        private void HandleTouchUp(Touch touch)
            // Don't process if dragging isn't currently allowed
            if (!DraggingIsAllowed())

            // Don't process if target card is performing an animation
            if (m_isDoingAnimation)

            if (m_isCard || (m_currentObject != null && m_currentObject.CompareTag("Snap")))
                m_screenPoint = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(touch.position.x, touch.position.y, 10));
                //Vector3 curPosition = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(m_screenPoint) + m_offset;
                Vector3 curPosition = m_screenPoint;
                if (GameManager.DEBUG_MODE)
                    Debug.Log("Stopped dragging at: " + curPosition);
                    Debug.Log("Starting point was: " + m_startPos);

                // Mouse up will be determined as a click if the current position is the same as the start position
                if (IsClick(curPosition))
                    if (m_currentObject.CompareTag("Snap"))
                        if (m_currentObject.transform.parent.CompareTag("Stock"))
                            // Only way to get to this point is if the stock was clicked and there are no cards on it
                            // Transfer all cards attached to talon back to stock
                        Card cardOfInterest = m_currentObject.GetComponent <Card>();
                        if (cardOfInterest.GetStartParent() != null)
                            string cardParentSetTag = cardOfInterest.GetStartParent().parent.tag;

                            // Determine if double click
                            float timeDiff = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad - m_timeSinceLastClick;
                            if (GameManager.DEBUG_MODE)
                                Debug.Log("Time difference since last click: " + timeDiff);
                            bool doubleClick = (m_timeSinceLastClick >= 0) && timeDiff <= CLICK_DIFF_TIME_THRESHOLD;

                            Transform nextMove = null;

                            // Don't apply double-click logic to stock
                            // Also don't permit click spamming for drawing cards (use game manager action/event block)
                            if (cardParentSetTag.Equals("Stock") && !GameManager.Instance.IsBlocked())
                                // Move the card to the talon pile once it has been clicked on the stock (draw card)
                                GameManager.Instance.SetBlocked(true); // Place temporary lock to prevent concurrent actions/events
                            else if (doubleClick || SettingsManager.Instance.IsSingleTapAutoCompleteTrigger())
                                // Determine the next valid move. Supply the dragged cards count so prevent the scenario in which
                                // more than one card is dragged to a foundation in one event.
                                nextMove = GameManager.Instance.GetNextAvailableMove(cardOfInterest, m_draggedCards.Length);
                                if (GameManager.DEBUG_MODE)
                                    Debug.Log("Next Move: " + nextMove);

                                // If double click and there is a valid next move
                                // Then, automatically move the double clicked card to the most appropriate location.
                                if (nextMove)
                                    // Move all cards in set of dragged cards (can be 1)
                                    GameManager.Instance.SetBlocked(true); // Place temporary lock to prevent concurrent actions/events
                                    cardOfInterest.MoveTo(nextMove, m_draggedCards);

                            // Handle cleanup case
                            if (!cardParentSetTag.Equals("Stock") && !nextMove)
                                // Need to set the parent back to the original parent for card(s) in the set of dragged cards.
                                foreach (Card card in m_draggedCards)
                                    card.transform.parent = card.GetStartParent();

                                    // Ensure all mesh colliders are re-enabled (corner case when double clicking a face down card)
                                    card.GetComponent <MeshCollider>().enabled = true;

                                // Unblock actions/events since invalid click

                    // Keep track of the time of last click
                    m_timeSinceLastClick = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad;

                // Don't allow dropping stock cards or face-down cards
                Card cardCheck = m_currentObject.GetComponent <Card>();
                bool valid     = !m_isStockCard && cardCheck != null && !cardCheck.IsFaceDown();

