// Function from file: subsystem.dm public int update_user_uis(dynamic user = null, Wires src_object = null, string ui_key = null) { int update_count = 0; Tgui ui = null; if (user.open_uis == null || !(user.open_uis is ByTable) || this.open_uis.len == 0) { return(0); } update_count = 0; foreach (dynamic _a in Lang13.Enumerate(user.open_uis, typeof(Tgui))) { ui = _a; if ((src_object == null || !(src_object == null) && ui.src_object == src_object) && (ui_key == null || !(ui_key == null) && ui.ui_key == ui_key)) { ui.process(); update_count++; } } return(update_count); }
// Function from file: subsystem.dm public bool on_transfer(dynamic source = null, dynamic target = null) { Tgui ui = null; if (!Lang13.Bool(source) || source.open_uis == null || !(source.open_uis is ByTable) || this.open_uis.len == 0) { return(false); } if (target.open_uis == null || !(target.open_uis is ByTable)) { target.open_uis = new ByTable(); } foreach (dynamic _a in Lang13.Enumerate(source.open_uis, typeof(Tgui))) { ui = _a; ui.user = target; target.open_uis.Add(ui); } source.open_uis.Cut(); return(true); }
// Function from file: atmos_alert.dm public override int?ui_act(string action = null, ByTable _params = null, Tgui ui = null, UiState state = null) { int?_default = null; dynamic zone = null; if (Lang13.Bool(base.ui_act(action, _params, ui, state))) { return(_default); } switch ((string)(action)) { case "clear": zone = _params["zone"]; if (this.priority_alarms.Contains(zone)) { Task13.User.WriteMsg("Priority alarm for " + zone + " cleared."); this.priority_alarms.Remove(zone); _default = GlobalVars.TRUE; } if (this.minor_alarms.Contains(zone)) { Task13.User.WriteMsg("Minor alarm for " + zone + " cleared."); this.minor_alarms.Remove(zone); _default = GlobalVars.TRUE; } break; } this.update_icon(); return(_default); }
// Function from file: subsystem.dm public Tgui get_open_ui(dynamic user = null, Game_Data src_object = null, string ui_key = null) { string src_object_key = null; Tgui ui = null; src_object_key = new Txt().Ref(src_object).ToString(); if (this.open_uis[src_object_key] == null || !(this.open_uis[src_object_key] is ByTable)) { return(null); } else if (this.open_uis[src_object_key][ui_key] == null || !(this.open_uis[src_object_key][ui_key] is ByTable)) { return(null); } foreach (dynamic _a in Lang13.Enumerate(this.open_uis[src_object_key][ui_key], typeof(Tgui))) { ui = _a; if (ui.user == user) { return(ui); } } return(null); }
// Function from file: subsystem.dm public bool on_close(Tgui ui = null) { string src_object_key = null; dynamic uis = null; src_object_key = new Txt().Ref(ui.src_object).ToString(); if (this.open_uis[src_object_key] == null || !(this.open_uis[src_object_key] is ByTable)) { return(false); } else if (this.open_uis[src_object_key][ui.ui_key] == null || !(this.open_uis[src_object_key][ui.ui_key] is ByTable)) { return(false); } this.processing_uis.Remove(ui); if (Lang13.Bool(ui.user)) { ui.user.open_uis.Remove(ui); } uis = this.open_uis[src_object_key][ui.ui_key]; uis.Remove(ui); return(true); }
// Function from file: scrubber.dm public override int?ui_act(string action = null, ByTable _params = null, Tgui ui = null, UiState state = null) { int?_default = null; if (Lang13.Bool(base.ui_act(action, _params, ui, state))) { return(_default); } switch ((string)(action)) { case "power": this.on = !Lang13.Bool(this.on) ?1:0; _default = GlobalVars.TRUE; break; case "eject": if (Lang13.Bool(this.holding)) { this.holding.loc = GlobalFuncs.get_turf(this); this.holding = null; _default = GlobalVars.TRUE; } break; } this.update_icon(); return(_default); }
