GetCell() public method

Return the Cell at the specified Row and Col position. This method is called for sort operations and for Move operations. If position is Empty return null. This method calls GetCell(int p_iRow, int p_iCol)
public GetCell ( Position p_Position ) : Cells.ICellVirtual
p_Position Position
return Cells.ICellVirtual
		/// <summary>
		/// Constructor
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="pGridVirtual"></param>
		/// <param name="pPosition"></param>
		public CellContext(GridVirtual pGridVirtual, Position pPosition)
			Position = pPosition;
			Grid = pGridVirtual;
			Cell = Grid.GetCell(Position);
        /// <summary>
        /// Write the current loaded array string in the specified grid range. This method use the cell editor to set the value. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="destinationGrid"></param>
        /// <param name="destinationRange"></param>
        public void WriteData(GridVirtual destinationGrid, Range destinationRange)
            //Calculate the destination Range merging the source range
            Range newRange = mSourceRange;
            if (newRange.ColumnsCount > destinationRange.ColumnsCount)
                newRange.ColumnsCount = destinationRange.ColumnsCount;
            if (newRange.RowsCount > destinationRange.RowsCount)
                newRange.RowsCount = destinationRange.RowsCount;

            //Cut Data
            if (CutMode == CutMode.CutOnPaste && mSourceGrid != null)
                for (int sr = mSourceRange.Start.Row; sr <= mSourceRange.End.Row; sr++)
                    for (int sc = mSourceRange.Start.Column; sc <= mSourceRange.End.Column; sc++)
                        Position pos = new Position(sr, sc);
                        Cells.ICellVirtual cell = mSourceGrid.GetCell(sr, sc);
                        CellContext cellContext = new CellContext(mSourceGrid, pos, cell);
                        if (cell.Editor != null)

            int arrayRow = 0;
            for (int r = newRange.Start.Row; r <= newRange.End.Row; r++, arrayRow++)
                int arrayCol = 0;
                for (int c = newRange.Start.Column; c <= newRange.End.Column; c++, arrayCol++)
                    Position posCell = new Position(r, c);
                    Cells.ICellVirtual cell = destinationGrid.GetCell(posCell);
                    CellContext cellContext = new CellContext(destinationGrid, posCell, cell);

                    if (cell != null && cell.Editor != null && mSourceValues[arrayRow, arrayCol] != null)
                        cell.Editor.SetCellValue(cellContext, mSourceValues[arrayRow, arrayCol] );
        /// <summary>
        /// Load the specified range data into a string array. This method use the cell editor to get the value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceGrid"></param>
        /// <param name="sourceRange"></param>
        /// <param name="startDragPosition">Starting drag position. Used only for calculating drop destination range.</param>
        /// <param name="cutMode">Cut mode. Can be used to remove the data from the source when pasting it to the destination or immediately.</param>
        public void LoadData(GridVirtual sourceGrid, Range sourceRange, Position startDragPosition, CutMode cutMode)
            mSourceGrid = sourceGrid;
            mCutMode = cutMode;
            mStartDragPosition = startDragPosition;
            mSourceRange = sourceRange;
            mSourceValues = new string[mSourceRange.RowsCount, mSourceRange.ColumnsCount];

            int arrayRow = 0;
            for (int r = mSourceRange.Start.Row; r <= mSourceRange.End.Row; r++, arrayRow++)
                int arrayCol = 0;
                for (int c = mSourceRange.Start.Column; c <= mSourceRange.End.Column; c++, arrayCol++)
                    Position posCell = new Position(r, c);
                    Cells.ICellVirtual cell = sourceGrid.GetCell(posCell);
                    CellContext cellContext = new CellContext(sourceGrid, posCell, cell);
                    if (cell != null && cell.Editor != null && cell.Editor.IsStringConversionSupported())
                        mSourceValues[arrayRow, arrayCol] = cell.Editor.ValueToString( cell.Model.ValueModel.GetValue(cellContext) );
                    else if (cell != null)
                        mSourceValues[arrayRow, arrayCol] = cellContext.DisplayText;

            //Cut Data
            if (CutMode == CutMode.CutImmediately && sourceGrid != null)
                sourceGrid.ClearValues(new RangeRegion(sourceRange));
                //for (int sr = sourceRange.Start.Row; sr <= sourceRange.End.Row; sr++)
                //    for (int sc = sourceRange.Start.Column; sc <= sourceRange.End.Column; sc++)
                //    {
                //        Position pos = new Position(sr, sc);
                //        Cells.ICellVirtual cell = sourceGrid.GetCell(sr, sc);
                //        CellContext cellContext = new CellContext(sourceGrid, pos, cell);
                //        if (cell.Editor != null)
                //            cell.Editor.ClearCell(cellContext);
                //    }

            mClipboardDataObject = new System.Windows.Forms.DataObject();
            mClipboardDataObject.SetData(RANGEDATA_FORMAT, this);
            mClipboardDataObject.SetData(typeof(string), DataToString(mSourceValues, mSourceRange));
		/// <summary>
		/// Convert a range and an array of string into a string. Normally using a tab delimited for columns and a LineFeed for rows.
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns></returns>
        protected static string[,] DataToStringArray(GridVirtual sourceGrid, Range range)
            int numberOfRows = range.End.Row - range.Start.Row + 1;
            int numberOfCols = range.End.Column - range.Start.Column + 1;
            string[,] values = new string[numberOfRows, numberOfCols];

            int arrayRow = 0;
            for (int r = range.Start.Row; r <= range.End.Row; r++, arrayRow++)
                int arrayCol = 0;
                for (int c = range.Start.Column; c <= range.End.Column; c++, arrayCol++)
                    String val = String.Empty;