                // Validate the dragged location to determine if the card should be snapped back to original location
                // or snapped to the respective target (e.g., attempted drag location)
                Vector3 collisionVector = new Vector3(10.0f, 10.0f, 1000.0f);
                bool    collides        = Physics.CheckBox(curPosition, collisionVector);

                if (collides && valid)
                    Collider[] hitColliders = Physics.OverlapBox(curPosition, collisionVector);
                    int        i            = 0;
                    while (i < hitColliders.Length)
                        Transform collidedTransform = hitColliders[i].GetComponent <Transform>();
                        if (GameManager.DEBUG_MODE)
                            Debug.Log("Would collide with object: " + collidedTransform);

                        // Snap to the snap location if there is one
                        if (collidedTransform.CompareTag("Snap"))
                            // Don't allow dropping dragged cards in prohibited locations
                            SnapManager snapManager = collidedTransform.GetComponent <SnapManager>();
                            if (GameManager.PROHIBITED_DROP_LOCATIONS.Contains(collidedTransform.parent.tag))
                                if (GameManager.DEBUG_MODE)
                                    Debug.Log("Can't manually drop card in " + collidedTransform.parent.tag);
                                valid = false;

                            // Make sure there isn't already a card attached to the snap (otherwise need to search for card)
                            if (snapManager.HasCard())
                                if (GameManager.DEBUG_MODE)
                                    Debug.Log("Snap already has a card, skipping...");
                                if (GameManager.DEBUG_MODE)
                                    Debug.Log("Placing card(s) in: " + collidedTransform.parent.tag);

                                // Set the new position relative to the snap, adjusting the z value appropriately
                                Vector3 newPos = new Vector3(
                                    -1.0f                        // Set to a z value of -1 for initial card in stack

                                // Need to iterate the set of dragged cards and adjust the position accordingly
                                bool isFoundation = collidedTransform.parent.CompareTag("Foundations");

                                // Assert that there is only one card being placed if target is foundation
                                if (isFoundation && m_draggedCards.Length > 1)
                                    if (GameManager.DEBUG_MODE)
                                        Debug.Log("Cannot move more than one card at once to a foundation.");
                                    valid = false;

                                // General validation step to take card value and suit into consideration
                                valid = snapManager.IsValidMove(m_draggedCards[0]);
                                if (valid)
                                    float yOffset = isFoundation ? 0.0f : GameManager.FOUNDATION_Y_OFFSET;
                                    int   j       = 0;
                                    foreach (Card card in m_draggedCards)
                                        Vector3 cardPosition = card.transform.position;
                                        Vector3 newCardPos   = new Vector3(newPos.x, newPos.y - (yOffset * j), newPos.z - j);
                                        card.transform.position = newCardPos;

                                        // Add the card to the stack
                                        card.transform.parent = collidedTransform;

                                        // Re-enable the mesh colliders on the cards
                                        card.GetComponent <MeshCollider>().enabled = true;


                        else if (collidedTransform.CompareTag("Card"))
                            // Determine if the card was the same one that is being dragged/dropped
                            if (collidedTransform.Equals(m_currentObject.transform))
                                if (GameManager.DEBUG_MODE)
                                    Debug.Log("Collided object is self, skipping...");
                                // Get the card object to determine if the respective card is stackable
                                Card targetCard = collidedTransform.GetComponent <Card>();
                                if (!targetCard.IsStackable())
                                    if (GameManager.DEBUG_MODE)
                                        Debug.Log("Card is not stackable, skipping...");
                                    // Reference the snap manager the card is attached to
                                    SnapManager snapManager = targetCard.GetComponentInParent <SnapManager>();

                                    if (GameManager.DEBUG_MODE)
                                        Debug.Log("Placing card(s) in: " + collidedTransform.parent.parent.tag);
                                    bool isFoundation = collidedTransform.parent.parent.CompareTag("Foundations");

                                    // Assert that there is only one card being placed if target is foundation
                                    if (isFoundation && m_draggedCards.Length > 1)
                                        if (GameManager.DEBUG_MODE)
                                            Debug.Log("Cannot move more than one card at once to a foundation.");
                                        valid = false;

                                    // General validation step to take card value and suit into consideration
                                    valid = snapManager.IsValidMove(m_draggedCards[0]);
                                    if (valid)
                                        float yOffset = isFoundation ? 0.0f : GameManager.FOUNDATION_Y_OFFSET;