// Function from file: subsystem.dm public int update_uis(Game_Data src_object = null) { string src_object_key = null; int update_count = 0; dynamic ui_key = null; Tgui ui = null; src_object_key = new Txt().Ref(src_object).ToString(); if (this.open_uis[src_object_key] == null || !(this.open_uis[src_object_key] is ByTable)) { return(0); } update_count = 0; foreach (dynamic _b in Lang13.Enumerate(this.open_uis[src_object_key])) { ui_key = _b; foreach (dynamic _a in Lang13.Enumerate(this.open_uis[src_object_key][ui_key], typeof(Tgui))) { ui = _a; if (ui != null && ui.src_object != null && Lang13.Bool(ui.user) && ui.src_object.ui_host() != null) { ui.process(); update_count++; } } } return(update_count); }
// Function from file: external.dm public virtual int?ui_act(string action = null, ByTable _params = null, Tgui ui = null, UiState state = null) { if (!(ui != null) || ui.status != 2) { return(1); } return(null); }
// Function from file: external.dm public virtual int ui_interact(dynamic user = null, string ui_key = null, Tgui ui = null, bool?force_open = null, Tgui master_ui = null, UiState state = null) { ui_key = ui_key ?? "main"; force_open = force_open ?? false; state = state ?? GlobalVars.default_state; return(-1); }
// Function from file: chem_heater.dm public override int?ui_act(string action = null, ByTable _params = null, Tgui ui = null, UiState state = null) { int?_default = null; dynamic target = null; double? adjust = null; if (Lang13.Bool(base.ui_act(action, _params, ui, state))) { return(_default); } switch ((string)(action)) { case "power": this.on = !Lang13.Bool(this.on) ?1:0; _default = GlobalVars.TRUE; break; case "temperature": target = _params["target"]; adjust = String13.ParseNumber(_params["adjust"]); if (target == "input") { target = Interface13.Input("New target temperature:", this.name, this.target_temperature, null, null, InputType.Num | InputType.Null); if (!(target == null) && !Lang13.Bool(base.ui_act(action, _params, ui, state))) { _default = GlobalVars.TRUE; } } else if (Lang13.Bool(adjust)) { target = (this.target_temperature ?? 0) + (adjust ?? 0); } else if (String13.ParseNumber(target) != null) { target = String13.ParseNumber(target); _default = GlobalVars.TRUE; } if (Lang13.Bool(_default)) { this.target_temperature = Num13.MaxInt(0, Num13.MinInt(Convert.ToInt32(target), 1000)); } break; case "eject": this.on = GlobalVars.FALSE; this.eject_beaker(); _default = GlobalVars.TRUE; break; } return(_default); }
// Function from file: thermomachine.dm public override int?ui_act(string action = null, ByTable _params = null, Tgui ui = null, UiState state = null) { int?_default = null; dynamic target = null; double? adjust = null; if (Lang13.Bool(base.ui_act(action, _params, ui, state))) { return(_default); } switch ((string)(action)) { case "power": this.on = !this.on; this.use_power = (this.on ?1:0) + 1; this.investigate_log("was turned " + (this.on ? "on" : "off") + " by " + GlobalFuncs.key_name(Task13.User), "atmos"); _default = GlobalVars.TRUE; break; case "target": target = _params["target"]; adjust = String13.ParseNumber(_params["adjust"]); if (target == "input") { target = Interface13.Input("Set new target (" + this.min_temperature + "-" + this.max_temperature + " K):", this.name, this.target_temperature, null, null, InputType.Num | InputType.Null); if (!(target == null) && !Lang13.Bool(base.ui_act(action, _params, ui, state))) { _default = GlobalVars.TRUE; } } else if (Lang13.Bool(adjust)) { target = this.target_temperature + (adjust ?? 0); _default = GlobalVars.TRUE; } else if (String13.ParseNumber(target) != null) { target = String13.ParseNumber(target); _default = GlobalVars.TRUE; } if (Lang13.Bool(_default)) { this.target_temperature = Num13.MaxInt(((int)(this.min_temperature)), Num13.MinInt(Convert.ToInt32(target), Convert.ToInt32(this.max_temperature))); this.investigate_log("was set to " + this.target_temperature + " K by " + GlobalFuncs.key_name(Task13.User), "atmos"); } break; } this.update_icon(); return(_default); }
