public IntPtr Scan(SigScanTarget target)
            if (_memory == null || _memory.Length != _size)
                _memory = new byte[_size];

                int read;
                if (!SafeNativeMethods.ReadProcessMemory(_process.Handle, _address, _memory, _size, out read) ||
                    read != _size)
                    _memory = null;

            foreach (SigScanTarget.Signature sig in target.Signatures)
                IntPtr ptr = this.FindPattern(sig.Pattern, sig.Mask, sig.Offset);
                if (ptr != IntPtr.Zero)
                    if (target.OnFound != null)
                        ptr = target.OnFound(_process, ptr);

        public IntPtr Scan(SigScanTarget target)
            if (_memory == null || _memory.Length != _size)
                _memory = new byte[_size];

                int read;
                if (!SafeNativeMethods.ReadProcessMemory(_process.Handle, _address, _memory, _size, out read)
                    || read != _size)
                    _memory = null;
                    return IntPtr.Zero;

            foreach (SigScanTarget.Signature sig in target.Signatures)
                IntPtr ptr = this.FindPattern(sig.Pattern, sig.Mask, sig.Offset);
                if (ptr != IntPtr.Zero)
                    if (target.OnFound != null)
                        ptr = target.OnFound(_process, ptr);
                    return ptr;

            return IntPtr.Zero;
        public GameMemory()
            // TODO: refine hl2 2014 signatures once an update after the may 29th one is released

            /*// CBaseServer::(server_state_t)m_State
             * _serverStateTarget = new SigScanTarget();
             * _serverStateTarget.OnFound = (proc, ptr) => !ReadProcessPtr32(proc, ptr, out ptr) ? IntPtr.Zero : ptr;
             * // works for every engine.dll
             * // \x83\xf8\x01\x0f\x8c..\x00\x00\x3d\x00\x02\x00\x00\x0f\x8f..\x00\x00\x83\x3d(....)\x02\x7d
             * _serverStateTarget.AddSignature(22,
             *  "83 F8 01",                // cmp     eax, 1
             *  "0F 8C ?? ?? 00 00",       // jl      loc_200087FB
             *  "3D 00 02 00 00",          // cmp     eax, 200h
             *  "0F 8F ?? ?? 00 00",       // jg      loc_200087FB
             *  "83 3d ?? ?? ?? ?? 02",    // cmp     m_State, 2
             *  "7D");                     // jge     short loc_200085FD*/

            // CGlobalVarsBase::curtime (g_ClientGlobalVariables aka gpGlobals)
            // hl2 old engine / portal latest / hl2 new engine
            _curTimeTarget         = new SigScanTarget();
            _curTimeTarget.OnFound = (proc, ptr) => !ReadProcessPtr32(proc, ptr, out ptr) ? IntPtr.Zero : ptr;
            // \xa3....\xb9....\xa3....\xe8....\xd9\x1d(....)\xb9....\xe8....\xd9\x1d
                                        "A3 ?? ?? ?? ??",    // mov     dword_2038BA6C, eax
                                        "B9 ?? ?? ?? ??",    // mov     ecx, offset unk_2038B8E8
                                        "A3 ?? ?? ?? ??",    // mov     dword_2035DDA4, eax
                                        "E8 ?? ?? ?? ??",    // call    sub_20048110
                                        "D9 1D ?? ?? ?? ??", // fstp    curTime
                                        "B9 ?? ?? ?? ??",    // mov     ecx, offset unk_2038B8E8
                                        "E8 ?? ?? ?? ??",    // call    sub_20048130
                                        "D9 1D");            // fstp    frametime

            // dear esther / portal 2
            // \x89\x96\xc4\x00\x00\x00\x8b\x86\xc8\x00\x00\x00\x8b\xce\xa3....\xe8....\xd9\x1d(....)\x8b\xce\xe8....\xd9\x1d
                                        "89 96 C4 00 00 00", // mov     [esi+0C4h], edx
                                        "8B 86 C8 00 00 00", // mov     eax, [esi+0C8h]
                                        "8B CE",             // mov     ecx, esi
                                        "A3 ?? ?? ?? ??",    // mov     dword_10414AD0, eax
                                        "E8 ?? ?? ?? ??",    // call    sub_100A0F30
                                        "D9 1D ?? ?? ?? ??", // fstp    curTime
                                        "8B CE",             // mov     ecx, esi
                                        "E8 ?? ?? ?? ??",    // call    sub_100A0FB0
                                        "D9 1D");            // fstp    frametime