                                        // Offset y position by specified foundation y-offset
                                        // so that the card that is below is still shown
                                        Vector3 newPos = new Vector3(
                                            collidedTransform.position.y - yOffset,
                                            collidedTransform.position.z - 1.0f

                                        // Need to iterate the set of dragged cards and adjust the position accordingly
                                        int j = 0;
                                        foreach (Card card in m_draggedCards)
                                            Vector3 cardPosition = card.transform.position;
                                            Vector3 newCardPos   = new Vector3(newPos.x, newPos.y - (yOffset * j), newPos.z - j);
                                            card.transform.position = newCardPos;

                                            // Add the card to the stack (note that the parent is not the collided transform)
                                            card.transform.parent = collidedTransform.parent;

                                            // Re-enable the mesh colliders on the cards
                                            card.GetComponent <MeshCollider>().enabled = true;


                            // If collided with anything else other than a card or a snap then deemed as invalid
                            valid = false;


                // Need to do one last check to determine if the cards were moved to the same location
                if (valid)
                    Card    topCard         = m_draggedCards[0];
                    Vector3 topCardStartPos = topCard.GetStartPos();
                    valid = !(topCard.transform.position.x == topCardStartPos.x &&
                              topCard.transform.position.y == topCardStartPos.y);

                if (!valid)
                    if (GameManager.DEBUG_MODE)
                        Debug.Log("Invalid Move.");

                    // If the drag location is deemed invalid then we should snap back to starting position
                    // Need to iterate the list of dragged cards and set each card back to their respective
                    // starting position and starting parent
                    if (m_draggedCards != null)
                        foreach (Card card in m_draggedCards)
                            // Hanle corner case for when origin was the stock pile
                            if (m_originSnapManager.BelongsTo(GameManager.Sections.STOCK))
                                Vector3 startPos = card.GetStartPos();
                                bool    samePos  = card.transform.position.x == startPos.x &&
                                                   card.transform.position.y == startPos.y;
                                // Only handle this corner case if the card's curren position isn't the same
                                // as it's starting position.
                                if (!samePos)
                                    Transform talonTransform = GameManager.Instance.GetTalonPile();
                                    card.transform.position = talonTransform.position;
                                    card.transform.parent   = talonTransform;
                                card.transform.position = card.GetStartPos();
                                card.transform.parent   = card.GetStartParent();

                            // Re-enable the mesh colliders on the cards
                            card.GetComponent <MeshCollider>().enabled = true;
                    // Register the manual move if it was valid
                    Move move = new Move();
                    GameManager.Instance.AddMove(move, Move.MoveTypes.NORMAL);

                    // Play the card set sound one shot so that other clips can play at the same time
                    AudioSource cardSetSound = SettingsManager.Instance.cardSetSound;

                    // Track the total number of moves with stats manager

                // Remove temporary locks set during dragging
                if (m_dragged)
                    // Can stop waiting now that the move is complete
                    // Evaluate only if origin snap manager isn't null
                    if (m_originSnapManager != null)

                    m_dragged = false;

            // Always initialize as a last step
文件: Card.cs 项目: BrettFX/Solitaire
         * Move this card instance and/or other cards in it's card set to the specified target snap transform
         * @param Transform snap the target snap transform to move this card to
         * @param Card[] cardSet the set of dragged cards to handle translation all at once
         *                       with respect to this card instance. Defaults to null if a card set is not provided.
         *                       If the card set has only one card in it then it's assumed that the one card is
         *                       this card instance and will be processed as such.
         * @param MoveTypes moveType the type of move that determines how the move should be tracked in the GameManager.
        public void MoveTo(Transform snap, Card[] cardSet = null, Move.MoveTypes moveType = Move.MoveTypes.NORMAL)
            // Prepare the move object
            m_move     = new Move();
            m_moveType = moveType;