// Function from file: cryo.dm public override int?ui_act(string action = null, ByTable _params = null, Tgui ui = null, UiState state = null) { int?_default = null; if (Lang13.Bool(base.ui_act(action, _params, ui, state))) { return(_default); } switch ((string)(action)) { case "power": if (Lang13.Bool(this.on)) { this.on = GlobalVars.FALSE; } else if (!Lang13.Bool(this.state_open)) { this.on = GlobalVars.TRUE; } _default = GlobalVars.TRUE; break; case "door": if (Lang13.Bool(this.state_open)) { this.close_machine(); } else { this.open_machine(); } _default = GlobalVars.TRUE; break; case "autoeject": this.autoeject = !this.autoeject; _default = GlobalVars.TRUE; break; case "ejectbeaker": if (Lang13.Bool(this.beaker)) { this.beaker.loc = this.loc; this.beaker = null; _default = GlobalVars.TRUE; } break; } this.update_icon(); return(_default); }
// Function from file: tanks.dm public override int?ui_act(string action = null, ByTable _params = null, Tgui ui = null, UiState state = null) { int?_default = null; dynamic pressure = null; if (Lang13.Bool(base.ui_act(action, _params, ui, state))) { return(_default); } switch ((string)(action)) { case "pressure": pressure = _params["pressure"]; if (pressure == "reset") { pressure = 16; _default = GlobalVars.TRUE; } else if (pressure == "min") { pressure = 0; _default = GlobalVars.TRUE; } else if (pressure == "max") { pressure = 303.9749755859375; _default = GlobalVars.TRUE; } else if (pressure == "input") { pressure = Interface13.Input("New release pressure (" + 0 + "-" + 303.9749755859375 + " kPa):", this.name, this.distribute_pressure, null, null, InputType.Num | InputType.Null); if (!(pressure == null) && !Lang13.Bool(base.ui_act(action, _params, ui, state))) { _default = GlobalVars.TRUE; } } else if (String13.ParseNumber(pressure) != null) { pressure = String13.ParseNumber(pressure); _default = GlobalVars.TRUE; } if (Lang13.Bool(_default)) { this.distribute_pressure = Num13.MaxInt(0, Num13.MinInt(Num13.Floor(Convert.ToDouble(pressure)), ((int)(303.9749755859375)))); } break; } return(_default); }
// Function from file: aicard.dm public override int?ui_act(string action = null, ByTable _params = null, Tgui ui = null, UiState state = null) { int?_default = null; string confirm = null; if (Lang13.Bool(base.ui_act(action, _params, ui, state))) { return(_default); } switch ((string)(action)) { case "wipe": confirm = Interface13.Alert("Are you sure you want to wipe this card's memory? This cannot be undone once started.", this.name, "Yes", "No"); if (confirm == "Yes" && !Lang13.Bool(base.ui_act(action, _params, ui, state))) { this.flush = GlobalVars.TRUE; if (this.AI != null && this.AI.loc == this) { ((dynamic)this.AI).suiciding = GlobalVars.TRUE; ((dynamic)this.AI).WriteMsg("Your core files are being wiped!"); while (Convert.ToInt32(((dynamic)this.AI).stat) != 2) { ((dynamic)this.AI).adjustOxyLoss(2); ((dynamic)this.AI).updatehealth(); Task13.Sleep(10); } this.flush = GlobalVars.FALSE; } } _default = GlobalVars.TRUE; break; case "wireless": ((dynamic)this.AI).control_disabled = !Lang13.Bool(((dynamic)this.AI).control_disabled); ((dynamic)this.AI).WriteMsg("" + this + "'s wireless port has been " + (Lang13.Bool(((dynamic)this.AI).control_disabled) ? "disabled" : "enabled") + "!"); _default = GlobalVars.TRUE; break; case "radio": ((dynamic)this.AI).radio_enabled = !Lang13.Bool(((dynamic)this.AI).radio_enabled); ((dynamic)this.AI).WriteMsg("Your Subspace Transceiver has been " + (Lang13.Bool(((dynamic)this.AI).radio_enabled) ? "enabled" : "disabled") + "!"); _default = GlobalVars.TRUE; break; } this.update_icon(); return(_default); }
