public static List <NJS_MOTION> ReadMotionFile(string filename) { List <NJS_MOTION> motions = new List <NJS_MOTION>(); byte[] fc = File.ReadAllBytes(filename); int addr = 0; while (ByteConverter.ToInt64(fc, addr) != 0) { int ptr = ByteConverter.ToInt32(fc, addr); if (ptr == -1) { motions.Add(null); } else { motions.Add(new NJS_MOTION(fc, ptr, 0, ByteConverter.ToInt32(fc, addr + 4))); } addr += 8; } return(motions); }
public static LandTable LoadFromFile(string filename) { bool be = ByteConverter.BigEndian; ByteConverter.BigEndian = false; byte[] file = File.ReadAllBytes(filename); ulong magic = ByteConverter.ToUInt64(file, 0) & FormatMask; byte version = file[7]; if (version > CurrentVersion) { throw new FormatException("Not a valid SA1LVL/SA2LVL file."); } Dictionary <int, string> labels = new Dictionary <int, string>(); string author = null, description = null, tool = null; Dictionary <uint, byte[]> meta = new Dictionary <uint, byte[]>(); if (version < 2) { if (version == 1) { int tmpaddr = ByteConverter.ToInt32(file, 0xC); if (tmpaddr != 0) { int addr = ByteConverter.ToInt32(file, tmpaddr); while (addr != -1) { labels.Add(addr, file.GetCString(ByteConverter.ToInt32(file, tmpaddr + 4))); tmpaddr += 8; addr = ByteConverter.ToInt32(file, tmpaddr); } } } } else { int tmpaddr = ByteConverter.ToInt32(file, 0xC); if (tmpaddr != 0) { bool finished = false; while (!finished) { ChunkTypes type = (ChunkTypes)ByteConverter.ToUInt32(file, tmpaddr); int chunksz = ByteConverter.ToInt32(file, tmpaddr + 4); int nextchunk = tmpaddr + 8 + chunksz; tmpaddr += 8; if (version == 2) { switch (type) { case ChunkTypes.Label: while (ByteConverter.ToInt64(file, tmpaddr) != -1) { labels.Add(ByteConverter.ToInt32(file, tmpaddr), file.GetCString(ByteConverter.ToInt32(file, tmpaddr + 4))); tmpaddr += 8; } break; case ChunkTypes.Author: author = file.GetCString(tmpaddr); break; case ChunkTypes.Tool: tool = file.GetCString(tmpaddr); break; case ChunkTypes.Description: description = file.GetCString(tmpaddr); break; case ChunkTypes.End: finished = true; break; } } else { byte[] chunk = new byte[chunksz]; Array.Copy(file, tmpaddr, chunk, 0, chunksz); int chunkaddr = 0; switch (type) { case ChunkTypes.Label: while (ByteConverter.ToInt64(chunk, chunkaddr) != -1) { labels.Add(ByteConverter.ToInt32(chunk, chunkaddr), chunk.GetCString(ByteConverter.ToInt32(chunk, chunkaddr + 4))); chunkaddr += 8; } break; case ChunkTypes.Author: author = chunk.GetCString(0); break; case ChunkTypes.Tool: tool = chunk.GetCString(0); break; case ChunkTypes.Description: description = chunk.GetCString(0); break; case ChunkTypes.End: finished = true; break; default: meta.Add((uint)type, chunk); break; } } tmpaddr = nextchunk; } } } if (magic == SA1LVL) { LandTable table = new LandTable(file, ByteConverter.ToInt32(file, 8), 0, LandTableFormat.SA1, labels) { Author = author, Description = description, Tool = tool, Metadata = meta }; ByteConverter.BigEndian = be; return(table); } if (magic == SA2LVL) { LandTable table = new LandTable(file, ByteConverter.ToInt32(file, 8), 0, LandTableFormat.SA2, labels) { Author = author, Description = description, Tool = tool, Metadata = meta }; ByteConverter.BigEndian = be; return(table); } ByteConverter.BigEndian = be; throw new FormatException("Not a valid SA1LVL/SA2LVL file."); }