            // l4d2
            // \x89\x8f\xc4\x00\x00\x00\x8b\x97\xc8\x00\x00\x00\x8b\xcf\x89\x15....\xe8....\xd9\x1d(....)\x8b\xcf\xe8....\xd9\x1d
                                        "89 8F C4 00 00 00", // mov     [edi+0C4h], ecx
                                        "8B 97 C8 00 00 00", // mov     edx, [edi+0C8h]
                                        "8B CF",             // mov     ecx, edi
                                        "89 15 ?? ?? ?? ??", // mov     dword_10422624, edx
                                        "E8 ?? ?? ?? ??",    // call    sub_1008FE40
                                        "D9 1D ?? ?? ?? ??", // fstp    curTime
                                        "8B CF",             // mov     ecx, edi
                                        "E8 ?? ?? ?? ??",    // call    sub_1008FEB0
                                        "D9 1D");            // fstp    flt_1042261C

            // hl2 may 29 2014 update
            // \xa3....\x89\x15....\xe8....\xd9\x1d....\x57\xb9....\xe8....\x8b\x0d....\xd9\x1d
                                        "A3 ?? ?? ?? ??",    // mov     dword_103B4AC8, eax
                                        "89 15 ?? ?? ?? ??", // mov     dword_10452F38, edx
                                        "E8 ?? ?? ?? ??",    // call    sub_100CE610
                                        "D9 1D ?? ?? ?? ??", // fstp    curTime
                                        "57",                // push    edi
                                        "B9 ?? ?? ?? ??",    // mov     ecx, offset unk_10452D98
                                        "E8 ?? ?? ?? ??",    // call    sub_100CE390
                                        "8B 0D ?? ?? ?? ??", // mov     ecx, dword_1043686C
                                        "D9 1D");            // fstp    frametime

            // CBaseClientState::m_nSignOnState (older engines)
            _signOnStateTarget1         = new SigScanTarget();
            _signOnStateTarget1.OnFound = (proc, ptr) => !ReadProcessPtr32(proc, ptr, out ptr) ? IntPtr.Zero : ptr;
            // \x80\x3d....\x00\x74\x06\xb8....\xc3\x83\x3d(....)\x02\xb8....\x7c\x05
                                             "80 3D ?? ?? ?? ?? 00", // cmp     byte_698EE114, 0
                                             "74 06",                // jz      short loc_6936C8FF
                                             "B8 ?? ?? ?? ??",       // mov     eax, offset aDedicatedServe ; "Dedicated Server"
                                             "C3",                   // retn
                                             "83 3D ?? ?? ?? ?? 02", // cmp     CBaseClientState__m_nSignonState, 2
                                             "B8 ?? ?? ?? ??");      // mov     eax, offset MultiByteStr

            // CBaseClientState::m_nSignOnState (newer engines)
            _signOnStateTarget2         = new SigScanTarget();
            _signOnStateTarget2.OnFound = (proc, ptr) => {
                if (!ReadProcessPtr32(proc, ptr, out ptr)) // deref instruction
                if (!ReadProcessPtr32(proc, ptr, out ptr)) // deref ptr
                return(IntPtr.Add(ptr, 0x70)); // this+0x70 = m_nSignOnState
            // \x74.\x8b\x74\x87\x04\x83\x7e\x18\x00\x74\x2d\x8b\x0d(....)\x8b\x49\x18
                                             "74 ??",             // jz      short loc_693D4E22
                                             "8B 74 87 04",       // mov     esi, [edi+eax*4+4]
                                             "83 7E 18 00",       // cmp     dword ptr [esi+18h], 0
                                             "74 2D",             // jz      short loc_693D4DFC
                                             "8B 0D ?? ?? ?? ??", // mov     ecx, baseclientstate
                                             "8B 49 18");         // mov     mov     ecx, [ecx+18h]

