        /// <summary>Samples the attributes to apply to the item.</summary>
        /// <param name="manager">The manager.</param>
        /// <param name="cellCenter">The center of the cell for which the sun system is created.</param>
        /// <param name="random">The randomizer to use.</param>
        /// <return>The entity with the attributes applied.</return>
        public void SampleSunSystem(IManager manager, FarPosition cellCenter, IUniformRandom random)
            var sun = FactoryLibrary.SampleSun(manager, _sun, cellCenter, random);

            if (_planets != null)
                _planets.Sample(manager, sun, random);
        /// <summary>Samples the attributes to apply to the item.</summary>
        /// <param name="manager"> </param>
        /// <param name="faction">The faction the ship belongs to.</param>
        /// <param name="position">The position at which to spawn the ship.</param>
        /// <param name="random">The randomizer to use.</param>
        /// <return>The entity with the attributes applied.</return>
        public int Sample(IManager manager, Factions faction, FarPosition position, IUniformRandom random)
            var entity = CreateShip(manager, faction, position);

            // Create initial equipment.
            var equipment = (ItemSlot)manager.GetComponent(entity, ItemSlot.TypeId);

            equipment.Item = FactoryLibrary.SampleItem(manager, _items.Name, position, random);
            if (equipment.Item > 0)
                foreach (var item in _items.Slots)
                    SampleItems(manager, position, random, equipment.Item, item);

            // Add our attributes.
            var attributes = (Attributes <AttributeType>)manager.GetComponent(entity, Attributes <AttributeType> .TypeId);

            foreach (var attribute in _attributes)
                var modifier = attribute.SampleAttributeModifier(random);
                if (modifier.ComputationType == AttributeComputationType.Multiplicative)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Base attributes must be additive.");
                attributes.SetBaseValue(modifier.Type, modifier.Value);

            // Fill up our values.
            var health = ((Health)manager.GetComponent(entity, Health.TypeId));
            var energy = ((Energy)manager.GetComponent(entity, Energy.TypeId));

            health.Value = health.MaxValue;
            energy.Value = energy.MaxValue;

            // Add experience points if we're worth any.
            if (_xp > 0)
                manager.AddComponent <ExperiencePoints>(entity).Initialize(_xp);

        /// <summary>Samples the items for the specified item info and children (recursively).</summary>
        /// <param name="manager">The manager.</param>
        /// <param name="position">The position.</param>
        /// <param name="random">The random.</param>
        /// <param name="parent">The parent.</param>
        /// <param name="itemInfo">The item info.</param>
        private static void SampleItems(
            IManager manager, FarPosition position, IUniformRandom random, int parent, ItemInfo itemInfo)
            // Create the actual item.
            var itemId = FactoryLibrary.SampleItem(manager, itemInfo.Name, position, random);

            if (itemId < 1)
                // No such item.
            var item = (Item)manager.GetComponent(itemId, Item.TypeId);

            // Then equip it in the parent.
            foreach (ItemSlot slot in manager.GetComponents(parent, ItemSlot.TypeId))
                if (slot.Item == 0 && slot.Validate(item))
                    // Found a suitable empty slot, equip here.
                    slot.Item = itemId;

                    // Recurse to generate children.
                    foreach (var childInfo in itemInfo.Slots)
                        SampleItems(manager, position, random, itemId, childInfo);

                    // Done.

            // If we get here we couldn't find a slot to equip the item in.

            Logger.Warn("Parent item did not have a slot for the requested child item.");
        /// <summary>
        ///     Samples the specified number of attributes from the list of available attributes in the specified attribute
        ///     pools.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="count">The number of attributes to sample.</param>
        /// <param name="random">The randomizer to use.</param>
        protected IEnumerable <AttributeModifier <AttributeType> > SampleAttributes(int count, IUniformRandom random)
            if (count <= 0)
                yield break;

            // Get the cumulative weights, and figure out how many attributes
            // there are, so we don't have to resize our list of all attributes
            // while adding them.
            var summedWeights  = 0;
            var attributeCount = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < _additionalAttributes.Length; i++)
                var pool = FactoryLibrary.GetAttributePool(_additionalAttributes[i]);
                attributeCount += pool.Attributes.Length;
                summedWeights  += pool.Attributes.Sum(attribute => attribute.Weight);

            // Get the actual list of available attributes.
            var attributes = new List <AttributePool.AttributeInfo>(attributeCount);

            for (var i = 0; i < _additionalAttributes.Length; i++)

            // Sample some attributes! Make sure we always have some (may
            // remove some, if they may not be re-used).
            for (var i = 0; i < count && attributes.Count > 0; i++)
                // Regarding the following...
                // Assume we have 5 attributes, when concatenating their
                // weights on an interval that might look like so:
                // |--|----|--|-|---------|
                // where one '-' represents one weight (i.e. '--' == 2).
                // Now, when sampling we multiply a uniform random value
                // with the sum of those weights, meaning that number
                // falls somewhere in that interval. What we need to do
                // then, is to figure out into which sub-interval it is,
                // meaning which attribute is to be picked. We do this by
                // starting with the left interval, moving to the right
                // and subtracting the weight of the current interval until
                // the remaining rolled value becomes negative, in which
                // case we it fell into the last one. (equal zero does
                // not count, because the roll is at max weight - 1,
                // because 0 counts for the first interval).

                // Note that the list does *not* have to be sorted for
                // this, because each point on the interval is equally
                // likely to be hit!

                // Get a random number determining the attribute we want.
                var roll = (int)(random.NextDouble() * summedWeights);

                // Figure out the interval, starting with the first.
                var j = 0;
                while (roll >= 0)
                    roll -= attributes[j].Weight;

                // Get the attribute that was sampled.
                var attribute = attributes[j];

                // Sample it!
                yield return(attribute.Attribute.SampleAttributeModifier(random));

                // If the attribute may not be reused, remove it from our list.
                if (!attribute.AllowRedraw)
                    summedWeights -= attribute.Weight;