// Function from file: volume_pump.dm public override int?ui_act(string action = null, ByTable _params = null, Tgui ui = null, UiState state = null) { int?_default = null; dynamic rate = null; if (Lang13.Bool(base.ui_act(action, _params, ui, state))) { return(_default); } switch ((string)(action)) { case "power": this.on = !Lang13.Bool(this.on) ?1:0; this.investigate_log("was turned " + (Lang13.Bool(this.on) ? "on" : "off") + " by " + GlobalFuncs.key_name(Task13.User), "atmos"); _default = GlobalVars.TRUE; break; case "rate": rate = _params["rate"]; if (rate == "max") { rate = 200; _default = GlobalVars.TRUE; } else if (rate == "input") { rate = Interface13.Input("New transfer rate (0-" + 200 + " L/s):", this.name, this.transfer_rate, null, null, InputType.Num | InputType.Null); if (!(rate == null) && !Lang13.Bool(base.ui_act(action, _params, ui, state))) { _default = GlobalVars.TRUE; } } else if (String13.ParseNumber(rate) != null) { rate = String13.ParseNumber(rate); _default = GlobalVars.TRUE; } if (Lang13.Bool(_default)) { this.transfer_rate = Num13.MaxInt(0, Num13.MinInt(Convert.ToInt32(rate), 200)); this.investigate_log("was set to " + this.transfer_rate + " L/s by " + GlobalFuncs.key_name(Task13.User), "atmos"); } break; } this.update_icon(); return(_default); }
// Function from file: scrubber.dm public override int ui_interact(dynamic user = null, string ui_key = null, Tgui ui = null, bool?force_open = null, Tgui master_ui = null, UiState state = null) { ui_key = ui_key ?? "main"; force_open = force_open ?? false; state = state ?? GlobalVars.physical_state; ui = GlobalVars.SStgui.try_update_ui(user, this, ui_key, ui, force_open); if (!(ui != null)) { ui = new Tgui(user, this, ui_key, "portable_scrubber", this.name, 420, 335, master_ui, state); ui.open(); } return(0); }
// Function from file: radio.dm public override int ui_interact(dynamic user = null, string ui_key = null, Tgui ui = null, bool?force_open = null, Tgui master_ui = null, UiState state = null) { ui_key = ui_key ?? "main"; force_open = force_open ?? false; state = state ?? GlobalVars.inventory_state; ui = GlobalVars.SStgui.try_update_ui(user, this, ui_key, ui, force_open); if (!(ui != null)) { ui = new Tgui(user, this, ui_key, "radio", this.name, 370, this.channels.len * 22 + 220, master_ui, state); ui.open(); } return(0); }
// Function from file: airlock_electronics.dm public override int ui_interact(dynamic user = null, string ui_key = null, Tgui ui = null, bool?force_open = null, Tgui master_ui = null, UiState state = null) { ui_key = ui_key ?? "main"; force_open = force_open ?? false; state = state ?? GlobalVars.hands_state; GlobalVars.SStgui.try_update_ui(user, this, ui_key, ui, force_open); if (!(ui != null)) { ui = new Tgui(user, this, ui_key, "airlock_electronics", this.name, 975, 420, master_ui, state); ui.open(); } return(0); }
// Function from file: mulebot.dm public override int ui_interact(dynamic user = null, string ui_key = null, Tgui ui = null, bool?force_open = null, Tgui master_ui = null, UiState state = null) { ui_key = ui_key ?? "main"; force_open = force_open ?? false; state = state ?? GlobalVars.default_state; ui = GlobalVars.SStgui.try_update_ui(user, this, ui_key, ui, force_open); if (!(ui != null)) { ui = new Tgui(user, this, ui_key, "mulebot", this.name, 600, 375, master_ui, state); ui.open(); } return(0); }
// Function from file: wires.dm public override int ui_interact(dynamic user = null, string ui_key = null, Tgui ui = null, bool?force_open = null, Tgui master_ui = null, UiState state = null) { ui_key = ui_key ?? "wires"; force_open = force_open ?? false; state = state ?? GlobalVars.physical_state; ui = GlobalVars.SStgui.try_update_ui(user, this, ui_key, ui, force_open); if (!(ui != null)) { ui = new Tgui(user, this, ui_key, "wires", "" + this.holder.name + " wires", 350, this.wires.len * 30 + 150, master_ui, state); ui.open(); } return(0); }