            // Set the target card based on value of card set
            // (if card set is null then create a new card set with this card as the only element)
            m_move.SetCards(cardSet ?? (new Card[] { this }));

            // We know that the card has/had a parent

            // Need to get what the snap belongs to so that the card is placed in the correct location
            SnapManager snapManager    = snap.GetComponent <SnapManager>();
            bool        faceDownTarget = snapManager.HasCard() && snapManager.GetTopCard().IsFaceDown();

            GameManager.Sections targetSection = snapManager.belongingSection;

            // Set the next parent in the move

            // Need to target the top card in the respective tableau pile and offset the y and z positions
            Transform tableauHasCardTarget = targetSection.Equals(GameManager.Sections.TABLEAU) && snapManager.HasCard() ?
                                             snapManager.GetTopCard().transform : snap;

            // Setting for reference to new parent snap
            m_targetTranslateSnap = snap;
            m_targetTranslatePos  = m_targetTranslateSnap.position; // Defaults to target snap position

            // Keep track of the starting position
            m_startPos = transform.position;

            m_draggedCards = cardSet;

            // Tell the snap manager currently associated with the card(s) to wait until animations are complete
            SnapManager currentSnap = GetComponentInParent <SnapManager>();

            if (currentSnap != null)
                // Set the start parent here so that the current snap can be told to stop waiting later

            // Process a bit differently if a card set has been provided
            if (m_draggedCards != null && m_draggedCards.Length > 1)
                // Do a first pass-through to remove parent and bring z-value of each of the dragged cards
                // to the z-offset dragging value
                for (int i = 0; i < m_draggedCards.Length; i++)
                    Card draggedCard = m_draggedCards[i];
                    draggedCard.transform.parent = null;

                    // Keep track of each card's starting position

                    float yOffset;
                    // Apply y-offset when dragging multiple cards (start without y-offset if there isn't a card on the snap)
                    // Handle case when action was an undo and the top card in the target snap is facedown
                    // (only the first card in the the set of dragged cards should have the face down y-offset applied in this case).
                    if (faceDownTarget && i == 0)
                        yOffset = GameManager.FACE_DOWN_Y_OFFSET;
                        if (faceDownTarget)
                            // Need to compensate for the fact that the first card applied face down y-offset
                            yOffset = (GameManager.FOUNDATION_Y_OFFSET * i) + GameManager.FACE_DOWN_Y_OFFSET;
                            // Process normally (e.g., not undoing a flip event)
                            yOffset = GameManager.FOUNDATION_Y_OFFSET * (snapManager.HasCard() ? i + 1 : i);

                    Vector3 newTargetPos = new Vector3(
                        tableauHasCardTarget.position.y - yOffset,
                        tableauHasCardTarget.position.z - (i + 1)

                    // Set the new translate position for the dragged card

                    // Set the z-value of the transform to move to be high enough to hover over all other cards
                    draggedCard.transform.position = new Vector3(
                        -(GameManager.Z_OFFSET_DRAGGING + i)
            else // Otherwise, process on one card
                // transform position is a special case for the Tableau cards due to y-offset in addition to z-offset
                if (targetSection.Equals(GameManager.Sections.TABLEAU) && snapManager.HasCard())
                    Vector3 newTargetPos = new Vector3(
                        tableauHasCardTarget.position.y - (faceDownTarget ? GameManager.FACE_DOWN_Y_OFFSET : GameManager.FOUNDATION_Y_OFFSET),
                        tableauHasCardTarget.position.z - 1

                    m_targetTranslatePos = newTargetPos;

                transform.parent = null;         // Temporarily detatch from the parent
                SetStartPos(transform.position); // Keep track of this card instance start position

                // Set the z-value of the transform to move to be high enough to hover over all other cards
                transform.position = new Vector3(

            // Add the move to the game manager instance (only if normal move and not undone or redone)
            if (moveType == Move.MoveTypes.NORMAL)
                GameManager.Instance.AddMove(m_move, moveType);

            // Track the total number of moves with stats manager

            // Begin the translating animation
            m_translating = true;