                    Position posCell = new Position(r, c);
                    Cells.ICellVirtual cell = sourceGrid.GetCell(posCell);
                    CellContext cellContext = new CellContext(sourceGrid, posCell, cell);

                    if (cell != null && cell.Editor != null && cell.Editor.IsStringConversionSupported())
                        values[arrayRow, arrayCol] = cell.Editor.ValueToString(cell.Model.ValueModel.GetValue(cellContext));
                    else if (cell != null)
                        values[arrayRow, arrayCol] = cellContext.DisplayText;

            return values;
		/// <summary>
		/// Write the current loaded array string in the specified grid range. This method use the cell editor to set the value.
		/// </summary>
		public void WriteData(GridVirtual sourceGrid, Position destinationPosition)
			int sourceRow = this.SourceValues.GetUpperBound(0) ;
			int sourceColumn = this.SourceValues.GetUpperBound(1);
			var dataRow = 0;
			for (int r = destinationPosition.Row; r <= destinationPosition.Row  + sourceRow; r++)
				int dataColumn = 0;
				for (int c = destinationPosition.Column; c <= destinationPosition.Column + sourceColumn; c++)
					Position posCell = new Position(r, c);
					Cells.ICellVirtual cell = sourceGrid.GetCell(posCell);
					CellContext cellContext = new CellContext(sourceGrid, posCell, cell);

					if (cell != null && cell.Editor != null && mSourceValues[dataRow, dataColumn] != null)
						cell.Editor.SetCellValue(cellContext, mSourceValues[dataRow, dataColumn] );
			/*int sourceRow = this.SourceValues.Length - 1;
			int sourceColumn = this.SourceValues.Rank - 1;
			//Calculate the destination Range merging the source range
			var destinationRange = new Range(destinationPosition,
			                                 new Position(destinationPosition.Row + sourceRow, destinationPosition.Column + sourceColumn));
			Range newRange = mSourceRange;
			if (newRange.End.Column > destinationRange.End.Column)
				newRange.End = new Position(newRange.End.Row, destinationRange.End.Column);
			if (newRange.End.Row > destinationRange.End.Row)
				newRange.End.Row = destinationRange.End.Row;

			for (int r = newRange.Start.Row; r <= newRange.End.Row; r++)
				int dataColumn = 0;
				for (int c = newRange.Start.Column; c <= newRange.End.Column ; c++)
					//if (sourceGrid.Columns.IsColumnVisible(c) == false)
					//	continue;
					Position posCell = new Position(r, c);
					Cells.ICellVirtual cell = sourceGrid.GetCell(posCell);
					CellContext cellContext = new CellContext(sourceGrid, posCell, cell);

					if (cell != null && cell.Editor != null && mSourceValues[r - newRange.Start.Row, dataColumn] != null)
						cell.Editor.SetCellValue(cellContext, mSourceValues[r - newRange.Start.Row, dataColumn] );
		/// <summary>
		/// Load the specified range data into a string array. This method use the cell editor to get the value.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="sourceGrid"></param>
		/// <param name="sourceRange"></param>
		/// <param name="cutMode">Cut mode. Can be used to remove the data from the source when pasting it to the destination or immediately.</param>
		public static RangeData LoadData(GridVirtual sourceGrid, Range sourceRange, CutMode cutMode)
			RangeData data = new RangeData(sourceGrid);
			//mCutMode = cutMode;
			data.mSourceRange= sourceRange;
			data.mSourceValues = new object[sourceRange.RowsCount, GetVisibleColumnCount(sourceGrid, sourceRange)];

			int arrayRow = 0;
			for (int r = sourceRange.Start.Row; r <= sourceRange.End.Row; r++, arrayRow++)
				int arrayCol = 0;
				for (int c = sourceRange.Start.Column; c <= sourceRange.End.Column; c++)
					if (sourceGrid.Columns.IsColumnVisible(c) == false)
					Position posCell = new Position(r, c);
					Cells.ICellVirtual cell = sourceGrid.GetCell(posCell);
					CellContext cellContext = new CellContext(sourceGrid, posCell, cell);
					/*if (cell != null && cell.Editor != null && cell.Editor.IsStringConversionSupported())
						data.mSourceValues[arrayRow, arrayCol] = cell.Editor.ValueToString( cell.Model.ValueModel.GetValue(cellContext) );
					else if (cell != null)
						data.mSourceValues[arrayRow, arrayCol] = cellContext.DisplayText;*/
                    if (cell != null)
                        data.mSourceValues[arrayRow, arrayCol] = cellContext.Value;

			//Cut Data
			if (cutMode == CutMode.CutImmediately && sourceGrid != null)
				sourceGrid.ClearValues(new RangeRegion(sourceRange));

			data.mClipboardDataObject = new System.Windows.Forms.DataObject();
			data.mClipboardDataObject.SetData(RANGEDATA_FORMAT, data);
            string[,] values = DataToStringArray(sourceGrid, data.mSourceRange);
			data.mClipboardDataObject.SetData(typeof(string), StringArrayToString(values));
			return data;