            // CBaseServer::m_szMapname[64]
            _curMapTarget         = new SigScanTarget();
            _curMapTarget.OnFound = (proc, ptr) => !ReadProcessPtr32(proc, ptr, out ptr) ? IntPtr.Zero : ptr;
            // TODO: these signatures arent very generic
            // \x68(....).\xe8...\x00\x83\xc4\x08\x85\xc0\x0f\x84..\x00\x00\x47\x83.\x50\x3b\x7e\x18\x7c
                                       "68 ?? ?? ?? ??",    // push    offset map
                                       "??",                // push    ebx
                                       "E8 ?? ?? ?? 00",    // call    __stricmp
                                       "83 C4 08",          // add     esp, 8
                                       "85 C0",             // test    eax, eax
                                       "0F 84 ?? ?? 00 00", // jz      loc_6947E980
                                       "47",                // inc     edi
                                       "83 ?? 50",          // add     ebx, 50h
                                       "3B 7E 18",          // cmp     edi, [esi+18h]
                                       "7C");               // jl      short loc_6947E830
            // \x68(....).\xe8...\x00\x83\xc4\x08\x85\xc0\x0f\x84..\x00\x00\x83\xc7\x01\x83.\x50\x3b\x7e\x18\x7c
                                       "68 ?? ?? ?? ??",    // push    offset map
                                       "??",                // push    ebp
                                       "E8 ?? ?? ?? 00",    // call    __stricmp
                                       "83 C4 08",          // add     esp, 8
                                       "85 C0",             // test    eax, eax
                                       "0F 84 ?? ?? 00 00", // jz      loc_200CDF8D
                                       "83 C7 01",          // add     edi, 1
                                       "83 ?? 50",          // add     ebp, 50h
                                       "3B 7E 18",          // cmp     edi, [esi+18h]
                                       "7C");               // jl      short loc_200CDEC0
            // \x68(....).\xe8...\x00\x83\xc4\x08\x85\xc0\x0f\x84..\x00\x00\x47\x81.\xb0\x00\x00\x00\x3b\x7e\x18\x7c
                                       "68 ?? ?? ?? ??",    // push    offset map
                                       "??",                // push    ebp
                                       "E8 ?? ?? ?? 00",    // call    __stricmp
                                       "83 C4 08",          // add     esp, 8
                                       "85 C0",             // test    eax, eax
                                       "0F 84 ?? ?? 00 00", // jz      loc_101B2BC1
                                       "47",                // inc     edi
                                       "81 ?? B0 00 00 00", // add     ebp, 0B0h
                                       "3B 7E 18",          // cmp     edi, [esi+18h]
                                       "7C");               // jl      short loc_101B2A62
            // hl2 may 29 2014 update
            // \xc7\x05....\x00\x00\x00\x00\x5f\x84\xc0\x75.\x68....\x51\x68
                                       "C7 05 ?? ?? ?? ?? 00 00 00 00", // mov     dword_103B5BE4, 0
                                       "5F",                            // pop     edi
                                       "84 C0",                         // test    al, al
                                       "75 ??",                         // jnz     short loc_101AA0C7
                                       "68 ?? ?? ?? ??",                // push    offset map
                                       "51",                            // push    ecx
                                       "68");                           // push    offset aLevelTransitio
        public GameMemory()
            // TODO: refine hl2 2014 signatures once an update after the may 29th one is released
            /*// CBaseServer::(server_state_t)m_State
            _serverStateTarget = new SigScanTarget();
            _serverStateTarget.OnFound = (proc, ptr) => !ReadProcessPtr32(proc, ptr, out ptr) ? IntPtr.Zero : ptr;
            // works for every engine.dll
            // \x83\xf8\x01\x0f\x8c..\x00\x00\x3d\x00\x02\x00\x00\x0f\x8f..\x00\x00\x83\x3d(....)\x02\x7d
                "83 F8 01",                // cmp     eax, 1
                "0F 8C ?? ?? 00 00",       // jl      loc_200087FB
                "3D 00 02 00 00",          // cmp     eax, 200h
                "0F 8F ?? ?? 00 00",       // jg      loc_200087FB
                "83 3d ?? ?? ?? ?? 02",    // cmp     m_State, 2
                "7D");                     // jge     short loc_200085FD*/