public ModelFile(string filename) { int tmpaddr; bool be = ByteConverter.BigEndian; ByteConverter.BigEndian = false; byte[] file = File.ReadAllBytes(filename); ulong magic = ByteConverter.ToUInt64(file, 0) & FormatMask; byte version = file[7]; if (version > CurrentVersion) { throw new FormatException("Not a valid SA1MDL/SA2MDL file."); } Metadata = new Dictionary <uint, byte[]>(); Dictionary <int, string> labels = new Dictionary <int, string>(); if (version < 2) { if (version == 1) { tmpaddr = ByteConverter.ToInt32(file, 0x14); if (tmpaddr != 0) { int addr = ByteConverter.ToInt32(file, tmpaddr); while (addr != -1) { labels.Add(addr, file.GetCString(ByteConverter.ToInt32(file, tmpaddr + 4))); tmpaddr += 8; addr = ByteConverter.ToInt32(file, tmpaddr); } } } switch (magic) { case SA1MDL: Format = ModelFormat.Basic; break; case SA2MDL: Format = ModelFormat.Chunk; break; default: throw new FormatException("Not a valid SA1MDL/SA2MDL file."); } Model = new NJS_OBJECT(file, ByteConverter.ToInt32(file, 8), 0, Format, labels); tmpaddr = ByteConverter.ToInt32(file, 0xC); if (tmpaddr != 0) { List <string> animfiles = new List <string>(); int addr = ByteConverter.ToInt32(file, tmpaddr); while (addr != -1) { animfiles.Add(file.GetCString(addr)); tmpaddr += 4; addr = ByteConverter.ToInt32(file, tmpaddr); } animationFiles = animfiles.ToArray(); } else { animationFiles = new string[0]; } string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(filename); List <Animation> anims = new List <Animation>(); foreach (string item in animationFiles) { anims.Add(Animation.Load(Path.Combine(path, item), Model.CountAnimated())); } Animations = anims.AsReadOnly(); if (version == 1) { tmpaddr = ByteConverter.ToInt32(file, 0x10); if (tmpaddr != 0) { List <string> morphfiles = new List <string>(); int addr = ByteConverter.ToInt32(file, tmpaddr); while (addr != -1) { morphfiles.Add(file.GetCString(addr)); tmpaddr += 4; addr = ByteConverter.ToInt32(file, tmpaddr); } morphFiles = morphfiles.ToArray(); } else { morphFiles = new string[0]; } List <Animation> morphs = new List <Animation>(); foreach (string item in morphFiles) { morphs.Add(Animation.Load(Path.Combine(path, item), Model.CountMorph())); } Morphs = morphs.AsReadOnly(); } else { morphFiles = new string[0]; Morphs = new ReadOnlyCollection <Animation>(new List <Animation>()); } } else { animationFiles = new string[0]; morphFiles = new string[0]; tmpaddr = ByteConverter.ToInt32(file, 0xC); if (tmpaddr != 0) { bool finished = false; while (!finished) { ChunkTypes type = (ChunkTypes)ByteConverter.ToUInt32(file, tmpaddr); int chunksz = ByteConverter.ToInt32(file, tmpaddr + 4); int nextchunk = tmpaddr + 8 + chunksz; tmpaddr += 8; if (version == 2) { switch (type) { case ChunkTypes.Label: while (ByteConverter.ToInt64(file, tmpaddr) != -1) { labels.Add(ByteConverter.ToInt32(file, tmpaddr), file.GetCString(ByteConverter.ToInt32(file, tmpaddr + 4))); tmpaddr += 8; } break; case ChunkTypes.Animation: List <string> animfiles = new List <string>(); while (ByteConverter.ToInt32(file, tmpaddr) != -1) { animfiles.Add(file.GetCString(ByteConverter.ToInt32(file, tmpaddr))); tmpaddr += 4; } animationFiles = animfiles.ToArray(); break; case ChunkTypes.Morph: List <string> morphfiles = new List <string>(); while (ByteConverter.ToInt32(file, tmpaddr) != -1) { morphfiles.Add(file.GetCString(ByteConverter.ToInt32(file, tmpaddr))); tmpaddr += 4; } morphFiles = morphfiles.ToArray(); break; case ChunkTypes.Author: Author = file.GetCString(tmpaddr); break; case ChunkTypes.Tool: Tool = file.GetCString(tmpaddr); break; case ChunkTypes.Description: Description = file.GetCString(tmpaddr); break; case ChunkTypes.Texture: break; case ChunkTypes.End: finished = true; break; } } else { byte[] chunk = new byte[chunksz]; Array.Copy(file, tmpaddr, chunk, 0, chunksz); int chunkaddr = 0; switch (type) { case ChunkTypes.Label: while (ByteConverter.ToInt64(chunk, chunkaddr) != -1) { labels.Add(ByteConverter.ToInt32(chunk, chunkaddr), chunk.GetCString(ByteConverter.ToInt32(chunk, chunkaddr + 4))); chunkaddr += 8; } break; case ChunkTypes.Animation: List <string> animchunks = new List <string>(); while (ByteConverter.ToInt32(chunk, chunkaddr) != -1) { animchunks.Add(chunk.GetCString(ByteConverter.ToInt32(chunk, chunkaddr))); chunkaddr += 4; } animationFiles = animchunks.ToArray(); break; case ChunkTypes.Morph: List <string> morphchunks = new List <string>(); while (ByteConverter.ToInt32(chunk, chunkaddr) != -1) { morphchunks.Add(chunk.GetCString(ByteConverter.ToInt32(chunk, chunkaddr))); chunkaddr += 4; } morphFiles = morphchunks.ToArray(); break; case ChunkTypes.Author: Author = chunk.GetCString(chunkaddr); break; case ChunkTypes.Tool: Tool = chunk.GetCString(chunkaddr); break; case ChunkTypes.Description: Description = chunk.GetCString(chunkaddr); break; case ChunkTypes.End: finished = true; break; default: Metadata.Add((uint)type, chunk); break; } } tmpaddr = nextchunk; } } switch (magic) { case SA1MDL: Format = ModelFormat.Basic; break; case SA2MDL: Format = ModelFormat.Chunk; break; default: throw new FormatException("Not a valid SA1MDL/SA2MDL file."); } Model = new NJS_OBJECT(file, ByteConverter.ToInt32(file, 8), 0, Format, labels); string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(filename); List <Animation> anims = new List <Animation>(); foreach (string item in animationFiles) { anims.Add(Animation.Load(Path.Combine(path, item), Model.CountAnimated())); } Animations = anims.AsReadOnly(); List <Animation> morphs = new List <Animation>(); foreach (string item in morphFiles) { morphs.Add(Animation.Load(Path.Combine(path, item), Model.CountMorph())); } Morphs = morphs.AsReadOnly(); } ByteConverter.BigEndian = be; }
public ModelFile(byte[] file, string filename = null) { int tmpaddr; bool be = ByteConverter.BigEndian; ByteConverter.BigEndian = false; ulong magic = ByteConverter.ToUInt64(file, 0) & FormatMask; byte version = file[7]; if (version > CurrentVersion) { throw new FormatException("Not a valid SA1MDL/SA2MDL file."); } Metadata = new Dictionary <uint, byte[]>(); Dictionary <int, string> labels = new Dictionary <int, string>(); Dictionary <int, Attach> attaches = new Dictionary <int, Attach>(); if (version < 2) { if (version == 1) { tmpaddr = ByteConverter.ToInt32(file, 0x14); if (tmpaddr != 0) { int addr = ByteConverter.ToInt32(file, tmpaddr); while (addr != -1) { labels.Add(addr, file.GetCString(ByteConverter.ToInt32(file, tmpaddr + 4))); tmpaddr += 8; addr = ByteConverter.ToInt32(file, tmpaddr); } } } switch (magic) { case SA1MDL: Format = ModelFormat.Basic; break; case SA2MDL: Format = ModelFormat.Chunk; break; default: throw new FormatException("Not a valid SA1MDL/SA2MDL file."); } Model = new NJS_OBJECT(file, ByteConverter.ToInt32(file, 8), 0, Format, labels, attaches); if (filename != null) { tmpaddr = ByteConverter.ToInt32(file, 0xC); if (tmpaddr != 0) { List <string> animfiles = new List <string>(); int addr = ByteConverter.ToInt32(file, tmpaddr); while (addr != -1) { animfiles.Add(file.GetCString(addr)); tmpaddr += 4; addr = ByteConverter.ToInt32(file, tmpaddr); } animationFiles = animfiles.ToArray(); } else { animationFiles = new string[0]; } string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(filename); List <NJS_MOTION> anims = new List <NJS_MOTION>(); try { foreach (string item in animationFiles) { anims.Add(NJS_MOTION.Load(Path.Combine(path, item), Model.CountAnimated())); } } catch { anims.Clear(); } Animations = anims.AsReadOnly(); } } else { animationFiles = new string[0]; tmpaddr = ByteConverter.ToInt32(file, 0xC); if (tmpaddr != 0) { bool finished = false; while (!finished) { ChunkTypes type = (ChunkTypes)ByteConverter.ToUInt32(file, tmpaddr); int chunksz = ByteConverter.ToInt32(file, tmpaddr + 4); int nextchunk = tmpaddr + 8 + chunksz; tmpaddr += 8; if (version == 2) { switch (type) { case ChunkTypes.Label: while (ByteConverter.ToInt64(file, tmpaddr) != -1) { labels.Add(ByteConverter.ToInt32(file, tmpaddr), file.GetCString(ByteConverter.ToInt32(file, tmpaddr + 4))); tmpaddr += 8; } break; case ChunkTypes.Animation: List <string> animfiles = new List <string>(); while (ByteConverter.ToInt32(file, tmpaddr) != -1) { animfiles.Add(file.GetCString(ByteConverter.ToInt32(file, tmpaddr))); tmpaddr += 4; } animationFiles = animfiles.ToArray(); break; case ChunkTypes.Morph: break; case ChunkTypes.Author: Author = file.GetCString(tmpaddr); break; case ChunkTypes.Tool: break; case ChunkTypes.Description: Description = file.GetCString(tmpaddr); break; case ChunkTypes.Texture: break; case ChunkTypes.End: finished = true; break; } } else { byte[] chunk = new byte[chunksz]; Array.Copy(file, tmpaddr, chunk, 0, chunksz); int chunkaddr = 0; switch (type) { case ChunkTypes.Label: while (ByteConverter.ToInt64(chunk, chunkaddr) != -1) { labels.Add(ByteConverter.ToInt32(chunk, chunkaddr), chunk.GetCString(ByteConverter.ToInt32(chunk, chunkaddr + 4))); chunkaddr += 8; } break; case ChunkTypes.Animation: List <string> animchunks = new List <string>(); while (ByteConverter.ToInt32(chunk, chunkaddr) != -1) { animchunks.Add(chunk.GetCString(ByteConverter.ToInt32(chunk, chunkaddr))); chunkaddr += 4; } animationFiles = animchunks.ToArray(); break; case ChunkTypes.Morph: break; case ChunkTypes.Author: Author = chunk.GetCString(chunkaddr); break; case ChunkTypes.Tool: break; case ChunkTypes.Description: Description = chunk.GetCString(chunkaddr); break; case ChunkTypes.End: finished = true; break; default: Metadata.Add((uint)type, chunk); break; } } tmpaddr = nextchunk; } } switch (magic) { case SA1MDL: Format = ModelFormat.Basic; break; case SA2MDL: Format = ModelFormat.Chunk; break; case SA2BMDL: Format = ModelFormat.GC; break; default: throw new FormatException("Not a valid SA1MDL/SA2MDL file."); } Model = new NJS_OBJECT(file, ByteConverter.ToInt32(file, 8), 0, Format, labels, attaches); if (filename != null) { string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(filename); if (File.Exists(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename) + ".action")) { using (TextReader tr = File.OpenText(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename) + ".action")) { List <string> animlist = new List <string>(); int count = File.ReadLines(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename) + ".action").Count(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { string line = tr.ReadLine(); if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(path, line))) { animlist.Add(line); } } animationFiles = animlist.ToArray(); } } List <NJS_MOTION> anims = new List <NJS_MOTION>(); try { foreach (string item in animationFiles) { if (Path.GetExtension(item).ToLowerInvariant() == ".json") { JsonSerializer js = new JsonSerializer() { Culture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture }; using (TextReader tr = File.OpenText(Path.Combine(path, item))) { using (JsonTextReader jtr = new JsonTextReader(tr)) anims.Add(js.Deserialize <NJS_MOTION>(jtr)); } } else { anims.Add(NJS_MOTION.Load(Path.Combine(path, item), Model.CountAnimated())); } } } catch { anims.Clear(); } Animations = anims.AsReadOnly(); } } ByteConverter.BigEndian = be; }