/// <summary>Activate form for selecting levelset (list of levelsets)</summary>
        public DialogResult SelectLevelSet(SokobanLevelSetList uLevelSetList)
            uList = uLevelSetList;//Store handle to levelset list
            iSelectedSet = uList.GetCurrentLevelSetIndex();//Get currently loaded levelset

            Enlist();//Fill listbox for user to choose

            if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform==PlatformID.WinCE)
                Visible = true;//Activate form (used only for WinCE, because of crush on Win32)

            if (uList.iListUsed == 0)
            {   //Empty levelset list - automatically fill
                //MessageBox.Show("LevelSet List are empty, press Update button to search for LevelSets", "LevelSet List");

            DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel;//Default result of choosing
            sSelectedSet = "";

            DialogResult bRv = ShowDialog();//Activate choosing in modal mode

            uList.SaveList();//Save of levelsets (for cases, then it was updated, or sorted, or number of solved levels changed)

            Dispose();//Release resources of dialog

            return bRv;
        //<summary>Lock level scrolling</summary>
        //private bool bScrollLock;
        ///<summary>Top-level contructor for SokobanCompact</summary>
        public formMain()
            FunctionResult uRV;


            hGameSkin = null;
            uBackBuffer = null;
            bDeadlockMessage = false;
            bHaveUnfinishedPosition = false;
            Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;//Waiting cursor - while loading levelset and skin

            //Get handle of assembly
            hExecAssem = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            //Get file name of assembly
            string sAppFilePath = hExecAssem.GetModules()[0].FullyQualifiedName;
            //Get path only
            sApplicationDirectory = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(sAppFilePath);
            //Add delimiter at the end
            if (!sApplicationDirectory.EndsWith(@"\"))
                sApplicationDirectory += @"\";

            //Calc paths for folders
            //sSavesDirectory = sApplicationDirectory + @"Saves\";
            sLevelsDirectory = sApplicationDirectory + @"Levels\";
            sSolutionsDirectory = sApplicationDirectory + @"Solutions\";
            sSkinsDirectory = sApplicationDirectory + @"Skins\";
            sBackgroundsDirectory = sApplicationDirectory + @"Backgrounds\";

            //Try to create all required folders, to not bother in future
            catch (System.IO.IOException)
            {}//Dont know that to do, if creation fails

            //Calc rectangles on statusbar
            int iX = 3;

            int iStatusHeight = pictureStatus.Height;//Height of status bar
            Graphics uGr1 = CreateGraphics();//Get graphics of current form
            SizeF uCounterSizes = uGr1.MeasureString(" 0000", Font);//Measure sample string for get actual font sizes
            int iCounterWidth = (int)uCounterSizes.Width;//Width of counter - with of sample string
            int iCounterY0 = (int)(iStatusHeight-uCounterSizes.Height)/2;//Text positions - valign center
            int iSpace = iCounterWidth/10;//Space between fields - 10% if counter width
            uGr1.Dispose();//Release graphics of form

            uRectIndic = new Rectangle(iX, (iStatusHeight-16)/2, 16, 16);//for solved/not-solved indicator
            iX += uRectIndic.Width + iSpace;
            uRectMoves = new Rectangle(iX, iCounterY0, iCounterWidth, 16);//for counter of moves
            iX += uRectMoves.Width + iSpace;
            uRectPushes = new Rectangle(iX, iCounterY0, iCounterWidth, 16);//for counter of pushes
            iX += uRectPushes.Width + iSpace;
            uRectMessage = new Rectangle(iX, iCounterY0, ClientRectangle.Width - iX, 16); //all rest space - for non-modal message

            //Font f1 = this.Font;
            //Graphic .MeasureString

            //bScrollLock = false;
            bResize = true;
            iBottomOfForm = pictureStatus.Top;//this done here for perform recenter of level before any redraws

            //Create and load settings
            uSetting = new Settings();
            if (uSetting.Load(sApplicationDirectory + sConfigFile) != FunctionResult.OK)
                //Settings not loaded - first start or failure of file
                uSetting = new Settings();//reset to default, just in case...
            menuScrollLock.Checked = uSetting.bScrollLock;

            if (uSetting.bLogActions)
                uLog = new LogFile();
                uLog.Start(sApplicationDirectory + sLogFile);
                uLog.LogString(ActionID.Start, "Started SokobanCompact; v" + hExecAssem.GetName().Version);

            //Load level set list
            uLevelSetList = new SokobanLevelSetList(sApplicationDirectory + sLevelSetList, sLevelsDirectory, sSolutionsDirectory);

            iSkinSize = 0;

            //Load skinset
            uSkinSet = new SkinSet();
            //uSkinSet.Load(sSkinsDirectory + "\\" + "oq.sks");//TODO: move skinset name into Settings
            uSkinSet.Load(sSkinsDirectory + uSetting.sSkinSet);

            if (!uSetting.bAutosize)
            {   //No autosize? Load skin now
                uRV = LoadSkin(sSkinsDirectory + uSetting.sSkin);
                if (iSkinSize == 0)
                    LogSimpleLine(ActionID.ShowDialog, "Error; Failed to load skin, null skin created; " + uSetting.sSkin+"; "+uRV.ToString());
                    MessageBox.Show("Failed to load skin '" + uSetting.sSkin + "' \r\nNull skin will be loaded, " + uRV.ToString(), "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);

            UpdateBackground();//Create background according to settings

            //Create game
            uGame = new SokobanGame();

            uBackgroundCalc = new BackgroundThread(BackgroundFinished);//Create thread for background

            iSelectorMode = 0;//Selector initialy in "play" mode
            SetToolBarMode();//Refresh selector

            //Load levelset
            uLevelSet = new SokobanLevelSet();
            uRV = uLevelSetList.LoadLevelSet(uLevelSet, uSetting.sLastLevelSet);
            if (uRV != FunctionResult.OK)
            {   //Something happens with levelset file
                LogSimpleLine(ActionID.ShowDialog, "Error; Failed to load levelset, random will be generated; " + uSetting.sLastLevelSet+"; "+uRV.ToString());
                MessageBox.Show("Unable to load LevelSet '" + uSetting.sLastLevelSet + "', result: " + uRV.ToString() + "\r\nRandom level will be loaded.", "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
                uLevelSetList.GenNullLevelSet(uLevelSet);//Generate levelset with 1 random level
                uSetting.iLastLevelPlayed = 0;//Res

            //Start last played level
            uRV = LoadLevel(uGame, uSetting.iLastLevelPlayed);
            if (uRV == FunctionResult.OK)
            {   //Loaded successfully
            {   //Level not loaded (only variant - FunctionResult.OutOfLevelSet)
                LogSimpleLine(ActionID.ShowDialog, "Error; Failed to load level, random will be choosen; " + uSetting.iLastLevelPlayed.ToString() + "; " + uRV.ToString());
                MessageBox.Show("Unable to load level " + uSetting.iLastLevelPlayed.ToString() + ", result: " + uRV.ToString() + "\r\nRandom level will be selected.", "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);

            if (iSkinSize < 1)
                LogSimpleLine(ActionID.ShowDialog, "Error; No skin loaded, null skin created");
                MessageBox.Show("Failed to load skin\r\nNull skin will be loaded", "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);

            NonModalMessage(uLevelSet.sTitle + ", " + uGame.sTitle);

            Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;//remove wait cursor