public void RestoreArchive(JsonDb archive) {,; this.db.count += archive.count; }
void LoadJson() { // load cache try { using (var stream = System.IO.File.OpenText(Config.Resource_Prefix + Config.DB_CAR_FILE)) this.db = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JsonDb>(stream.ReadToEnd()); return; // return and delete cache } catch (System.NullReferenceException) { Debug.WriteLine("DB:\t\tLoading: Unrecognizable JsonDb"); } catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException) { Debug.WriteLine("DB:\t\tLoading: FNF: " + Config.DB_CAR_FILE); } finally { // delete cache try { if (System.IO.File.Exists(Config.Resource_Prefix + Config.DB_CAR_FILE)) System.IO.File.Delete(Config.Resource_Prefix + Config.DB_CAR_FILE); } catch (System.IO.IOException e) { Debug.WriteLine("DB:\t\tLoading: Couldn't delete cache: " + e.Message); } } // if load failed, create new and initialize new JsonDb for Solar.Status this.db = new JsonDb { count = 0, headers = new List<string> { }, data = new List<List<object>> { } }; foreach (var prop in typeof(Status).GetProperties()) this.db.headers.Add(prop.Name); }
public JsonDb GetArchive() { JsonDb archive = this.db; this.db = new JsonDb { count = 0, headers = new List<string>(archive.headers), data = new List<List<object>>{ } }; return archive; }