// Function from file: atmos_control.dm public override int?ui_act(string action = null, ByTable _params = null, Tgui ui = null, UiState state = null) { int?_default = null; Signal signal = null; dynamic target = null; if (Lang13.Bool(base.ui_act(action, _params, ui, state)) || !(this.radio_connection != null)) { return(_default); } signal = new Signal(); signal.transmission_method = 1; signal.source = this; signal.data = new ByTable().Set("sigtype", "command"); switch ((string)(action)) { case "reconnect": this.reconnect(Task13.User); _default = GlobalVars.TRUE; break; case "input": signal.data.Add(new ByTable().Set("tag", this.input_tag).Set("power_toggle", GlobalVars.TRUE)); _default = GlobalVars.TRUE; break; case "output": signal.data.Add(new ByTable().Set("tag", this.output_tag).Set("power_toggle", GlobalVars.TRUE)); _default = GlobalVars.TRUE; break; case "pressure": target = Interface13.Input("New target pressure:", this.name, this.output_info["internal"], null, null, InputType.Num | InputType.Null); if (!(target == null) && !Lang13.Bool(base.ui_act(action, _params, ui, state))) { target = Num13.MaxInt(0, Num13.MinInt(Convert.ToInt32(target), ((int)(5066.25)))); signal.data.Add(new ByTable().Set("tag", this.output_tag).Set("set_internal_pressure", target)); _default = GlobalVars.TRUE; } break; } this.radio_connection.post_signal(this, signal, GlobalVars.RADIO_ATMOSIA); return(_default); }
// Function from file: Sleeper.dm public override int?ui_act(string action = null, ByTable _params = null, Tgui ui = null, UiState state = null) { int?_default = null; string chem = null; if (Lang13.Bool(base.ui_act(action, _params, ui, state))) { return(_default); } switch ((string)(action)) { case "door": if (Lang13.Bool(this.state_open)) { this.close_machine(); } else { this.open_machine(); } _default = GlobalVars.TRUE; break; case "inject": chem = _params["chem"]; if (!this.is_operational() || !Lang13.Bool(this.occupant)) { return(_default); } if (Convert.ToDouble(this.occupant.health) < Convert.ToDouble(this.min_health) && chem != "epinephrine") { return(_default); } if (Lang13.Bool(this.inject_chem(chem))) { _default = GlobalVars.TRUE; } break; } return(_default); }
// Function from file: uplink.dm public override int ui_interact(dynamic user = null, string ui_key = null, Tgui ui = null, bool?force_open = null, Tgui master_ui = null, UiState state = null) { ui_key = ui_key ?? "main"; force_open = force_open ?? false; state = state ?? GlobalVars.inventory_state; ui = GlobalVars.SStgui.try_update_ui(user, this, ui_key, ui, force_open); if (!(ui != null)) { ui = new Tgui(user, this, ui_key, "uplink", this.name, 450, 750, master_ui, state); ui.set_autoupdate(GlobalVars.FALSE); ui.set_style("syndicate"); ui.open(); } return(0); }
// Function from file: mulebot.dm public override int?ui_act(string action = null, ByTable _params = null, Tgui ui = null, UiState state = null) { int?_default = null; if (Lang13.Bool(base.ui_act(action, _params, ui, state)) || this.locked && !Task13.User.has_unlimited_silicon_privilege) { return(_default); } switch ((string)(action)) { case "lock": if (Task13.User.has_unlimited_silicon_privilege) { this.locked = !this.locked; _default = GlobalVars.TRUE; } break; case "power": if (Lang13.Bool(this.on)) { this.turn_off(); } else if (Lang13.Bool(this.cell) && !this.open) { if (!this.turn_on()) { Task13.User.WriteMsg("<span class='warning'>You can't switch on " + this + "!</span>"); return(_default); } } _default = GlobalVars.TRUE; break; default: this.bot_control(action, Task13.User); _default = GlobalVars.TRUE; break; } return(_default); }
