/// <summary>   Adds the given non-consumable item to the storage. </summary>
    /// <param name="nonConsumableItem">    The non consumable item. </param>
    /// <returns>   true if it succeeds, false if it fails. </returns>
    public bool add(NonConsumableItem nonConsumableItem){
        SoomlaUtils.LogDebug(TAG, "Adding " + nonConsumableItem.getItemId());

        String itemId = nonConsumableItem.getItemId();
        String key = keyNonConsExists(itemId);

        KeyValueStorage.SetValue(key, "");

        return true;
    /// <summary>   Removes the given nonConsumableItem. </summary>
    /// <param name="nonConsumableItem">    The non consumable item. </param>
    /// <returns>   true if it succeeds, false if it fails. </returns>
    public bool remove(NonConsumableItem nonConsumableItem){
        SoomlaUtils.LogDebug(TAG, "Removing " + nonConsumableItem.getName());

        String itemId = nonConsumableItem.getItemId();
        String key = keyNonConsExists(itemId);


        return false;
    /// <summary>   Checks if the given <c>NonConsumableItem</c> exists. </summary>
    /// <param name="nonConsumableItem">    The non consumable item. </param>
    /// <returns>   true if it succeeds, false if it fails. </returns>
    public bool nonConsumableItemExists(NonConsumableItem nonConsumableItem){

        SoomlaUtils.LogDebug(TAG, "Checking if the given MANAGED item exists.");

        String itemId = nonConsumableItem.getItemId();
        String key = keyNonConsExists(itemId);

        String val = KeyValueStorage.GetValue(key);
        return val != null;
    /** Private functions **/
     * Transforms given JObject to StoreInfo
     * @param JObject
     * @throws JSONException
    private static void fromJObject(JObject JObject) {

        mVirtualItems = new Dictionary<String, VirtualItem>();
        mPurchasableItems = new Dictionary<String, PurchasableVirtualItem>();
        mGoodsCategories = new Dictionary<String, VirtualCategory>();
        mGoodsUpgrades = new Dictionary<String, List<UpgradeVG>>();
        mCurrencyPacks = new List<VirtualCurrencyPack>();
        mGoods = new List<VirtualGood>();
        mCategories = new List<VirtualCategory>();
        mCurrencies = new List<VirtualCurrency>();
        mNonConsumables = new List<NonConsumableItem>();

		JToken value;
        if (JObject.TryGetValue(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_CURRENCIES, out value)) {
            JArray virtualCurrencies = JObject.Value<JArray>(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_CURRENCIES);
            for (int i=0; i<virtualCurrencies.Count; i++){
                JObject o = virtualCurrencies.Value<JObject>(i);
                VirtualCurrency c = new VirtualCurrency(o);

                mVirtualItems.Add(c.getItemId(), c);

        if (JObject.TryGetValue(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_CURRENCYPACKS, out value)) {
            JArray currencyPacks = JObject.Value<JArray>(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_CURRENCYPACKS);
            for (int i=0; i<currencyPacks.Count; i++){
                JObject o = currencyPacks.Value<JObject>(i);
                VirtualCurrencyPack pack = new VirtualCurrencyPack(o);

                mVirtualItems.Add(pack.getItemId(), pack);

                PurchaseType purchaseType = pack.GetPurchaseType();
                if (purchaseType is PurchaseWithMarket) {
                    mPurchasableItems.Add(((PurchaseWithMarket) purchaseType)
                            .getMarketItem().getProductId(), pack);

        // The order in which VirtualGoods are created matters!
        // For example: VGU and VGP depend on other VGs
        if (JObject.TryGetValue(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_GOODS, out value)) {
            JObject virtualGoods = JObject.Value<JObject>(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_GOODS);

			JToken valueVg;
            if (virtualGoods.TryGetValue(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_GOODS_SU, out valueVg)) {
                JArray suGoods = virtualGoods.Value<JArray>(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_GOODS_SU);
                for (int i=0; i<suGoods.Count; i++){
                    JObject o = suGoods.Value<JObject>(i);
                    SingleUseVG g = new SingleUseVG(o);

            if (virtualGoods.TryGetValue(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_GOODS_LT, out valueVg)) {
                JArray ltGoods = virtualGoods.Value<JArray>(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_GOODS_LT);
                for (int i=0; i<ltGoods.Count; i++){
                    JObject o = ltGoods.Value<JObject>(i);
                    LifetimeVG g = new LifetimeVG(o);

            if (virtualGoods.TryGetValue(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_GOODS_EQ, out valueVg)) {
                JArray eqGoods = virtualGoods.Value<JArray>(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_GOODS_EQ);
                for (int i=0; i<eqGoods.Count; i++){
                    JObject o = eqGoods.Value<JObject>(i);
                    EquippableVG g = new EquippableVG(o);

            if (virtualGoods.TryGetValue(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_GOODS_PA, out valueVg)) {
                JArray paGoods = virtualGoods.Value<JArray>(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_GOODS_PA);
                for (int i=0; i<paGoods.Count; i++){
                    JObject o = paGoods.Value<JObject>(i);
                    SingleUsePackVG g = new SingleUsePackVG(o);

            if (virtualGoods.TryGetValue(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_GOODS_UP, out valueVg)) {
                JArray upGoods = virtualGoods.Value<JArray>(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_GOODS_UP);
                for (int i=0; i<upGoods.Count; i++){
                    JObject o = upGoods.Value<JObject>(i);
                    UpgradeVG g = new UpgradeVG(o);

                    List<UpgradeVG> upgrades = mGoodsUpgrades[g.getGoodItemId()];
                    if (upgrades == null) {
                        upgrades = new List<UpgradeVG>();
                        mGoodsUpgrades.Add(g.getGoodItemId(), upgrades);


        // Categories depend on virtual goods. That's why the have to be initialized after!
        if (JObject.TryGetValue(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_CATEGORIES, out value)) {
            JArray virtualCategories = JObject.Value<JArray>(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_CATEGORIES);
            for(int i=0; i<virtualCategories.Count; i++){
                JObject o = virtualCategories.Value<JObject>(i);
                VirtualCategory category = new VirtualCategory(o);
                foreach(String goodItemId in category.getGoodsItemIds()) {
                    mGoodsCategories.Add(goodItemId, category);

        if (JObject.TryGetValue(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_NONCONSUMABLES, out value)) {
            JArray nonConsumables = JObject.Value<JArray>(StoreJSONConsts.STORE_NONCONSUMABLES);
            for (int i=0; i<nonConsumables.Count; i++){
                JObject o = nonConsumables.Value<JObject>(i);
                NonConsumableItem non = new NonConsumableItem(o);

                mVirtualItems.Add(non.getItemId(), non);

                PurchaseType purchaseType = non.GetPurchaseType();
                if (purchaseType is PurchaseWithMarket) {
                    mPurchasableItems.Add(((PurchaseWithMarket) purchaseType)
                            .getMarketItem().getProductId(), non);