            // CGlobalVarsBase::curtime (g_ClientGlobalVariables aka gpGlobals)
            // hl2 old engine / portal latest / hl2 new engine
            _curTimeTarget = new SigScanTarget();
            _curTimeTarget.OnFound = (proc, ptr) => !ReadProcessPtr32(proc, ptr, out ptr) ? IntPtr.Zero : ptr;
            // \xa3....\xb9....\xa3....\xe8....\xd9\x1d(....)\xb9....\xe8....\xd9\x1d
                "A3 ?? ?? ?? ??",          // mov     dword_2038BA6C, eax
                "B9 ?? ?? ?? ??",          // mov     ecx, offset unk_2038B8E8
                "A3 ?? ?? ?? ??",          // mov     dword_2035DDA4, eax
                "E8 ?? ?? ?? ??",          // call    sub_20048110
                "D9 1D ?? ?? ?? ??",       // fstp    curTime
                "B9 ?? ?? ?? ??",          // mov     ecx, offset unk_2038B8E8
                "E8 ?? ?? ?? ??",          // call    sub_20048130
                "D9 1D");                  // fstp    frametime

            // dear esther / portal 2
            // \x89\x96\xc4\x00\x00\x00\x8b\x86\xc8\x00\x00\x00\x8b\xce\xa3....\xe8....\xd9\x1d(....)\x8b\xce\xe8....\xd9\x1d
                "89 96 C4 00 00 00",       // mov     [esi+0C4h], edx
                "8B 86 C8 00 00 00",       // mov     eax, [esi+0C8h]
                "8B CE",                   // mov     ecx, esi
                "A3 ?? ?? ?? ??",          // mov     dword_10414AD0, eax
                "E8 ?? ?? ?? ??",          // call    sub_100A0F30
                "D9 1D ?? ?? ?? ??",       // fstp    curTime
                "8B CE",                   // mov     ecx, esi
                "E8 ?? ?? ?? ??",          // call    sub_100A0FB0
                "D9 1D");                  // fstp    frametime

            // l4d2
            // \x89\x8f\xc4\x00\x00\x00\x8b\x97\xc8\x00\x00\x00\x8b\xcf\x89\x15....\xe8....\xd9\x1d(....)\x8b\xcf\xe8....\xd9\x1d
                "89 8F C4 00 00 00",       // mov     [edi+0C4h], ecx
                "8B 97 C8 00 00 00",       // mov     edx, [edi+0C8h]
                "8B CF",                   // mov     ecx, edi
                "89 15 ?? ?? ?? ??",       // mov     dword_10422624, edx
                "E8 ?? ?? ?? ??",          // call    sub_1008FE40
                "D9 1D ?? ?? ?? ??",       // fstp    curTime
                "8B CF",                   // mov     ecx, edi
                "E8 ?? ?? ?? ??",          // call    sub_1008FEB0
                "D9 1D");                  // fstp    flt_1042261C

            // hl2 may 29 2014 update
            // \xa3....\x89\x15....\xe8....\xd9\x1d....\x57\xb9....\xe8....\x8b\x0d....\xd9\x1d
                "A3 ?? ?? ?? ??",          // mov     dword_103B4AC8, eax
                "89 15 ?? ?? ?? ??",       // mov     dword_10452F38, edx
                "E8 ?? ?? ?? ??",          // call    sub_100CE610
                "D9 1D ?? ?? ?? ??",       // fstp    curTime
                "57",                      // push    edi
                "B9 ?? ?? ?? ??",          // mov     ecx, offset unk_10452D98
                "E8 ?? ?? ?? ??",          // call    sub_100CE390
                "8B 0D ?? ?? ?? ??",       // mov     ecx, dword_1043686C
                "D9 1D");                  // fstp    frametime

            // CBaseClientState::m_nSignOnState (older engines)
            _signOnStateTarget1 = new SigScanTarget();
            _signOnStateTarget1.OnFound = (proc, ptr) => !ReadProcessPtr32(proc, ptr, out ptr) ? IntPtr.Zero : ptr;
            // \x80\x3d....\x00\x74\x06\xb8....\xc3\x83\x3d(....)\x02\xb8....\x7c\x05
                "80 3D ?? ?? ?? ?? 00",    // cmp     byte_698EE114, 0
                "74 06",                   // jz      short loc_6936C8FF
                "B8 ?? ?? ?? ??",          // mov     eax, offset aDedicatedServe ; "Dedicated Server"
                "C3",                      // retn
                "83 3D ?? ?? ?? ?? 02",    // cmp     CBaseClientState__m_nSignonState, 2
                "B8 ?? ?? ?? ??");         // mov     eax, offset MultiByteStr