// Function from file: uplink.dm public override int?ui_act(string action = null, ByTable _params = null, Tgui ui = null, UiState state = null) { int?_default = null; dynamic item = null; ByTable uplink_items = null; ByTable buyable_items = null; dynamic category = null; dynamic I = null; if (!Lang13.Bool(this.active)) { return(_default); } switch ((string)(action)) { case "buy": item = _params["item"]; uplink_items = GlobalFuncs.get_uplink_items(this.gamemode); buyable_items = new ByTable(); foreach (dynamic _a in Lang13.Enumerate(uplink_items)) { category = _a; buyable_items.Add(uplink_items[category]); } if (buyable_items.Contains(item)) { I = buyable_items[item]; I.buy(Task13.User, this); _default = GlobalVars.TRUE; } break; case "lock": this.active = GlobalVars.FALSE; GlobalVars.SStgui.close_uis(this); break; } return(_default); }
// Function from file: tgui.dm public void close( ) { Tgui child = null; Interface13.Browse(this.user, null, "window=" + this.window_id); GlobalVars.SStgui.on_close(this); foreach (dynamic _a in Lang13.Enumerate(this.children, typeof(Tgui))) { child = _a; child.close(); } this.children.Cut(); this.state = null; this.master_ui = null; GlobalFuncs.qdel(this); return; }
// Function from file: keycard authentication.dm public override int?ui_act(string action = null, ByTable _params = null, Tgui ui = null, UiState state = null) { int?_default = null; if (Lang13.Bool(base.ui_act(action, _params, ui, state)) || this.waiting || !this.allowed(Task13.User)) { return(_default); } switch ((string)(action)) { case "red_alert": if (!(this.event_source != null)) { this.sendEvent("Red Alert"); _default = GlobalVars.TRUE; } break; case "emergency_maint": if (!(this.event_source != null)) { this.sendEvent("Emergency Maintenance Access"); _default = GlobalVars.TRUE; } break; case "auth_swipe": if (this.event_source != null) { this.event_source.trigger_event(Task13.User); this.event_source = null; _default = GlobalVars.TRUE; } break; } return(_default); }
// Function from file: airlock_electronics.dm public override int?ui_act(string action = null, ByTable _params = null, Tgui ui = null, UiState state = null) { int?_default = null; double?access = null; if (Lang13.Bool(base.ui_act(action, _params, ui, state))) { return(_default); } switch ((string)(action)) { case "clear": this.accesses = new ByTable(); this.one_access = false; _default = GlobalVars.TRUE; break; case "one_access": this.one_access = !this.one_access; _default = GlobalVars.TRUE; break; case "set": access = String13.ParseNumber(_params["access"]); if (!Lang13.Bool(this.accesses.Contains(access))) { this.accesses += access; } else { this.accesses -= access; } _default = GlobalVars.TRUE; break; } return(_default); }
// Function from file: subsystem.dm public void on_open(Tgui ui = null) { string src_object_key = null; dynamic uis = null; src_object_key = new Txt().Ref(ui.src_object).ToString(); if (this.open_uis[src_object_key] == null || !(this.open_uis[src_object_key] is ByTable)) { this.open_uis[src_object_key] = new ByTable().Set(ui.ui_key, new ByTable()); } else if (this.open_uis[src_object_key][ui.ui_key] == null || !(this.open_uis[src_object_key][ui.ui_key] is ByTable)) { this.open_uis[src_object_key][ui.ui_key] = new ByTable(); } ui.user.open_uis |= ui; uis = this.open_uis[src_object_key][ui.ui_key]; uis |= ui; this.processing_uis.Or(ui); return; }
// Function from file: tank_dispenser.dm public override int?ui_act(string action = null, ByTable _params = null, Tgui ui = null, UiState state = null) { int?_default = null; dynamic tank = null; dynamic tank2 = null; if (Lang13.Bool(base.ui_act(action, _params, ui, state))) { return(_default); } switch ((string)(action)) { case "plasma": tank = Lang13.FindIn(typeof(Obj_Item_Weapon_Tank_Internals_Plasma), this); if (Lang13.Bool(tank)) { Task13.User.put_in_hands(tank); this.plasmatanks--; } _default = GlobalVars.TRUE; break; case "oxygen": tank2 = Lang13.FindIn(typeof(Obj_Item_Weapon_Tank_Internals_Oxygen), this); if (Lang13.Bool(tank2)) { Task13.User.put_in_hands(tank2); this.oxygentanks--; } _default = GlobalVars.TRUE; break; } this.update_icon(); return(_default); }