private List<MailModel> SearchEmailData() { MailModel model = new MailModel(); model.Source = ((ListItem)SourceCombo.SelectedItem).Id; model.ProductType = ((ListItem)TypeComboBox.SelectedItem).Id; model.Country = ((ListItem)CountryComboBox.SelectedItem).Id; model.Verify1 = Convert.ToInt32(((ListItem)VerifyComboBox.SelectedItem).Id); model.Email = EmailTxtBox.Text.Trim(); model.Username = NameTxtBox.Text.Trim(); return Dao.GetMailModelList(model); }
public void UpdateMailVerify(MailModel item) { string sql = @"update mail_address set Verify1 = " + item.Verify1 + " where id = " + item.Id; dbHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); }
public List<MailModel> GetMailModelList(MailModel searchItem) { string sql = "SELECT id, Email, Company, Country, Username, Subject,ProductType, Source, Verify1,Verify2, SendDate FROM mail_address"; SQLiteParameter[] parameter = null; if (searchItem != null) { List<SQLiteParameter> parameterList = new List<SQLiteParameter>(); string condition = " where 1 = 1"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchItem.Email)) { condition += " and Email like '%"+searchItem.Email+"%'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchItem.Username)) { condition += " and Username like '%" + searchItem.Username + "%'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchItem.ProductType)) { condition += " and ProductType = @ProductType"; parameterList.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@ProductType", searchItem.ProductType)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchItem.Source)) { condition += " and Source = @Source"; parameterList.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@Source", searchItem.Source)); } if (searchItem.Verify1 >= 0) { condition += " and Verify1 = " + searchItem.Verify1; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchItem.Country)) { condition += " and Country = @Country"; parameterList.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@Country", searchItem.Country)); } sql = sql + condition; parameter = parameterList.ToArray(); } DataTable dt = dbHelper.ExecuteDataTable(sql, parameter); List<MailModel> list = new List<MailModel>(); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { MailModel model = new MailModel(); model.Id = Convert.ToInt32(row["id"]); model.Email = Convert.ToString(row["Email"]); model.Company = Convert.ToString(row["Company"]); model.Country = Convert.ToString(row["Country"]); model.Username = Convert.ToString(row["Username"]); model.Subject = Convert.ToString(row["Subject"]); model.ProductType = Convert.ToString(row["ProductType"]); model.Source = Convert.ToString(row["Source"]); model.Verify1 = Convert.ToInt32(row["Verify1"]); model.Verify2 = Convert.ToInt32(row["Verify2"]); model.SendDate = Convert.ToString(row["SendDate"]); list.Add(model); } return list; }
void worker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { string SelectExcelFile = filePath.Text; Workbook workBook = new Workbook(); try { workBook.Open(SelectExcelFile); } catch (Exception ex) { errorMsg.Text = "打开选定的Excel文件出错: " + ex.Message; this.importBtn.Enabled = true; this.pictureBox1.Visible = false; return; } List<MailModel> mailModelList = new List<MailModel>(); foreach (Worksheet sheet in workBook.Worksheets) { int EmailCol = -1; int CountryCol = -1; int BuyerCol = -1; int CompanyCol = -1; int SubjectCol = -1; int DateCol = -1; int ProductTypeCol = -1; int SourceCol = -1; string sheetName = sheet.Name; Cells cells = sheet.Cells; for (int j = 0; j < cells.MaxDataColumn + 1; j++) { string value = sheet.Cells[0, j].StringValue.Trim(); if ("email".Equals(value.ToLower())) { EmailCol = j; } if ("country".Equals(value.ToLower())) { CountryCol = j; } if ("name".Equals(value.ToLower())) { BuyerCol = j; } if ("company".Equals(value.ToLower())) { CompanyCol = j; } if ("date".Equals(value.ToLower())) { DateCol = j; } if ("subject".Equals(value.ToLower())) { SubjectCol = j; } if ("product".Equals(value.ToLower())) { ProductTypeCol = j; } if ("source".Equals(value.ToLower())) { SourceCol = j; } System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(value); } for (int i = 1; i < cells.MaxDataRow + 1; i++) { if (EmailCol == -1) { continue; } string Email = sheet.Cells[i, EmailCol].StringValue.Trim(); if (!FormatValidation.IsEmail(Email)) { continue; } MailModel model = new MailModel(); model.Email = Email; if (CountryCol != -1) { model.Country = sheet.Cells[i, CountryCol].StringValue.Trim(); } if (BuyerCol != -1) { string name = sheet.Cells[i, BuyerCol].StringValue.Trim(); name = name.Replace(":", "").Trim(); name = name.Replace(",", "").Trim(); if (name.StartsWith("dear") || name.StartsWith("Dear")) { name = name.Substring(4).Trim(); } if (name.StartsWith("Mr.") || name.StartsWith("Ms.")) { name = name.Substring(3).Trim(); } if (name.StartsWith("Mr") || name.StartsWith("Ms")) { name = name.Substring(2).Trim(); } model.Username = name; } if (CompanyCol != -1) { model.Company = sheet.Cells[i, CompanyCol].StringValue.Trim(); } if (SubjectCol != -1) { model.Subject = sheet.Cells[i, SubjectCol].StringValue.Trim(); } if (DateCol != -1) { model.SendDate = sheet.Cells[i, DateCol].StringValue.Trim(); } if (ProductTypeCol != -1) { string product = sheet.Cells[i, ProductTypeCol].StringValue.Trim(); if (product.ToLower().IndexOf("moblie") >= 0) { model.ProductType = "Moblie"; } else if (product.ToLower().IndexOf("netbook") >= 0) { model.ProductType = "NetBook"; } else if (product.ToLower().IndexOf("projector") >= 0) { model.ProductType = "Projector"; } else if (product.ToLower().IndexOf("ebook") >= 0 || product.ToLower().IndexOf("e-book") >= 0) { model.ProductType = "Other"; } else { model.ProductType = product; } } else if (!sheetName.ToLower().StartsWith("sheet")) { model.ProductType = sheetName; } else { model.ProductType = "Other"; } if (SourceCol != -1) { model.Source = sheet.Cells[i, SourceCol].StringValue.Trim(); } mailModelList.Add(model); } } if (mailModelList.Count == 0) { errorMsg.Text = "此Excel中未包含任何邮件数据。请重新选择。"; this.importBtn.Enabled = true; this.pictureBox1.Visible = false; return; } MailModelDAO mailModelDAO = DAOFactory.Instance.GetMailModelDAO(); mailModelDAO.Insert(mailModelList); this.importBtn.Enabled = true; this.pictureBox1.Visible = false; SuccessLoadData = true; this.Close(); }