(visible_password_box.Text); } else { Controller.CryptoSetupPageCompleted(password_box.Password); } }; Button cancel_button = new Button() { Content = "Cancel" }; cancel_button.Click += delegate { Controller.CryptoPageCancelled(); }; Controller.UpdateCryptoSetupContinueButtonEvent += delegate(bool button_enabled) { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action) delegate { continue_button.IsEnabled = button_enabled; }); }; ContentCanvas.Children.Add(password_label); Canvas.SetLeft(password_label, 270); Canvas.SetTop(password_label, 180); ContentCanvas.Children.Add(password_box); Canvas.SetLeft(password_box, 335); Canvas.SetTop(password_box, 180); ContentCanvas.Children.Add(visible_password_box); Canvas.SetLeft(visible_password_box, 335); Canvas.SetTop(visible_password_box, 180); ContentCanvas.Children.Add(show_password_checkbox); Canvas.SetLeft(show_password_checkbox, 338); Canvas.SetTop(show_password_checkbox, 208); ContentCanvas.Children.Add(info_label); Canvas.SetLeft(info_label, 240); Canvas.SetTop(info_label, 300); ContentCanvas.Children.Add(warning_image); Canvas.SetLeft(warning_image, 193); Canvas.SetTop(warning_image, 300); Buttons.Add(continue_button); Buttons.Add(cancel_button); password_box.Focus(); break; } case PageType.CryptoPassword: { Header = "This project contains encrypted files"; Description = "Please enter the password to see their contents."; TextBlock password_label = new TextBlock() { Text = "Password:"******"Show password", IsChecked = false }; show_password_checkbox.Checked += delegate { visible_password_box.Text = password_box.Password; visible_password_box.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; password_box.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; }; show_password_checkbox.Unchecked += delegate { password_box.Password = visible_password_box.Text; password_box.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; visible_password_box.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; }; password_box.PasswordChanged += delegate { Controller.CheckCryptoPasswordPage(password_box.Password); }; visible_password_box.TextChanged += delegate { Controller.CheckCryptoPasswordPage(visible_password_box.Text); }; Button continue_button = new Button() { Content = "Continue", IsEnabled = false }; continue_button.Click += delegate { if (show_password_checkbox.IsChecked == true) { Controller.CryptoPasswordPageCompleted(visible_password_box.Text); } else { Controller.CryptoPasswordPageCompleted(password_box.Password); } }; Button cancel_button = new Button() { Content = "Cancel" }; cancel_button.Click += delegate { Controller.CryptoPageCancelled(); }; Controller.UpdateCryptoPasswordContinueButtonEvent += delegate(bool button_enabled) { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action) delegate { continue_button.IsEnabled = button_enabled; }); }; ContentCanvas.Children.Add(password_label); Canvas.SetLeft(password_label, 270); Canvas.SetTop(password_label, 180); ContentCanvas.Children.Add(password_box); Canvas.SetLeft(password_box, 335); Canvas.SetTop(password_box, 180); ContentCanvas.Children.Add(visible_password_box); Canvas.SetLeft(visible_password_box, 335); Canvas.SetTop(visible_password_box, 180); ContentCanvas.Children.Add(show_password_checkbox); Canvas.SetLeft(show_password_checkbox, 338); Canvas.SetTop(show_password_checkbox, 208); Buttons.Add(continue_button); Buttons.Add(cancel_button); password_box.Focus(); break; } case PageType.Finished: { Header = "Your shared project is ready!"; Description = "You can find the files in your SparkleShare folder."; Button finish_button = new Button() { Content = "Finish" }; Button show_files_button = new Button() { Content = "Show files" }; if (warnings.Length > 0) { Image warning_image = new Image() { Source = Imaging.CreateBitmapSourceFromHIcon(Drawing.SystemIcons.Information.Handle, Int32Rect.Empty, BitmapSizeOptions.FromEmptyOptions()) }; TextBlock warning_block = new TextBlock() { Text = warnings [0], Width = 310, TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap }; ContentCanvas.Children.Add(warning_image); Canvas.SetLeft(warning_image, 193); Canvas.SetTop(warning_image, 100); ContentCanvas.Children.Add(warning_block); Canvas.SetLeft(warning_block, 240); Canvas.SetTop(warning_block, 100); } TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressValue = 0.0; TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressState = TaskbarItemProgressState.None; Buttons.Add(show_files_button); Buttons.Add(finish_button); finish_button.Click += delegate { Controller.FinishPageCompleted(); }; show_files_button.Click += delegate { Controller.ShowFilesClicked(); }; break; } } ShowAll(); }); }; }