        // IGenerator
        public void Configure(DisasmProject project, string workDirectory, string fileNameBase,
                              AssemblerVersion asmVersion, AppSettings settings)
            Debug.Assert(project != null);

            Project = project;
            Quirks  = new AssemblerQuirks();
            Quirks.TracksSepRepNotEmu = true;
            Quirks.NoPcRelBankWrap    = true;

            mWorkDirectory = workDirectory;
            mFileNameBase  = fileNameBase;
            Settings       = settings;

            mLongLabelNewLine = Settings.GetBool(AppSettings.SRCGEN_LONG_LABEL_NEW_LINE, false);

            AssemblerConfig config = AssemblerConfig.GetConfig(settings,

            mColumnWidths = (int[])config.ColumnWidths.Clone();
        // IGenerator
        public void Configure(DisasmProject project, string workDirectory, string fileNameBase,
                              AssemblerVersion asmVersion, AppSettings settings)
            Debug.Assert(project != null);

            Project = project;
            Quirks  = new AssemblerQuirks();
            if (asmVersion != null)
                mAsmVersion = asmVersion.Version;       // Use the actual version.
                mAsmVersion = V0_97;                    // No assembler installed, use default.

            // ACME isn't a single-pass assembler, but the code that determines label widths
            // only runs in the first pass and doesn't get corrected.  So unlike cc65, which
            // generates correct zero-page acceses once the label's value is known, ACME
            // uses 16-bit addressing to zero-page labels for backward references if there
            // are any forward references at all.  The easy way to deal with this is to make
            // all zero-page label references have explicit widths.
            // Example:
            // *       =       $1000
            //         jmp     zero
            //         !pseudopc $0000 {
            // zero    nop
            //         lda     zero
            //         rts
            //         }
            Quirks.SinglePassAssembler         = true;
            Quirks.SinglePassNoLabelCorrection = true;
            if (mAsmVersion < V0_97)
                Quirks.BlockMoveArgsNoHash = true;
                mBackslashEscapes          = false;

            mWorkDirectory = workDirectory;
            mFileNameBase  = fileNameBase;
            Settings       = settings;

            mLongLabelNewLine = Settings.GetBool(AppSettings.SRCGEN_LONG_LABEL_NEW_LINE, false);

            AssemblerConfig config = AssemblerConfig.GetConfig(settings,

            mColumnWidths = (int[])config.ColumnWidths.Clone();

            // ACME wants the entire file to be loadable into a 64KB memory area.  If the
            // initial address is too large, a file smaller than 64KB might overrun the bank
            // boundary and cause a failure.  In that case we want to set the initial address
            // to zero and "stream" the rest.
            int firstAddr = project.AddrMap.OffsetToAddress(0);

            if (firstAddr == Address.NON_ADDR)
                firstAddr = 0;
            if (firstAddr + project.FileDataLength > 65536)
                mOutputMode = OutputMode.Streamable;
                mOutputMode = OutputMode.Loadable;
        // IGenerator
        public void Configure(DisasmProject project, string workDirectory, string fileNameBase,
                              AssemblerVersion asmVersion, AppSettings settings)
            Debug.Assert(project != null);

            Project = project;
            Quirks  = new AssemblerQuirks();
            if (asmVersion != null)
                mAsmVersion = asmVersion.Version;       // Use the actual version.
                mAsmVersion = V1_56;                    // No assembler installed, use default.

            Quirks.StackIntOperandIsImmediate = true;
            Quirks.LeadingUnderscoreSpecial   = true;
            Quirks.Need24BitsForAbsPBR        = true;
            Quirks.BitNumberIsArg             = true;
            Quirks.BankZeroAbsPBRRestrict     = true;

            mWorkDirectory = workDirectory;
            mFileNameBase  = fileNameBase;
            Settings       = settings;

            mLongLabelNewLine = Settings.GetBool(AppSettings.SRCGEN_LONG_LABEL_NEW_LINE, false);

            AssemblerConfig config = AssemblerConfig.GetConfig(settings,

            mColumnWidths = (int[])config.ColumnWidths.Clone();

            // 64tass emulates a loader on a 64K system.  The address you specify with
            // "* = <addr>" tells the loader where the code lives.  If the project runs off the
            // end of memory, you get a warning message and an output file that has the last
            // part as the first part, because the loader wraps around.
            // If (start_addr + total_len) doesn't fit without wrapping, we want to start
            // the code with "* = 0" (or omit it entirely) and use ".logical" for the first.
            // chunk.  This allows us to generate the full 64K.  Note that 65816 code that
            // starts outside bank 0 will always fail this test.
            // Thus there are two modes: "loadable" and "streamable".  We could output everything
            // as streamable but that's kind of ugly and prevents the PRG optimization.
            // If the file has more than 64K of data in it, we need to add "--long-address" to
            // the command-line arguments.

            // Get start address.  If this is a PRG file, the start address is the address
            // of offset +000002.
            bool hasPrgHeader = GenCommon.HasPrgHeader(project);
            int  offAdj       = hasPrgHeader ? 2 : 0;
            int  startAddr    = project.AddrMap.OffsetToAddress(offAdj);

            if (startAddr + project.FileDataLength - offAdj > 65536)
                // Does not fit into memory at load address.
                mOutputMode   = OutputMode.Streamable;
                mHasPrgHeader = false;
                mOutputMode   = OutputMode.Loadable;
                mHasPrgHeader = hasPrgHeader;
            //Debug.WriteLine("startAddr=$" + startAddr.ToString("x6") +
            //    " outputMode=" + mOutputMode + " hasPrg=" + mHasPrgHeader);