            // CBaseClientState::m_nSignOnState (newer engines)
            _signOnStateTarget2 = new SigScanTarget();
            _signOnStateTarget2.OnFound = (proc, ptr) => {
                if (!ReadProcessPtr32(proc, ptr, out ptr)) // deref instruction
                    return IntPtr.Zero;
                if (!ReadProcessPtr32(proc, ptr, out ptr)) // deref ptr
                    return IntPtr.Zero;
                return IntPtr.Add(ptr, 0x70); // this+0x70 = m_nSignOnState
            // \x74.\x8b\x74\x87\x04\x83\x7e\x18\x00\x74\x2d\x8b\x0d(....)\x8b\x49\x18
                "74 ??",                   // jz      short loc_693D4E22
                "8B 74 87 04",             // mov     esi, [edi+eax*4+4]
                "83 7E 18 00",             // cmp     dword ptr [esi+18h], 0
                "74 2D",                   // jz      short loc_693D4DFC
                "8B 0D ?? ?? ?? ??",       // mov     ecx, baseclientstate
                "8B 49 18");               // mov     mov     ecx, [ecx+18h]

            // CBaseServer::m_szMapname[64]
            _curMapTarget = new SigScanTarget();
            _curMapTarget.OnFound = (proc, ptr) => !ReadProcessPtr32(proc, ptr, out ptr) ? IntPtr.Zero : ptr;
            // TODO: these signatures arent very generic
            // \x68(....).\xe8...\x00\x83\xc4\x08\x85\xc0\x0f\x84..\x00\x00\x47\x83.\x50\x3b\x7e\x18\x7c
                "68 ?? ?? ?? ??",          // push    offset map
                "??",                      // push    ebx
                "E8 ?? ?? ?? 00",          // call    __stricmp
                "83 C4 08",                // add     esp, 8
                "85 C0",                   // test    eax, eax
                "0F 84 ?? ?? 00 00",       // jz      loc_6947E980
                "47",                      // inc     edi
                "83 ?? 50",                // add     ebx, 50h
                "3B 7E 18",                // cmp     edi, [esi+18h]
                "7C");                     // jl      short loc_6947E830
            // \x68(....).\xe8...\x00\x83\xc4\x08\x85\xc0\x0f\x84..\x00\x00\x83\xc7\x01\x83.\x50\x3b\x7e\x18\x7c
                "68 ?? ?? ?? ??",          // push    offset map
                "??",                      // push    ebp
                "E8 ?? ?? ?? 00",          // call    __stricmp
                "83 C4 08",                // add     esp, 8
                "85 C0",                   // test    eax, eax
                "0F 84 ?? ?? 00 00",       // jz      loc_200CDF8D
                "83 C7 01",                // add     edi, 1
                "83 ?? 50",                // add     ebp, 50h
                "3B 7E 18",                // cmp     edi, [esi+18h]
                "7C");                     // jl      short loc_200CDEC0
            // \x68(....).\xe8...\x00\x83\xc4\x08\x85\xc0\x0f\x84..\x00\x00\x47\x81.\xb0\x00\x00\x00\x3b\x7e\x18\x7c
                "68 ?? ?? ?? ??",          // push    offset map
                "??",                      // push    ebp
                "E8 ?? ?? ?? 00",          // call    __stricmp
                "83 C4 08",                // add     esp, 8
                "85 C0",                   // test    eax, eax
                "0F 84 ?? ?? 00 00",       // jz      loc_101B2BC1
                "47",                      // inc     edi
                "81 ?? B0 00 00 00",       // add     ebp, 0B0h
                "3B 7E 18",                // cmp     edi, [esi+18h]
                "7C");                     // jl      short loc_101B2A62
            // hl2 may 29 2014 update
            // \xc7\x05....\x00\x00\x00\x00\x5f\x84\xc0\x75.\x68....\x51\x68
          "C7 05 ?? ?? ?? ?? 00 00 00 00", // mov     dword_103B5BE4, 0
                "5F",                      // pop     edi
                "84 C0",                   // test    al, al
                "75 ??",                   // jnz     short loc_101AA0C7
                "68 ?? ?? ?? ??",          // push    offset map
                "51",                      // push    ecx
                "68");                     // push    offset aLevelTransitio