        public void RenderSessionOnScreen(LevelSession levelSession)
            Cell[,] cells = levelSession.Grid.Cells;
            int rows    = levelSession.Grid.Rows;
            int columns = levelSession.Grid.Columns;

            for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++)
                    SpriteObject spriteObj = ((SpriteObject)cells[i, j].CellObj);
                    if (spriteObj != null)
                        GameObject     spriteViewGO = PoolManager.Instance.GetObjectFromPool("SpriteView");
                        SpriteRenderer rendere      = spriteViewGO.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
                        rendere.sprite = spriteMap[spriteObj.SpriteType];
                        SpriteView spriteView = spriteViewGO.GetComponent <SpriteView>();
        public LevelSession GetLevelSession(int levelIndex, Vector3 levelCenterPostion)
            LevelParserData levelParserData = LevelParser.LoadLevelData(levels[levelIndex].levelFileName);
            int             rows            = levelParserData.rows;
            int             columns         = levelParserData.columns;
            int             totlaNumberOFX  = levelParserData.filledCellCount; // number of filled blocks

            if (totlaNumberOFX % 2 != 0)
                Debug.LogError("levele contains even tiles"); // we expect all even filled blocks

            List <Vector2> filledCellIndexList = new List <Vector2>();

            for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                List <bool> currentRow = levelParserData.levelInfoList[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < currentRow.Count; j++)
                    if (currentRow[j] == true)
                        filledCellIndexList.Add(new Vector2(i, j));

            int numberOfTileSNeeded     = totlaNumberOFX / 2;
            int noofAvaialbleSprites    = Enum.GetNames(typeof(SpriteTypes)).Length;
            int numberOfCloseByExpected = UnityEngine.Random.Range(2, 4);                                                // expected close by pairs

            Dictionary <SpriteTypes, int> cellSpriteTypesDict = new Dictionary <SpriteTypes, int>();                     // dictionary will track the count of used ons
            List <SpriteTypes>            cellSpriteTypesList = new List <SpriteTypes>();                                // list as key for dictionary

            cellSpriteTypesDict = GetCellSpriteTyes(numberOfTileSNeeded, noofAvaialbleSprites, ref cellSpriteTypesList); // type of sprite that we are gonna show it on the screnn

            // we create grid with one extra 2 row and 2 column. this helps to find the outer path beyond the grid dimentions
            // session cell starts at (1,1) and end at ( row -1, column-1)

            Grid2D grid2D = new Grid2D(rows + 2, columns + 2, 1.0f, 1.0f, levelCenterPostion); // ading extra column and row
            Dictionary <SpriteTypes, List <Cell> > connectionMap = new Dictionary <SpriteTypes, List <Cell> >();

            //TODO: close by pairs

            for (int i = 0; i < filledCellIndexList.Count; i++)
                Vector2 currentIndex = filledCellIndexList[i];
                Vector2 cellIndex    = new Vector2(currentIndex.x + 1, currentIndex.y + 1);
                Cell    cell         = grid2D.Cells[(int)cellIndex.x, (int)cellIndex.y];
                cell.CellPositionIndex = cellIndex;

                int         randomSpriteNo = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, cellSpriteTypesList.Count);
                SpriteTypes randomSprite   = cellSpriteTypesList[randomSpriteNo];

                if (cellSpriteTypesDict.ContainsKey(randomSprite)) // we expecting the diction contins the key
                    cellSpriteTypesDict[randomSprite] -= 1;
                    if (cellSpriteTypesDict[randomSprite] == 0)

                SpriteObject spriteObject = new SpriteObject(randomSprite);
                cell.CellObj            = spriteObject;
                spriteObject.ParentCell = cell;
                if (connectionMap.ContainsKey(randomSprite))
                    connectionMap.Add(randomSprite, new List <Cell>()

                float randomeValue = UnityEngine.Random.value;

            _currentLevelGrid = grid2D;
            LevelSession levelSession = new LevelSession(grid2D, connectionMap);

            levelSession.RemainigSpritObjCnt = totlaNumberOFX;  // init max sprite count
            levelSession.SpriteObjCount      = totlaNumberOFX;